Tuesday, April 30, 2019

VIEW: 19-18: Troops On The Border

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-18
TROOPS ON THE BORDER Week of 201/05/06
It has long caused wonder in my mind when our reserved and National Guard
units are called to their annual active duty two week, if memory serves correct,
duty period that they could be sent to serve, learn, and practice in actual
operations rather than 'go through the motions' in some existing fort or base. It
now surfaced that PRESDT-45 has called to duty active military units, as well as
some reserves, to work on the "fence" that serves as a 'wall' on our border with
Mexico. It has been known, first hand, by me since 1947 that, at least two in the
Oklahoma National Guard, there are 'construction battalions' who could carry
out that work and could be activated for extended duty, remaining state-side, to
speed up the work of beefing up our border security.
It is some small satisfaction to me to see this actually happening, but I
strongly hope and pray that the construction battalions doing the work are being
protected by combat units complete with fully armed and loaded weapons.
There have been too many times in the past where such units 'for protection'
had been hamstrung by unloaded weapons and stupid 'rules of conduct',
particularly during the previous administration. In fact, that situation has
prevailed against our troops in actual combat areas, with sometimes very tragic
results. Unfortunately, there is no record of retribution against the higher staff
members responsible for such idiocy. It is thought by some, myself included,
that the source began clear up to the top, perhaps not PRESBO-44 but with
staff who knew his wishes.
Along that line, there have been several reports about a special forces officer
now on charges of murder for killing a known killer of our troops, including some
in his command, who was in the process of rigging bomb traps again to kill more
of our own. As General Patton is quoted of saying (cleaned up) 'You don't win
wars by dieing for your country, you win wars by making that poor dumb ------
die for his country'. The thought could not have been more clearly expressed
or more accurate.
In short, we have been subjected to a number of years, maybe two
decades or more, of continually increased restrictions on our service personnel
in the "Rules Of Engagement". These have lead to unnecessary loss of life and
severe injury to personnel and damage and loss of equipment. Active and
reserve activated have told me that those rules were considered to be 'top
secret' and could not be divulged to civilians. In my mind those responsible
for this have committed acts tantamount to treason, that is 'giving aid and comfort
to an enemy'!! Another such example is the release of Gitmo detainees by the
last administration, including PRESBO-44 himself in the case of five Islamic
extremist leaders 'in trade for' one declared deserter. All five immediately
returned to their terrorist and war activities.
The veterans in my circle of friends and acquaintances tend to offer thanks
each day for the election of the man now with the "big red button" who, despite
no active duty military service, has a deep respect for the military under his
command and acts more toward their well being and ability to carry out the
assigned mission. Any who are surprised at the full military style of his salute
return should be reminded that he is a graduate of New York Military Academy
in an upper position academically, if memory serves correct. So any opponent
claiming he 'doesn't know anything about military' is either lying or totally
ignorant of facts and intending to stay that way, and thus should be ignored
and/or laughed at for that.
In speaking of the military, it is not meant to leave out the Border Patrol,
ICE, or even the local police who are attempting to shut down the illegal alien
'invasion' which seems to be increasing in volume, believed funded by certain
known billionaire sponsors and abetted by the loose to non-response attitudes
of past administrations. On the other side, those 'sanctuary' areas should be
deprived of any and all Federal funding!!!
Composed April 30, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2019 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

