Thursday, December 28, 2017

VIEW: 18-02: Happy Days Here Again

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-02
HAPPY DAYS HERE AGAIN Week of 2018/01/08
Yes it really seems that things are turning around and better days already seem
to be arriving on our scene. Most of the PRESDT income tax proposals managed to
work their way through the Congressional 'swamp' to his desk and were signed into
law without waiting until after the new year. Already some major corporations have
announced $1,000 bonuses to all employees, Merry Christmas to them. And those
employees are reported to embark on additional spending of the 'windfall', to the
betterment of the economy. Also the first reports of Christmas spending indicate
rather large increases over previous recent years.
Of course, members of the JINO (journalists in name only who simply cannot, or
refuse to, report in an 'objective' rather than 'subjective' manner) business (not
profession) continue to be critical of anything and everything that PRESDT does or
proposes. The protestors list must also include officials of the Democrat Party who
seem to find it sickening to even start to admit that he thinks or does anything good.
(Note: the Democrat Party is NOT accused of any wrongdoing because, as stated
before, political parties are, like cars, trucks, guns or planes, inanimate objects without
the ability to do anything good or bad).
It seems to be a rather under reported matter that PRESDT is a graduate of the
New York Military College, and rather high in his class academically. No wonder
when his military guards give him a most proper salute, such as his stepping off the
stairs of Air Force or Marine One, his return is equally proper, a refreshing change for
the better, in my veteran's opinion. He further seems to have plenty of respect for
those in his personal protection staff of the Secret Service, again a refreshing change.
And it seems to me that such conduct would serve to engender a far greater sense of
loyalty in those guardians.
Back to the passage of the tax change legislation with some opinion observation.
My several decade observation of the workings of legislative bodies, both Colorado
and Oklahoma, as well as Congress has strongly impressed me that when one is
seeking some legislative change it is necessary to accept what can be passed then
work to obtain improvements. It is extremely rare to be able to have an 'ideal' bill end
up as the final law. Sadly it has been my observation that there are and have been a
number of members of legislative bodies who did not understand that principal, to their
own detriment. It is understandable that there would be at least some difference of
opinion with 101 House and 48 Senate members in Oklahoma, 435 voting House
and 100 Senate members in Congress, plus one non-voting House member each for
Puerto Rico and Samoa.
Some years ago it was my position to be at a lunch meeting with three ladies
working on changes in the Oklahoma law regarding sealing of records of adoptees.
One of them stated that she had written the bill "just the way she wanted it and if it was
amended she would 'pull' it". My answer to that was to the effect that it would be a
total waste of time and effort to even submit it as there would always be amendments
proposed. Further that you get passed what you can and then work to get passed
improvements. So, it would be well to look to the future to see if needed changes to
the new tax bill are needed and congressional members can be persuaded to get
together for our national benefit.
For myself, it is my unshakable opinion resulting from extensive study that we
would have been much better served if more of them could have been convinced
that the "FairTax" would have solved most, if not all, of the Nation's fiscal problems.
It would have resulted in major reductions in the number of employees needed in the
IRS and removed the openings for 'selective enforcement' of the various parts of the
law that have occurred in the last thirty or so years, maybe even more. There is
always the possibility that the voting population will wake up and vote in members of
Congress that have more experience with the facts of business, or am I dreaming?
In any event, it seems to me that the course of our REPUBLIC is changing and
for the better. Because of that, it appears that our future, at least for the next three
years, may be much brighter. At least it looks that way from my view and am hopeful
for the sake of my, and your, children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren (so far
no 'great-great). GOD be with you through 2018 and beyond and give you peace,
happiness, health, and prosperity.
Composed December 27, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2018 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Saturday, December 23, 2017

VIEW: 17-51: Final Christmas Preparations

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-51
Yes, the final days before most of the Christian World stops(?) to commemorate
the birth over two millenniums ago of the Christ Child in a little town in Israel called
Bethlehem. Tradition, Scriptures, and the archives remaining of the World then have
told us that it happened there because the betrothed future husband of his Mother,
Mary, was of the lineage of the great king, David, who was from that town. A short
time later the Roman Caesar Augustus had ordered a census of the Roman empire to
be taken and every male was required to travel to the home town of his ancestry to be
enrolled. Joseph was a direct descendent of the great King of Israel, David. So it
was necessary that he go with, his 'betrothed wife', Mary to be counted.
Mary, although a virgin, was expecting a child she was told by the Angel, Gabriel,
that the Holy Spirit "would come upon her" and that the child was to be given the name
Jesus (Luke 1:35-37). Thus is the actual claim that the child would be the Son of GOD!!
After arrival there it came time for Mary to deliver, but the town was full of others there
for the same reason, so it became necessary for the couple to take shelter 'in a stable'.
Biblical and historical scholars have said that houses in those days had the animals in a
separate room in the house and some clergy have stated that the place might, and
probably was, actually have been in just such a place in a house of David's kin. If the
weather was cold at night, the animals would have made the room relatively warm.
The principal of Jesus coming to Earth in that manner, his spirit being in a human body
we are told, is so that GOD could thus relate to and save the human race, which had
become thoroughly infused with sin.
In any event that 'miraculous' event has now been celebrated, or observed, for
nearly 2000 years, since the current "Gregorian" calender was assembled by an early
Roman Catholic Pope, Gregory. Some historians have claimed from studies of the
Roman archives that the actual date of the birth of Jesus was in Summer, perhaps early
August and as much as seven years earlier. Those researches have not been widely
published, nor is it common knowledge whether there is more than one source arriving
at the same conclusion.
Thus the 'reason for the Season' as currently observed throughout the Christian
World, and by some of the Jewish faith, referred to as "Messianic" Jews who still
practice the ancient rules contained in the "Decalogue" or first five "Mosaic" books
of the Bible. It was comforting to me the last time I saw a Jewish friend, and fraternity
brother, alive he proudly proclaimed to me that he was convinced that Jesus is the
Son of GOD. By doing so, it is my firm belief that we shall meet again when my turn
comes, I don't know when that will be.
Despite the real reason for the observance, it is somewhat distressing to me to
see just how far into commercialization our human nature has taken us. This is
particularly true given the heavy push, by certain opposition groups, to remove any
reference to the words GOD, JESUS, CHRIST, or even GOD bless you from being
displayed. Those of that mind set demand that their "freedom of speech" be protected
so that they can demean our faith while at the same time demanding that we be
censored and not allowed to speak our feelings, beliefs, and principles. One of the
worst, in my opinion, is the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) which
aggressively files law suits against even the display of Biblical passages, such as the
ten commandments, on any 'public property'. All this while, illegally in my opinion,
receiving funds from the Federal Government.
Thankfully, there are still corporations, mostly privately owned, who continue to
close on Sunday, the day most Christians choose for Sabbath. It would not bother me
for businesses owned by those of the Jewish or 'Seventh Day Advent' faiths to be
closed on Saturday, since that is their Sabbath. Or, owners could have employees
of the other faith to work on the owner's Sabbath, which would be my practice as a
shop owner.
In any case, the observance of Christmas is celebrated, even by non-Christians,
and is an important part of each and every year. I never have a problem remembering
which day of the week it occurres, since the same day of the week is also my birthday
as well as those of my No. 2 Son and Daughter and New Year's Day.
So, I wish each and every one who reads this, and the rest of the World, a most
Merry Christmas in this the 'Year Of Our LORD 2017". May the GOD I worship,
and his Son, JESUS, be with you from now through the coming year, 2018, and keep
you safe, healthy, and happily comforted into the future
Composed November 27, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Fw: the conservative view

