Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Fw: A Memorial Day Story

This just in, another story of air crews being most human and helpful!!
(Format changed to 'Plain Text' for clarity and size)

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Solomon
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2019 12:19 PM

Begin forwarded message:
Subject: A Memorial Day Story
My lead flight attendant came to me and said, "We have an H.R. on this
flight." (H.R. stands for human remains.) "Are they military?" I asked. 'Yes',
she said. 'Is there an escort?' I asked. 'Yes, I've already assigned him a seat'.
'Would you please tell him to come to the Flight Deck. You can board him
early," I said...
A short while later a young army sergeant entered the flight deck. He was
the image of the perfectly dressed soldier. He introduced himself and I asked him
about his soldier. The escorts of these fallen soldiers talk about them as if they are
still alive and still with us. 'My soldier is on his way back to Virginia ,' he said. He
proceeded to answer my questions, but offered no words.
I asked him if there was anything I could do for him and he said no. I told him
that he had the toughest job in the military, and that I appreciated the work that he
does for the families of our fallen soldiers. The first officer and I got up out of our
seats to shake his hand. He left the Flight Deck to find his seat.
We completed our preflight checks, pushed back and performed an uneventful
departure. About 30 minutes into our flight, I received a call from the lead flight
attendant in the cabin.
'I just found out the family of the soldier we are carrying, is also on board', she
said. She then proceeded to tell me that the father, mother, wife and 2-year old
daughter were escorting their son, husband, and father home. The family was upset
because they were unable to see the container that the soldier was in before we left.
We were on our way to a major hub at which the family was going to wait four
hours for the connecting flight home to Virginia . The father of the soldier told the
flight attendant that knowing his son was below him in the cargo compartment and
being unable to see him was too much for him and the family to bear. He had asked
the flight attendant if there was anything that could be done to allow them to see him
upon our arrival. The family wanted to be outside by the cargo door to watch the
soldier being taken off the airplane. I could hear the desperation in the flight
attendant's voice when she asked me if there was anything I could do. 'I'm on it', I said.
I told her that I would get back to her.
Airborne communication with my company normally occurs in the form of e-mail
like messages. I decided to bypass this system and contact my flight dispatcher
directly on a secondary radio. There is a radio operator in the operations control
center who connects you to the telephone of the dispatcher. I was in direct contact
with the dispatcher. I explained the situation I had on board with the family and what it
was the family wanted. He said he understood and that he would get back to me.
Two hours went by and I had not heard from the dispatcher. We were going to
get busy soon and I needed to know what to tell the family. I sent a text message
asking for an update. I saved the return message from the dispatcher and the
following is the text:
'Captain, sorry it has taken so long to get back to you. There is policy on this
now, and I had to check on a few things. Upon your arrival a dedicated escort
team will meet the aircraft. The team will escort the family to the ramp and plane side.
A van will be used to load the remains with a secondary van for the family. The
family will be taken to their departure area and escorted into the terminal, where the
remains can be seen on the ramp. It is a private area for the family only. When the
connecting aircraft arrives, the family will be escorted onto the ramp and plane side
to watch the remains being loaded for the final leg home. Captain, most of us here
in flight control are veterans. Please pass our condolences on to the family. Thanks.
I sent a message back, telling flight control thanks for a good job. I printed
out the message and gave it to the lead flight attendant to pass on to the father. The
lead flight attendant was very thankful and told me, 'You have no idea how much
this will mean to them.'
Things started getting busy for the descent, approach and landing. After
landing, we cleared the runway and taxied to the ramp area. The ramp is huge with
15 gates on either side of the alleyway. It is always a busy area with aircraft
maneuvering every which way to enter and exit. When we entered the ramp and
checked in with the ramp controller, we were told that all traffic was being held for us.
'There is a team in place to meet the aircraft', we were told.
It looked like it was all coming together, then I realized that once we turned
the seat belt sign off, everyone would stand up at once and delay the family from
getting off the airplane. As we approached our gate, I asked the copilot to tell the
ramp controller, we were going to stop short of the gate to make an announcement
to the passengers. He did that and the ramp controller said, 'Take your time.'
I stopped the aircraft and set the parking brake. I pushed the public address
button and said: 'Ladies and gentleman, this is your Captain speaking: I have
stopped short of our gate to make a special announcement. We have a passenger
on board who deserves our honor and respect. His name is Private XXXXXX, a
soldier who recently lost his life. Private XXXXXX s under your feet in the cargo
hold. Escorting him today is Army Sergeant XXXXXX. Also, on board are his
father, mother, wife, and daughter. Your entire flight crew is asking for all
passengers to remain in their seats to allow the family to exit the aircraft first. Thank
We continued the turn to the gate, came to a stop and started our shutdown
procedures. A couple of minutes later I opened the cockpit door. I found the two
forward flight attendants crying, something you just do not see. I was told that
after we came to a stop, every passenger on the aircraft stayed in their seats,
waiting for the family to exit the aircraft.
When the family got up and gathered their things, a passenger slowly started to
clap his hands. Moments later, more passengers joined in and soon the entire aircraft
was clapping. Words of 'God Bless You', I'm sorry, thank you, be proud, and other
kind words were uttered to the family as they made their way down the aisle and out
of the airplane. They were escorted down to the ramp to finally be with their loved
one. Many of the passengers disembarking thanked me for the announcement I had
made. They were just words, I told them, I could say them over and over again,
but nothing I say will bring back that brave soldier.
I respectfully ask that all of you reflect on this event and the sacrifices that
millions of our men and women have made to ensure our freedom and safety in
these United States of AMERICA .

Foot note:
I know everyone who reads this will have tears in their eyes, including me.
Prayer chain for our Military... Don't break it! Please send this on after a short
prayer for our service men and women.
Don't break it! They die for me and mine and you and yours and deserve our
honor and respect.

Prayer Request:
When you receive this, please stop for a moment and say a prayer for our troops
around the world... There is nothing attached. Just send this to people in your
address book. Do not let it stop with you. Of all the gifts you could give a
Marine, Soldier, Sailor, Airman, and others deployed in harm's way, prayer is
the very best one.

Thank you all who have served, or are serving. We Will not forget!!!!