VIEW: 19-18: Troops On The Border

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-18
TROOPS ON THE BORDER Week of 201/05/06
It has long caused wonder in my mind when our reserved and National Guard
units are called to their annual active duty two week, if memory serves correct,
duty period that they could be sent to serve, learn, and practice in actual
operations rather than 'go through the motions' in some existing fort or base. It
now surfaced that PRESDT-45 has called to duty active military units, as well as
some reserves, to work on the "fence" that serves as a 'wall' on our border with
Mexico. It has been known, first hand, by me since 1947 that, at least two in the
Oklahoma National Guard, there are 'construction battalions' who could carry
out that work and could be activated for extended duty, remaining state-side, to
speed up the work of beefing up our border security.
It is some small satisfaction to me to see this actually happening, but I
strongly hope and pray that the construction battalions doing the work are being
protected by combat units complete with fully armed and loaded weapons.
There have been too many times in the past where such units 'for protection'
had been hamstrung by unloaded weapons and stupid 'rules of conduct',
particularly during the previous administration. In fact, that situation has
prevailed against our troops in actual combat areas, with sometimes very tragic
results. Unfortunately, there is no record of retribution against the higher staff
members responsible for such idiocy. It is thought by some, myself included,
that the source began clear up to the top, perhaps not PRESBO-44 but with
staff who knew his wishes.
Along that line, there have been several reports about a special forces officer
now on charges of murder for killing a known killer of our troops, including some
in his command, who was in the process of rigging bomb traps again to kill more
of our own. As General Patton is quoted of saying (cleaned up) 'You don't win
wars by dieing for your country, you win wars by making that poor dumb ------
die for his country'. The thought could not have been more clearly expressed
or more accurate.
In short, we have been subjected to a number of years, maybe two
decades or more, of continually increased restrictions on our service personnel
in the "Rules Of Engagement". These have lead to unnecessary loss of life and
severe injury to personnel and damage and loss of equipment. Active and
reserve activated have told me that those rules were considered to be 'top
secret' and could not be divulged to civilians. In my mind those responsible
for this have committed acts tantamount to treason, that is 'giving aid and comfort
to an enemy'!! Another such example is the release of Gitmo detainees by the
last administration, including PRESBO-44 himself in the case of five Islamic
extremist leaders 'in trade for' one declared deserter. All five immediately
returned to their terrorist and war activities.
The veterans in my circle of friends and acquaintances tend to offer thanks
each day for the election of the man now with the "big red button" who, despite
no active duty military service, has a deep respect for the military under his
command and acts more toward their well being and ability to carry out the
assigned mission. Any who are surprised at the full military style of his salute
return should be reminded that he is a graduate of New York Military Academy
in an upper position academically, if memory serves correct. So any opponent
claiming he 'doesn't know anything about military' is either lying or totally
ignorant of facts and intending to stay that way, and thus should be ignored
and/or laughed at for that.
In speaking of the military, it is not meant to leave out the Border Patrol,
ICE, or even the local police who are attempting to shut down the illegal alien
'invasion' which seems to be increasing in volume, believed funded by certain
known billionaire sponsors and abetted by the loose to non-response attitudes
of past administrations. On the other side, those 'sanctuary' areas should be
deprived of any and all Federal funding!!!
Composed April 30, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2019 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Fw: the conservative view; 2019/04/26

    Powerful words, and totally truthful.  Well done Russell!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 9:31 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        We Americans have forgotten what our capitalistic system is and how it is supposed to work. In a capitalistic system the individual must be willing to take risks; examples could be deciding on an occupation or willing to go into debt to start a business. It is a fact that many endeavors will fail but those failures in the long run have made our country prosperous and strong. Socialism, on the other hand, has proven that it is a failed ideology that corrupts its people and eventually destroys a nation's economy. We freedom-loving Americans must prepare ourselves for the upcoming general presidential election. We have a situation developing where we have a group of politicians on the left who are trying to buy the election by offering the most free stuff.

        Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren is trying to win over the votes of people who owe student loans; she's offering whopping $50,000 student loan forgiveness for nearly everyone who borrowed for college or graduate school. Before we start to buy into her scheme we need to look at the bigger picture. Student loans can be a burden to pay back, but so are other loans and expenses. When a person obtains a degree it is a tool that can enable a person to make a living, and that degree will last from now on and it will never wear out. I come from the working blue collar class, and I know something about incurring expenses to make a living. Most of us in the working class also had to go to school to learn our trade or at least serve an apprenticeship. When someone complains about having to pay back a student loan we need to look at the burdens the working class has to deal with. If you decide to go into business as a service technician for a variety of trades you will have to get the proper training, then you will have to purchase the tools necessary, purchase or rent a building, and purchase a service truck. When you hear someone complain about having to pay off a $40,000 student loan, think of a person who must purchase a service truck which is just one part of the equation. A service truck is something many businesses must have, and it is in addition to a personal vehicle that must also be bought. Finding a reliable truck for under $40,000 is very hard. Unlike a college degree that will never wear out, a service person will be lucky to get 10 years out of the truck.