        Well said and food for serious thought.  Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year!!.  The future seems much brighter.  Bob
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2017 7:18 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        I have found that a lot can be accomplished when two individuals take the time to sit down and exchange ideas on a subject that affects each of them. I have often wondered how many lives have been saved when a talented diplomat took the time to actually talk with their sworn enemy and come to a conclusion to prevent or stop an armed conflict. There is a lot of validity in the belief of walking in another man's shoes; using logic and reason is always a better way to solve a dispute than the shedding of blood. Getting to know a person and having a different perspective is always beneficial, wouldn't it be great to have a meeting of minds with the person whose birth we celebrate every December the 25th.

        Some people wonder what kind of personality Jesus Christ would have. In my opinion all we have to do is to look into the mirror. According to our holy book the Bible we humans are created in the image of God; Jesus throughout his existence on the earth experienced all of the emotions that we have. We know that he experienced love, sympathy and even anger, the difference being he had the power and discipline to be an example to humanity for all of eternity. Many of us remember the story about Jesus driving the money changers from the temple, that one action was the beginning to his crucifixion. Jesus was a young man gaining in popularity who could have became part of the good old boy network; he could have slept in a soft bed and have eaten the best food, but he chose to take a stand for decency and righteousness.

        When he talked about caring for the poor and sick he did not advocate giving that duty to any government, he placed that duty upon all of us as individuals. He also taught us to do unto others as we would have other do unto us. We who profess to call ourselves Christians need to be ever vigilant on the way we conduct our lives and adhere to his teachings.

        We humans have a very bad tendency to turn a blind eye to wrong doing if it doesn't affect us directly. There are some good programs to help the downtrodden individuals in our society, but sadly there are many that are mismanaged and completely corrupt. We have far too many politicians who, through the ego stroking process, are willing to waste taxpayer funds on programs that do little to eliminate the core problem. We also have a bad habit of destroying anyone who has the drive and courage to stand up and stop the corruption. Some in our society have forgotten the concept of doing unto others as we would have others do unto us. Far too often the attitude of hooray for me and the heck with you is prevalent. Sadly, we humans have not changed very much in the last 2000 years.    

        While we celebrate Christmas maybe we can imagine what it would be like to have a meeting of the minds with Jesus. We need to remember that our meeting of the minds must happen on an individual basis. It makes no difference what group you may belong to; in the end we are all responsible for ourselves. As we go through the New Year may we strive for a meeting of the minds.


Saturday, July 15, 2017

VIEW: 17-31: Unreported News


By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-31

UNREPORTED NEWS Week of 2017/07/31

We have heard much in the six months since PRESDT was inaugurated about "fake news" and with good reason. Not that "fake news" is really something new in the World we live in, but in the past it has really meant items of newsworthiness being accidentally misreported, falsely reported, or not covered at all. It was my often stated fact that "in every incident where I was present or had personal knowledge of a scientific nature of the subject the 'facts' reported bore no relation to the facts known to me, except that the incident occurred". Unfortunately that hasn't changed much except for the actual reported stories of 'facts' that did not even occur.

On the other hand, one of the worst, in my opinion, misarranges of reporting is the deliberate failure to even report the incident as happening. This came to my attention on July 12 when sorting though a stack of papers one was found dating back to November 2013, almost four years ago. While not 'earth shaking' in newsworthiness, it seems even today to be of sufficient importance, especially with PRESDT having promised to attack the tax laws and lower taxes.

The item in question was a single sheet of paper on which was printed the entire proposal to REPEAL Amendment XVI, which AUTHORIZED Congress to establish a tax on personal and corporate incomes and was ratified by the required number of States in 1913. Note the word 'authorized' which meant that they were not 'required' to impose such taxes. According to reports of the day, promises were made that the tax proposed under the Amendment would be 0.5% on incomes exceeding, if memory serves correct, $150,000.

Look what we have now, even payments from Social Security can be taxed, Clinton Administration, even though payments into the fund were AFTER TAXES WERE PAID at the time. Thus we receiving the 'pay back' can be subject to double taxation, neither ethical, moral, or constitutional and hitting the ones most needing the funds, those over 62.

The document in question was received by FAX probably from the office of then first term Congressman Jim Bridenstine, OK-1st. At the time my understanding was that the Amendment mandated the collection of income taxes which a reading of the Amendment dispelled. The document was dated November 13, 2013 and was labeled "H. J. RES. 104" "Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the sixteenth article of amendment".

It was filed by: "Mr. Bridenstine (for himself, Mr. MASSIE, and Mr. DESANTES) introduced the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary". I was unaware of this until receiving the FAX somewhat later, but was greatly impressed by his willingness to do what had been requested. Unfortunately, the Committee quietly buried the Resolution and my request for a list of the members of the Committee and the recorded vote, if one was taken, has just been made.

In my opinion, there is too much of this 'burial in committee' with no publicity of the members, their vote if one was take, and in particular the name of the Chair since it often is the decision of the Committee Chair to not even vote on a proposal. Thus the feeling of 'too much power in the hands of too few'.

My receipt of this document was the first inkling that his attempt had been made. It seems to me that it should have received at the very least a notice in the media. While it would be impractical for media to announce EVERY proposal coming before every legislative body, a proposal for a Constitutional amendment seems to me to be quite worthy of being reported. The thought occurred to me that the editorial staffs of the various sources of 'news'(?) may have not wanted Mr. Bridenstine to have the favorable feeling that such a story would have generated. Certainly there is major animosity among most of the population towards the income tax and the massive amount of time and money expended to comply with it's idiotic requirements to warrant disclosure of a move to remove it and the impediments to prosperity caused.

A suggestion has been made to the Congressman to push the current House Bill establishing the "FairTax" on a five year trial basis and suspending the Income Tax subject to repeal of all such laws if the "FairTax" proves to be as effective and successful as projected by the designers.

