Tuesday, January 29, 2019


This was in my mail box this morning. Haven't heard
many of these, but all are too good to go unseen. No
wonder DC is in such a mess and crooked. From last
co-founder of WW II Vets of Tulsa.

----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Andert
To: Deleated list, for their privacy and safety, Bob
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2019 6:06 PM
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: THE MOTHER of STUPID!

What the liberal does with Trumps miss ques. All is spread out. Look what we never hear or
read about. Spread the word. Old Paul

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: vauxall04@gmail.com
Date: Sun Jan 27 09:58:07 CST 2019
Subject: Fwd: THE MOTHER of STUPID!
To: undisclosed-recipients:;;

Plato was correct ..."If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government,
then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools." – Plato
"The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it."
--- George Orwell

Virus-free. www.avast.com

Saturday, January 26, 2019

VIEW: 19-05: Losing Privacy

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-05
LOSING PRIVACY Week of 201/02/04
In going through some older clippings recently, one from the daily
paper dated last October 14 surfaced with a headline that read: "DNA
data can identify those who never tested". Credit was given to Kristen
V. Brown of 'Bloomberg', which immediately turns on a mental 'yellow
light' because of the displayed C/F/S words and actions of it's owner,
former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a possible 2020
Democrat Presidential candidate.
The initial beginning states that the information now on file because
of "consumer" testing, meaning companies like "Ancestry.com, Inc. of
23andMe, Inc. (new to me) it would be possible to identify 60% of the
European descent people in the USA. This brought to my mind a reply
received from one of my recipients in Geneva, Switzerland that
remonstrated me for even suggesting a national DNA data base. It
became acceptable when explained that such a data base would be
'voluntary' and I would be a willing Doner, since my ancestry records
from birth parents are sealed in the birth records of the State of Missouri.
That situation is an ongoing bone of contention among those of
us who have been adopted, particularly from 'planned orphan' status.
It seems that the "Pendergast Machine" of Democrat politics had
operated for several decades a reported three hospitals in the
Kansas City area whose only purpose was births of babies to be
adopted. One of these was Willows Hospital which the record
shows to have been where I took my first breath of air. For
"protection of the privacy of the mother" records are sealed by
order of the domestic part of the Jackson County Court. This
court, even today of course with different judges than in 1926,
refuses for any reason to order them opened.
In February 2004 my youngest son was diagnosed with
two types of blood cancer. The first things the oncologists
wanted was 'family medical history', which of course was not
available for me. On calling the Court and speaking with the
clerk, she said it seemed reasonable for me to request the
record be unsealed and would 'speak to the judge'. A
couple of days later she called back and, seemingly in tears,
reported that he said "that is not an emergency". In answer to
my question of "what is an emergency" the reply was 'I have
no idea'.
The result was, because DNA? results from his siblings
showed no match, presumably for a source of 'stem cells'
and his condition would not generate his own, he had to
undergo six or eight months of chemotherapy. This resulted
in his complete loss of hair and the necessity for 'hip
replacement surgery" a year or so later. Thankfully his
employer, Continental Air Lines, was most understanding
and allowed him to return to 'active duty' a month later to
attend Boeing 777 maintenance school in Honolulu. He is
still in remission today, thank you GOD.
My original proposal for a national DNA data base
was for it to be voluntary. It certainly would be of great
assistance for identity in tragedy and criminal identification
purposes. Of course, those who have reservations about
the desirability of having a government operated such
data base have a very good point. Look at the current
reports of misconduct, especially in the federal DOJ that
has been grossly misdirected during several decades of
C/F/S minded administrations and co-operating
Congresses. It will take probably more than two terms
of Trump-like administrations to return the government
of the USA back to the "Rule of Law" of the founding.
Composed January 26, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

VIEW: 19-05: Losing Privacy

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-05
LOSING PRIVACY Week of 201/02/04
In going through some older clippings recently, one from the daily
paper dated last October 14 surfaced with a headline that read: "DNA
data can identify those who never tested". Credit was given to Kristen
V. Brown of 'Bloomberg', which immediately turns on a mental 'yellow
light' because of the displayed C/F/S words and actions of it's owner,
former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a possible 2020
Democrat Presidential candidate.
The initial beginning states that the information now on file because
of "consumer" testing, meaning companies like "Ancestry.com, Inc. of
23andMe, Inc. (new to me) it would be possible to identify 60% of the
European descent people in the USA. This brought to my mind a reply
received from one of my recipients in Geneva, Switzerland that
remonstrated me for even suggesting a national DNA data base. It
became acceptable when explained that such a data base would be
'voluntary' and I would be a willing Doner, since my ancestry records
from birth parents are sealed in the birth records of the State of Missouri.
That situation is an ongoing bone of contention among those of
us who have been adopted, particularly from 'planned orphan' status.
It seems that the "Pendergast Machine" of Democrat politics had
operated for several decades a reported three hospitals in the
Kansas City area whose only purpose was births of babies to be
adopted. One of these was Willows Hospital which the record
shows to have been where I took my first breath of air. For
"protection of the privacy of the mother" records are sealed by
order of the domestic part of the Jackson County Court. This
court, even today of course with different judges than in 1926,
refuses for any reason to order them opened.
In February 2004 my youngest son was diagnosed with
two types of blood cancer. The first things the oncologists
wanted was 'family medical history', which of course was not
available for me. On calling the Court and speaking with the
clerk, she said it seemed reasonable for me to request the
record be unsealed and would 'speak to the judge'. A
couple of days later she called back and, seemingly in tears,
reported that he said "that is not an emergency". In answer to
my question of "what is an emergency" the reply was 'I have
no idea'.
The result was, because DNA? results from his siblings
showed no match, presumably for a source of 'stem cells'
and his condition would not generate his own, he had to
undergo six or eight months of chemotherapy. This resulted
in his complete loss of hair and the necessity for 'hip
replacement surgery" a year or so later. Thankfully his
employer, Continental Air Lines, was most understanding
and allowed him to return to 'active duty' a month later to
attend Boeing 777 maintenance school in Honolulu. He is
still in remission today, thank you GOD.
My original proposal for a national DNA data base
was for it to be voluntary. It certainly would be of great
assistance for identity in tragedy and criminal identification
purposes. Of course, those who have reservations about
the desirability of having a government operated such
data base have a very good point. Look at the current
reports of misconduct, especially in the federal DOJ that
has been grossly misdirected during several decades of
C/F/S minded administrations and co-operating
Congresses. It will take probably more than two terms
of Trump-like administrations to return the government
of the USA back to the "Rule of Law" of the founding.
Composed January 26, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2019 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

Fw: Mexico is Angry

Just in my 'in-box' this morning. Had to send it on, especially to
those in the OK Legislature!! Way to go Nancy!!
Legislators, pay attention!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nancy Turlington" <turlingtonn@hotmail.com>
To: "McDowell, Robert W., Jr." <abdmcfpi@localnet.com>
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019 8:34 PM
Subject: Mexico is Angry