VIEW: 19-22: Memorial Day Reflections

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-22
As this is written, one day following the annual observance of Memorial Day, a
whole week-end, my thoughts have returned to the events beginning on Saturday
Morning. For those not familiar with the goings-on each Memorial Weekend for the
past 47 years this is information to remember for the future. For that long the Floral
Haven cemetery and funeral home in Broken Arrow has had an "Avenue of Flags" for
the whole period. The 3,942 flags from the previous year were raised by area Boy
Scouts on Friday at 10:00 AM. On Saturday the ceremonies began at 10:00 and
ended with 143 new flags being raised, bringing the total number of flags to 4,985
flying, each on its own pole with a plate showing the name and burial location of the
person for whom the flag was donated.
Also on Saturday beginning at 1:00 PM cadets from the Broken Arrow
Squadron of Civil Air Patrol begin replicating the Guards of the Tomb Of The
Unknown in front of a full size replica of the Tomb in Arlington. These cadets have
been trained by the Tomb guards and visit Arlington at least every three years for
training of the new members. They guard around the clock until 5:00 PM Monday
when the scouts begin the retrieval of the flags and poles to be stored until next year.
This is the ONLY unit permitted to perform this in the Nation!! The flags are
inspected, washed if needed, replaced if needed, and stored in alphabetical order,
as are the poles, until next year.
As an addition, they had just learned on Thursday at the meeting of the W W
II Vets, now All Veterans Association, a little known fact is that at Arlington the
Sargent of the Guard on noticing a person perceived to be a veteran will scrape
his/her heel as a 'salute'. So few are aware of this that a return is rarely, if ever
executed. On Saturday morning while watching a 'changing' this salute was
rendered to me by the sergeant of the guard doing the change and, expecting it, was
promptly and properly returned, according to military protocol. After the changing
was done, the sergeant approached the audience to answer any questions. In talking
with her following the questions she stated to me that she hopes to gain admission to
the Air Force Academy, a university with which it has been my honor, privilege, and
pleasure to have had a lengthy association, beginning with its founding at Lowry AFB
in Denver in the mid-1950s. It is assumed she has received the necessary
Congressional nomination, if not are you reading his Cong. Hern?
All in all this has been very uplifting and encouraging to me as mentioned before.
To see the dedication to 'duty' and exemplary performance exhibited by these young
citizens is most re-assuring and comforting. With upcoming groups such as those
mentioned, and others in my awareness, it appears there may be hope for the future
of the USA as a freedom providing REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC. We still do
need more of them and in more locations around the Nation!!
As most are aware, there has been excessive rainfall in our, as well as other,
area. Because of that it, unfortunately, became necessary for Memorial Park
Cemetery to cancel it's planned Memorial Day Observance that had been
scheduled for later Monday in cooperation with American Legion Post No. 1.
Back to reality, there is continuing LOCAL news coverage of the flood
conditions along the Arkansas River in and through Tulsa and suburbs.
Particularly in Sand Springs and West Tulsa the concern is for a series of levies that
were built sixty and more years ago and have not been properly maintained or
upgraded, just like was the case in New Orleans a few years ago when a hurricane
came through there.
Unfortunately, it seems that calls from staff for funds to improve to meet the
increasing potential for damage from more recently built 'flood control and
generation' dams up-stream have been unheeded. Politicians and bureaucrats seem
to be unable to understand the necessity to upgrade protection facilities to keep up
with the development in the area, such as has occurred in those areas. Hopefully,
with the "new sheriff in town" in the White House we will see a turn-around in that
attitude, we pray before it is too late!!
Composed May 28, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2019 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

VIEW: 19-22: Memorial Day Reflections

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-22
As this is written, one day following the annual observance of Memorial Day, a
whole week-end, my thoughts have returned to the events beginning on Saturday
Morning. For those not familiar with the goings-on each Memorial Weekend for the
past 47 years this is information to remember for the future. For that long the Floral
Haven cemetery and funeral home in Broken Arrow has had an "Avenue of Flags" for
the whole period. The 3,942 flags from the previous year were raised by area Boy
Scouts on Friday at 10:00 AM. On Saturday the ceremonies began at 10:00 and
ended with 143 new flags being raised, bringing the total number of flags to 4,985
flying, each on its own pole with a plate showing the name and burial location of the
person for whom the flag was donated.
Also on Saturday beginning at 1:00 PM cadets from the Broken Arrow
Squadron of Civil Air Patrol begin replicating the Guards of the Tomb Of The
Unknown in front of a full size replica of the Tomb in Arlington. These cadets have
been trained by the Tomb guards and visit Arlington at least every three years for
training of the new members. They guard around the clock until 5:00 PM Monday
when the scouts begin the retrieval of the flags and poles to be stored until next year.
This is the ONLY unit permitted to perform this in the Nation!! The flags are
inspected, washed if needed, replaced if needed, and stored in alphabetical order,
as are the poles, until next year.
As an addition, they had just learned on Thursday at the meeting of the W W
II Vets, now All Veterans Association, a little known fact is that at Arlington the
Sargent of the Guard on noticing a person perceived to be a veteran will scrape
his/her heel as a 'salute'. So few are aware of this that a return is rarely, if ever
executed. On Saturday morning while watching a 'changing' this salute was
rendered to me by the sergeant of the guard doing the change and, expecting it, was
promptly and properly returned, according to military protocol. After the changing
was done, the sergeant approached the audience to answer any questions. In talking
with her following the questions she stated to me that she hopes to gain admission to
the Air Force Academy, a university with which it has been my honor, privilege, and
pleasure to have had a lengthy association, beginning with its founding at Lowry AFB
in Denver in the mid-1950s. It is assumed she has received the necessary
Congressional nomination, if not are you reading his Cong. Hern?
All in all this has been very uplifting and encouraging to me as mentioned before.
To see the dedication to 'duty' and exemplary performance exhibited by these young
citizens is most re-assuring and comforting. With upcoming groups such as those
mentioned, and others in my awareness, it appears there may be hope for the future
of the USA as a freedom providing REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC. We still do
need more of them and in more locations around the Nation!!
As most are aware, there has been excessive rainfall in our, as well as other,
area. Because of that it, unfortunately, became necessary for Memorial Park
Cemetery to cancel it's planned Memorial Day Observance that had been
scheduled for later Monday in cooperation with American Legion Post No. 1.
Back to reality, there is continuing LOCAL news coverage of the flood
conditions along the Arkansas River in and through Tulsa and suburbs.
Particularly in Sand Springs and West Tulsa the concern is for a series of levies that
were built sixty and more years ago and have not been properly maintained or
upgraded, just like was the case in New Orleans a few years ago when a hurricane
came through there.
Unfortunately, it seems that calls from staff for funds to improve to meet the
increasing potential for damage from more recently built 'flood control and
generation' dams up-stream have been unheeded. Politicians and bureaucrats seem
to be unable to understand the necessity to upgrade protection facilities to keep up
with the development in the area, such as has occurred in those areas. Hopefully,
with the "new sheriff in town" in the White House we will see a turn-around in that
attitude, we pray before it is too late!!
Composed May 28, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

Monday, May 27, 2019

Fw: Day of Prayer

I agree and am sending on

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nancy Turlington"
To: "McDowell, Robert W., Jr."
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2019 10:57 PM
Subject: Day of Prayer

Franklin Graham

Dear Friend,

Along with 250+ Christian leaders, I am asking followers of Christ across our nation to set
aside next Sunday, June 2, as a special day of prayer for the President, Donald J. Trump.

President Trump's enemies continue to try everything to destroy him, his family, and the
presidency. In the history of our country, no president has been attacked as he has. I believe
the only hope for him, and this nation, is God.

This is a critical time for America. We're on the edge of a precipice. Time is short. We need
to pray for God to intervene. We need to ask God to protect, strengthen, encourage, and guide
the President.

We know that God hears and answers prayer. He can soften hearts and change minds. He is
all-powerful, and He rules over the affairs of nations. The Bible instructs us to pray for
those in authority, "that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and
reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior" (1 Timothy 2:2–3).