Composed July 11, 2017

Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane

918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

VIEW: 17-30: There Is Hope Now


By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-30

THERE IS HOPE NOW Week of 2017/07/24

Now that PRESDT has been inaugurated for over five months, we can look back at his, not Congress', record and see what may be expected for the rest of the four years of his first term. From where my vision starts the record appears to be rather encouraging, at least for those of us who revere the Constitution as the 'real' law of the land to be followed, and the USA to once again be respected and looked to for World leadership by the rest of the civilized nations. While PRESDT was not my first choice to assume the mantle of Republican Nominee for President, in retrospect it seems to me that he may very well have been the only one of the 18 candidates for the nomination with a favorable chance of victory last November.

In my recollection, dating back to 1930, no incoming President has equaled the manner in which PRESDT literally 'hit the ground running' to correct past errors in action and judgement of administrations going back to that first one in 1933 of F. D. Roosevelt. That is not to mention those in the earlier years of the twentieth century, of which history records many, some really large, such as the passage of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Amendments to the Constitution which allowed the income tax to be placed in law and the election of U.S. Senators changed from the State Governments to the general election process.

Nevertheless, 'The Donald' has accomplished more than had been my wildest dreams in this short period of time, all despite the vehement opposition, full of lies, executed by the Socialist major media personnel, Democrat leadership, and even so-called 'never Trumpers' in the, to me, RINO groups. It appears to me that he has gained the admiration, attention, respect, cooperation of a substantial percentage of the leaders of other nations.

It is refreshing to listen to a person who seems to really mean what he says and then to proceed to move to accomplish the outlined goals. My sources indicate that the moral level of personnel in our military and border control unit has risen to the highest level in decades. Those in the military who put off retirement and 'stuck it out' with the poor, even criminal in my opinion, 'rules of engagement' because as a few conveyed to me "I don't want the signature on my retirement to be Obama" may even change their minds, if continued service is an option for them.

Unfortunately, some in high Congressional leadership positions seem to have a heavy 'foot on the brake' in slowing or preventing the passage of legislation necessary to fulfill his promised goals. Such individuals, in my opinion, should be 'involuntarily' retired at the next election. Along that line it has long been a concern, and surprise, to me how legislative bodies seem to continually elect as leaders individuals who in my opinion represent the very worst, from a national or state benefit basis, of the membership of the respective house. That has been true here in Oklahoma as well as elsewhere.

Again, the ultimate blame for this should lie with the individual voters who send these people back to do their damage. In some cases, admittedly, it is because they do not have truthful information from media sources and lack the time, energy, and/or resources to seek out the truth. In other cases care is not present and the vote is for the party name, no matter who is on the ballot. Alternatively, there are numbers of situations where the candidate is most vocal on one side of an issue and in office takes the exact opposite position, even seeking to cover up the actual vote on an issue.

In any case, the massive ship, known as economy, seems to be turning as most indications have been showing substantial improvement. There are even reports of good jobs being unfilled because of a lack of qualified applicants. Part of that may be due to improper education or training in proper conduct in the fulfillment of the duties. Still, the reported unemployment levels have declined, except in those states and cities that have enacted exorbitant 'minium wage' laws and rules.

All in all, my outlook is more optimistic than for many years. A huge factor was the nomination and approval of Judge Goresuch to the US Supreme Court. Is seems like his legal outlook may have rubbed off on some of the more non-Constitutional oriented fellow members. If this continues, we could see really major improvements in the over-all well being of the Nation, States, and we citizens of what is still the greatest nation in the history of the World. However, it would be a mistake of the first order to decide to sit back and rest on our laurels that all is taken care of. We must be alert and 'hold their feet to the fire'.

Composed July 11, 2017

Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane

918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608


Saturday, July 1, 2017

VIEW: 17-28: Congressional Failure


By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-29


In the last week of June there has been much discussion in "Foggy Bottom", now referred to by PRESDT as "the Swamp" about Congress not finishing their work before Independence Day recess. Some of the more dedicated members have, rightfully, called for continuing in session to complete vitally necessary business. It should be remembered that the 'fiscal year' ends on September 30 and this recess means that the session will not resume until after Labor Day or September 8.

Primarily, in my opinion, because of the refusal of the minority (Democrat) caucus to even approach being reasonable and giving any ground on their excessive demands there still has not been a budget come out of the House. Of course it has been at least five years since there has been a budget passed and the Government has continued to operate on 'continuing resolutions' which just extend the overspending that has put us in debt for now over 21 Trillion Dollars. If this ever increasing overspending does not reverse, the USA will indeed be in a position of insolvency, which would lead to bankruptcy or a repudiation of the debt to the severe detriment of our people and the respect of our Nation.

PRESDT has put forth a 'tax plan' which would change the, nefarious in my opinion, income tax from numerous levels to only three. While that would be in improvement, it would still leave in place the need for the IRS "infernal revenue service" to collect taxes and demand difficult and expensive to prepare annual tax returns plus continual collections. So far Congress has not taken the subject up, or so it is reported by lack of news attention. This despite his campaign promise to move such forward.

I HAVE A SUGGESTION!! Over 10 years ago a book by talk show host Neal Boortz and then Representative John Linder, R-GA, proposed what was called the "FairTax". This would completely repeal all the multitude of income tax laws and replace them with a single 23% tax embedded in the sale price of all new products, thus collection would be done by the vendors, as is local and state sales taxes now. The taxes thus collected would go to the State taxing authority to be forwarded to the Federal, retaining a small percentage for the service. It provided for a "prebate" where the estimated such tax on the necessities of life at the poverty level in each location would be paid to each household at the beginning of each month, based on the number living there at the beginning of each year as reported annually. Those who prepared the report estimated that the massive reduction in expenses incurred in meeting the demands of the present tax code would more than offset the proposed 23% embedded tax so prices would stay the same or decrease. Each Congress since its introduction has seen the bill introduced in the House. At one time there were, reported to me, 65 co-sponsors, but the Democrat majority leadership would not even give it a hearing. At last report, a couple of months ago, there were 36 co-sponsors in the House this Congress, with all but one of the Oklahoma Delegation signed on. Here and now I am asking the Oklahoma Delegation, all seven, to push this bill through as a law to take effect on January 1, 2018 with all income tax laws to be non-enforced at that time. After a 5 year trial of this law, all the income tax laws could be repealed. The sixteenth Amendment which AUTHORIZED, not demanded, the income taxes could be repealed if the new program was even half as successful as suggested.