By Donna Griffin Irvin

Mexico is angry...
Wow! And make certain you read, at the bottom of this page, the part that says
it will take 30 more seconds to read.! Please forward to all you know and ask them
to forward to all they know.
The shoe is on the other foot and the Mexicans from the State of Sonora ,
Mexico do not like it. Can you believe the nerve of these people? It's almost funny.
The State of Sonora is angry at the influx of Mexicans into Mexico ! !
The state legislators from the Mexican State of Sonora traveled to Tucson to
complain about Arizona 's new employer crackdown on illegal s from Mexico . It
seems that many Mexican illegals are returning to their hometowns and the officials
in the Sonora state government are ticked off. A delegation of nine state legislators
from Sonora was in Tucson on Tuesday to state that Arizona 's new 'Employer
Sanctions Law' will have a devastating effect on the Mexican state. At a news
conference, the legislators said that Sonora, - Arizona's southern neighbor - made
up of mostly small towns - cannot handle the demand for housing, jobs and schools
that it will face as Mexican workers return to their hometowns from the USA without
jobs or money.
The Arizona law, which took effect Jan. 1, punishes Arizona employers who
knowingly hire individuals without valid legal documents to work in the United States.
Penalties include suspension of, or loss of, their business license. The Mexican
legislators are angry because their own citizens are returning to their hometowns,
placing a burden on THEIR state government instead of ours.
'How can Arizona pass a law like this?' asked Mexican Rep Leticia Amparano-
Gamez, who represents Nogales . 'There is not one person living in Sonora who
does not have a friend or relative working in Arizona ,' she said, speaking in Spanish.
'Mexico is not prepared for this, for the tremendous problems it will face as more
and more Mexicans working in Arizona and who were sending money to their
families return to their hometowns in Sonora without jobs,' she said 'We are one
family, socially and economically,' she said of the people of Sonora and Arizona .
Wrong! The United States is a sovereign nation, not a subsidiary of Mexico,
and its taxpayers are not responsible for the welfare of Mexico 's citizens. It's time
for the Mexican government, and its citizens, to stop feeding parasitically off the
United States and to start taking care of its/their own needs.
Too bad that other states within the USA don't pass a law just like that passed
by Arizona . Maybe that's the answer, since our own Congress will do nothing.!

*New Immigration Laws*
Be sure to read to the bottom or you will miss the message...
1. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools.
2. All ballots will be in this nation's language.
3. All government business will be conducted in our language.
4. Non-residents will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are
5. Non-citizens will NEVER be able to hold political office.
6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food
stamps, no health care, or any other government assistance programs. Any who
are a burden will be deported.
7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount at least
equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.
8. If foreigners come here and buy land, their options will be restricted.
Certain parcels including waterfront property are reserved for citizens naturally
born into this country.
9. Foreigners may have NO protests; NO demonstrations, NO waving of
a foreign flag, no political organizing, NO bad-mouthing our president or his
policies. These will lead to deportation.
10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be actively hunted and,
when caught, sent to jail until your deportation can be arranged. All assets will
be taken from you.
Too strict.? The above laws are the current immigration laws of
MEXICO.! If it's good for American's to obey Mexican laws, then it's good
vice versa.!!!

This will take less than thirty seconds to read. If you agree, please pass
it on. An idea whose time has come: Somehow, that doesn't seem logical. We
do not have an elite that is above the law. The self-serving must stop. This is a
good way to do that. It is an idea whose time has come. Have each person
contact a minimum of twenty people on their address list, in turn ask each of
those to do likewise.
In three days, most people in The United States of America will have read
the message . This is one proposal that really should be passed around. Pres
Trump is right on this issue!

You are one of my 150 (RWM). If you don't have twenty, pass it on to
whatever number you can.!
"The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a
living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living."
Sent from my iPad=

Fw: Mexico is Angry

Just in my 'in-box' this morning. Had to send it on, especially to
those in the OK Legislature!! Way to go Nancy!!
Legislators, pay attention!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nancy Turlington" <turlingtonn@hotmail.com>
To: "McDowell, Robert W., Jr." <abdmcfpi@localnet.com>
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019 8:34 PM
Subject: Mexico is Angry

By Donna Griffin Irvin

Mexico is angry...
Wow! And make certain you read, at the bottom of this page, the part that says
it will take 30 more seconds to read.! Please forward to all you know and ask them
to forward to all they know.
The shoe is on the other foot and the Mexicans from the State of Sonora ,
Mexico do not like it. Can you believe the nerve of these people? It's almost funny.
The State of Sonora is angry at the influx of Mexicans into Mexico ! !
The state legislators from the Mexican State of Sonora traveled to Tucson to
complain about Arizona 's new employer crackdown on illegal s from Mexico . It
seems that many Mexican illegals are returning to their hometowns and the officials
in the Sonora state government are ticked off. A delegation of nine state legislators
from Sonora was in Tucson on Tuesday to state that Arizona 's new 'Employer
Sanctions Law' will have a devastating effect on the Mexican state. At a news
conference, the legislators said that Sonora, - Arizona's southern neighbor - made
up of mostly small towns - cannot handle the demand for housing, jobs and schools
that it will face as Mexican workers return to their hometowns from the USA without
jobs or money.
The Arizona law, which took effect Jan. 1, punishes Arizona employers who
knowingly hire individuals without valid legal documents to work in the United States.
Penalties include suspension of, or loss of, their business license. The Mexican
legislators are angry because their own citizens are returning to their hometowns,
placing a burden on THEIR state government instead of ours.
'How can Arizona pass a law like this?' asked Mexican Rep Leticia Amparano-
Gamez, who represents Nogales . 'There is not one person living in Sonora who
does not have a friend or relative working in Arizona ,' she said, speaking in Spanish.
'Mexico is not prepared for this, for the tremendous problems it will face as more
and more Mexicans working in Arizona and who were sending money to their
families return to their hometowns in Sonora without jobs,' she said 'We are one
family, socially and economically,' she said of the people of Sonora and Arizona .
Wrong! The United States is a sovereign nation, not a subsidiary of Mexico,
and its taxpayers are not responsible for the welfare of Mexico 's citizens. It's time
for the Mexican government, and its citizens, to stop feeding parasitically off the
United States and to start taking care of its/their own needs.
Too bad that other states within the USA don't pass a law just like that passed
by Arizona . Maybe that's the answer, since our own Congress will do nothing.!

