Saturday, December 28, 2019

VIEW: 19-52: Shock, A Senate Committee Working

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-52
A pleasant surprise appeared in the Tulsa World, daily newspaper, on
December 21. Somewhat buried on page A-6 was an AP story credited to Matthew
Daly headlined "Senate approves 13 judge nominees".Well it's about time some
recognition in reporting be given to the Senate Judiciary Committee for actually doing
the assigned duties, that is processing judge appointments made by the president.
The story stated that the "Senators had confirmed a batch of 13 'conservative'
judicial nominees, bringing to 102 the number approved this year - more than twice
the annual average over the past three decades".
A radio talk show a few days later raised the number to 105, if memory is
accurate. It should be remembered that one of the PRESDT-45 promises in
campaigning was to nominate more Constitutionally oriented judges to the Federal
courts, a promise he has solidly, and it seems eagerly, kept.
It continues to state that this year numbers included 20 to the Courts of appeals
and bringing the total to those, in my opinion, rather notorious in past decades for
being "activist" oriented, courts to 50 in the three years he has been in office. He has
often ranted about the bias of the Ninth Circuit of Appeals Court, sitting in San
Francisco. In every case, the appointments have been to fill a vacant seat, telling me
that his predecessors were not doing their jobs in making appointments, or the Senate
was not moving to approve appointments that were being made. In some cases that
might have been proper since the candidate may have had the wrong, in the Senate
point of view, Constitutional persuasion.
Just a little background here, from my memory. During the administration of
PRESJC-39,D-GA, a cry arose from those using the Federal Court system, at all
levels, that the court dockets were overcrowded and Congress passed for him a law
which doubled the number of judicial seats and allowed him to appoint that number
as well as nominations for vacancies that existed or came open and thus he was
responsible for well over half of the resulting number of judges. Every one appointed
during his term of office, from January, 77 to January, 80, were of the more 'activist'
type giving the us situation we have been in since.
Of course, the Supreme Court was not affected. The Constitution provides for
establishing the Supreme Court and Authorizes the Congress to establish such lower
courts as seem to be needed. In any event, since all these Federal Judges are
appointed for 'life', it will be a number of decades before there will be a reversal of
what he is now on the way to accomplishing, to our benefit!!
Credit should also be given to the Judiciary Committee of the Senate which has
not been historically prompt in evaluating his nominations and passing judgement on
them to be appointed. In my memory is a nomination of one of my closest friends,
Wm. H. Erickson of Denver to the Supreme Court, I believe in the late 1970's.
He was extremely well qualified, but when he was seated for his hearing before the
Committee, the first thing out of the mouth of the then chairman, Paul Simon, D-IL,
was, as reported to me, "Mr. Erickson I'm here to tell you that unless you resign
your membership in Cherry Hills Country Club, you wont even get a hearing in
this Committee". According to Bill, he replied "Mr. Chairman, in that case you can
shove the nomination in your ear" and walked out of the room, my understanding
with the media cameras still rolling. Bill later became Chief Justice of the Colorado
Supreme Court.
This has stuck in my mind since because of the irony and displayed bias and
ignorance of Senator Simon, who was of the Jewish Faith but did not know that
not one Jew had ever applied to Cherry Hills because they had an older and equally
beautiful country club with no gentile members. I had a couple of chances to play
their golf course in professional association golf tournaments and can attest to the
ambiance there, but have never been on the Cherry Hills course..
In any event it was surprising to me to see the article in the World but thank
them for at least carrying it since the record of achievement has not bee seen
Composed December 27, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2019 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