On June 2, we ask that pastors would lead their congregations in praying for the President,
that Sunday schools and other groups would join together and pray, and that individuals and
families across the country would have a special focus on praying for the President that day.

Would you please join us in prayer and tell others so that we can have as many people as
possible praying?


Franklin Graham
Samaritan's Purse &
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Sent from my iPad

Fw: Day of Prayer

I agree and am sending on

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nancy Turlington"
To: "McDowell, Robert W., Jr."
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2019 10:57 PM
Subject: Day of Prayer

Franklin Graham

Dear Friend,

Along with 250+ Christian leaders, I am asking followers of Christ across our nation to set
aside next Sunday, June 2, as a special day of prayer for the President, Donald J. Trump.

President Trump's enemies continue to try everything to destroy him, his family, and the
presidency. In the history of our country, no president has been attacked as he has. I believe
the only hope for him, and this nation, is God.

This is a critical time for America. We're on the edge of a precipice. Time is short. We need
to pray for God to intervene. We need to ask God to protect, strengthen, encourage, and guide
the President.

We know that God hears and answers prayer. He can soften hearts and change minds. He is
all-powerful, and He rules over the affairs of nations. The Bible instructs us to pray for
those in authority, "that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and
reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior" (1 Timothy 2:2–3).

On June 2, we ask that pastors would lead their congregations in praying for the President,
that Sunday schools and other groups would join together and pray, and that individuals and
families across the country would have a special focus on praying for the President that day.

Would you please join us in prayer and tell others so that we can have as many people as
possible praying?


Franklin Graham
Samaritan's Purse &
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Sent from my iPad

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Fw: Rush Limbaugh Nailed This One

Subject: Fwd: Rush Limbaugh Nailed This One
Begin forwarded message:
From: Gary Rice rice-gary@sbcglobal.net
5/24/19, Ronald Derrico lepo624@aol.com> wrote:
Subject: Fwd: Rush Limbaugh Nailed This One

Love him or hate him, he nailed this one right on the head....

"I think the vast differences in compensation between victims of the September 11
casualty and those who die serving our country in Uniform are profound....No one is
really talking about it either, because you just don't criticize anything having to do with
September 11. Well, I can't let the numbers pass by because it says something really
disturbing about the entitlement mentality of this country.
"If you lost a family member in the September 11 attack, you're going to get an
average of $1,185,000....The range is a minimum guarantee of $250,000, all the way up
to $4.7 million...
"If you are a surviving family member of an American soldier killed in action, the
first check you get is a $6,000 direct death benefit, half of which is taxable....Next, you
get $1,750 for burial costs.....If you are the surviving spouse, you get $833 a month
until you remarry or die....And there's a payment of $211 per month for each child
under 18....When the child hits 18, those payments come to a screeching halt...
"Keep in mind that some of the people who are getting an average of $1.185
million, up to $4.7 million are complaining that it's not enough....Their deaths were
tragic, but for most, they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time...
"Soldiers put themselves in harms way FOR ALL OF US, and they and their
families know the dangers....(Actually, soldiers are put in harms way by politicians and
commanding officers.)
"We also learned over the weekend that some of the victims from the Oklahoma
City bombing have started an organization asking for the same deal that the September
11 families are getting....In addition to that, some of the families of those bombed in the
embassies are now asking for compensation as well.....
"You see where this is going, don't you...? Folks, this is part and parcel of over
50 years of entitlement politics in this country....It's just really sad....Every time a pay
raise comes up for the military, they usually receive next to nothing of a raise....Now
the green machine is in combat in the Middle East while their families have to survive
on food stamps and live in low-rent housing....Make sense..?
"However, our own U.S. Congress voted themselves a raise. Many of you don't
know that they only have to be in Congress one time to receive a pension that is more
than $15,000 per month....
"If some of the military people stay in for 20 years and get out as an E-7 (Master
Sargent) they may receive a pension of $1,000 per month, and the very people who
placed them in harm's way receives a pension of $15,000 per month....
"I would like to see our elected officials pick up a weapon and join ranks before
they start cutting out benefits and lowering pay for our sons and daughters who are
now fighting....
"When do we finally do something about this..?"

If this doesn't seem fair to you, it is time to forward this to as many people as you
can....How many people CAN YOU send this to?

IF YOU READ AND FORWARD ONLY 1 E-MAIL, make it this one.

I SENT THIS TO YOU AND 134 OTHERS plus 7 media (including one that
is international World-wide, PLEASE DON'T LET IT STOP.

Fw: Rush Limbaugh Nailed This One

Subject: Fwd: Rush Limbaugh Nailed This One
Begin forwarded message:
From: Gary Rice rice-gary@sbcglobal.net
5/24/19, Ronald Derrico lepo624@aol.com> wrote:
Subject: Fwd: Rush Limbaugh Nailed This One

Love him or hate him, he nailed this one right on the head....

"I think the vast differences in compensation between victims of the September 11
casualty and those who die serving our country in Uniform are profound....No one is
really talking about it either, because you just don't criticize anything having to do with
September 11. Well, I can't let the numbers pass by because it says something really
disturbing about the entitlement mentality of this country.
"If you lost a family member in the September 11 attack, you're going to get an
average of $1,185,000....The range is a minimum guarantee of $250,000, all the way up
to $4.7 million...
"If you are a surviving family member of an American soldier killed in action, the
first check you get is a $6,000 direct death benefit, half of which is taxable....Next, you
get $1,750 for burial costs.....If you are the surviving spouse, you get $833 a month
until you remarry or die....And there's a payment of $211 per month for each child
under 18....When the child hits 18, those payments come to a screeching halt...
"Keep in mind that some of the people who are getting an average of $1.185
million, up to $4.7 million are complaining that it's not enough....Their deaths were
tragic, but for most, they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time...
"Soldiers put themselves in harms way FOR ALL OF US, and they and their
families know the dangers....(Actually, soldiers are put in harms way by politicians and
commanding officers.)
"We also learned over the weekend that some of the victims from the Oklahoma
City bombing have started an organization asking for the same deal that the September
11 families are getting....In addition to that, some of the families of those bombed in the
embassies are now asking for compensation as well.....
"You see where this is going, don't you...? Folks, this is part and parcel of over
50 years of entitlement politics in this country....It's just really sad....Every time a pay
raise comes up for the military, they usually receive next to nothing of a raise....Now
the green machine is in combat in the Middle East while their families have to survive
on food stamps and live in low-rent housing....Make sense..?
"However, our own U.S. Congress voted themselves a raise. Many of you don't
know that they only have to be in Congress one time to receive a pension that is more
than $15,000 per month....
"If some of the military people stay in for 20 years and get out as an E-7 (Master
Sargent) they may receive a pension of $1,000 per month, and the very people who
placed them in harm's way receives a pension of $15,000 per month....
"I would like to see our elected officials pick up a weapon and join ranks before
they start cutting out benefits and lowering pay for our sons and daughters who are
now fighting....
"When do we finally do something about this..?"