*New Immigration Laws*
Be sure to read to the bottom or you will miss the message...
1. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools.
2. All ballots will be in this nation's language.
3. All government business will be conducted in our language.
4. Non-residents will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are
5. Non-citizens will NEVER be able to hold political office.
6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food
stamps, no health care, or any other government assistance programs. Any who
are a burden will be deported.
7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount at least
equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.
8. If foreigners come here and buy land, their options will be restricted.
Certain parcels including waterfront property are reserved for citizens naturally
born into this country.
9. Foreigners may have NO protests; NO demonstrations, NO waving of
a foreign flag, no political organizing, NO bad-mouthing our president or his
policies. These will lead to deportation.
10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be actively hunted and,
when caught, sent to jail until your deportation can be arranged. All assets will
be taken from you.
Too strict.? The above laws are the current immigration laws of
MEXICO.! If it's good for American's to obey Mexican laws, then it's good
vice versa.!!!

This will take less than thirty seconds to read. If you agree, please pass
it on. An idea whose time has come: Somehow, that doesn't seem logical. We
do not have an elite that is above the law. The self-serving must stop. This is a
good way to do that. It is an idea whose time has come. Have each person
contact a minimum of twenty people on their address list, in turn ask each of
those to do likewise.
In three days, most people in The United States of America will have read
the message . This is one proposal that really should be passed around. Pres
Trump is right on this issue!

You are one of my 150 (RWM). If you don't have twenty, pass it on to
whatever number you can.!
"The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a
living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living."
Sent from my iPad=

Fw: the conservative view; 19/01/26

    WOW!!! Two good ones in one morning in-box.
Well done, Russell, a 'must-read'
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019 7:17 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        Our nation has been infected with a disease that has the potential to destroy our economy and the American way of life. That disease is called socialism. For many years our colleges and universities have hired liberal professors who have done a magnificent job of indoctrinating our young people into believing the failed policy of socialism. I read a recent Gallup poll about the views of our younger citizens; more younger Americans (18-29) now identify with Socialism than Capitalism – 51% vs. 45%. That's a 12-point decline in a positive view toward capitalism in just the past two years… back in 2010, 68% of young Americans viewed capitalism favorably.  By some estimates there are now 40 socialists in Congress, including the infamous 29-year old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who think it's a great idea to centrally plan the economy, jack up tax rates to confiscatory levels, and even nationalize certain private industries. Miss Cortez is advocating an income tax rate of 70%; that percentage may sound good to the elite who are at the top of the food chain, but socialism is nothing but a wolf in sheep's clothes. All socialists have a common belief; they believe that the government could centrally plan prosperity-- that a tiny political elite could engineer wealth and efficient productivity while simultaneously providing an endless supply of free benefits to the constituents who keep them in power.  Most American people get their news from the main stream media and they are, for the most part, socialists as well.  They will report on all of the good intentions of a socialist state, but they fail to tell you that in every case socialism has failed; one classic example is the nation of Venezuela.

        Venezuela is a country with vast natural resources, among them is their huge oil reserves. According to some estimates they are among the largest in the world. Venezuela should be an economic powerhouse. And decades ago it used to be. But today Venezuela is one of the world's most impoverished nations. What the heck happened that caused it to all go wrong? The answer is very simple - Hugo Chavez took control of Venezuela and engaged in radical economic and political reforms that awarded supreme power to the government (specifically to Chavez) while doling out crippling socialist programs that the country couldn't afford. In a time span of 20 years Venezuela's government went broke. The government of Venezuela nationalized businesses, private land, etc. But that made matters worse. Socialists cannot understand that when you take everything from the productive people those people will cease to be productive. If you do not allow a person to keep the fruits of his labor, he will stop producing those fruits. During the Reagan presidency he had an economic advisor named Art Laffer; Laffer created a famous graph called the Laffer Curve. Without going into detail, his conclusion was very simple; after a point, increasing taxes will cause a decrease in tax revenues.

        The current breed of socialists, such as Miss Cortez, does not seem to have a clue about the realities of how our economic system is supposed to work. 20 years is a short period of time, the socialist system has a track record of destruction. I do not want to see the United States go the same way as Venezuela. Anyone who understands our capitalist system understands the foolishness of people like Miss Cortez, but we need to understand that they are also dangerous. Humans have a bad habit of putting those kinds of fools in power. One of our founders once made the comment that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance; those of us who understand the founding of this country must not lay back and allow them to do to our country what they did to Venezuela.  


Fw: the conservative view; 19/01/26

    WOW!!! Two good ones in one morning in-box.
Well done, Russell, a 'must-read'
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019 7:17 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        Our nation has been infected with a disease that has the potential to destroy our economy and the American way of life. That disease is called socialism. For many years our colleges and universities have hired liberal professors who have done a magnificent job of indoctrinating our young people into believing the failed policy of socialism. I read a recent Gallup poll about the views of our younger citizens; more younger Americans (18-29) now identify with Socialism than Capitalism – 51% vs. 45%. That's a 12-point decline in a positive view toward capitalism in just the past two years… back in 2010, 68% of young Americans viewed capitalism favorably.  By some estimates there are now 40 socialists in Congress, including the infamous 29-year old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who think it's a great idea to centrally plan the economy, jack up tax rates to confiscatory levels, and even nationalize certain private industries. Miss Cortez is advocating an income tax rate of 70%; that percentage may sound good to the elite who are at the top of the food chain, but socialism is nothing but a wolf in sheep's clothes. All socialists have a common belief; they believe that the government could centrally plan prosperity-- that a tiny political elite could engineer wealth and efficient productivity while simultaneously providing an endless supply of free benefits to the constituents who keep them in power.  Most American people get their news from the main stream media and they are, for the most part, socialists as well.  They will report on all of the good intentions of a socialist state, but they fail to tell you that in every case socialism has failed; one classic example is the nation of Venezuela.

        Venezuela is a country with vast natural resources, among them is their huge oil reserves. According to some estimates they are among the largest in the world. Venezuela should be an economic powerhouse. And decades ago it used to be. But today Venezuela is one of the world's most impoverished nations. What the heck happened that caused it to all go wrong? The answer is very simple - Hugo Chavez took control of Venezuela and engaged in radical economic and political reforms that awarded supreme power to the government (specifically to Chavez) while doling out crippling socialist programs that the country couldn't afford. In a time span of 20 years Venezuela's government went broke. The government of Venezuela nationalized businesses, private land, etc. But that made matters worse. Socialists cannot understand that when you take everything from the productive people those people will cease to be productive. If you do not allow a person to keep the fruits of his labor, he will stop producing those fruits. During the Reagan presidency he had an economic advisor named Art Laffer; Laffer created a famous graph called the Laffer Curve. Without going into detail, his conclusion was very simple; after a point, increasing taxes will cause a decrease in tax revenues.

        The current breed of socialists, such as Miss Cortez, does not seem to have a clue about the realities of how our economic system is supposed to work. 20 years is a short period of time, the socialist system has a track record of destruction. I do not want to see the United States go the same way as Venezuela. Anyone who understands our capitalist system understands the foolishness of people like Miss Cortez, but we need to understand that they are also dangerous. Humans have a bad habit of putting those kinds of fools in power. One of our founders once made the comment that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance; those of us who understand the founding of this country must not lay back and allow them to do to our country what they did to Venezuela.  


