Tuesday, February 6, 2018

VIEW: 18-08: Trump's Home Run Report

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-08
TRUMP'S HOME RUN REPORT Week of 2018/02/19
It was quite a night on January 30 when the entire Congress membership,
except for a few 'cry-baby' members who chose to 'boycott' the annual, and first for
PRESDT, "State Of The Union" of his presidential term. It is really too bad, and a
blot on the state of our politics and society how certain of the members of the
Democrat Caucus actually chose to not show up to be counted as participating in one
of the classical government events of the year. My only statement to them would be:
"Get over it, we won, you lost so be an adult" after all, when they won seven years
ago, I don't recall any of the Republican Caucus missing, unless someone was ill, or
on ligitiment and necessary government business.
Unlike the previous four such events the speaker did not choose to 'rub it in' on
the losers nor did he use the pronoun "I" over and over ad nauseam. Everything I
heard him enumerate of the accomplishments for the better of the past year was
couched in 'we' or 'us', thus giving some recognition to his opposition, even though
that whole group, and a few of his own, with an 'R' on their vote registration record
have exerted every thing, legal and not so, effort to thwart his every move to change
the course of the Nation and improve things for even the most poor of those working,
and many who are not.
Surprisingly to me was the camera operators of the channel watched by me
seemed to focus on the Democrat side of the isle whenever PRESDT brought the other
side to their feet with applause. With one sole exception, a man sitting mostly in the
center of the screen was lightly applauding, but still not standing. The picture was too
small to get a good look at him, but at least he recognized the importance of what was
being said while following what I believe were instructions from minority leaders to
keep seated. My memory has no instance where Republicans in the minority acted
so childishly.
It appeared to me that this was going to be something special when the first
words were: "The state of the Nation is Strong", which exuded optimism for the
future. Hopefully PRESDT will truly be able to keep his promise to "drain the swamp"
and weed out the long time embedded employees who will do everything in their
imagination to thwart his agenda. That includes attempting to bring about impeachment
so that they can continue the long decline of our form of government into Socialism
while increasing their authority and rule over we poor citizens who pay and suffer.
Yes, those of us proudly called 'despicable' by FFLHRC (former First Lady Hillary
Rodham Clinton).
Proceeding onward PRESDT recounted one by one accomplishments of his first
year in office, again mostly using the pronouns we and us rather than I and me used by
predecessors. That is a true statement, since the President alone, no matter who, has
not the power to change things for the better, since the people, including those in the
Government, must want the same goals and be willing to work towards achieving them.
In my memory the last President to exude such a feeling of confidence and optimism
was PRESRR-40 who seemed to laugh at his enemies for a refreshing change of pace.
Quite frankly, I am tired of the politically correct political figures who cannot
speak truthfully and who seem to think that the only way to correct anything perceived
wrong is to simply throw more money at it and hope it will go away. Meanwhile they
sit back and collect their inflated pay and 'enjoy the ride', that is until enough of us
wake up to give them the retirement so badly called for.
It remains my firm opinion that things will become much better for US, and the
World, if those dedicated to slowing, stalling, of defeating his agenda can be convinced
of their misdirection so to change their current agenda, or be removed from their
positions of being able to thwart his efforts, on our behalf. That also includes the
imbedded tendency to resort to complete lies in attempts to get their way.
To gain that will take a massive change in the elections in those areas so
completely and continually sending socialists and 'tax and tax, spend and spend'
liberals into offices in not only Washington but state capitals. To gain that will take
efforts from we living in the more common sense areas attempting, in a friendly way,
to persuade those voters that their welfare would be much improved with the required
changes. That will take a massive change in attitude away from the current welfare
orientation of government owes me a living.

Composed February 6, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2018 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