        A degree is a tool to make a living, but the truck is also a tool to make a living. I find it strange that the likes of Elizabeth Warren are not willing to use taxpayer money to pay off the cost of a service truck for a blue collar worker. The cost of a college education has been on an upward spiral for years and the government makes loans to virtually all comers, regardless of their ability to repay the money. Politicians like to blame various groups for the problem, but according to Federal Reserve research the cause is the colleges themselves. Colleges increase tuition on a too regular basis and the government just increases loan amounts to match whatever colleges charge. According to the research, every dollar loaned inflates tuition by another 60 cents. Sadly 34% of public college students can't make it through a four-year program in six years, but the loan still has to be paid.

        The government providing free tuition is not the answer. If you think college tuition is rising now just wait until the government starts throwing taxpayer money to the centers of higher learning. The people receiving the free money will not care how much the colleges charge, and the colleges will have no restraints on tuition hikes. The truth we Americans need to relearn is there is no such thing as a free lunch. While the progressives propose to tax the wealthy, the tax bill always falls back to the hard working citizens of this country just trying to make a living.


Fw: the conservative view; 2019/04/26

    Powerful words, and totally truthful.  Well done Russell!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 9:31 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        We Americans have forgotten what our capitalistic system is and how it is supposed to work. In a capitalistic system the individual must be willing to take risks; examples could be deciding on an occupation or willing to go into debt to start a business. It is a fact that many endeavors will fail but those failures in the long run have made our country prosperous and strong. Socialism, on the other hand, has proven that it is a failed ideology that corrupts its people and eventually destroys a nation's economy. We freedom-loving Americans must prepare ourselves for the upcoming general presidential election. We have a situation developing where we have a group of politicians on the left who are trying to buy the election by offering the most free stuff.

        Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren is trying to win over the votes of people who owe student loans; she's offering whopping $50,000 student loan forgiveness for nearly everyone who borrowed for college or graduate school. Before we start to buy into her scheme we need to look at the bigger picture. Student loans can be a burden to pay back, but so are other loans and expenses. When a person obtains a degree it is a tool that can enable a person to make a living, and that degree will last from now on and it will never wear out. I come from the working blue collar class, and I know something about incurring expenses to make a living. Most of us in the working class also had to go to school to learn our trade or at least serve an apprenticeship. When someone complains about having to pay back a student loan we need to look at the burdens the working class has to deal with. If you decide to go into business as a service technician for a variety of trades you will have to get the proper training, then you will have to purchase the tools necessary, purchase or rent a building, and purchase a service truck. When you hear someone complain about having to pay off a $40,000 student loan, think of a person who must purchase a service truck which is just one part of the equation. A service truck is something many businesses must have, and it is in addition to a personal vehicle that must also be bought. Finding a reliable truck for under $40,000 is very hard. Unlike a college degree that will never wear out, a service person will be lucky to get 10 years out of the truck.

        A degree is a tool to make a living, but the truck is also a tool to make a living. I find it strange that the likes of Elizabeth Warren are not willing to use taxpayer money to pay off the cost of a service truck for a blue collar worker. The cost of a college education has been on an upward spiral for years and the government makes loans to virtually all comers, regardless of their ability to repay the money. Politicians like to blame various groups for the problem, but according to Federal Reserve research the cause is the colleges themselves. Colleges increase tuition on a too regular basis and the government just increases loan amounts to match whatever colleges charge. According to the research, every dollar loaned inflates tuition by another 60 cents. Sadly 34% of public college students can't make it through a four-year program in six years, but the loan still has to be paid.

        The government providing free tuition is not the answer. If you think college tuition is rising now just wait until the government starts throwing taxpayer money to the centers of higher learning. The people receiving the free money will not care how much the colleges charge, and the colleges will have no restraints on tuition hikes. The truth we Americans need to relearn is there is no such thing as a free lunch. While the progressives propose to tax the wealthy, the tax bill always falls back to the hard working citizens of this country just trying to make a living.