If this doesn't seem fair to you, it is time to forward this to as many people as you
can....How many people CAN YOU send this to?

IF YOU READ AND FORWARD ONLY 1 E-MAIL, make it this one.


Friday, May 24, 2019

Fw: Core Competency

Chilling facts, but he's right, they should be passed on. Not all new news to
me, but glad to have it. Changed format to compress for print-out.

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Solomon
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2019 10:41 AM
Subject: Fwd: Core Competency
Core Competency

This is chilling! These numbers are prima facie evidence as to why every president
that we have had in our lifetime was incapable of running the country successfully. I submit
that even with 50% having been in business, it is simply not enough for our country's
problems to be addressed with solutions that work. And here we are today, with Trump
running against a flock of RATs any one of whom would make things even worse. I hope
you are including DJT in your daily prayers, because if he fails to be President for the next
six years, we may never be the same again at any time in the future save an armed
revolution, and today, even that would be an iffy proposition
These numbers help explain why these last eight years were disastrous for the USA.
I read the last item and then look at Trump's Cabinet. No wonder Washington, DC is in
a turmoil. Trump's picks are bosses who expect their employees to work These are Eye
Opening Numbers. This is what bothers a lot of people about Trump. He won't accept
a can't do attitude, or inexperienced, incompetent performance. He will get results; it just
might not be smooth or pretty.
Here are some amazing stats: Make sure you read to the bottom. An eye opener!
1. These 10 States now have more people on welfare than they do employed!
Where does that leave these states in the future?
Alabama, California, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, New Mexico, New York,
Ohio, South Carolina.
2. Last month, the Senate Budget Committee reports that in fiscal year 2012, between
food stamps, housing support, child care, Medicaid and other benefits, the average U.S.
Household below the poverty line received $168.00 a day in government support.
What's the problem with that much support? Well the average household income in
America is just over $50,000, which averages out to $137.13 a day. To put it another
way, being on welfare now pays the equivalent of $30.00 an hour for 40 hour week,
while the average job pays $24.00 an hour.
3. Check the last set of statistics!! The percentage of each past president's cabinet
who had worked in the private business sector prior to their appointment to the cabinet.
You know what the private business sector is: A real-life business not a government job.
Here are the percentages:
38% T. Roosevelt, 40% Taft, 52% Wilson Had a War on, 49% Harding, 48% Coolidge
42% Hoover (an Engineer), 50% F. D. Roosevelt (had a bigger war), 50% Truman
57% Eisenhower, 30% Kennedy, 47% Johnson, 53% Nixon, 42% Ford, 32% Carter
56% Reagan, 51% GH Bush, 39% Clinton, 55% GW Bush, 8% Obama, 90% Trump
This helps explain the bias, if not the incompetence, of the last administration:
ONLY 8% of them have ever worked in private business! That's right! Only eight
percent - the least, by far of the last 19 presidents! And these people tried to tell
our corporations how to run their businesses?
How could Obama, president of a major nation and society, the one with the
most successful economic system in world history, stand and talk about business
when he's never worked for one? Or about jobs when he has never really had one?
And, when it's the same for 92% of his senior staff and closest advisers? They spent most
of their time in academia, government, and/or non-profit jobs or as "community organizers."

Probably a good idea to pass this on, because we'll NEVER see these facts in
the main stream media, or from the alphabet networks.

Fw: Core Competency

Chilling facts, but he's right, they should be passed on. Not all new news to
me, but glad to have it. Changed format to compress for print-out.

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Solomon
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2019 10:41 AM
Subject: Fwd: Core Competency
Core Competency

This is chilling! These numbers are prima facie evidence as to why every president
that we have had in our lifetime was incapable of running the country successfully. I submit
that even with 50% having been in business, it is simply not enough for our country's
problems to be addressed with solutions that work. And here we are today, with Trump
running against a flock of RATs any one of whom would make things even worse. I hope
you are including DJT in your daily prayers, because if he fails to be President for the next
six years, we may never be the same again at any time in the future save an armed
revolution, and today, even that would be an iffy proposition
These numbers help explain why these last eight years were disastrous for the USA.
I read the last item and then look at Trump's Cabinet. No wonder Washington, DC is in
a turmoil. Trump's picks are bosses who expect their employees to work These are Eye
Opening Numbers. This is what bothers a lot of people about Trump. He won't accept
a can't do attitude, or inexperienced, incompetent performance. He will get results; it just
might not be smooth or pretty.
Here are some amazing stats: Make sure you read to the bottom. An eye opener!
1. These 10 States now have more people on welfare than they do employed!
Where does that leave these states in the future?
Alabama, California, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, New Mexico, New York,
Ohio, South Carolina.
2. Last month, the Senate Budget Committee reports that in fiscal year 2012, between
food stamps, housing support, child care, Medicaid and other benefits, the average U.S.
Household below the poverty line received $168.00 a day in government support.
What's the problem with that much support? Well the average household income in
America is just over $50,000, which averages out to $137.13 a day. To put it another
way, being on welfare now pays the equivalent of $30.00 an hour for 40 hour week,
while the average job pays $24.00 an hour.
3. Check the last set of statistics!! The percentage of each past president's cabinet
who had worked in the private business sector prior to their appointment to the cabinet.
You know what the private business sector is: A real-life business not a government job.
Here are the percentages:
38% T. Roosevelt, 40% Taft, 52% Wilson Had a War on, 49% Harding, 48% Coolidge
42% Hoover (an Engineer), 50% F. D. Roosevelt (had a bigger war), 50% Truman
57% Eisenhower, 30% Kennedy, 47% Johnson, 53% Nixon, 42% Ford, 32% Carter
56% Reagan, 51% GH Bush, 39% Clinton, 55% GW Bush, 8% Obama, 90% Trump
This helps explain the bias, if not the incompetence, of the last administration:
ONLY 8% of them have ever worked in private business! That's right! Only eight
percent - the least, by far of the last 19 presidents! And these people tried to tell
our corporations how to run their businesses?
How could Obama, president of a major nation and society, the one with the
most successful economic system in world history, stand and talk about business
when he's never worked for one? Or about jobs when he has never really had one?
And, when it's the same for 92% of his senior staff and closest advisers? They spent most
of their time in academia, government, and/or non-profit jobs or as "community organizers."

Probably a good idea to pass this on, because we'll NEVER see these facts in
the main stream media, or from the alphabet networks.