Friday, January 25, 2019

Thought for the day

Gusher (Newspaper) Tulsa; 2018/08

(The Gusher is a monthly tabloid newspaper published in Tulsa
and available FREE at numerous stores in the area)

I dreamed that I went to Heaven and an angel was showing me
around. We walked side-by-side inside a large workroom filled with
angels. My angel guide stopped in front of the first section and said:
'This is the first section and is the Receiving Section. Here all petitions
to GOD said in prayer are received'. I looked around in this area and
it was terribly busy with so many angels sorting out petitions written on
voluminous paper sheets and scraps from people all over the World.
Then we moved on down a long corridor until we reached the
second section. The angel then said to me, 'This is the Packaging
and Delivery Section. Here huge graces and blessings the people
asked for are processed and delivered to the living persons who
asked for them'. I noticed again how busy it was there. There were
many angels working hard in that station, since so many blessings
had been requested and were being packaged for delivery to Earth.
Finally, at the farthest end of the long corridor we stopped at
the door of a very small station. To my great surprise, only one
angel was seated there, idly doing nothing. 'This is the
Acknowledgment Section', my angel friend quietly admitted to me.
He seemed embarrassed. "How is it that there is no work going
on here"? I asked. 'So sad,' the angel sighed. 'After people
receive the blessings that they asked for, very few send back
acknowledgments'. "How does one acknowledge GOD's
blessings?" I asked. 'Simple', the angel answered., 'just say
"Thank you, LORD".
"What blessings should they acknowledge?" I asked. 'If
you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof
overhead and a place to sleep you are richer than 75% of this
World. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare
change in a dish, you are among the top 8% of the World's
wealthy.' 'If you woke up this morning with more health than
illness, you are more blessed than many who will not even
survive this day'. 'If you have never experienced the fear in
battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture,
or the pangs of starvation, you are ahead of 700 million people
in the World'. 'If you can attend a church without the fear of
harassment, arrest, torture or death you are envied by, and
more blessed than, three billion people in the World. If your
parents are still alive and still married, you are very rare. If
you can hold your head up and smile, you are not the norm,
you're unique to all those in doubt and despair'.
Ok, what now? How can I start? If you can read
this message, you just received a double blessing in that
someone was thinking of you as very special and you are
more blessed than over two billion people in the World who
cannot read at all.
Have a good day, count your blessings, and if you care
to, pass this along to remind everyone else how blessed we
are. Then you can send a prayer to the Acknowledge
Here is the prayer. "Thank you LORD, for giving me
the ability to share this message and for giving me so many
wonderful people with whom to share it."


This seems worth spreading. Nancy is assoc. member of
WW II Vets of Tulsa, now called All Veterans Assn.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nancy Turlington" <turlingtonn@hotmail.com>
To:Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 1:57 PM


He was getting old and paunchy
And his hair was falling fast,
And he sat around the Legion,
Telling stories of the past.

Of a war that he once fought in
And the deeds that he had done,
In his exploits with his buddies;
They were heroes, every one.

And 'tho sometimes to his neighbors
His tales became a joke,
All his buddies listened quietly
For they knew where of he spoke.

But we'll hear his tales no longer,
For ol' Joe has passed away,
And the world's a little poorer
For a Veteran died today.

He won't be mourned by many,
Just his children and his wife.
For he lived an ordinary,
Very quiet sort of life.

He held a job and raised a family,
Going quietly on his way;
And the world won't note his passing,
'Tho a Veteran died today.

When politicians leave this earth,
Their bodies lie in state,
While thousands note their passing,
And proclaim that they were great.

Papers tell of their life stories
From the time that they were young,
But the passing of a Veteran
Goes unnoticed, and unsung.
Is the greatest contribution
To the welfare of our land,
Some jerk who breaks his promise
And cons his fellow man?

Or the ordinary fellow
Who in times of war and strife,
Goes off to serve his country
And offers up his life?

The politician's stipend
And the style in which he lives,
Are often disproportionate,
To the service that he gives.

While the ordinary Veteran,
Who offered up his all,
Is paid off with a medal
And perhaps a pension, small.

It is not the politicians
With their compromise and ploys,
Who won for us the freedom
That our country now enjoys

Should you find yourself in danger,
With your enemies at hand,
Would you really want some cop-out,
With his ever-waffling stand?

Or would you want a Veteran
His home, his country, his kin,
Just a common Veteran,
Who would fight until the end.

He was just a common Veteran,
And his ranks are growing thin,
But his presence should remind us
We may need his likes again.
For when countries are in conflict,
We find the Veteran's part,
Is to clean up all the troubles
That the politicians start.
If we cannot do him honor
While he's here to hear the praise,
Then at least let's give him homage
At the ending of his days.
Perhaps just a simple headline
In the paper that might say:
Sent from my iPad=


This seems worth spreading. Nancy is assoc. member of
WW II Vets of Tulsa, now called All Veterans Assn.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nancy Turlington" <turlingtonn@hotmail.com>
To:Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 1:57 PM


He was getting old and paunchy
And his hair was falling fast,
And he sat around the Legion,
Telling stories of the past.

Of a war that he once fought in
And the deeds that he had done,
In his exploits with his buddies;
They were heroes, every one.

And 'tho sometimes to his neighbors
His tales became a joke,
All his buddies listened quietly
For they knew where of he spoke.

But we'll hear his tales no longer,
For ol' Joe has passed away,
And the world's a little poorer
For a Veteran died today.

He won't be mourned by many,
Just his children and his wife.
For he lived an ordinary,
Very quiet sort of life.

He held a job and raised a family,
Going quietly on his way;
And the world won't note his passing,
'Tho a Veteran died today.

When politicians leave this earth,
Their bodies lie in state,
While thousands note their passing,
And proclaim that they were great.

Papers tell of their life stories
From the time that they were young,
But the passing of a Veteran
Goes unnoticed, and unsung.
Is the greatest contribution
To the welfare of our land,
Some jerk who breaks his promise
And cons his fellow man?

Or the ordinary fellow
Who in times of war and strife,
Goes off to serve his country
And offers up his life?

The politician's stipend
And the style in which he lives,
Are often disproportionate,
To the service that he gives.

While the ordinary Veteran,
Who offered up his all,
Is paid off with a medal
And perhaps a pension, small.

It is not the politicians
With their compromise and ploys,
Who won for us the freedom
That our country now enjoys

Should you find yourself in danger,
With your enemies at hand,
Would you really want some cop-out,
With his ever-waffling stand?

Or would you want a Veteran
His home, his country, his kin,
Just a common Veteran,
Who would fight until the end.