There is so much graft and corruption in the present system, and its management, that it will take a massive outpouring of support and pressure from 'outside the beltway' to even have a hearing allowed so that those in Congress would have to make a recorded vote on the matter and let their constituents then decide whether to allow them to be re-elected next time. My own two Senators and my, finest in my opinion, Congressman, Jim Bridenstine, will receive this by FAX and Email when finished. Mr. Bridenstine has been a co-sponsor each time while in office and Senator Inhofe has been in the Senate. Our Junior Senator is in his first term and no report has been available to me on his position. His record so far would indicate to me that he would look favorably on this if he isn't already aboard.

The rest is up to those of us favorably inclined to let our own Congressional representatives know of our feelings on the matter and press them to change opinion if necessary. It is long past time where we just let them go to Washington and be swayed by lobbyists to do against our better well being. Go, Go, Go!!!

Composed July 01, 2017

Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane

918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

VIEW: 17-28: More War Agains Chritianity


By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-28


It seems that every day a new item appears in the media that has a notable effect on the supposedly guaranteed'freedom of religion' contained in the First Amendment to the Constitution.. The first, quite negative, was the statement by Senator, and former Presidential Candidate, Bernie Sanders, S-NY at a confirmation hearing that 'in his mind NO Christian should EVER be approved for government employment' (not an exact quote). If he really believes this, no surprise to me, perhaps it is because of his professed political philosophy of Socialism, an atheist style of government. He is registered as "Independent" but in the Senate he is welcomed to caucus with the Democrat minority. It is beyond my understand how and why he keeps being re-elected and it does not speak well of the mentality of those in his state, or perhaps there is, like some other places, massive vote fraud!

On the other hand, with great thanks to PRESDT, his nominated newest member of the Supreme Court, Neal Goresuch, R-CO, seems to be having a, beneficial to the Constitution, effect on his fellow justices. In a ruling just announced the court decided, 7 to 2, in favor of a Methodist Church school in Missouri that was denied by the Missouri bureau a grant of Federal funds for playground equipment and was upheld by a State court, the District Federal court, and the, possibly Tenth Circuit, Appellate Court.

This, on top of the Court ruling, unanimously, in favor of the PRESDT executive order establishing a 90 day suspension of travel from seven Muslim governed nations where the extremist sects are the most active or in charge. It should be noted that these are the same nations named by PRESBO to be prevented from having nationals come to the USA. The district courts in Hawaii and on the West Coast had declared the order to be "unconstitutional" and , in my opinion suspecting they were in error, denied a 'stay of execution' of their orders. They were upheld by the ninth circuit in San Francisco, not surprisingly, and again no stay was issued.

In more local cases, it has become known to me from a most reliable source with first hand knowledge, that in at least one case a teacher in a K-6 school is teaching Islam to her classes while it is not permitted to mention GOD, JESUS, or Bless You on the school grounds. Again from first hand informants as well as other sources, it is known that the same prohibitions have been issued in the Air Force and Army Academies. The situation in the Coast Guard, Marine and Naval Academies has not been made known to me as of this time.

In the meantime, the appointive staff, and probably employed staff, of the Federal Government became loaded with Muslims, even at the top levels, during the PRESBO Administration. Those not of the appointive staff cannot easily be terminated, as was the usual situation prior the 1933-34 when the 'civil service' laws were enacted be a massive Democrat majority in both houses followed by an eager enactment by a Socialist minded FDR. In my mind, the whole play was to ensure the future sympathetic to Socialism and anti-Christian mid-set on the part of the bureaucracy into the foreseeable future.

Not to mention the uncounted numbers of Christians of various denominations that have been tortured, burned alive, beheaded brutally, and otherwise disposed of by the most violent of the Islamic sects like Wahabee, ISIS, and those in other radical nations, including Iran. In the latter case it should be remembered that it was PRESJEC (James Earl (peanut farmer) Carter who successfully pursued a course of action to depose the far more secular minded and friendly to the USA "Shah of Iran" resulting in the present situation where the 'president' is merely a puppet to the Imams and Mullahs who actually are ruling.

Of course, there are many more 'moderate', followers of Islam who abhor the extremes of the radicals, but because of the absolute death threat for speaking out are kept in the shadows. They may very well be more deserving of consideration, if not outright pity, because of their situation. Some of those happen to be in my circle of acquaintances and for what is considered their protection the subject is not mentioned by me in their presence.

Be that as it may, we of the Christian Faith MUST be willing to stand up, speak up, and be counted as the USA was founded as a Christian Nation and to remain free it MUST stay that way. There is hope!!


Composed June 27, 2017

Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane

918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608


Saturday, June 24, 2017

VIEW: 17-27: Constitutional Restoration


By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-27


Now that we have observed and celebrated the establishment of our Nation on July 4, 1776 by a written "Declaration of Independence" it seems proper to look at what happened a full twelve years later.

Another convention was called for the modification of the then 'law of the land', the State representatives had been meeting in the same building in Philadelphia to propose 'amendments' to be ratified by the still thirteen states. Make a note of this when approached by proposals for a "Section 5 Convention" to 'only' propose amendments to the Constitution for certain particular purposes.

Out of that convention came a document titled: "The Constitution of the United States of America".

In other words the convention decided to abandon the original law and write an entirely new document that was to become the established "law of the land" for the USA. The preamble to the Constitution is but one paragraph long with high principles stated. It reads: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common Defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America".

The document was signed by the participants on September 17, 1787 and ratified by the required 9 states on June 21, 1788. Three states refused to ratify until the "Bill of Rights", or first 10 amendments, were added. Two more amendments demanded were added later, being ratified on February 7, 1795 and June 15, 1804. It should be noted that there were only three more amendments added until the administration of Woodrow Wilson in 1913 when two more were added in one year. Both have served to reduce the freedoms guaranteed by the original Constitution. We have been told that President Wilson had suffered a debilitating stroke and affairs were handled by his 'chief of staff' an individual believed by many to have been an avowed Socialist. Now there are 28, with one having been repealed.

Amendment XVI (sixteen) AUTHORIZED Congress to 'lay and collect taxes on incomes', while XVII (seventeen) changed the selection of Senators from the State Government to the present 'popular election'. In my opinion, both of these onerous and detrimental amendments should be repealed!!! It seems that since that time there has been a continual quest to attack the individual freedoms that were originally guaranteed by the Constitution, and this quest has become much more strong and aggressive since the four administrations of F. D. Roosevelt beginning in 1933. His staff were just as aggressive in ignoring the Constitution as those of the most recent PRESBO Administration in my observation while living, and serving in military, through them.

This thrust on the part of followers of Socialistic government has been, and still is, showing up in the affairs of the two major political parties. It seems to me that the officials and elected office holders of the Democrat party are pretty much oriented that way. They actually allowed a 'non-Democrat', Bernie Sanders, to be a nominee for President last year. He is in the Senate as a "Socialist" or independent but meets with the Democrat Caucus. The totally nasty and false statements against their opposition sounds like typical Socialist or Communist followers around the World.