Fw: You Gotta Love Texas

Oklahoma Legislators, ARE YOU READING? DO IT!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Solomon
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2019 3:41 PM
Subject: Fwd: You Gotta Love Texas

Subject: You Gotta Love Texas

How about this ?
I would suggest to the Texas senate that they name this bill they passed to: "Texas
Hold "Em " The City of Dallas, Texas passed an ordinance stating that if a driver is
pulled over by law enforcement and is not able to provide proof of insurance, the car is
towed. To retrieve the car after being impounded, they must show proof of insurance
to have the car released.
This has made it easy for the City of Dallas to remove uninsured cars. Shortly after
the "No Insurance" ordinance was passed, the Dallas impound lots began to fill up and
were full after only nine days.80% of the impounded cars were driven by illegals.
Now, not only must they provide proof of insurance to have their car released,
they have to pay for the cost of the tow, a $350 fine, and $20 for every day their car is
kept in the lot.
Guess what? Accident rates have gone down 47% and Dallas' solution gets
uninsured drivers off the road WITHOUT making them show proof of nationality.
* * * * Just brings tears to your eyes doesn't it? * * * *
GO Dallas!
"Before anything else - preparation is the key to success" Alexander Graham Bell
Roger Reinhardt

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Fw: You Gotta Love Texas

Oklahoma Legislators, ARE YOU READING? DO IT!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Solomon
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2019 3:41 PM
Subject: Fwd: You Gotta Love Texas

Subject: You Gotta Love Texas

How about this ?
I would suggest to the Texas senate that they name this bill they passed to: "Texas
Hold "Em " The City of Dallas, Texas passed an ordinance stating that if a driver is
pulled over by law enforcement and is not able to provide proof of insurance, the car is
towed. To retrieve the car after being impounded, they must show proof of insurance
to have the car released.
This has made it easy for the City of Dallas to remove uninsured cars. Shortly after
the "No Insurance" ordinance was passed, the Dallas impound lots began to fill up and
were full after only nine days.80% of the impounded cars were driven by illegals.
Now, not only must they provide proof of insurance to have their car released,
they have to pay for the cost of the tow, a $350 fine, and $20 for every day their car is
kept in the lot.
Guess what? Accident rates have gone down 47% and Dallas' solution gets
uninsured drivers off the road WITHOUT making them show proof of nationality.
* * * * Just brings tears to your eyes doesn't it? * * * *
GO Dallas!

"Before anything else - preparation is the key to success" Alexander Graham Bell


Roger Reinhardt

VIEW: 19-21: Hopeful Signs For Future

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-21
It is always a pleasure to me to be able to recount incidents that lend hope for the
future custodians of our wonderful, one of a kind, "Representative Republic" USA. And
there seems to be such despite the continuing stream of 'news', whether true or 'fake'
coming forth from the sources on which we are reduced to rely. One such just as recent
as May 15 was the story that only 15%, in my memory, of the men of youngest military
age can qualify due to health (over weight), education (no HS diploma), illicit drug use,
or criminal record. If another major military need should arise we might not have the
necessary personnel to prevail!!
In WW II there were over 16,000,000 (that is 16 Million) men and women in
uniform and while about 10 per cent were actually involved in combat in one way or other,
the rest were essential for training, administration, supply, or transportation. While there
were no more than half as many in the population then, even with the present population of
over 300 million 15% leaves a relatively small four and one half million to be used. Some
of those would be considered in essential civilian occupations and so exempt.
However, a bright spot has come to my immediate attention in five or six recent years.
Actually the Civil Air Patrol Cadet program has been knowledgeable to me since about
1976 when it became my privilege to become a member of a Senior Squadron in Colorado.
My realm of knowledge was such that when a Boy Scout Troop became too small in 1972
to be effective and with no adult supervision other than Scoutmaster it was decided to
disband. Being familiar with the CAP program for 12 to 18 year old children and knowing
the location and adult personnel of a Cadet Squadron nearby, it was my decision to take
the remaining scouts to visit one of that squadron's meetings. The result was that five of the
six remaining scouts, except for my son, became members. Eleven years later one of the
boys came into a reception where I happened to be and on seeing me rushed over and
emotionally thanked me for introducing him to CAP.
The Civil Air Patrol is an official auxiliary of the United States Air Force and all
members are authorized to wear USAF uniforms with CAP insignia. Senior members are
permitted admission to officers clubs on most military bases, especially, but not exclusively,
in uniform. Cadets receive military training and are permitted to participate in search
missions, mostly in Mission Control and on the flight line, where they gain very useful
experience and can become more involved as senior members.
Then about 2012 when involved in a veterans club we were visited by Major Mike
Maguffee, US Army (Retired). He has been the senior training officer of the Junior ROTC
program at Nathan Hale High School in Tulsa. Since that time his cadets have participated
in our functions and it has been my pleasure and privilege to attend their annual Awards Ball
to observe the level of self-confidence and courtesies these cadets have acquired. In
addition it came to my attention that each year at the awards there was one donated by the
Tulsa Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, but there had been no representative to present
the award. After the 2015 'ball' the Major was approached by me with the offer to do that
presentation, being a member in good standing, which was accepted and carried out in
2016, 17, and 19. This year the recipient was an outstanding cadet, hoping to be an Air
Force Academy cadet in September. My presentation to her was the forth or fifth award
she had received. Previously she had demonstrated proficiency in "rifle twirling" and 'flag
Back to the CAP, it had become known by me that the Broken Arrow Squadron of
the Oklahoma Wing had learned to emulate, to perfection, the routine of the guards of the
Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery, and are the ONLY unit in the
Nation permitted to perform those duties. Each year they begin Memorial Day weekend
on Saturday morning walking the 21 paces each direction, changing guard each half hour
and 24 hours per day until Monday evening at Floral Haven Cemetery where there is a
replica of the Tomb!! The cadets have been trained at Arlington and visit there about every
three years.
And we wonder what is going to come of this Nation. With comers like these it will
be good.
Composed May 23, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2019 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

Fw: 19-21: Hopeful Signs For Future

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-21
It is always a pleasure to me to be able to recount incidents that lend hope for the
future custodians of our wonderful, one of a kind, "Representative Republic" USA. And
there seems to be such despite the continuing stream of 'news', whether true or 'fake'
coming forth from the sources on which we are reduced to rely. One such just as recent
as May 15 was the story that only 15%, in my memory, of the men of youngest military
age can qualify due to health (over weight), education (no HS diploma), illicit drug use,
or criminal record. If another major military need should arise we might not have the
necessary personnel to prevail!!
In WW II there were over 16,000,000 (that is 16 Million) men and women in
uniform and while about 10 per cent were actually involved in combat in one way or other,
the rest were essential for training, administration, supply, or transportation. While there
were no more than half as many in the population then, even with the present population of
over 300 million 15% leaves a relatively small four and one half million to be used. Some
of those would be considered in essential civilian occupations and so exempt.
However, a bright spot has come to my immediate attention in five or six recent years.
Actually the Civil Air Patrol Cadet program has been knowledgeable to me since about
1976 when it became my privilege to become a member of a Senior Squadron in Colorado.
My realm of knowledge was such that when a Boy Scout Troop became too small in 1972
to be effective and with no adult supervision other than Scoutmaster it was decided to
disband. Being familiar with the CAP program for 12 to 18 year old children and knowing
the location and adult personnel of a Cadet Squadron nearby, it was my decision to take
the remaining scouts to visit one of that squadron's meetings. The result was that five of the
six remaining scouts, except for my son, became members. Eleven years later one of the
boys came into a reception where I happened to be and on seeing me rushed over and
emotionally thanked me for introducing him to CAP.
The Civil Air Patrol is an official auxiliary of the United States Air Force and all
members are authorized to wear USAF uniforms with CAP insignia. Senior members are
permitted admission to officers clubs on most military bases, especially, but not exclusively,
in uniform. Cadets receive military training and are permitted to participate in search
missions, mostly in Mission Control and on the flight line, where they gain very useful
experience and can become more involved as senior members.
Then about 2012 when involved in a veterans club we were visited by Major Mike
Maguffee, US Army (Retired). He has been the senior training officer of the Junior ROTC
program at Nathan Hale High School in Tulsa. Since that time his cadets have participated
in our functions and it has been my pleasure and privilege to attend their annual Awards Ball
to observe the level of self-confidence and courtesies these cadets have acquired. In
addition it came to my attention that each year at the awards there was one donated by the
Tulsa Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, but there had been no representative to present
the award. After the 2015 'ball' the Major was approached by me with the offer to do that
presentation, being a member in good standing, which was accepted and carried out in
2016, 17, and 19. This year the recipient was an outstanding cadet, hoping to be an Air
Force Academy cadet in September. My presentation to her was the forth or fifth award
she had received. Previously she had demonstrated proficiency in "rifle twirling" and 'flag
Back to the CAP, it had become known by me that the Broken Arrow Squadron of
the Oklahoma Wing had learned to emulate, to perfection, the routine of the guards of the
Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery, and are the ONLY unit in the
Nation permitted to perform those duties. Each year they begin Memorial Day weekend
on Saturday morning walking the 21 paces each direction, changing guard each half hour
and 24 hours per day until Monday evening at Floral Haven Cemetery where there is a
replica of the Tomb!! The cadets have been trained at Arlington and visit there about every
three years.
And we wonder what is going to come of this Nation. With comers like these it will
be good.
Composed May 23, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841
Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