VIEW: 19-52: Shock, A Senate Committee Working

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-52
A pleasant surprise appeared in the Tulsa World, daily newspaper, on
December 21. Somewhat buried on page A-6 was an AP story credited to Matthew
Daly headlined "Senate approves 13 judge nominees".Well it's about time some
recognition in reporting be given to the Senate Judiciary Committee for actually doing
the assigned duties, that is processing judge appointments made by the president.
The story stated that the "Senators had confirmed a batch of 13 'conservative'
judicial nominees, bringing to 102 the number approved this year - more than twice
the annual average over the past three decades".
A radio talk show a few days later raised the number to 105, if memory is
accurate. It should be remembered that one of the PRESDT-45 promises in
campaigning was to nominate more Constitutionally oriented judges to the Federal
courts, a promise he has solidly, and it seems eagerly, kept.
It continues to state that this year numbers included 20 to the Courts of appeals
and bringing the total to those, in my opinion, rather notorious in past decades for
being "activist" oriented, courts to 50 in the three years he has been in office. He has
often ranted about the bias of the Ninth Circuit of Appeals Court, sitting in San
Francisco. In every case, the appointments have been to fill a vacant seat, telling me
that his predecessors were not doing their jobs in making appointments, or the Senate
was not moving to approve appointments that were being made. In some cases that
might have been proper since the candidate may have had the wrong, in the Senate
point of view, Constitutional persuasion.
Just a little background here, from my memory. During the administration of
PRESJC-39,D-GA, a cry arose from those using the Federal Court system, at all
levels, that the court dockets were overcrowded and Congress passed for him a law
which doubled the number of judicial seats and allowed him to appoint that number
as well as nominations for vacancies that existed or came open and thus he was
responsible for well over half of the resulting number of judges. Every one appointed
during his term of office, from January, 77 to January, 80, were of the more 'activist'
type giving the us situation we have been in since.
Of course, the Supreme Court was not affected. The Constitution provides for
establishing the Supreme Court and Authorizes the Congress to establish such lower
courts as seem to be needed. In any event, since all these Federal Judges are
appointed for 'life', it will be a number of decades before there will be a reversal of
what he is now on the way to accomplishing, to our benefit!!
Credit should also be given to the Judiciary Committee of the Senate which has
not been historically prompt in evaluating his nominations and passing judgement on
them to be appointed. In my memory is a nomination of one of my closest friends,
Wm. H. Erickson of Denver to the Supreme Court, I believe in the late 1970's.
He was extremely well qualified, but when he was seated for his hearing before the
Committee, the first thing out of the mouth of the then chairman, Paul Simon, D-IL,
was, as reported to me, "Mr. Erickson I'm here to tell you that unless you resign
your membership in Cherry Hills Country Club, you wont even get a hearing in
this Committee". According to Bill, he replied "Mr. Chairman, in that case you can
shove the nomination in your ear" and walked out of the room, my understanding
with the media cameras still rolling. Bill later became Chief Justice of the Colorado
Supreme Court.
This has stuck in my mind since because of the irony and displayed bias and
ignorance of Senator Simon, who was of the Jewish Faith but did not know that
not one Jew had ever applied to Cherry Hills because they had an older and equally
beautiful country club with no gentile members. I had a couple of chances to play
their golf course in professional association golf tournaments and can attest to the
ambiance there, but have never been on the Cherry Hills course..
In any event it was surprising to me to see the article in the World but thank
them for at least carrying it since the record of achievement has not bee seen
Composed December 27, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Saturday, December 21, 2019