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

VIEW: 19-17: More On Professional Offendees

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-17
It seems to me that there is to be no end to the silly actions and demands of
those of the 'professional offendee' movement. Just when it appears it has 'run
it's course' someone with nothing better to occupy their time and effort comes up
with another, in my opinion, excuse to be offended and have whatever or whoever
'offends' them removed from visibility or sound.
During the April 23 'Pat Campbell' morning talk show, now 6:00 to 9:00
AM, he came up with a little, if any, publicized story that due to complaint(s?) the
recording of the late Kate Smith singing "GOD Bless America" would no longer be
played before baseball games, and possibly basketball games, in New York The
excuse given was that she had recorded two songs, in the 1930s, that were 'racist'!!
Hopefully, the reported lack of publicity will deprive them of that satisfaction
The old adage that 'he who forgets or is ignorant of the history is doomed to
repeat the mistakes of the past' still is in force. But it seems to me that these
groups and individuals are more interested in obtaining their moment of publicity
than in the actual reason for the fuss. Unfortunately for we who usually are actually
offended, and sometimes mentally damaged, by such monstrosities we usually
passively sit and accept the affront to our memories and sensibilities.
Frankly, it appears to me that such people are taking a page from the past
and present activities of those of the 'Islamic Extremist' World wide. Whenever
they have taken over a territory the first thing is to destroy any and all evidences
of the religion that was there, even if those features were of true historical
significance and/or of scientific importance. It has now occurred to me that this
influence is behind the sometimes violent removal here in the USA of statues of
past heroes and names of buildings.
Personal to me was the last year decision of the Tulsa Public School Board
to 'rename' the Robert E. Lee grade school attended by me and many of my
school friends. The excuse was that "he had owned slaves and was a Confederate
General opposing emancipation". This was a cut to the heart of most of those I
knew while in that school and the final removal of any physical memories of our
whole school life, since Horace Mann Jr. High was demolished and Central High
School building replaced by a building located not even close to being central.
Thankfully the purchaser, Public Service Company of Oklahoma has kept the
appearance of the building, but somewhat modernized it. That was necessary
since it was not air conditioned.
It did not bother them that General Lee never actually owned any slaves and
any involved were inherited by his wife. Reportedly he also was on record as
opposing slavery and had freed many of his wife's once they were literate and
could function in society and business. Also, President Lincoln had asked him to
lead the Union Army, but he declined because he did not 'want to be in the
position of killing any relatives'. Also he was a top of class graduate of the military
academy at West Point, was pardoned by Lincoln and treated generously at the
surrender by General Grant, who refused to take his sword.
Learned by me while on an "Honor Flight" to DC was that the Arlington
National Cemetery is on the property originally the Lee estate and the Lee home is
still present there. Maybe the next attack on his memory will be to rename that
whole area to eradicate his name completely from history. Of course there have
been some well publicized 'riots' in the South were militant mobs succeeded in
destroying statues of prominent individuals.
All these riotous mobs will continue to carry out their nefarious conduct until
the police of various levels of Government come up with the political permission
and capability to physically quell those illegal actions and incarcerate them, where
they should be, and exact reparations for those damaged by their actions. At least
we can hope for sanity to again rule.
Composed April 23, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2019 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

