Thursday, December 28, 2017

VIEW: 18-02: Happy Days Here Again

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-02
HAPPY DAYS HERE AGAIN Week of 2018/01/08
Yes it really seems that things are turning around and better days already seem
to be arriving on our scene. Most of the PRESDT income tax proposals managed to
work their way through the Congressional 'swamp' to his desk and were signed into
law without waiting until after the new year. Already some major corporations have
announced $1,000 bonuses to all employees, Merry Christmas to them. And those
employees are reported to embark on additional spending of the 'windfall', to the
betterment of the economy. Also the first reports of Christmas spending indicate
rather large increases over previous recent years.
Of course, members of the JINO (journalists in name only who simply cannot, or
refuse to, report in an 'objective' rather than 'subjective' manner) business (not
profession) continue to be critical of anything and everything that PRESDT does or
proposes. The protestors list must also include officials of the Democrat Party who
seem to find it sickening to even start to admit that he thinks or does anything good.
(Note: the Democrat Party is NOT accused of any wrongdoing because, as stated
before, political parties are, like cars, trucks, guns or planes, inanimate objects without
the ability to do anything good or bad).
It seems to be a rather under reported matter that PRESDT is a graduate of the
New York Military College, and rather high in his class academically. No wonder
when his military guards give him a most proper salute, such as his stepping off the
stairs of Air Force or Marine One, his return is equally proper, a refreshing change for
the better, in my veteran's opinion. He further seems to have plenty of respect for
those in his personal protection staff of the Secret Service, again a refreshing change.
And it seems to me that such conduct would serve to engender a far greater sense of
loyalty in those guardians.
Back to the passage of the tax change legislation with some opinion observation.
My several decade observation of the workings of legislative bodies, both Colorado
and Oklahoma, as well as Congress has strongly impressed me that when one is
seeking some legislative change it is necessary to accept what can be passed then
work to obtain improvements. It is extremely rare to be able to have an 'ideal' bill end
up as the final law. Sadly it has been my observation that there are and have been a
number of members of legislative bodies who did not understand that principal, to their
own detriment. It is understandable that there would be at least some difference of
opinion with 101 House and 48 Senate members in Oklahoma, 435 voting House
and 100 Senate members in Congress, plus one non-voting House member each for
Puerto Rico and Samoa.
Some years ago it was my position to be at a lunch meeting with three ladies
working on changes in the Oklahoma law regarding sealing of records of adoptees.
One of them stated that she had written the bill "just the way she wanted it and if it was
amended she would 'pull' it". My answer to that was to the effect that it would be a
total waste of time and effort to even submit it as there would always be amendments
proposed. Further that you get passed what you can and then work to get passed
improvements. So, it would be well to look to the future to see if needed changes to
the new tax bill are needed and congressional members can be persuaded to get
together for our national benefit.
For myself, it is my unshakable opinion resulting from extensive study that we
would have been much better served if more of them could have been convinced
that the "FairTax" would have solved most, if not all, of the Nation's fiscal problems.
It would have resulted in major reductions in the number of employees needed in the
IRS and removed the openings for 'selective enforcement' of the various parts of the
law that have occurred in the last thirty or so years, maybe even more. There is
always the possibility that the voting population will wake up and vote in members of
Congress that have more experience with the facts of business, or am I dreaming?
In any event, it seems to me that the course of our REPUBLIC is changing and
for the better. Because of that, it appears that our future, at least for the next three
years, may be much brighter. At least it looks that way from my view and am hopeful
for the sake of my, and your, children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren (so far
no 'great-great). GOD be with you through 2018 and beyond and give you peace,
happiness, health, and prosperity.
Composed December 27, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2018 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Saturday, December 23, 2017