VIEW:19-41: The Crazy, Lying Democrat Party Leaders

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-41
It seems to me that there has become no limit to the ridiculous lengths that the
leaders of the Democrat Party will go in their attempts to demean and, if possible, destroy
their perceived enemies with an 'R' behind their name in the voting registration records.
And that extends down to those as low as myself now dealing with a major hacking in my
computer that keeps it from downloading any Emails. As a result of that, a few of my
recipient friends have reported that theirs to me have rejected, probably because the
mailbox is full.
That has brought to mind the notion that unless the right thinking forces in
Government stop winking at the various violations of the Constitutionally guaranteed civil
rights start arresting and incarcerating those who do such violations, as well as those
leaders who openly push their listeners to commit the violations, they will only become
worse until someone is severely injured or killed. It is a demonstrated fact of life that as
long as evil people get away with doing wrong they, and thers of like mind, will only
intensify and multiply their conduct.
All such activities usually begin with 'mean-mouthed' diatribes against the perceived
enemy such as we have heard and seen in various media occurring on the floor and in the
halls of the National Capitol. In 85 years of being bombarded with film, radio, and finally
TV 'news' casts of the activities going on never have my eyes and ears been so offended
by the mean faced intensity and nasty language being thrown out by individuals, including
women who could not be labeled 'ladies' at any time by me. Frankly such conduct, in my
opinion, is terribly demeaning to the expected dignity of either House of Congress and it is
sad that the elected leaders do not take a strong hand to quell such as soon as it surfaces.
But then, at least in the case of Speaker Pelosi, appears likely that she is afraid of the
most radicalized members of her caucus.
But then, it has been for some time that those elected to leadership on the Republican
side have failed to demand restraint in words and actions from the members when they have
the top leadership positions. Instead, they seem to feel that setting an example of good
conduct will rub off and make things develop the way they should from the opposition. Well,
I have news for them. It doesn't work. Wrongdoers must be called to account and censured
or expelled. In fact, the rules in both houses provide that any member can be removed from
Congress by a vote of the members, and it has been done in past years.
All that is fine, but it certainly enhances the problem when smaller sized government
leaders order their police to 'stand down' and let rioters continue to 'protest' and destroy
property and injure bystanders, such has been seen on a number of college campuses and
certain big cities whose officials must themselves be radical, or sympathetic to those in the
Taking all this into account, it seems most likely that the split-up of the Republic
known as the USA postulated in the book "The Last American President" by Richard
Engle will come to pass. Perhaps not in the exact way predicted, but still to result in a
series of small, few state, nations. The disparity of attitudes now prevalent among the
various states could be a snapshot of what is coming. All this could very easily come to
pass, even in what remains in my lifetime. But my feeble efforts will continue to cast light
on the goings on to, hopefully, side-track and delay, or prevent it from coming to fruition.
Only time will tell.
It has come to my attention that one of the worst things that is bring bringing this
problem to life is the heavy allowance of massive legal, and more massive illegal, invasion,
as opposed to immigration, of peoples coming here for the promised 'freebies' rather than
to really immerse in our way of life in order to improve their own. We should go back to
the requirements of past decades that someone coming here MUST have a citizen willing
to vouch and care for them. They must learn our language and have a desire to integrate
fully and become a fruitful worker, rather than send most of their earnings "back home".
It just is not feasible to indefinitely provide for non-citizens to live on the tax-paying rest
of us. Further the practice in some states to issue drivers licenses to non-citizens to use
as voting proof MUST be brought to an end.
Composed December 21, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr . © 2019 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK

VIEW:19-41: The Crazy, Lying Democrat Party Leaders

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-41
It seems to me that there has become no limit to the ridiculous lengths that the
leaders of the Democrat Party will go in their attempts to demean and, if possible, destroy
their perceived enemies with an 'R' behind their name in the voting registration records.
And that extends down to those as low as myself now dealing with a major hacking in my
computer that keeps it from downloading any Emails. As a result of that, a few of my
recipient friends have reported that theirs to me have rejected, probably because the
mailbox is full.
That has brought to mind the notion that unless the right thinking forces in
Government stop winking at the various violations of the Constitutionally guaranteed civil
rights start arresting and incarcerating those who do such violations, as well as those
leaders who openly push their listeners to commit the violations, they will only become
worse until someone is severely injured or killed. It is a demonstrated fact of life that as
long as evil people get away with doing wrong they, and thers of like mind, will only
intensify and multiply their conduct.
All such activities usually begin with 'mean-mouthed' diatribes against the perceived
enemy such as we have heard and seen in various media occurring on the floor and in the
halls of the National Capitol. In 85 years of being bombarded with film, radio, and finally
TV 'news' casts of the activities going on never have my eyes and ears been so offended
by the mean faced intensity and nasty language being thrown out by individuals, including
women who could not be labeled 'ladies' at any time by me. Frankly such conduct, in my
opinion, is terribly demeaning to the expected dignity of either House of Congress and it is
sad that the elected leaders do not take a strong hand to quell such as soon as it surfaces.
But then, at least in the case of Speaker Pelosi, appears likely that she is afraid of the
most radicalized members of her caucus.
But then, it has been for some time that those elected to leadership on the Republican
side have failed to demand restraint in words and actions from the members when they have
the top leadership positions. Instead, they seem to feel that setting an example of good
conduct will rub off and make things develop the way they should from the opposition. Well,
I have news for them. It doesn't work. Wrongdoers must be called to account and censured
or expelled. In fact, the rules in both houses provide that any member can be removed from
Congress by a vote of the members, and it has been done in past years.
All that is fine, but it certainly enhances the problem when smaller sized government
leaders order their police to 'stand down' and let rioters continue to 'protest' and destroy
property and injure bystanders, such has been seen on a number of college campuses and
certain big cities whose officials must themselves be radical, or sympathetic to those in the
Taking all this into account, it seems most likely that the split-up of the Republic
known as the USA postulated in the book "The Last American President" by Richard
Engle will come to pass. Perhaps not in the exact way predicted, but still to result in a
series of small, few state, nations. The disparity of attitudes now prevalent among the
various states could be a snapshot of what is coming. All this could very easily come to
pass, even in what remains in my lifetime. But my feeble efforts will continue to cast light
on the goings on to, hopefully, side-track and delay, or prevent it from coming to fruition.
Only time will tell.
It has come to my attention that one of the worst things that is bring bringing this
problem to life is the heavy allowance of massive legal, and more massive illegal, invasion,
as opposed to immigration, of peoples coming here for the promised 'freebies' rather than
to really immerse in our way of life in order to improve their own. We should go back to
the requirements of past decades that someone coming here MUST have a citizen willing
to vouch and care for them. They must learn our language and have a desire to integrate
fully and become a fruitful worker, rather than send most of their earnings "back home".
It just is not feasible to indefinitely provide for non-citizens to live on the tax-paying rest
of us. Further the practice in some states to issue drivers licenses to non-citizens to use
as voting proof MUST be brought to an end.
Composed December 21, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr . 841 Lynwood
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Friday, December 20, 2019