VIEW: 19-17: More On Professional Offendees

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-17
It seems to me that there is to be no end to the silly actions and demands of
those of the 'professional offendee' movement. Just when it appears it has 'run
it's course' someone with nothing better to occupy their time and effort comes up
with another, in my opinion, excuse to be offended and have whatever or whoever
'offends' them removed from visibility or sound.
During the April 23 'Pat Campbell' morning talk show, now 6:00 to 9:00
AM, he came up with a little, if any, publicized story that due to complaint(s?) the
recording of the late Kate Smith singing "GOD Bless America" would no longer be
played before baseball games, and possibly basketball games, in New York The
excuse given was that she had recorded two songs, in the 1930s, that were 'racist'!!
Hopefully, the reported lack of publicity will deprive them of that satisfaction
The old adage that 'he who forgets or is ignorant of the history is doomed to
repeat the mistakes of the past' still is in force. But it seems to me that these
groups and individuals are more interested in obtaining their moment of publicity
than in the actual reason for the fuss. Unfortunately for we who usually are actually
offended, and sometimes mentally damaged, by such monstrosities we usually
passively sit and accept the affront to our memories and sensibilities.
Frankly, it appears to me that such people are taking a page from the past
and present activities of those of the 'Islamic Extremist' World wide. Whenever
they have taken over a territory the first thing is to destroy any and all evidences
of the religion that was there, even if those features were of true historical
significance and/or of scientific importance. It has now occurred to me that this
influence is behind the sometimes violent removal here in the USA of statues of
past heroes and names of buildings.
Personal to me was the last year decision of the Tulsa Public School Board
to 'rename' the Robert E. Lee grade school attended by me and many of my
school friends. The excuse was that "he had owned slaves and was a Confederate
General opposing emancipation". This was a cut to the heart of most of those I
knew while in that school and the final removal of any physical memories of our
whole school life, since Horace Mann Jr. High was demolished and Central High
School building replaced by a building located not even close to being central.
Thankfully the purchaser, Public Service Company of Oklahoma has kept the
appearance of the building, but somewhat modernized it. That was necessary
since it was not air conditioned.
It did not bother them that General Lee never actually owned any slaves and
any involved were inherited by his wife. Reportedly he also was on record as
opposing slavery and had freed many of his wife's once they were literate and
could function in society and business. Also, President Lincoln had asked him to
lead the Union Army, but he declined because he did not 'want to be in the
position of killing any relatives'. Also he was a top of class graduate of the military
academy at West Point, was pardoned by Lincoln and treated generously at the
surrender by General Grant, who refused to take his sword.
Learned by me while on an "Honor Flight" to DC was that the Arlington
National Cemetery is on the property originally the Lee estate and the Lee home is
still present there. Maybe the next attack on his memory will be to rename that
whole area to eradicate his name completely from history. Of course there have
been some well publicized 'riots' in the South were militant mobs succeeded in
destroying statues of prominent individuals.
All these riotous mobs will continue to carry out their nefarious conduct until
the police of various levels of Government come up with the political permission
and capability to physically quell those illegal actions and incarcerate them, where
they should be, and exact reparations for those damaged by their actions. At least
we can hope for sanity to again rule.
Composed April 23, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

Monday, April 22, 2019

Fw: Note from Newt

Well put, and, as usual, Principal Nancy is on watch!!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nancy Turlington" <turlingtonn@hotmail.com>
To: "McDowell, Robert W., Jr." <abdmcfpi@localnet.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2019 8:46 PM
Subject: Note from Newt

Nobody does a better job than Newt Gingrich in summarizing things.
Here's Newts latest.