Meanwhile on the 'other side of the isle' there have been individuals of that persuasion who have made inroads into positions of power, and elective office, mascarading and registering in the Republican Party. Often, it appears, this is easily accomplished when no one else of a Constitutional mind-set is willing to step forward to act. Many claim that reticence is because "politics is such a dirty business', but that is often due to the misdirection of media personnel. My experience, begun purely by accident in 1968, has been that it is rewarding, very informative, and somewhat fun.

If we are to save this REPUBLIC and restore our freedoms, younger Constitutional minded people must act!! The beginning position is to attend the various political 'clubs' and the Precinct Caucuses, if and when they are held. Here the Republican precinct caucuses are in winter of odd numbered and presidential election years. That is where it all really begins!


Composed June 24, 2017

Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane

918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608


Thursday, June 22, 2017

VIEW: 17-26: Happy 246th USA


By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-26

HAPPY 246th USA Week of 2017/06/26

Yes, it has been a full 246 years since a group of men, representing the thirteen 'colonies' in the Continent of North America had been meeting in Philadelphia for some time. The reason for this meeting was to reach a decision on the future course of action in dealing with the British 'Kingdom' and the nefarious treatment they had been subjected to at the hands of the King and his military and commerce. The final decision was reached on July 2, 1776 and signed, we have been told, on July 4, when it was announced on the steps of the building by one of those attending.

The result of this meeting was titled: "The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America". In my opinion, as well as in many individuals earlier in the ensuing years, the resulting document remains the most dignified, clear, and factual written notice of dissolution of ties between one group of people and their rulers in the history of the world. These men were, again in my opinion, truly inspired by GOD, and must have been to have prepared and UNANIMOUSLY agreed to the wording.

Those stalwart gentlemen knew that by affixing each of their signatures to the document they were going to be declared guilty of treason and subjected to the most serious penalties, including death, should the 'parent nation' succeed in capturing them. The final sentence of the Declaration reads: "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. Indeed, some lost their lives in the ensuing 'invasion' by British and hired mercenary military forces, most lost their homes to fire and explosion, some watched family killed by the brutal troops.

Of course, given the slow pace of messages of the time, it was several months before the King received his copy of the Declaration and, probably, 'blew a fuse' ordering an all out war to 'put down the insurrection'. Most of us who are older than 50 years probably have learned in school about the so-called "Revolutionary War" of several years duration, a situation reportedly not true today.

It should more properly be titled the "War for Independence" in my opinion. The forces of the King were fed and equipped to the best limits available at the time while the men in the "Continental Army" were fighting with their own personally owned weapons and clothed mostly with their own clothes, subsisting on whatever would be available in the field. We all know of the successful result of this defense of our Independence, mostly due to the troops dedication and the Will of God changing weather in a number of instances to assure success on the part of the defenders.

So, each year we have set aside July 4 as the observance of the creation of what became the greatest, most prosperous, and most freedom for citizens nation in the history of the World. It has been looked to by oppressed people all over the World as a goal to become part of. And yet, there are still misguided or evil people elsewhere, as well has right here, who would do anything to bring down our form of government and bring us back to the slavery existent elsewhere and that was the rule before Independence.

Unfortunately, individuals of that mind set seem to have infiltrated the oldest existing political party, Democrat, and have made inroads into leadership in the now in the majority in Washington, the Republican Party. It should be remembered that the Republican Party was not founded until the early 1850s and was for the sole purpose of the abolition of the onerous practice of Slavery. It fielded an unsuccessful Presidential candidate in the 1956 election and was victorious in the 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln.

If we are to reclaim our lost freedoms and restore our world prominence, we MUST be welling to put forth the efforts exemplified by those signing the Declaration. We must be willing to rise up in indignation over the 'mean-mouthed' speaking of those in Party leadership as well as in the well known C/S mentality of the majority of those in the news (?) media and entertainment industry. One way to make our opinions and objections known, and felt, it to simply not patronize those appearing or the businesses who are their sponsors. A substantial reduction in popularity and thus finances would certainly be enough to claim their attention, or if not render them irrelevent. Happy Birthday USA!!!


Composed June 21, 2017

Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane

918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608


Wednesday, June 14, 2017



By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-25

TRIBAL (NATION) EXCESSES Week of 2017/06/19

A recent news story in the daily paper (print) stated that the Osage 'Nation' Tribe had won a round in their charges against the BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) regarding the 'invasion' of their tribal allotment lands, now labeled Osage County, by wind energy operators. Of course, the space limitations on the writer would not allow a complete explanation of the situation, if said writer had taken the time and effort to research all aspects.

If my understanding of the situation is correct, the Tribe was allocated the land by the officials then in charge in Washington, back in the first half of the nineteenth century, or early 1800s. When the land ownership was dispersed to tribal members the minerals were withheld by the Tribe. Tribal 'Nation' Government officials have been, with reason it would appear, objecting to the construction of the 'windmill' generating towers requiring excavation for the foundations with the result that minerals, in the form of rock, were removed without compensation for the 'mining'.

At this point, it should be remembered that the discovery of oil in 'The Osage' resulted in the creation of a number of multi-millionaires among those on the tribal rolls. So far, my sympathies lie with the Osage as they have been mistreated, but have come out well. Unfortunately, far too many of those members were unable to handle their new found prosperity and fell into wastefulness and excesses, including abuse of alcohol. Much of that can be blamed on the corruption and/or ineptitude of the elected and hired officials of the time, a situation that has not, it appears, been corrected even today.

However, it appears that today the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction as has been shown in recent years where the BIA has imposed regulations deemed favorable to the Tribes to the detriment of individuals, particularly children who are taken from biological parents, for cause, and placed with Foster Parents. They then attach with them and later tribal government personnel object to the adoption, or even continuing foster care, of the children. This under the guise of the children not receiving exposure and education into the historical ways of the Tribe. Wayward judges seem to have their minds swayed or are fearful of criticism, by such as the ACLU, and render very questionable decisions which then serve to have a most detrimental effect on the children, both emotional and physical.

It appears that those actions to gain control of the children are, in many cases, based solely on the desire to obtain Federal funding and the children receive little or no benefit therefrom. There have been several such instances in recent years that have received national coverage. In one such case, decided here in Oklahoma, the poor child was subjected to months of emotional upset by being forcibly removed from the foster parents, to whom she had attached, and placed with strangers. At that time, my feelings were sympathetic to the 'family' of the child and foster parents seeing to adopt her permanently and give her their name.