Fw: 19-51: Pesonal Note & Safety Concern

----- Original Message -----
From: "McDowell, Robert W., Jr., No.2" <>
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2019 10:42 AM
Subject: VIEW: 19-51: Pesonal Note & Safety Concern

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-51
Personal Note & Safety Concern Week of 2019/12/23
The subject matter here was planned for the week of October 14 but 'a
strange thing happened on the way to the office'. I received a diagnosis of
'Squamish cell cancer in a lymph node on my neck' resulting in seven five day
weeks of Radiation Therapy concurrent with six one day weeks of Chemo
Therapy at Cancer Treatment Centers of America - Tulsa. The combination of
time demands and side effect weakness prevented fulfilling my plans. I hope to be
able to fill in the missing items as more time and energy becomes available. In the
meantime my grateful gratitude and thanks for friends and readers who have raised
prayers and sympathy for my recovery.
One thing that continues to bug me is what appears to be a failure of
designers and builders of the myriad makes and models of vehicles being
produced for us to purchase and drive on the roads today. In some cases
perfectly good designs have been dropped and replaced with some actually less
safe and/or convenient to the drivers. That problem also seems to pervade the
professions of road and street design and construction. Those circumstances
must, however, wait for a different effort on my part.
Primary interest today is the placement of side mirrors on the front doors
of vehicles, particularly when they have a fixed protrudenance out from the
vehicle side. They do present a danger to individuals on foot that the vehicle
may pass too closely causing severe injury, or even death. One of the side
effects of my treatments has brought home to me one of the more serious
problems of this arrangements. The radiation treatments caused a substantial
loss of skin where the X-Rays entered my neck which made it most difficult,
and painful, to turn my head to the right to use that mirror. It one day dawned on
me that that location required a head turn of 90 degrees to use the mirror while the
one on the left (driver's door) only needed a turn of no more than half that, thus
removing the eyes of the driver too long from the front for safety.
That thought reminded me of a family situation back in 1959. Wife decided
it was time for a new car as she had been driving one of two left in Denver by her
Dad or Sister and Mother. Thus, a new Plymouth Sport Fury Convertible was
ordered to my specifications late in the model year in July or early August. In fact,
when it arrived we were told that it was the last convertible to leave the line that
model year. In particular, among some other 'niceties' it had side mirrors, but
they were placed on the fenders. They were, and are, nicely swept and so
designed to produce less air drag than the ones in use today, and because of the
location had a broader width of vision and little to no extension beyond the side of
the car. Thus the driver only had to turn his/her eyes rather than head to view the
sides of the car. A much, much safer way to operate.
Incidentally, the car is still in the family. It survived wife, her daughter
taking it to college in Gunnison, Colorado, on the West side of the Divide, Son
No. 1, Son No. 2, Daughter No. 2 and perhaps Son No. 3, and now has
returned to Son No. 2 who prizes it strongly and drives it sparingly and still look
new with about 100 thousand miles of experience. Among other 'conveniences'
the front seats could swivel out about 45 degrees for more convenient entry and
exit, it had 'push button' transmission shifting (much better in case of a need to
rock the car to unstick from mud or snow), and factory air conditioning, which
Son No. 2 was told by a collector wanting to buy it from him for a monster price,
'there was no convertible made that year with factory air' to which he replied that
he remembered it was there when it came. Perhaps the collector's information
was authentic but this one not included because of the lateness of its assembly.
In any event, it would be nice if someone would come out with such as
'aftermarket' to add, and complete with the current convex glass and remote
adjusting. Just a thought.
At this time of the Year it is appropriate to offer my prayer to each and
every one for a most joyful and pleasant Merry Christmas. But remember the
reason this is observed. May GOD be with you each and every day and send
His angels to protect you and yours from every evil as you live each day He has
given you.
Also, may the year coming, 2020, turn out to be even greater than you
could imagine!!
Composed December 20, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2019 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