"Watching the first wave of reaction to Attorney General Barr's Press Conference
and the release of the Mueller Report led me to conclude America is trapped in a
cycle of media madness. This media madness is crippling the country, maximizing
partisan divisions, and absorbing so much time and energy that it cripples America
in trying to come to grips with dangers that could destroy us.
"Mueller reported after a nearly two-year effort which involved 19 lawyers,
40 staff, more than 2,800 subpoenas, nearly 500 search warrants, and around 500
witnesses. The investigation spent more than $25 million.
"If the Mueller team could have found President Trump guilty, they would
have. After all, Mueller recruited as his legal team – 14 Democrats, 12 of whom
have contributed to Democrats. Of these lawyers seven were Clinton donors, one
attended Clinton's election night party, and one represented the Clinton Foundation
and Hillary Clinton herself.
"Far from being innocent of bias, two of the Mueller team's lawyers met with
Christopher Steele, the author of the discredited dossier, before the 2016 election.
For supposed balance, Mueller had one Republican lawyer on the team and zero
Trump donors. When almost two years of digging by this anti-Trump wolfpack
could produce no signs of guilt, it is reasonable to conclude that was because there
were no signs of guilt.
"However, the anti-Trump news media has too much invested in hating Trump
to give up just because two years of work by 14 highly motivated, aggressive
Democrat lawyers found no laws broken. The first 24 hours of coverage give a
pretty good clue to the next phase of this madness. Every small item in the Mueller
report will become an excuse to harass the Trump team and Republicans in
general (note the nasty tone of the CBS interview with Sarah Sanders over
whether she used one word wrongly).
"Just watch: Reporters who were totally wrong will interview Democrat(ic)
politicians who were totally wrong, and they both will focus on the next phase of
the anti-Trump cycle. It doesn't matter how often reporters have been
demonstrably wrong and misled by their anonymous sources, they still pontificate
as though they know something. It doesn't matter how much Democrat(ic)
congressmen or senators were wrong, they will just launch a new attack on
President Trump.
"The fascinating thing is President Trump's ability to ignore the madness and
focus on leading the country. Through all the hysteria, he has been able to focus on
getting conservative judges on the federal bench, cutting regulations, tax cuts, job
creation, North Korea, the Middle East, Venezuela, China, and trade negotiations
with multiple countries – even with 92 percent negative news coverage and
Democrats attacking him every day.
"It has been impressive watching the President limit his responses to Twitter
attacks and sections of his rally speeches while continuing to hold meetings and
focus on the vast substantive challenges facing America. Now President Trump
is liberated from the dark cloud of the Mueller investigation. After 448 pages, the
conclusion was no collusion of any kind with Russia and no proof of obstruction
of justice strong enough to warrant prosecution.
Given the ongoing hostility and negativity with this positive report, imagine
what would have happened if President Trump had received the kind of judgment
Ken Starr rendered on President Bill Clinton. In the Starr Report, Clinton was
found to be guilty of breaking the law 11 times. Seven of those charges included
acts of perjury (some multiple times), and five were explicitly obstruction of justice
(including the ninth charge of witness tampering).
"Imagine where we would be today if Robert Mueller had used the word
guilty on 11 different counts involving President Trump. Imagine where we would
be if the Mueller Report had said President Trump was guilty of five counts of
obstruction of justice.
"That is where the Left, the news media, and the Democrats had hoped
Mueller would end up. They were counting on a definitive finding of guilt – just as
they were counting on Hillary Clinton to win on election night 2016. Instead, they
were forced to come to grips with a Donald Trump presidency (anyone can see
it has been agonizing for them). So, now the Left is once again having to come to
grips with deep, bitter disappointment.
"The 2016 disappointment led the Left to invent the Russian collusion
explanation because they could not bring themselves to tell Hillary it was her fault
she lost. I'm interested to see where this latest traumatic disappointment will lead
them – and what they will latch on to as their next vehicle for avoiding reality.
"Meanwhile, the reality of the Trump presidency – and the renewed strength
of President Trump as a vindicated innocent man – will continue to change America
in a direction the country likes and the Left hates. "

Your Friend, �

Sent from my iPad

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Fw: the conservative view

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2019 9:13 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        A mark of a great leader is his ability to have wisdom and have the ability to use it. One such individual was the ancient king of Israel named Solomon. In the Bible there is a story where two women were claiming the same baby; to resolve the dispute Solomon first had to determine who the true mother of the child in question was. In his wisdom he ordered the child to be cut in half and each woman to receive one half of the child. The actions of the two women told him who the real mother was, the real mother could not stand to see her child cut in half and was willing to let the other woman have him so that his life could be spared.  Solomon was a great man, but he was far from perfect; the same can be said of our president Donald Trump, but he is showing wisdom that Solomon would have been proud of.

        For many years our country has had an illegal immigration problem, and over the past year it has gotten completely out of control. Our President has done more in his term than many past presidents combined. Last week when he proposed sending the illegals to sanctuary cities in our nation, the liberals almost went into cardiac arrest. Most of them started screaming that his action would be illegal and they would fight him in court. They also accused Trump of using the illegals as pawns in the political process. We taxpaying Americans need to remember who these bleeding heart liberals are. They are the ones who are flipping off the rule of law and the American people with an obscene gesture by giving safe haven to people who are violating our laws. As far as the accusation that our president is using the illegals as pawns, just look at how the liberal main stream media tries to manipulate the US citizens with their sob stories on the crisis at our southern border.

        Trump's use of wisdom is awesome, if all of these sanctuary areas believe that open borders is such a great deal they need to take all of them in and stop judge hunting to oppose Trump. I would be willing to bet that when their areas are saturated with illegals who don't speak English and their health care facilities, schools, and housing facilities are overloaded and collapsing they will have a come to Jesus moment. Those of us on the right don't have a problem with immigrants, but we do have a problem with those who storm our borders and invade our country. With a few short words Trump showed the world what a bunch of hypocrites the liberal open border crowd really is. Too many of our people mistake arrogance and self importance as leadership; while Trump and all the rest of us also have those failings, he has proven to me that he does indeed have the Wisdom of Solomon and is willing to use it put Americans first.     