More recently such a situation as this has become much more personal. My granddaughter in Colorado has been foster parenting for over three years to two part-Indian children, brother and sister, who were taken from their biological mother, for cause, in Pueblo County. Having different biological fathers their tribal connections are not the same and are very remote as at least one of the parents is in prison. For at least two years she has been attempting, with support of the County, to adopt them so that their last names will be the same as hers, to make things easier in school and elsewhere. She even is forced to receive court permission to bring them to Oklahoma to see 'grandpa', to whom they have strongly attached. The last time, we took them to Cherokee Village to see that tribal history which they loved.

They are closely attached to each other, but a very small tribe in Washington State has mounted a legal objection, but if successful the girl would have no tribal benefits, they would be separated and probably not be in as comfortable surroundings. She has had no support from her own Congressman there in Jefferson County and has encountered substantial personal expense in pursuing the case. It seems to me that there needs to be some compassion and common sense in these cases, 'for the children'.


Composed June 5, 2017

Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane

918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608


Monday, June 5, 2017

VIEW: WW IV Continues

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-24
WW IV CONTINUES Week of 2017/06/12
On June 2 news came out that there had been a 'tragedy in London' with 'several killed
and more wounded by a truck on 'London Bridge'. The surprise to me was that the scene was
'London Bridge' since it was my understanding for many years that said bridge had been
disassembled stone for stone and rebuilt at Lake Havasu, AZ. It turns out that Londoners had
been done a favor since a new 'London Bridge' had been built on the same location.
For the next at least two days the 'news' channels carried nothing else except repeats
of the same series of video and narrative sets to outtake the regular shows. To my disgust it
was quite some time before said channels would admit statements that it was "terrorism", with
most stating that it had not been determined. Then came the reports that another vehicle had
been following the truck and several men had jumped out with knives and began slicing the
throats of people, especially young women with at least six killed and more than a dozen
wounded. Finally came the report from a representative of the London police stating it was a
terrorist attack. Much later were reports that the perpetrators were shouting 'for Allah' and
then a claim from ISIS of responsibility.
This, of course, followed by a few days a truck bombing outside an arena north of
London with a larger number of young people killed. The question comes to mind of 'When will
the government drop the PC mask and proclaim what anyone with an ounce of common sense and
information knew that Islamic violent extremists had declared War on the whole Western
civilization. It has been pretty well documented that the Islam 'holy book' orders its
followers to operate 'jihad' and 'take over the World'. That makes it a World War, that I
consider WW IV because the so-called 'cold war' to me was WW III.
Most of the World nation leaders seem terrified to label this what has been just
described, to their own danger. They, including the USA, have limited the law enforcement and
defense facilities to investigation and observation of the potential terrorists. Strikes
against the heart of the ISIS and other centers have been limited or non-existent so far, that
is until the new PRESDT Administration allowed our forces to utilize the MOAB (Mother Of All
Bombs) to be used in Afghanistan against a small area of fighter tunnels, with it appeared
substantial success.
The first violent attack in this "declared by them but not by us" war occurred during
the PRESWJC Administration in 1996 on February 26 when a truck bomb was detonated in the
basement garage of one of the WTC 'twin towers'. This, fortunately, did not bring down the
building and there were limited casualties, but one is too many. It should be remembered that
for some years leaders, both political and cleric, in Iran had declared 'Holy War' on the West,
particularly 'That Satan, the US'. Most thinking people would have taken that as a ligitimant
war declaration and responded in kind, but not the sleepers here and in Europe.
Since then we all have been continually infiltrated with secret combatants designated
'refugees' who have arrived and promptly gathered in close enclaves. In some locations these
have become closed to local control and introduced Sharia Law and from which terrorists have
received training and orders to carry out their brutal actions, mostly against innocent
civilians. Those people have no intention to integrate into the existing society and are here
to conquer and install their own brutal form of Islamic laws and customs.
Finally, PRESDT has stood up and called it what it is and we hope it is not now too
little or too late. He needs our support to root out the disloyal office holders and employees
left over from the previous several administrations. We need to voice our support for his
efforts to him and the members of Congress and State Legislations, loudly!! To paraphrase the
late Gen. G. Patton: 'You do not win wars by dying for your country but by making that other
poor fool die for his country'. (He used his usual stronger words).
It seems it is up to us to make the foolish ones running things that we mean business
and vote out those who won't shape up. Congress, in particular, is shirking its duty to
IMPEACH those in the judiciary who rule according to their own bias or 'foreign law' rather
than the Constitution which is supposed to be the "Law of the Land".
Composed June 5, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Fw: the conservative view

        Another 'to the point and  accurate' from collegue and friend, Russell
Turner.  Too bad the BANNER Newspaper, which carried these good ones,
ceased publication in mid-March.                                        Bob




        Recently I was watching one of the old MASH episodes that had some parallels to today's main stream news. The theme of the episode was based upon the imaginary childhood friend of the main character, Hawkeye Pierce, who was portrayed by actor Alan Alda. During the episode Hawkeye told about his imaginary friend, he called his imaginary friend Tuttle. Whenever he did something wrong he would always blame Tuttle. If he was asked who broke the lamp or who wet the bed the answer was always Tuttle did it. While I agree that the old MASH show is fiction and for entertainment purposes, it reminds me of the fixation the mainstream media seems to have about Russians.

        The left-wingers and the mainstream media are all cut from the same cloth, I guess they have been indoctrinated as liberals and accept that belief as gospel. The defeat of Hillary Clinton last fall absolutely shook them to the core. Instead of accepting the fact that Clinton was a poor candidate and her philosophies were diametrically opposed to the founding of this nation, all they can do is blame the Russians for her defeat. Ever since the election the left has attacked president Trump and made countless accusations of collusion between people in his campaign staff and the Russian government; so far all of the allegations are just that, nothing has been proven. As far as I am concerned the left are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites, during the 2012 election cycle the left and the media mocked and made fun of Mitt Romney for saying that the Russians were a problem now the Russians are all they can talk about. Where was their outrage when then-president Obama was caught on an open mike telling an official from the Russian government to tell Vladimir Putin that he would have more flexibility on nuclear negotiations after he was re-elected. Another example was when president Obama used taxpayer money and resources in an attempt to defeat Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel, the silence of the media spoke volumes. When Hillary Clinton arranged the sale of 20% of America's uranium supply to the Russians the main stream media evidently didn't even consider it news worthy.

        Now the media is seeing Russians behind every tree and they are trying to take down a president with unfounded accusations. The left (which include the main stream media) are becoming like a bunch of pickpockets, they are trying to distract the American people while they attempt to disrupt the president's agenda. There has been hard evidence of Russian collusion with US officials, it just happens to have occurred during the Obama presidency.