Monday, May 20, 2019

Fw: The OEA

This from a former teacher name withheld for protection and privacy, but a source
I believe to be most reliable.

----- Original Message -----
From:Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2019 6:57 AM
Subject: The OEA

The Oklahoma Education Association, a labor union, claims it represents educators.
In reality, it is an advocate for far-left causes, including abortion, gun control, and
far-left politicians, including Hillary Clinton.
The OEA is an affiliate of the National Education Association. When one joins the
OEA, he/she is automatically joining the NEA. Out of the $466 in OEA dues paid in
2017-18, a full $189 went to Washington, D.C. to the NEA to fund its far-left political
agenda. NEA membership is "unified," meaning one is not allowed to be a member of
just the OEA without also joining and funding the NEA.
The OEA's web site links directly to the NEA's "Legislative Action Center," where
OEA members are urged to contact the U.S. Senate in support of the "Background
Check Expansion Act," a major gun-control measure that the National Rifle
Association's Institute for Legislative Action has noted will require "a comprehensive
national registry of firearms."
A publication listing 2017–2018 NEA Resolutions includes one resolution that
declares, "The National Education Association believes in family planning, including
the right to reproductive freedom." The latter two words are a common euphemism
for abortion. NEA chief lobbyist and federal advocacy advisor Randall J. Moody served
on the Planned Parenthood Action Fund PAC as an original board member and treasurer
for three years.
The OEA/NEA endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, bragging that the union
"proudly" helped Clinton become the Democratic Party's 2016 presidential nominee
and touting its efforts to "organize and engage NEA members"—which includes all
OEA members—"to volunteer for Hillary."


Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Fw: : China - Food for Thought

Interesting, and new to me,  Bob
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2019 11:30 AM
Subject: Fwd: : China - Food for Thought

China - Food for Thought
China has 19% of the world's population, but consumes ...
53% of the world's cement
48% of the world's iron ore
47% of the world's coal
... and the majority of just about every other major commodity.
In 2010, China produced 11 times more steel than the United States.

New World Record: China made and sold 18 million vehicles in 2010.
There are more pigs in China than in the next 43 pork producing nations combined
China currently has the world's fastest train and the world's largest high-speed rail network. China is currently the number one producer in the world of wind and solar power,but,don't use it themselves.
While they manufacture 80% of the world's solar panels, they install less than 5% and build a new coal fired power station every week.
In one year they turn on more new coal powered electricity than Australia's total output.

China currently controls more than 90% of the total global supply of rare earth elements.
In the past 15 years, China has moved from 14th place to 2nd place in the world in published scientific research articles.
China now possesses the fastest supercomputer on the entire globe.
At the end of March 2011 China accumulated US $3.04 trillion in foreign currency reserves - the largest stockpile on the entire globe.
Chinese people consume 50,000 cigarettes every second.
They are already the largest carbon dioxide emitter and their output will rise 70% by 2020.
And we think we're saving the planet?
It will not make one iota of difference what we do in Australia, Canada, the United States or anywhere else in the world; for that matter, all the politicians are doing is increasing our cost of living and making our manufacturers uncompetitive in the world market, with the carbon tax, when countries like China are growing and consuming at these extraordinary rates.  And we are paying carbon tax to save the World!

Monday, May 13, 2019

VIEW: 19-20: Military Justice Miscarriage Ended

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-20
It came as a really joyful surprise when the morning KFAQ talk show host, Pat
Campbell, opened his show on Monday, May 6, with the announcement that
PRESDT-45 had given a complete PARDON to former Lt. Michael Behenna, of
Guthrie OK from his 'questionable' 2009 Court Marshall conviction for a reported
"Unpremeditated Murder in a combat zone" of an Islamic terrorist while on duty in Iraq.
That is the case mentioned, without a name, in a previous effort of mine two weeks ago.
The word 'questionable' is my opinion but one shared by a number of prominent
individuals in Oklahoma as well as fellow veterans in Tulsa. After serving five years in
Ft. Levenworth he was paroled to a virtual 'home confinement' in Guthrie but still
stripped of all his citizenship rights, including the right to bear arms, necessary to protect
himself from al-Qaida followers seeking revenge.
The next day the daily paper carried the story, fairly well buried, with the headline
reading "Trump pardons ex-soldier who killed Iraqi prisoner" with the by-line given to
Josh Dulaney of "The Oklahoman" which seems to imply that the soldier/terrorist was in
prison custody when he was dispatched to the believed trip to Allah and '75 virgins'
reward for all the infidels (non Muslims) that he had killed, including the use of IED
(Improvised Explosive Devices) while helping in the 'holy war' to take over the World,
beginning in the Middle East. One of those IEDs had already killed some of Lt. Behenna's
troops before he was captured.
Not all of the facts in the field have become available and clear to me but more than
the above have been furnished to the former World War II Vets of Tulsa, now called All
Veterans Association. Some of our members have mounted a letter writing program
hoping to bring the PARDON about for at least two years. One thing that was furnished
was the statement that while being interrogated in the field the prisoner managed to pick
up a rock and made a move with it to kill Lt. Behenna while the daily paper story said he
tried to get Lt. Behenna's's's gun and was shot in self defense.
The story we heard was that the defense was not allowed to present that in
evidence. Lt. Behenna, it appears, may have violated the "Rules of Engagement" then in
effect under the PRESBO-44 administration. Under that circumstance it would seem
logical that a much less charge would have been warranted. The mentioned 'Rules of
Engagement' we were told by active and reserve duty members were not to be available
to the general public!! But seem to be deliberately oriented to placing our military
personnel in greater danger or at least making them hesitant to take serious action for
their own or others protection
Pat Campbell included in his story that he had learned that the Oklahoma
attorney General had written several letters supporting pardon to the Department of
Justice and finally had written one directly to the President. While that letter may have
been a factor it seems to me that the pardon came surprisingly early considering the
stressful aggressive actions against Mr. Trump by his Democrat self appointed 'enemies'.
It is questionable in my mind whether any other person in public life could have done
half as much in the same time frame while under the same aggressive obstructionist
actions. Mr. Campbell had information that after signing the pardon, the President called
Lt. Behenna personally to inform him of the action.
To my mind, this whole incident brings to light what went on during the eight years
of the previous administration against anything military, or even law enforcement. The
Border Patrol is included in law enforcement where a number of members were killed by
the very guns that had been, illegally, sold here and delivered to the Mexican drug cartels
to be used against our people as well as any of their opponents there. There have
been sufficient reliable reports of that program, titled "Fast and Furious" for the purposes
of using the killing of US citizens by the guns as an excuse to secure the nation as 'gun
free', that is except for those in the government. And 'government' includes such unlikely
departments as the IRS!! In an effort to hamstring the Second Amendment idea of "keep
and bear arms" a number of government bureaus and agencies placed extravagant orders
for ammunition so as to dry up the supply to the law abiding citizens.
Composed May 13, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2019 841 Lynwood
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