Saturday, February 3, 2018

VIEW: 18-07: Third Class Citizens in USA

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-07
As a respite from the pettiness of 'The Swamp' occupants, or rulers, there is
another situation that has bothered me for a long time. It has stayed the same, with
minor localized attempted corrections, for according to my understanding and
information, for longer than 100 years. This situation is the mandated secrecy regarding
the ancestry of children placed for adoption at birth, particularly in "adoption birth
Not long ago a story was mentioned about the case of two, now men, who were
adopted as babies but became 'best friends' in school and seventy years later, thanks to
DNA, found they were actually brothers. Now in a second report, this time in the Tulsa
daily paper, it was indicated that one was were put up for adoption and the older was
reared by their grandparents. The latest report, by-lined to Matt Patterson of The
Oklahoman, the daily Oklahoma City newspaper, again indicates a DNA match, totally
by accident and involves two men different than the previous story and occupied slightly
over one-third of page A-11 in the Sunday January 28 issue in Tulsa. Credit was given
to the DNA data base of Ancestry, a commercial DNA testing company for bringing
these two men together since they were living in opposite ends of the USA.
The first story reminded me of a story from Great Britain where a brother and sister
were adopted out to different families who lived in the same neighborhood. The two as
they grew older fell in love and were married. On finding that they were actually siblings,
a British Judge set aside the marriage and forbade them to attempt to remarry. This was
of great sorrow to both of them.
These stories are meaningful to me, being adopted as a three-month-old infant myself.
This was in Kansas City MO where the famous, or infamous, Pendergast political machine
was in full control. As an aside the machine was totally responsible for the presence of
Harry S. Truman in the U.S. Senate from which he became Vice-President to PRESFDR
and succeeded him after his death from health causes. All my fellow WW II veteran
friends share my gratitude to him for deciding it was necessary, and less killing, to use the
atomic bomb to end the disagreement.
The Machine had operated at least three, according to published information, hospitals
there where the only purpose was to have births of babies to be adopted. (Far better than
to provide abortions). Unfortunately, the lengths that were used to assure secrecy for the
mother have resulted in historical ignorance to the vast majority of those born and adopted
from them. A few were able, if they began young enough, to get their records unsealed and
make contact with biological family. Two in my circle were able to, with mixed results, but
family medical history was a major benefit. Some were welcomed by extended family, but
others wanted no part of the 'new' member.
This lack of family background information, particularly medical, has, for me anyway,
been a source of inconvenience often, and occasionally of medically critical problems. We all
know that any time we begin a connection with a new doctor or hospital, a complete family
medical history is demanded. Also on entering military service the same situation occurs. I
was threatened with court martial and less than honorable discharge for refusing an order to
"list your adoptive family medical history" on the form. Not wanting to take the chance of
later being criminally charged with lying, the refusal continued and the threat finally
Years later, in 2003, Dan, my youngest, was diagnosed in Kansas City with two
kinds of blood cancer. The first thing the oncologist wanted was a family medical
history, which was easily available from his Mother's side, but not from mine. While
there early on, I called the family court where the adoption order was issued to seek
unsealing of my records. The deputy Court Clerk seemed very sympathetic and
promised to speak to the current judge. Two or three days later she called me back,
at my son's house, literally in tears, and told me that the judge said "that is not an
emergency". She was asked if she questioned the judge to find out what he
considered to be an "emergency", she implied that his personality was such that she
was afraid to!!
Despite later legislation, both in Missouri and Federal, designed to provide
opportunity for opening, later efforts, quoting the legislation, have been unsuccessful.
Thus it is my contention that "there is something rotten in Denmark" and perhaps more
stricter legislation is needed with severe penalties on 'activist' judges who refuse to
follow the law!!
Composed February 3, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2018 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

Fw: the conservative view

Nuff Said.            Bob
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2018 7:23 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        Over the years I have quoted my grandparents on many occasions, over the past several days as I have been reviewing some of the bills that have been submitted for the upcoming legislative session, one of my grandparent's old expressions fits the current environment to a tee. I can remember my grandmother scolding one of her many grandchildren, she would often tell the child that they were not paying her any more attention than a dog barking. My grandmother was the kind of person that demanded respect from her children and grandchildren, when she told you something she expected you to listen to what she had to say. I just wish my grandmother was still around to grab the ear of some of our elected officials and get their attention.

        I come from the working class, being involved in small business and agriculture gives me the experiences to know when we are being ignored. While there are some good conservatives in the state legislature, there are a bunch of so-called conservative republicans who are anything but conservative. Instead of trying to spend our tax money efficiently and keeping the government off of our back, they are in full revenue raising mode. Over the past several sessions there has been a constant drumbeat about pay raises for teachers and state employees; that is all fine and good, but the desire for a better life is not limited just to the state employees. Those of us who are in the private sector also deserve and want better compensation for what we do for a living. There are a couple of introduced bills that people in the agriculture sector do not deserve to ever see the light of day, House bill 2607 by Rick West and Senate bill 1392 by Marty Quinn.

        These two bills will cost small farmers and ranchers thousands of dollars each year. Both bills totally change the sales tax exemption on agriculture products that farmers have to have to be in business. Both bills would require farmers to pay sales tax on items in the production of food, then once a year they would have to file a refund application to the Oklahoma tax commission to get their money back on tax exempt items. In the case of the senate bill there is also a clause that if a farmer doesn't spend $25,000 a year on farm products he is not eligible for a refund. I, like many other Oklahomans, are getting sick of all of this talk of fees and raising taxes. Tax exempt cards are not limited just to farmers. All kinds of businesses who buy wholesale will purchase products and not pay sales tax until they sell the items retail. Even the farmers who currently sell retail to the public collect and remit sales tax to the state. The paper work alone will cause many small famers to pay the tax on production products because they won't have the time to do all of the paperwork. It is a fact that our nation benefits greatly from the small farmer, but it is also a fact that society expects the farmer and rancher to live on next to nothing.

        If our lawmakers would simply look around, most farmers have to have a job off of the farm just to stay in business. When you look at the investment and the hours worked the small farmer is not making minimum wage. Now we have lawmakers who evidently don't understand the first thing about the needs and plight of the small Oklahoma farmers wanting to put more burdens and expenses on them. I have news for all of them in OKC; we are not paid enough for things like health insurance, retirement and a modest living. We cannot go and protest to the legislature for more pay, we are bound to the market system. Most people in the state don't understand the concept of business and the mainstream media is worse than worthless when it comes to informing the public. For anyone who thinks these two bills are a good thing, I have a suggestion. Go purchase a farm and try to operate if for a while and I bet your eyes will be opened. Anyone who is involved in agriculture needs to take a look at these two ill-conceived bills.  It is time that our elected officials start paying us more attention than a dog barking.