He was just a common Veteran,
And his ranks are growing thin,
But his presence should remind us
We may need his likes again.
For when countries are in conflict,
We find the Veteran's part,
Is to clean up all the troubles
That the politicians start.
If we cannot do him honor
While he's here to hear the praise,
Then at least let's give him homage
At the ending of his days.
Perhaps just a simple headline
In the paper that might say:
Sent from my iPad=

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Fw: [Hypocrisy at its worst]

        Great, Nancy.  Facts speak louder than shouts.
I'm doing my small part to spread the  facts.   Bob
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2019 7:46 AM
Subject: [Hypocrisy at its worst]

                Subject: Hypocrisy at its worst

Derick Wilburn is a black, Conservative writer.

        He writes:  "I can't fault them for wanting to live in a beautiful home in a beautiful neighborhood. It's the hypocrisy that gets me. Campaign against the top 1%, and then lose and fall in line with the top 1%. Something STRANGE happens when Democrats leave the White House...

       After their exodus from the White House, the Obamas joined another rarified club, that of the ruling liberal elite class owning multiple Ultra-expensive homes in highly exclusive communities that none in America can afford, save the one percenters. The very same one Percenters whom they rant and rail against as being the greedy, egocentric millionaires who simply have too much - following the likes of Bill and Hillary Clinton who (despite Hillary's claim that they left The White House dead broke) somehow managed to educate their daughter at Stanford, Oxford, NYU and Columbia ($500,000?), acquire a $1.7 million estate in Chappaqua and a $2.85 million mansion in Georgetown and then Bernie Sanders who, shortly after ending his 2016 presidential bid, bought his third home, a $600,000 lakefront vacation house on Lake Champlain.

     Barack and Michelle have real estate designs of their own. Earlier this year it was revealed that upon his leaving the presidency the Obamas will not be returning to Chicago. They will instead be moving into a $6 million, 8,200-square foot, 9-bedroom 12-bathroom mansion in Kalorama, one of the Washington District's most posh, desirable and exclusive neighborhoods in the heart of one of America's wealthiest zip codes. With daughter Malia off to college, that leaves just Barack, Michelle and Sasha until the younger daughter graduates high school in 2018. Nothing says they care about climate change, energy consumption and our CO2 footprint more than keeping an 8,200-square foot house heated and air conditioned year round for just three people. The hypocrisy and 'do as I say not as I do' hubris of all these wealthy climate change proponents is sickening. By the way, the Obamas' new home is just two doors down from Clinton campaign manager, John Podesta, who recently lost the most significant campaign of his life.

     But that's not the new news. We have now learned Barack and Michelle are the proud owners of yet another home, this one on the Left Coast. As reported by Page Six and other sources, the Obamas have a new home in Rancho Mirage, California. Rancho Mirage is a popular golf getaway which would explain its attraction to the ex-golfer-in-chief. By some counts this makes the Obamas' fifth home.  Also from Page Six, the Obamas are also said to have bought a holiday getaway in Obama's childhood home state of Hawaii. How many American families own five of anything, let alone houses in Hawaii that they see once a year or so. Most of us are blessed if able to rent a hotel room or condo in Hawaii once a decade or a life time.

         The relocation habits of Democrats leaving office is very interesting. For example, having been voted out of office in 2014, Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu didn't return to Louisiana. Instead she made her 7,300-square foot $2.5 million Washington DC mansion her new home. Rather than returning to Little Rock, when Bill and Hillary left the White House, they chose the liberal, ultra-wealthy haven of Chappaqua, New York with its average household income of $285,801 and average household net worth of $1,564,366 for their new residence.

         Now it's the Obamas' turn. Are they going back to Chicago to live amongst the little people and take their chances becoming yet another statistic (total number shot as of this writing this year: 3,961)? No, not so much. They, like the others, are moving into a private, secured community to live in a house big enough for five families where they will host cocktail parties for golf buddies and other millionaire and billionaire friends.  Yet like the Sanders, Landrieus and Clintons of the world, they will accept exorbitant five-, six-, even seven-figure speaking fees to give speeches about how the rich in our country are steadily pulling away from everyone else and increasingly isolating themselves. About how the concentration of wealth at the top is allowing some Americans to own multiple houses, vacation when and as they please and live lives most of the rest of the country cannot fathom.  They'll blather on and on about how the rich are a big part of the problems in our country but they gladly join them hoping no one will notice. Well, we did!

         (Harry Truman once said, "One cannot become wealthy being a president unless you are doing something crooked.")

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Fw: the conservative view

        Way to go Russell.  This is one of the most clear and
concise statements of our political problems I've seen
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019 7:31 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        Anyone who has half a brain should be able to see the sad way our country is headed. It is a fact that we are no longer a nation of shared values. There are those of us who believe in and cherish the founding principles that this nation was founded upon, and then there are the others who have been indoctrinated by our liberal education system. Too many of our people have bought into the idea that the government is the answer to all of our problems and the belief that the majority should rule. Our founders warned us about this kind of mentality; that is why our founders created a Democratic Republic. A democracy always degrades into a rule by the mob; some have even called it mobocracy. Throughout history democracies always burn themselves out; humans have an inherent tendency to vote for what is good for them and couldn't care less what their actions do to someone else.

        The way we elect our president is with the Electoral College; it was a brilliant design that prevents the more populous states from enslaving the less populated states. In the last presidential election the vast majority of the land mass of our nation voted for Donald Trump, the areas that voted for Hillary Clinton were very small and mostly centered on the left coast of California and the left coast of New York. If we had a system where the popular vote determined our president those very small areas would be selecting our chief executive. The Electoral College system worked exactly how it was supposed to, the alternative would be small geographic areas on our two left coasts imposing their values on the people occupying the vast majority of the land mass of this country.

        On the first day that the democrats took control of the US House of Representatives, Democrat member Steven Cohen introduced a bill that would abolish the Electoral College. Fortunately the bill has little chance of passing, but those of us who understand the wisdom of the Electoral College need to be ever vigilant of the misguided attempts to abolish it. It has been my observation that some of the most hair brain socialist ideas seems to start in California. They have passed so many liberal laws that they are causing an exodus of their most productive people. We have been fortunate that many of their failed ideas have stayed in their state, but if we are foolish enough to abolish the Electoral College those ideas will spread across our country like wildfire. Our country has already endured a civil war, and doing away with the Electoral College could be the spark that would start another one. When you look at history the civil war was not just to free the slaves, economics and government policies were a major factor. Throughout history anytime a small geographic area can dictate what the rest has to live by there is always friction. Usually that friction evolves into war. What might work in California probably won't work in Oklahoma, Kansas or Arkansas. The Electoral College has been a great safeguard against small, densely populated areas controlling the rest of the nation. It has kept the peace in our nation for over 200 years and it would be foolish to abolish that protection to preserve the peace.     