VIEW: 19-20: Military Justice Miscarriage Ended

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-20
It came as a really joyful surprise when the morning KFAQ talk show host, Pat
Campbell, opened his show on Monday, May 6, with the announcement that
PRESDT-45 had given a complete PARDON to former Lt. Michael Behenna, of
Guthrie OK from his 'questionable' 2009 Court Marshall conviction for a reported
"Unpremeditated Murder in a combat zone" of an Islamic terrorist while on duty in Iraq.
That is the case mentioned, without a name, in a previous effort of mine two weeks ago.
The word 'questionable' is my opinion but one shared by a number of prominent
individuals in Oklahoma as well as fellow veterans in Tulsa. After serving five years in
Ft. Levenworth he was paroled to a virtual 'home confinement' in Guthrie but still
stripped of all his citizenship rights, including the right to bear arms, necessary to protect
himself from al-Qaida followers seeking revenge.
The next day the daily paper carried the story, fairly well buried, with the headline
reading "Trump pardons ex-soldier who killed Iraqi prisoner" with the by-line given to
Josh Dulaney of "The Oklahoman" which seems to imply that the soldier/terrorist was in
prison custody when he was dispatched to the believed trip to Allah and '75 virgins'
reward for all the infidels (non Muslims) that he had killed, including the use of IED
(Improvised Explosive Devices) while helping in the 'holy war' to take over the World,
beginning in the Middle East. One of those IEDs had already killed some of Lt. Behenna's
troops before he was captured.
Not all of the facts in the field have become available and clear to me but more than
the above have been furnished to the former World War II Vets of Tulsa, now called All
Veterans Association. Some of our members have mounted a letter writing program
hoping to bring the PARDON about for at least two years. One thing that was furnished
was the statement that while being interrogated in the field the prisoner managed to pick
up a rock and made a move with it to kill Lt. Behenna while the daily paper story said he
tried to get Lt. Behenna's's's gun and was shot in self defense.
The story we heard was that the defense was not allowed to present that in
evidence. Lt. Behenna, it appears, may have violated the "Rules of Engagement" then in
effect under the PRESBO-44 administration. Under that circumstance it would seem
logical that a much less charge would have been warranted. The mentioned 'Rules of
Engagement' we were told by active and reserve duty members were not to be available
to the general public!! But seem to be deliberately oriented to placing our military
personnel in greater danger or at least making them hesitant to take serious action for
their own or others protection
Pat Campbell included in his story that he had learned that the Oklahoma
attorney General had written several letters supporting pardon to the Department of
Justice and finally had written one directly to the President. While that letter may have
been a factor it seems to me that the pardon came surprisingly early considering the
stressful aggressive actions against Mr. Trump by his Democrat self appointed 'enemies'.
It is questionable in my mind whether any other person in public life could have done
half as much in the same time frame while under the same aggressive obstructionist
actions. Mr. Campbell had information that after signing the pardon, the President called
Lt. Behenna personally to inform him of the action.
To my mind, this whole incident brings to light what went on during the eight years
of the previous administration against anything military, or even law enforcement. The
Border Patrol is included in law enforcement where a number of members were killed by
the very guns that had been, illegally, sold here and delivered to the Mexican drug cartels
to be used against our people as well as any of their opponents there. There have
been sufficient reliable reports of that program, titled "Fast and Furious" for the purposes
of using the killing of US citizens by the guns as an excuse to secure the nation as 'gun
free', that is except for those in the government. And 'government' includes such unlikely
departments as the IRS!! In an effort to hamstring the Second Amendment idea of "keep
and bear arms" a number of government bureaus and agencies placed extravagant orders
for ammunition so as to dry up the supply to the law abiding citizens.
Composed May 13, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2019 841 Lynwood
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

Friday, May 10, 2019

Fw: You must read all of this!

This came in "Plain Text" but with much sperflous 'stuff' now deleated. Note,
it took me at least 40 minutes to clean up the mess.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Solomon" <jim.solomon@shieldintl.net>
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2019 10:32 AM
Subject: Fwd: You must read all of this!
Subject: You must read all of this!