VIEW: 17-51: Final Christmas Preparations

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-51
Yes, the final days before most of the Christian World stops(?) to commemorate
the birth over two millenniums ago of the Christ Child in a little town in Israel called
Bethlehem. Tradition, Scriptures, and the archives remaining of the World then have
told us that it happened there because the betrothed future husband of his Mother,
Mary, was of the lineage of the great king, David, who was from that town. A short
time later the Roman Caesar Augustus had ordered a census of the Roman empire to
be taken and every male was required to travel to the home town of his ancestry to be
enrolled. Joseph was a direct descendent of the great King of Israel, David. So it
was necessary that he go with, his 'betrothed wife', Mary to be counted.
Mary, although a virgin, was expecting a child she was told by the Angel, Gabriel,
that the Holy Spirit "would come upon her" and that the child was to be given the name
Jesus (Luke 1:35-37). Thus is the actual claim that the child would be the Son of GOD!!
After arrival there it came time for Mary to deliver, but the town was full of others there
for the same reason, so it became necessary for the couple to take shelter 'in a stable'.
Biblical and historical scholars have said that houses in those days had the animals in a
separate room in the house and some clergy have stated that the place might, and
probably was, actually have been in just such a place in a house of David's kin. If the
weather was cold at night, the animals would have made the room relatively warm.
The principal of Jesus coming to Earth in that manner, his spirit being in a human body
we are told, is so that GOD could thus relate to and save the human race, which had
become thoroughly infused with sin.
In any event that 'miraculous' event has now been celebrated, or observed, for
nearly 2000 years, since the current "Gregorian" calender was assembled by an early
Roman Catholic Pope, Gregory. Some historians have claimed from studies of the
Roman archives that the actual date of the birth of Jesus was in Summer, perhaps early
August and as much as seven years earlier. Those researches have not been widely
published, nor is it common knowledge whether there is more than one source arriving
at the same conclusion.
Thus the 'reason for the Season' as currently observed throughout the Christian
World, and by some of the Jewish faith, referred to as "Messianic" Jews who still
practice the ancient rules contained in the "Decalogue" or first five "Mosaic" books
of the Bible. It was comforting to me the last time I saw a Jewish friend, and fraternity
brother, alive he proudly proclaimed to me that he was convinced that Jesus is the
Son of GOD. By doing so, it is my firm belief that we shall meet again when my turn
comes, I don't know when that will be.
Despite the real reason for the observance, it is somewhat distressing to me to
see just how far into commercialization our human nature has taken us. This is
particularly true given the heavy push, by certain opposition groups, to remove any
reference to the words GOD, JESUS, CHRIST, or even GOD bless you from being
displayed. Those of that mind set demand that their "freedom of speech" be protected
so that they can demean our faith while at the same time demanding that we be
censored and not allowed to speak our feelings, beliefs, and principles. One of the
worst, in my opinion, is the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) which
aggressively files law suits against even the display of Biblical passages, such as the
ten commandments, on any 'public property'. All this while, illegally in my opinion,
receiving funds from the Federal Government.
Thankfully, there are still corporations, mostly privately owned, who continue to
close on Sunday, the day most Christians choose for Sabbath. It would not bother me
for businesses owned by those of the Jewish or 'Seventh Day Advent' faiths to be
closed on Saturday, since that is their Sabbath. Or, owners could have employees
of the other faith to work on the owner's Sabbath, which would be my practice as a
shop owner.
In any case, the observance of Christmas is celebrated, even by non-Christians,
and is an important part of each and every year. I never have a problem remembering
which day of the week it occurres, since the same day of the week is also my birthday
as well as those of my No. 2 Son and Daughter and New Year's Day.
So, I wish each and every one who reads this, and the rest of the World, a most
Merry Christmas in this the 'Year Of Our LORD 2017". May the GOD I worship,
and his Son, JESUS, be with you from now through the coming year, 2018, and keep
you safe, healthy, and happily comforted into the future
Composed November 27, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Fw: the conservative view

        Well said and food for serious thought.  Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year!!.  The future seems much brighter.  Bob
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2017 7:18 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        I have found that a lot can be accomplished when two individuals take the time to sit down and exchange ideas on a subject that affects each of them. I have often wondered how many lives have been saved when a talented diplomat took the time to actually talk with their sworn enemy and come to a conclusion to prevent or stop an armed conflict. There is a lot of validity in the belief of walking in another man's shoes; using logic and reason is always a better way to solve a dispute than the shedding of blood. Getting to know a person and having a different perspective is always beneficial, wouldn't it be great to have a meeting of minds with the person whose birth we celebrate every December the 25th.

        Some people wonder what kind of personality Jesus Christ would have. In my opinion all we have to do is to look into the mirror. According to our holy book the Bible we humans are created in the image of God; Jesus throughout his existence on the earth experienced all of the emotions that we have. We know that he experienced love, sympathy and even anger, the difference being he had the power and discipline to be an example to humanity for all of eternity. Many of us remember the story about Jesus driving the money changers from the temple, that one action was the beginning to his crucifixion. Jesus was a young man gaining in popularity who could have became part of the good old boy network; he could have slept in a soft bed and have eaten the best food, but he chose to take a stand for decency and righteousness.

        When he talked about caring for the poor and sick he did not advocate giving that duty to any government, he placed that duty upon all of us as individuals. He also taught us to do unto others as we would have other do unto us. We who profess to call ourselves Christians need to be ever vigilant on the way we conduct our lives and adhere to his teachings.

        We humans have a very bad tendency to turn a blind eye to wrong doing if it doesn't affect us directly. There are some good programs to help the downtrodden individuals in our society, but sadly there are many that are mismanaged and completely corrupt. We have far too many politicians who, through the ego stroking process, are willing to waste taxpayer funds on programs that do little to eliminate the core problem. We also have a bad habit of destroying anyone who has the drive and courage to stand up and stop the corruption. Some in our society have forgotten the concept of doing unto others as we would have others do unto us. Far too often the attitude of hooray for me and the heck with you is prevalent. Sadly, we humans have not changed very much in the last 2000 years.    

        While we celebrate Christmas maybe we can imagine what it would be like to have a meeting of the minds with Jesus. We need to remember that our meeting of the minds must happen on an individual basis. It makes no difference what group you may belong to; in the end we are all responsible for ourselves. As we go through the New Year may we strive for a meeting of the minds.