Fw: the conservative view;2019/01/19

        Way to go Russell.  This is one of the most clear and
concise statements of our political problems I've seen
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019 7:31 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        Anyone who has half a brain should be able to see the sad way our country is headed. It is a fact that we are no longer a nation of shared values. There are those of us who believe in and cherish the founding principles that this nation was founded upon, and then there are the others who have been indoctrinated by our liberal education system. Too many of our people have bought into the idea that the government is the answer to all of our problems and the belief that the majority should rule. Our founders warned us about this kind of mentality; that is why our founders created a Democratic Republic. A democracy always degrades into a rule by the mob; some have even called it mobocracy. Throughout history democracies always burn themselves out; humans have an inherent tendency to vote for what is good for them and couldn't care less what their actions do to someone else.

        The way we elect our president is with the Electoral College; it was a brilliant design that prevents the more populous states from enslaving the less populated states. In the last presidential election the vast majority of the land mass of our nation voted for Donald Trump, the areas that voted for Hillary Clinton were very small and mostly centered on the left coast of California and the left coast of New York. If we had a system where the popular vote determined our president those very small areas would be selecting our chief executive. The Electoral College system worked exactly how it was supposed to, the alternative would be small geographic areas on our two left coasts imposing their values on the people occupying the vast majority of the land mass of this country.

        On the first day that the democrats took control of the US House of Representatives, Democrat member Steven Cohen introduced a bill that would abolish the Electoral College. Fortunately the bill has little chance of passing, but those of us who understand the wisdom of the Electoral College need to be ever vigilant of the misguided attempts to abolish it. It has been my observation that some of the most hair brain socialist ideas seems to start in California. They have passed so many liberal laws that they are causing an exodus of their most productive people. We have been fortunate that many of their failed ideas have stayed in their state, but if we are foolish enough to abolish the Electoral College those ideas will spread across our country like wildfire. Our country has already endured a civil war, and doing away with the Electoral College could be the spark that would start another one. When you look at history the civil war was not just to free the slaves, economics and government policies were a major factor. Throughout history anytime a small geographic area can dictate what the rest has to live by there is always friction. Usually that friction evolves into war. What might work in California probably won't work in Oklahoma, Kansas or Arkansas. The Electoral College has been a great safeguard against small, densely populated areas controlling the rest of the nation. It has kept the peace in our nation for over 200 years and it would be foolish to abolish that protection to preserve the peace.     

Friday, January 18, 2019


Late, but better late than never. When received, my outgoing
Emails were in the "election block" and not being received by
anyone in the address list, including myself.

----- Original Message -----
From: James Solomon
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 12:53 PM
Subject: Fwd: SAD, SAD, SAD. . . UNBELIEVABLE !!!!!!

Begin forwarded message:

The disgraceful Members of Congress ..

This is mind boggling. This is sad, sad, sad, bad enough to see
it happen with sports, but now it is in schools and even Congress….
SICK!!!! If they won't stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance,
they have no place in our Congress.


It's mind boggling WHY the American voters continue keeping
these people in office. Any member of the house or senate that
refuse to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance in the
Chambers should be escorted out by the Sergeant at Arms
until they comply. If your allegiance is not with this country
and our flag, just who is it with?

I'm sure they're all dumocrats
Forward this to everyone!

Vote all these B's out of office

This e-mail message and all attachments transmitted with it may contain legally privileged and
confidential information intended solely for the use of the addressee. If the reader of this
message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any reading, dissemination,
distribution, copying, or other use of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited.
If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete
this message from your system. Thank you.


Late, but better late than never. When received, my outgoing
Emails were in the "election block" and not being received by
anyone in the address list, including myself.

----- Original Message -----
From: James Solomon
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 12:53 PM
Subject: Fwd: SAD, SAD, SAD. . . UNBELIEVABLE !!!!!!

Begin forwarded message:

The disgraceful Members of Congress ..

This is mind boggling. This is sad, sad, sad, bad enough to see
it happen with sports, but now it is in schools and even Congress….
SICK!!!! If they won't stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance,
they have no place in our Congress.


It's mind boggling WHY the American voters continue keeping
these people in office. Any member of the house or senate that
refuse to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance in the
Chambers should be escorted out by the Sergeant at Arms
until they comply. If your allegiance is not with this country
and our flag, just who is it with?

I'm sure they're all dumocrats
Forward this to everyone!

Vote all these B's out of office

This e-mail message and all attachments transmitted with it may contain legally privileged and
confidential information intended solely for the use of the addressee. If the reader of this
message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any reading, dissemination,
distribution, copying, or other use of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited.
If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete
this message from your system. Thank you.


        Another confirmation of what I have understood to be
the situation on the bordering ranches.  If you have access
to any in Congress, as well as the WH, pass it on.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 6:57 PM

From a Texan: THE REAL STORY!!

"I live 1/2 mile from the border in El Indio Texas.

        Last week, we had over 40 people pass through our ranch. One group of about 15 men pulled a gun on my husband and had a 13 yr old Mexican girl that they kidnapped from Guerrerro, MX. She had blood all over her and had urinated on herself.

        My husband was able to, with the help of Border Patrol agents in a helicopter who passed over, get the gun from the illegal man (he was Honduran) and they rushed the poor girl to the emergency room for help because she had in fact been kidnapped and gang raped by these men.

        This is just one of many stories we have.

        Two nights ago, 3 men came up to our house. One of them was an elderly man who was almost dead. We gave them water and protein bars, called BP and 911 for the man to go to the emergency room.

        We are kind people and believe in helping people in need BUT there have been 3 attacks on my husband on our ranch, 2 of which were directly at my home, in the last 3 months.

        And that really means something because we are considered an area that does not NEED a lot of help!!!

        I got so MAD when I watched and heard what Pelosi and Schumer said concerning Trump's "manufactured" drama with the border. That is such garbage!!!! They are ignorant liars!!! How many people have to be hurt or attacked?  There has to be someone in our government who stands up and helps our Border Patrol. From Eagle Pass to Laredo, there are only 3-5 guys on call, and it could be 2 guys against a group of 50+.

        Its horrible!! We need help!! The wall needs to be built, not at the port of entries but between them.

        Pelosi is a moron if she thinks that added more security at the borders will help because, Hello Nancy, they are NOT COMING THROUGH THE BORDERS. THEY ARE COMING THROUGH MESQUITE AND BRUSH.


        Another confirmation of what I have understood to be
the situation on the bordering ranches.  If you have access
to any in Congress, as well as the WH, pass it on.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 6:57 PM

From a Texan: THE REAL STORY!!

"I live 1/2 mile from the border in El Indio Texas.

        Last week, we had over 40 people pass through our ranch. One group of about 15 men pulled a gun on my husband and had a 13 yr old Mexican girl that they kidnapped from Guerrerro, MX. She had blood all over her and had urinated on herself.

        My husband was able to, with the help of Border Patrol agents in a helicopter who passed over, get the gun from the illegal man (he was Honduran) and they rushed the poor girl to the emergency room for help because she had in fact been kidnapped and gang raped by these men.

        This is just one of many stories we have.

        Two nights ago, 3 men came up to our house. One of them was an elderly man who was almost dead. We gave them water and protein bars, called BP and 911 for the man to go to the emergency room.