Boy this is sad, unfortunately too true. Important for all Americans to read. Dr.
Jack Minzey on Civil War in U.S. Today ….Jack passed away Sunday, 8 April 2018.
Professionally, Jack was head of the Department of Education at Eastern Michigan
University as well as a prolific author of numerous books, most of which were on the
topic of Education and the Government role therein.
This is the last of his works: Civil War How do civil wars happen? Two
or more sides disagree on who runs the country. And they can't settle the
question through elections because they don't even agree that elections are how you
decide who's in charge.
That's the basic issue here. Who decides who runs the country? When you hate
each other but accept the election results, you have a country. When you stop
accepting election results, you have a countdown to a civil war.
The Mueller investigation is about removing President Trump from office and
overturning the results of an election. We all know that. But it's not the first time they've
done this. The first time a Republican president was elected this century, they said he
didn't really win. The Supreme Court gave him the election. There's a pattern here.
What do sure odds of the Democrats rejecting the next Republican president
really mean? It means they don't accept the results of any election that they don't win
It means they don't believe that transfers of power in this country are determined by
elections. That's a civil war. There's no shooting. At least not unless you count the
attemptb to kill a bunch of Republicans at a charity baseball game practice.
But the Democrats have rejected our system of government. This isn't dissent.
It's not disagreement. You can hate the other party. You can think they're the worst
thing that ever happened to the country. But then you work harder to win the next
election. When you consistently reject the results of elections that you don't win, what
you want is a dictatorship. Your very own dictatorship.
The only legitimate exercise of power in this country, according to Democrats,
is its own . Whenever Republicans exercise power, it's inherently illegitimate. The
Democrats lost Congress. They lost the White House. So what did they do? They
began trying to run the country through Federal judges and bureaucrats. Every time
that a Federal judge issues an order saying that the President of the United States
can't scratch his own back without his say so, that's the civil war.
Our system of government is based on the constitution, but that's not the system
that runs this country. The Democrat's system is that any part of government that it runs
gets total and unlimited power over the country. If the Democrats are in the White
House, then the president can do anything. And I mean anything. He can have his own
amnesty for illegal aliens. He can fine you for not having health insurance. His power is
unlimited. He's a dictator.
But when Republicans get into the White House, suddenly the President can't do
anything. He isn't even allowed to undo the illegal alien amnesty that his predecessor
illegally invented. A Democrat in the White House has 'discretion' to completely decide
every aspect of immigration policy. A Republican doesn't even have the 'discretion' to
reverse him. That's how the game is played That's how our country is run. Sad but true,
although the left hasn't yet won that particular fight.
When a Democrat is in the White House, states aren't even allowed to enforce
immigration law. But when a Republican is in the White House, states can create their
own immigration laws. Under Obama, a state wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom
without asking permission But under Trump, Jerry Brown can go around saying that
California is an independent republic and sign treaties with other countries. The
Constitution has something to say about that.
Whether it's Federal or State, Executive, Legislative or Judiciary, the left moves
power around to run the country. If it controls an institution, then that institution is
suddenly the supreme power in the land. This is what I call a moving dictatorship.
Donald Trump has caused the Shadow Government to come out of hiding:
Professional government is a guild. Like medieval guilds. You can't serve in if you're
not a member. If you haven't been indoctrinated into its arcane rituals. If you aren't
in the club. And Trump isn't in the club. He brought in a bunch of people who aren't
in the club with him. Now we're seeing what the pros do when amateurs try to walk
in on them. They spy on them, they investigate them and they send them to jail. They
use the tools of power to bring them down.
That's not a free country.
It's not a free country when FBI agents who support Hillary take out an
'insurance policy' against Trump winning the election.
It's not a free country when Obama officials engage in massive unmasking
of the opposition.
It's not a free country when the media responds to the other guy winning
by trying to ban the conservative media that supported him from social media.
It's not a free country when all of the above collude together to overturn
an election because the guy who wasn't supposed to win did.
Have no doubt, we're in a civil war between conservative volunteer
government and a leftist Democrat professional government.

I hope you pass this around.

Thursday, May 9, 2019


Format changed to "Plain Text", otherwise one word per line!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Solomon
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2019 9:54 AM
Subject: Fwd: SEND BACK TO ME, TOO!!!d

With Trump as President, we might be able to get this passed. Let's send it
across the country.
Will I Get Three Replies? I'm sending this to a variety of friends & family to see
what kind of opinions this might bring forth.

SOME STATES (Maryland, Michigan & Arizona) ARE ALLOWING MUSLIM

When we get 100,000,000, that's one hundred million, willing Christians to BOND
together, voice their concerns and vote, we can take back America with God's help.
Become one of the One hundred million. Then let's get 200 million. It can be done
just by sending this email to your friends. Do the math. It only takes a single willing heart
and a fed-up SOUL. God Bless America and Shine your light on Her!
In 1952 President Truman established one day a year as a "National Day of Prayer.
In 1988 President Reagan designated the first Thursday in May of each year as The
National Day of Prayer.
In June 2007, then Presidential Candidate Barack Obama declared that the USA
"Was no longer a Christian nation".
In May 2009 President Obama dismissed our 21st annual National Day of
Prayer ceremony at the White House under the ruse of "not wanting to offend anyone"
Sept. 25, 2009, a Muslim Prayer Day was held on the West front of the U.S.
Capitol Building, the site where U.S. Presidents have been inaugurated since 1981.
There were over 50,000 Muslims in D.C. that day President Obama dismissed our
National Day of Prayer and now it is okay for an event at our capitol for Islamists?

I for one was offended. But wait, it did not stop!!!

February 17-19, 2015, a Muslim prayer was recited at the start of the
second day of the White House summit on "Countering Violent Extremism," but
no other religious text was presented during the portion of the event that was open to
the press. Imam Sheikh Sa'ad Musse Roble, president of the World Peace
Organization in Minneapolis, Minn., recited a "verse from the Quran" following
remarks by Obama administration officials and Democrat members of Congress.
Former President Obama encouraged schools to teach the Quran for extra credit,
while at the same time, we cannot even talk about the Bible, God, pray, or salute the
American Flag.
The direction this country was headed should strike fear in the heart of every

How refreshing and beautiful our First Lady Melania Trump was in Melbourne,
Florida on February 18, 2017. Instead of the normal "pumping up" of the crowd,
Melania chose to start the rally off with the Lord's Prayer. It sounded more like the
start of a football game after the National Anthem rather than what we would expect to
hear after a prayer.

Make a "joyful noise unto the LORD thy GOD!" The "sincere ignorance and
conscientious stupidity" of Madeline Murray O'Hair and ACLU efforts in 1962,
"School Prayer was removed from the U.S. public education system by slowly
changing the meaning of the First Amendment through a number of court cases over
several court cases should be confronted and reversed.

Send this to ten people, or even one hundred and ten, and send it to the person
who originated it! To let them know that indeed, it was sent out to many more.



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Fw: Remember?.....

   Memory refresher, not changed to "Plain Text"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2019 3:32 PM
Subject: Fwd: Remember?.....
                            Review an old one.
..AH YES . REMEMBER WHEN !!!! Remember when Donald Trump was business partners with the Russian government and his company got $53 million from the Russian government investment fund called Rusnano that was started by Vladimir Putin and is referred to as "Putin's Child?"
Oh wait, that wasn't Trump; it was John Podesta.

Remember when Donald Trump received $500,000 for a speech in Moscow and paid for by Renaissance Capital, a company tied to Russian Intelligence Agencies?
Oh wait, that was Bill Clinton.

Remember when Donald Trump approved the sale of 20% of U.S. Uranium to the Russians while he was Secretary of State which gave control of it to Rosatom, the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation?
Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton.

Remember when Donald Trump lied about that and said he wasn't a part of approving the deal that gave the Russians 1/5 of our uranium, but then his e-mails were leaked showing he did lie about it?
Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.

Remember when Donald Trump got $145 million from shareholders of the uranium company sold to the Russians?
Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

Remember when Donald Trump accepted millions in donations from Russian oligarchs like the chairman of a company that's part of the Russian Nuclear Research Cluster, the wife of the mayor of Moscow and a close pal of Putin's?
Oh wait, that was the Clinton Foundation.

Remember when Donald Trump failed to disclose all those donations before becoming the Secretary of State, and it was only found out when a journalist went through Canadian tax records?
Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton

Remember when Donald Trump told Mitt Romney that the '80s called and it wanted its Russian policy back. The Cold War is over?
Oh wait, that was President Obama.

Man, Trump's ties to Russia are really "disgusting!"