Fw: the conservative view

        Well stated, pass it on.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2019 9:13 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        A mark of a great leader is his ability to have wisdom and have the ability to use it. One such individual was the ancient king of Israel named Solomon. In the Bible there is a story where two women were claiming the same baby; to resolve the dispute Solomon first had to determine who the true mother of the child in question was. In his wisdom he ordered the child to be cut in half and each woman to receive one half of the child. The actions of the two women told him who the real mother was, the real mother could not stand to see her child cut in half and was willing to let the other woman have him so that his life could be spared.  Solomon was a great man, but he was far from perfect; the same can be said of our president Donald Trump, but he is showing wisdom that Solomon would have been proud of.

        For many years our country has had an illegal immigration problem, and over the past year it has gotten completely out of control. Our President has done more in his term than many past presidents combined. Last week when he proposed sending the illegals to sanctuary cities in our nation, the liberals almost went into cardiac arrest. Most of them started screaming that his action would be illegal and they would fight him in court. They also accused Trump of using the illegals as pawns in the political process. We taxpaying Americans need to remember who these bleeding heart liberals are. They are the ones who are flipping off the rule of law and the American people with an obscene gesture by giving safe haven to people who are violating our laws. As far as the accusation that our president is using the illegals as pawns, just look at how the liberal main stream media tries to manipulate the US citizens with their sob stories on the crisis at our southern border.

        Trump's use of wisdom is awesome, if all of these sanctuary areas believe that open borders is such a great deal they need to take all of them in and stop judge hunting to oppose Trump. I would be willing to bet that when their areas are saturated with illegals who don't speak English and their health care facilities, schools, and housing facilities are overloaded and collapsing they will have a come to Jesus moment. Those of us on the right don't have a problem with immigrants, but we do have a problem with those who storm our borders and invade our country. With a few short words Trump showed the world what a bunch of hypocrites the liberal open border crowd really is. Too many of our people mistake arrogance and self importance as leadership; while Trump and all the rest of us also have those failings, he has proven to me that he does indeed have the Wisdom of Solomon and is willing to use it put Americans first.     

Fw: : From one friend to another !

nothing needs to  be added!!  I deleted several lines of
copy addresses from the original - for their privacy and
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2019 10:03 AM
Subject: Fwd: : From one friend to another !

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Subject: Fwd: : From one friend to another !
Date: April 19, 2019 at 8:25:30 AM CDT



Take two minutes to read these sayings and be sure to read all the way to the bottom:

Written by Andy
Rooney, a man who had the gift of saying so much with so few words.

Rooney has passed away but used to be on CBS's 60 Minutes TV show.

I've learned....
That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.

I've learned....
That when you're in love, it shows.

I've learned .....
That just one person saying to me,
'You've made my day!' makes my day.

I've learned....
That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world. (Oh so true!)

I've learned.....
That being kind is more important than being right.

I've learned....
That you should never say no to a gift from a child.

I've learned....
That I can always pray for someone when I don't have the strength to help him in any other way.

I've learned....
That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.

I've learned....
That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.

I've learned....
That simple walks with my father around the block on summer nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an adult.

I've learned....
That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.

I've learned....
That money doesn't buy class.

I've learned....
That it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.

I've learned...
That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.

I've learned.....
That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.

I've learned....
That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.

I've learned....
That love, not time, heals all wounds.

I've learned....
That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am..

I've learned....
That everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile.

I've learned....
That no one is perfect until you fall in love with them.

I've learned....
That life is tough, but I'm tougher.

I've learned....
That opportunities are never lost; someone will take the ones you miss.

I've learned....
That when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.

I've learned....
That I wish I could have told my Mom that I love her one more time before she passed away.

I've learned....
That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat them.

I've learned....
That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.

I've learned.....
That when your newly born grandchild holds your little finger in his little fist, you're hooked for life.

I've learned....
That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.

I've earned....
That the less time I have to work with, the more things I get done.

To all of you.....
Make sure you read all the way down to the last sentence.

It's National Friendship Week..Show your friends how much you care.

Send this to everyone you consider a FRIEND, even if it means sending it back to the person who sent it to you.

If it comes back to you, then you'll know you have a circle of friends.



Now send this to every friend you have!
This was sent to me by a friend.









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