VIEW: 19-51: Pesonal Note & Safety Concern

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-51
Personal Note & Safety Concern Week of 2019/12/23
The subject matter here was planned for the week of October 14 but 'a
strange thing happened on the way to the office'. I received a diagnosis of
'Squamish cell cancer in a lymph node on my neck' resulting in seven five day
weeks of Radiation Therapy concurrent with six one day weeks of Chemo
Therapy at Cancer Treatment Centers of America - Tulsa. The combination of
time demands and side effect weakness prevented fulfilling my plans. I hope to be
able to fill in the missing items as more time and energy becomes available. In the
meantime my grateful gratitude and thanks for friends and readers who have raised
prayers and sympathy for my recovery.
One thing that continues to bug me is what appears to be a failure of
designers and builders of the myriad makes and models of vehicles being
produced for us to purchase and drive on the roads today. In some cases
perfectly good designs have been dropped and replaced with some actually less
safe and/or convenient to the drivers. That problem also seems to pervade the
professions of road and street design and construction. Those circumstances
must, however, wait for a different effort on my part.
Primary interest today is the placement of side mirrors on the front doors
of vehicles, particularly when they have a fixed protrudenance out from the
vehicle side. They do present a danger to individuals on foot that the vehicle
may pass too closely causing severe injury, or even death. One of the side
effects of my treatments has brought home to me one of the more serious
problems of this arrangements. The radiation treatments caused a substantial
loss of skin where the X-Rays entered my neck which made it most difficult,
and painful, to turn my head to the right to use that mirror. It one day dawned on
me that that location required a head turn of 90 degrees to use the mirror while the
one on the left (driver's door) only needed a turn of no more than half that, thus
removing the eyes of the driver too long from the front for safety.
That thought reminded me of a family situation back in 1959. Wife decided
it was time for a new car as she had been driving one of two left in Denver by her
Dad or Sister and Mother. Thus, a new Plymouth Sport Fury Convertible was
ordered to my specifications late in the model year in July or early August. In fact,
when it arrived we were told that it was the last convertible to leave the line that
model year. In particular, among some other 'niceties' it had side mirrors, but
they were placed on the fenders. They were, and are, nicely swept and so
designed to produce less air drag than the ones in use today, and because of the
location had a broader width of vision and little to no extension beyond the side of
the car. Thus the driver only had to turn his/her eyes rather than head to view the
sides of the car. A much, much safer way to operate.
Incidentally, the car is still in the family. It survived wife, her daughter
taking it to college in Gunnison, Colorado, on the West side of the Divide, Son
No. 1, Son No. 2, Daughter No. 2 and perhaps Son No. 3, and now has
returned to Son No. 2 who prizes it strongly and drives it sparingly and still look
new with about 100 thousand miles of experience. Among other 'conveniences'
the front seats could swivel out about 45 degrees for more convenient entry and
exit, it had 'push button' transmission shifting (much better in case of a need to
rock the car to unstick from mud or snow), and factory air conditioning, which
Son No. 2 was told by a collector wanting to buy it from him for a monster price,
'there was no convertible made that year with factory air' to which he replied that
he remembered it was there when it came. Perhaps the collector's information
was authentic but this one not included because of the lateness of its assembly.
In any event, it would be nice if someone would come out with such as
'aftermarket' to add, and complete with the current convex glass and remote
adjusting. Just a thought.
At this time of the Year it is appropriate to offer my prayer to each and
every one for a most joyful and pleasant Merry Christmas. But remember the
reason this is observed. May GOD be with you each and every day and send
His angels to protect you and yours from every evil as you live each day He has
given you.
Also, may the year coming, 2020, turn out to be even greater than you
could imagine!!
Composed December 20, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608