        Imaginary childhood friends are a way for children to cope with growing up, but eventually they do grow up and no longer need their imaginary friend. The left needs to grow up and start taking responsibility for their shortcomings and stop blaming the Russians for everything. The American people are starting to get a can full of this constant drumbeat about the Russians and the attempt to sway public opinion with nothing more than a witch hunt. Maybe the mainstream media would sound more credible if they would just say that Tuttle did it.  


Monday, May 29, 2017

VIEW: 17-23: Education Failure

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-23
EDUCATION FAILURE Week of 2017/06/05
It appears to be a sad, but true, fact that, overall, the education system in that
REPUBLIC called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is continually failing both its students and their
parents, the ones who are paying for this now broken system. And it has been becoming worse
for several decades!!
In my 'school days' of the 1930s and into the 1940's we were taught the history of how
our Nation came to be free from captivity to a kingdom the king of which considered the
colonies to be nothing more than a source of revenue and some 'impressed' members of his
military. In the 16th and 17th centuries that military was the most powerful in the world,
especially at sea.
We received full instruction on the privations and risks the first immigrants went
through, surviving only with the kind assistance of the friendly native 'Indian' tribes. How,
despite the mistreatment of the 'colonists' by the British king, they were able to establish
and expand the population, land area, and economy of this 'new world'. The further misconduct
of his military presence toward the population and, when finally, they rose up and, peacefully,
issued a "Declaration of Independence" in writing from his control and how he then proceeded to
'put down the insurrection'. How with the help of GOD the outnumbered and ill equipped
volunteers managed by outstanding leadership to prove victorious and thus establish the way of
life and freedoms we now enjoy.
These facts are, in recent years, being left out of the curriculum of most public
schools. Multiple source information indicates that history being taught there begins with the
War Between The States, most commonly called the 'Civil War' of the mid-1800s. And in more
current events much is not taught, especially the wars of the last 100+ years. That might
explain why the students, even third graders, are so interested when our WW II Vets of Tulsa
visit, by invitation, and explain what went on in our own experience, even those of us who,
through fortune, were not directly involved in combat, but were none-the- less essential to the
Solid evidence of the above can be seen in the 'on the street interviews' some TV
shows have recently included. Many of those on camera indicate having no clue of the reason
for having Memorial Day but only see this weekend as a 'three day party weekend'. If other
subjects are the question, the answer seems to be the same total lack of knowledge. That is
even more prevalent when the location is 'on the beach' rather than on the street. Those
interviewees are most likely to be late teen, early 20 year old high school and college student
individuals, and of both sexes.
Now, as this is being written, it is the 'legal' and 'official' Memorial Day, changed
from the original May 30 some years ago to 'provide another 3-day weekend' by statute. While
the radio this morning has had substantial coverage of the reason for the observance and
calling for remembering the 'war dead' who gave everything they had to gain or further the
freedoms we enjoy by guarantee in the Constitution. Note, they are not 'granted' by the
Constitution, but are GOD given and guaranteed by the Constitution of the USA.
And yet we still have individuals, and groups of same, who ignore the purpose of the
observance and follow their hedonistic desire for wild parties and indulgences. I have even
been disappointed by the lack of reference to this particular Day in our calendar in some of
the churches. It seems to me that if the churches and clergy fail to give attention and
expression to this particular set aside day then their attendees will begin to feel that it is
really that much less important, to the detriment of our whole society.
In my own family for my lifetime there has, fortunately, been no incident of being
"Gold Star", that is having a member killed on duty. However, a number of dear friends have
had that experience. One lady had her Father killed in Pacific action at her tender age of
three days. Another had her husband killed in a plane crash after the surrender of Japan while
en-route to the pacific to provide search and rescue operations, possibly due to careless or
incompetent planned flight route across the southern Rocky Mountains where the required
altitude reportedly exceeded the loaded 'service ceiling' of the PBY he was flying. While
still in high school one of my classmates, and friend, was lost to pneumonia due to a careless
'medical technician'. That incident caused me to be much more attentive and dedicated when
placed in that position.
Composed May 16, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

VIEW: 17-23: Education Failure

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-23
EDUCATION FAILURE Week of 2017/06/05
It appears to be a sad, but true, fact that, overall, the education system in that
REPUBLIC called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is continually failing both its students and their
parents, the ones who are paying for this now broken system. And it has been becoming worse
for several decades!!
In my 'school days' of the 1930s and into the 1940's we were taught the history of how
our Nation came to be free from captivity to a kingdom the king of which considered the
colonies to be nothing more than a source of revenue and some 'impressed' members of his
military. In the 16th and 17th centuries that military was the most powerful in the world,
especially at sea.
We received full instruction on the privations and risks the first immigrants went
through, surviving only with the kind assistance of the friendly native 'Indian' tribes. How,
despite the mistreatment of the 'colonists' by the British king, they were able to establish
and expand the population, land area, and economy of this 'new world'. The further misconduct
of his military presence toward the population and, when finally, they rose up and, peacefully,
issued a "Declaration of Independence" in writing from his control and how he then proceeded to
'put down the insurrection'. How with the help of GOD the outnumbered and ill equipped
volunteers managed by outstanding leadership to prove victorious and thus establish the way of
life and freedoms we now enjoy.
These facts are, in recent years, being left out of the curriculum of most public
schools. Multiple source information indicates that history being taught there begins with the
War Between The States, most commonly called the 'Civil War' of the mid-1800s. And in more
current events much is not taught, especially the wars of the last 100+ years. That might
explain why the students, even third graders, are so interested when our WW II Vets of Tulsa
visit, by invitation, and explain what went on in our own experience, even those of us who,
through fortune, were not directly involved in combat, but were none-the- less essential to the
Solid evidence of the above can be seen in the 'on the street interviews' some TV
shows have recently included. Many of those on camera indicate having no clue of the reason
for having Memorial Day but only see this weekend as a 'three day party weekend'. If other
subjects are the question, the answer seems to be the same total lack of knowledge. That is
even more prevalent when the location is 'on the beach' rather than on the street. Those
interviewees are most likely to be late teen, early 20 year old high school and college student
individuals, and of both sexes.
Now, as this is being written, it is the 'legal' and 'official' Memorial Day, changed
from the original May 30 some years ago to 'provide another 3-day weekend' by statute. While
the radio this morning has had substantial coverage of the reason for the observance and
calling for remembering the 'war dead' who gave everything they had to gain or further the
freedoms we enjoy by guarantee in the Constitution. Note, they are not 'granted' by the
Constitution, but are GOD given and guaranteed by the Constitution of the USA.
And yet we still have individuals, and groups of same, who ignore the purpose of the
observance and follow their hedonistic desire for wild parties and indulgences. I have even
been disappointed by the lack of reference to this particular Day in our calendar in some of
the churches. It seems to me that if the churches and clergy fail to give attention and
expression to this particular set aside day then their attendees will begin to feel that it is
really that much less important, to the detriment of our whole society.
In my own family for my lifetime there has, fortunately, been no incident of being
"Gold Star", that is having a member killed on duty. However, a number of dear friends have
had that experience. One lady had her Father killed in Pacific action at her tender age of
three days. Another had her husband killed in a plane crash after the surrender of Japan while
en-route to the pacific to provide search and rescue operations, possibly due to careless or
incompetent planned flight route across the southern Rocky Mountains where the required
altitude reportedly exceeded the loaded 'service ceiling' of the PBY he was flying. While
still in high school one of my classmates, and friend, was lost to pneumonia due to a careless
'medical technician'. That incident caused me to be much more attentive and dedicated when
placed in that position.
Composed May 16, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Fw: the conservative view