        We are kind people and believe in helping people in need BUT there have been 3 attacks on my husband on our ranch, 2 of which were directly at my home, in the last 3 months.

        And that really means something because we are considered an area that does not NEED a lot of help!!!

        I got so MAD when I watched and heard what Pelosi and Schumer said concerning Trump's "manufactured" drama with the border. That is such garbage!!!! They are ignorant liars!!! How many people have to be hurt or attacked?  There has to be someone in our government who stands up and helps our Border Patrol. From Eagle Pass to Laredo, there are only 3-5 guys on call, and it could be 2 guys against a group of 50+.

        Its horrible!! We need help!! The wall needs to be built, not at the port of entries but between them.

        Pelosi is a moron if she thinks that added more security at the borders will help because, Hello Nancy, they are NOT COMING THROUGH THE BORDERS. THEY ARE COMING THROUGH MESQUITE AND BRUSH.

Fw: Enigmas...

Solid food for thought. Had to re-format to make it more
readable, came in as no more than two words per line in
"Rich Text". Wish that would be thrown out of the system!

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Solomon
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 10:23 AM
Subject: Fwd: Enigmas...

(1) Isn't it weird that in America our flag and our culture offend so many people, but our
benefits don't?

(2) How can the federal government ask U.S. citizens to pay back student loans, when illegal
aliens are receiving a free education?

(3) Only in America are legal citizens labeled "racists" and "Nazis," but illegal aliens are
called "Dreamers."

(4) Liberals say, "If confiscating all guns saves just one life, it's worth it." Well then, if
deporting all illegals saves just one life, wouldn't that be worth it?

(5) I can't quite figure out how you can proudly wave the flag of another country but consider
it punishment to be sent back there.

(6) The Constitution: It doesn't need to be rewritten; it needs to be reread.

(7) William F. Buckley said: "Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other points of view
and are then shocked and offended when they discover there are other points of view."

(8) Joseph Sobran said: "'Need' now means wanting someone else's money. 'Greed' means wanting
to keep your own. 'Compassion' is when a politician arranges the transfer."

(9) Florida has had 119 hurricanes since 1850, but some people still insist the last one was
due to climate change.

You can't fix stupid, no matter how much duct tape you use.

VIEW: 19/04: Misguided Sympathies

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-04
Late in the year 2018 it was announced here in Oklahoma that
one of the State departments had contracted with an out-of-state
company to install cameras in the highway and street system to
photograph license plates of all vehicles to compare with records if the
vehicle was actually insured. Any found to not be insured would
generate a letter to the registered owner the necessity to prove
insurance or there would be a substantial fine, reportedly $174.00.
Of course, as expected, those whose attitudes were misplaced
raised a hue and cry about how it would be so unfair to the 'poor
people' who might not be able to afford insurance. It either did not
matter to them that those 'people' might not choose to insure, might
have a record that made the premiums exorbitant, or might even be
illegal aliens afraid to let government even know they were in the
Nation and attempting to 'stay under the radar'. Others, under-
standable, began to fuss about the contract, which allowed a fee of
$80.00 from each $174.00 for developing, installing and operating
the cameras, all at no cost to the State. Hello, is anyone awake in
the head? If there is a cash flow into the State without requiring a
set-up cost, that is purely beneficial.
It would seem, and reports of records appear to confirm, that
a large percentage of the hit-and-run crashes are caused by illegal
invaders. In many cases the suspicion arises that where signals and
signs are ignored the illegal invader driver is just unable to read same,
and yet our 'swamp making' politicians and bureaucrats appear to
believe that they are more important than the citizens, who are
paying the excessive taxes to support these wasteful and dangerous
Frankly, there is no sympathy in my mind for anyone who
willingly chooses to violate our laws and societal moralities. It
particularly offends my sensibilities to see them coming to our
borders and participating in riots when inside them proudly
waving the flags of the nations they claim to be seeking shelter from.
Our law enforcement units should be aggressively rounding them up,
prosecuting them, and after their sentence is completed removing
them from our property.
The reports of these 'invasions', of groups being sponsored,
arranged, and financed by individuals and groups inside and outside
our borders appear to have validity. Such individuals, if citizens,
should be prosecuted and when found guilty, deprived of citizenship
on grounds of treason and sentenced to forever be denied access to
ANY of the benefits of citizenship!!!
The same goes for those in local, including State government
who are actively pushing and supporting the 'sanctuary' locations, in
violation of Federal law. For too long the C/F/S types holding sway
in Washington have accepted those actions and should be removed
from any position of authority they may have. There have been far
too many instances of murder and/or mayhem carried out by illegal
invaders who have returned, some many times, after being expelled.
We common sense citizens must become more vocal and
active in confronting those, particularly elected, officials who turn the
blind eye towards the violent group activities. And that includes those
in academia. There simply is no justification in allowing them to turn
the other way, or actively encourage such disruption of our peaceful
lives. Anyone having specific knowledge of voting irregularities has
a strong duty to contact elected representatives and law enforcement,
preferably with evidence, to put a stop of these goings on which serve
to elect undeserving and disloyal office holders!!
Composed January 17 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

VIEW: 19/04: Misguided Sympathies

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-04
Late in the year 2018 it was announced here in Oklahoma that
one of the State departments had contracted with an out-of-state
company to install cameras in the highway and street system to
photograph license plates of all vehicles to compare with records if the
vehicle was actually insured. Any found to not be insured would
generate a letter to the registered owner the necessity to prove
insurance or there would be a substantial fine, reportedly $174.00.
Of course, as expected, those whose attitudes were misplaced
raised a hue and cry about how it would be so unfair to the 'poor
people' who might not be able to afford insurance. It either did not
matter to them that those 'people' might not choose to insure, might
have a record that made the premiums exorbitant, or might even be
illegal aliens afraid to let government even know they were in the
Nation and attempting to 'stay under the radar'. Others, under-
standable, began to fuss about the contract, which allowed a fee of
$80.00 from each $174.00 for developing, installing and operating
the cameras, all at no cost to the State. Hello, is anyone awake in
the head? If there is a cash flow into the State without requiring a
set-up cost, that is purely beneficial.
It would seem, and reports of records appear to confirm, that
a large percentage of the hit-and-run crashes are caused by illegal
invaders. In many cases the suspicion arises that where signals and
signs are ignored the illegal invader driver is just unable to read same,
and yet our 'swamp making' politicians and bureaucrats appear to
believe that they are more important than the citizens, who are
paying the excessive taxes to support these wasteful and dangerous
Frankly, there is no sympathy in my mind for anyone who
willingly chooses to violate our laws and societal moralities. It
particularly offends my sensibilities to see them coming to our
borders and participating in riots when inside them proudly
waving the flags of the nations they claim to be seeking shelter from.
Our law enforcement units should be aggressively rounding them up,
prosecuting them, and after their sentence is completed removing
them from our property.
The reports of these 'invasions', of groups being sponsored,
arranged, and financed by individuals and groups inside and outside
our borders appear to have validity. Such individuals, if citizens,
should be prosecuted and when found guilty, deprived of citizenship
on grounds of treason and sentenced to forever be denied access to
ANY of the benefits of citizenship!!!
The same goes for those in local, including State government
who are actively pushing and supporting the 'sanctuary' locations, in
violation of Federal law. For too long the C/F/S types holding sway
in Washington have accepted those actions and should be removed
from any position of authority they may have. There have been far
too many instances of murder and/or mayhem carried out by illegal
invaders who have returned, some many times, after being expelled.
We common sense citizens must become more vocal and
active in confronting those, particularly elected, officials who turn the
blind eye towards the violent group activities. And that includes those
in academia. There simply is no justification in allowing them to turn
the other way, or actively encourage such disruption of our peaceful
lives. Anyone having specific knowledge of voting irregularities has
a strong duty to contact elected representatives and law enforcement,
preferably with evidence, to put a stop of these goings on which serve
to elect undeserving and disloyal office holders!!
Composed January 17 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2019 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

Monday, January 14, 2019

VIEW: 19-03: Non-Free Economy

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-03
NON-FREE ECONOMY Week of 201/01/21
In the week before Christmas it was announced that the
Federal Reserve Board had decided to raise the 'prime' interest rate,
that is the rate charged banks to borrow from the Government, for
the fourth time in 2018. It is my understanding that the Board meets
quarterly to make such decisions which have a beneficial or negative
effect on every financial business done. Supposedly the charge made
to the Board when founded, if memory serves correct during the early
F. D. Roosevelt terms, was to slow down radical and/or too many
changes in the financial activities of the Nation.
Increasingly, it seems that the decisions tend to exercise
restrictions on the improvement of the economy rather than assist
same. The recent increases in the 'Prime Rate' serve to allow
financial institutions more latitude in charging higher interest on loans,
mortgages, etc., to the detriment of individuals wishing, or forced by
circumstances, to borrow money. This negative effect on individuals
is particularly onerous in the interest rates charged by credit card
holders on balances carried over and not paid in full each month,
with some I've seen quoted in mailings from issuers seeking my
business exceeding 20%. Of course those were wasting their
money mailing to me as I am quite happy with the company that
issued cards to me.
It seems that after so many years of Democrat control of
Congress and White House the make up of the FRB members
is consisted primarily of bankers of a more C/F/S philosophy
who love to manipulate the prime to attain their wished goals.
If not put under some control, they could very well return us to
the days of 'misery quotient' that developed during the days of
the PRESJC-39 Administration with ultra high interest rates for
even property mortgages. In my younger days such conditions
were considered to be 'usury' and subject to civil or criminal
Quite frankly, again if memory serves correct, the
establishment of the "National Central Bank" (FRB) was
done in violation of the Constitution and it might be time to
re-consider it's necessity. It was touted as a brake on the
excessive power of the major nationwide banks. In fact, at
one time banks actually issued their own currency. This came
to my knowledge when my late wife, Anne, had a framed bill
issued by a bank in Watertown, Wisconsin that was signed
by her grandfather Solliday as bank president. There have
been one or two of my banker acquaintances in past years
that held seats on the Reserve, in district offices.
In any event, it seems appropriate for a closer look at
the make-up of the Board with an attitude of some control
over their actions, if in fact it is to be kept active. My
understanding is that they are independent of the 'triad'
controls constitutionally set up for the management of the
Federal Government, which would automatically, in my
opinion, render it unconstitutional. It is true that the
President is the one naming Chairmen, but that seems to
only be when there is a vacancy.
Changing the subject slightly, we have just witnessed
'the longest government shut-down in history'. This one
brought about because the Democrat elected leadership
absolutely refuses to even consider funding for a 'border wall',
even though the same individuals voted for even greater
funding during the previous administration but then no
construction was done!! All this flying in the face of a number
of reports that a large majority of citizens are vehemently in
favor of a 'wall', as am I.
Composed January 12, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2019 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

VIEW: 19-03: Non-Free Economy

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-03
NON-FREE ECONOMY Week of 201/01/21
In the week before Christmas it was announced that the
Federal Reserve Board had decided to raise the 'prime' interest rate,
that is the rate charged banks to borrow from the Government, for
the fourth time in 2018. It is my understanding that the Board meets
quarterly to make such decisions which have a beneficial or negative
effect on every financial business done. Supposedly the charge made
to the Board when founded, if memory serves correct during the early
F. D. Roosevelt terms, was to slow down radical and/or too many
changes in the financial activities of the Nation.
Increasingly, it seems that the decisions tend to exercise
restrictions on the improvement of the economy rather than assist
same. The recent increases in the 'Prime Rate' serve to allow
financial institutions more latitude in charging higher interest on loans,
mortgages, etc., to the detriment of individuals wishing, or forced by
circumstances, to borrow money. This negative effect on individuals
is particularly onerous in the interest rates charged by credit card
holders on balances carried over and not paid in full each month,
with some I've seen quoted in mailings from issuers seeking my
business exceeding 20%. Of course those were wasting their
money mailing to me as I am quite happy with the company that
issued cards to me.
It seems that after so many years of Democrat control of
Congress and White House the make up of the FRB members
is consisted primarily of bankers of a more C/F/S philosophy
who love to manipulate the prime to attain their wished goals.
If not put under some control, they could very well return us to
the days of 'misery quotient' that developed during the days of
the PRESJC-39 Administration with ultra high interest rates for
even property mortgages. In my younger days such conditions
were considered to be 'usury' and subject to civil or criminal
Quite frankly, again if memory serves correct, the
establishment of the "National Central Bank" (FRB) was
done in violation of the Constitution and it might be time to
re-consider it's necessity. It was touted as a brake on the
excessive power of the major nationwide banks. In fact, at
one time banks actually issued their own currency. This came
to my knowledge when my late wife, Anne, had a framed bill
issued by a bank in Watertown, Wisconsin that was signed
by her grandfather Solliday as bank president. There have
been one or two of my banker acquaintances in past years
that held seats on the Reserve, in district offices.
In any event, it seems appropriate for a closer look at
the make-up of the Board with an attitude of some control
over their actions, if in fact it is to be kept active. My
understanding is that they are independent of the 'triad'
controls constitutionally set up for the management of the
Federal Government, which would automatically, in my
opinion, render it unconstitutional. It is true that the
President is the one naming Chairmen, but that seems to
only be when there is a vacancy.
Changing the subject slightly, we have just witnessed
'the longest government shut-down in history'. This one
brought about because the Democrat elected leadership
absolutely refuses to even consider funding for a 'border wall',
even though the same individuals voted for even greater
funding during the previous administration but then no
construction was done!! All this flying in the face of a number
of reports that a large majority of citizens are vehemently in
favor of a 'wall', as am I.
Composed January 12, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com