        Russell must be using an ultra high power scope on his literary rifle,
I couldn't have said it better.  We all need to lean on our own Representative
and Senator, as well as those others we might know.  My practice is to
call to compliment those doing something good as much as criticize when
they don't.  The 800 number for the House is 1-800-522-8502 which will
be answered by the House operators and just say the name of the individual
member you are calling.  Their 'executive assistants' to a person have been
friendly and accomidating and remember the caller after a complimenting
call has come in.  They are the 'doers' if you need or want something.




        We Americans have become a people that like to look good on the outside even though the inside is rotten. I have seen individuals purchase an auto that on the outside looks pretty, but the engine, transmission and other vital points are in terrible shape. For some perverse reason many people will tolerate a junk heap that is totally unreliable as long as it looks good. Myself, I try to be a bit more realistic, I am willing to tolerate a few dings and scratches as long as the vehicle is trustworthy and sound mechanically. We conservatives look at life much differently than non-conservatives. Instead of trying to show off we tend to look at problems more in black and white and use logic to solve them. I have been keeping up with the Oklahoma State Legislature over the past few days; while there is an abundance of legislators with R's by their names, their actions prove them not to be conservatives.

        For months all we could hear on the news media was the budget hole our state is experiencing, and without all kinds of new taxes civilization would cease to exist. In my opinion too many of our legislators worship at the altar of big government. Their view seems to be that all of government must be funded regardless of the cost to the people actually paying the taxes. One bill that was voted down spoke volumes on the disrespect to the taxpayer. The bill to end the Political Swag was soundly defeated; this bill, according to its supporters, would have saved the Oklahoma taxpayers 28.5 million dollars per year. What is Political Swag? It is the practice of using taxpayer money for non-essential trinkets to promote agencies and departments; it is the same kind of junk that hucksters hand out to entice you to buy something you didn't need in the first place.

         Next was increasing the tax on cigarettes; while I have never smoked and don't intend to start, their logic for passing it is an insult to our intelligence. The supporters of the bill like to sit on their high horses and claim that their intent is to help people stop smoking. The whole idea to increase taxes on tobacco is just a way to get more money in the general fund. For untold years the taxes on tobacco have put millions of dollars in government; if tobacco is so dangerous just ban it and be done with it, but they know that there would be millions less to spend.

        Another grand idea was to increase the tax that we would have to pay when we buy a new car. Right now if you purchase a new car when you go to the local tag office it seems like you are buying it all over again  just to pay the excise tax and purchase a tag. One question I have, will any proposed excise tax increase apply to the Oklahoma Tribes, or will it only apply to non-tribal citizens?

        While there are some great legislators in the capitol there is an oversupply of those who are trying to put a slick paint job on a rotten system. There are too many legislators who are treating state government like an unreliable junk heap but it is we taxpayers who have to live with it.          

Friday, May 26, 2017

Fw: Seenager

This was forwarded to me by CHS '43 classmate & to her by another same.
    To those over 80, we understand it perfectly.  To those younger and yet to
get that far, remember it well, it can happen to you.                Bob

      I just discovered my age group!  I am a Seenager. (Senior teenager)

     I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 50-60 years later.

         I don't have to go to school or work.

         I get an allowance every month.

         I have my own pad.

         I don't have a curfew.

         I have a driver's license and my own car.

         I have ID that gets me into bars and the wine store. 

I like the wine store best.

      The people I hang around with are not afraid of

getting pregnant, they aren't afraid of anything, they

have been blessed to live this long, why be afraid?

            And I don't have acne.

            Life is Good!  Also, you will feel much more intelligent

after reading this, if you are a Seenager.

        Brains of older people are slow because they know so much.

        People do not decline mentally with age, it just takes them longer to recall facts because they have more information crammed into their brains.

        Scientists believe this also makes you hard of hearing as it puts pressure on your inner ear.

        Also, older people often go to another room to get something and when they get there, they stand there wondering what they came for.

        It is NOT a memory problem, it is nature's way of making older people do more exercise.


                SO THERE!


        I have more friends I should send this to, but right now I can't remember their names.

        So, please forward this to your friends; they may be my friends, too.




Bill Klintworth


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Fw: Trump & Russia

        This was in my 'in-box' this morning from the head usher at Kirk.  Looks
like he has re-awakened his 'TeaPartier' mind and become activist again.
Let this be a lesson to all of us!                    Bob
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Solomon , HRH
Subject: Fwd: Trump & Russia

        Remember when Donald Trump was business partners with the Russian government and his company got 53 million from the Russian government investment fund called Rusnano that was started by Vladimir Putin and is referred to as "Putin's Child"?             Oh wait that wasn't Trump it was John Podesta
        Remember when Donald Trump received 500 thousand for a speech in Moscow and paid for by Renaissance Capital, a company tied to Russian Intelligence Agencies?             Oh wait that was Bill Clinton.
        Remember when Donald Trump approved the sale of 20% of US uranium to the Russians while he was Secretary of State which gave control of it to Rosatom the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation?            Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton.
        Remember when Donald Trump lied about that and said he wasn't a part of approving the deal that gave the Russians 1/5 of our uranium, but then his emails were leaked showing he did lie about it?         Oh wait the was Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.
        Remember when Donald Trump got 145 million dollars from shareholders of the uranium company sold to the Russians?         Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.
        Remember when Donald Trump accepted millions in donations from Russian Oligarchs like the chairman of a company that's part of the Russian Nuclear Research Cluster, the wife of the mayor of Moscow, and a close pal of Putins?
     Oh wait that was the Clinton Foundation.
        Remember when Donald Trump failed to disclose all those donations before becoming the Secretary of State, and it was only found out when a journalist went through Canadian tax records?             Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton.
        Remember when Donald Trump told Mitt Romney that the 80s called and it wanted its Russian policy back. The Cold War is over?
    Oh wait that was President Obama.
Man... Trump's ties to Russia are disgusting."