Monday, May 29, 2017

VIEW: 17-23: Education Failure

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-23
EDUCATION FAILURE Week of 2017/06/05
It appears to be a sad, but true, fact that, overall, the education system in that
REPUBLIC called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is continually failing both its students and their
parents, the ones who are paying for this now broken system. And it has been becoming worse
for several decades!!
In my 'school days' of the 1930s and into the 1940's we were taught the history of how
our Nation came to be free from captivity to a kingdom the king of which considered the
colonies to be nothing more than a source of revenue and some 'impressed' members of his
military. In the 16th and 17th centuries that military was the most powerful in the world,
especially at sea.
We received full instruction on the privations and risks the first immigrants went
through, surviving only with the kind assistance of the friendly native 'Indian' tribes. How,
despite the mistreatment of the 'colonists' by the British king, they were able to establish
and expand the population, land area, and economy of this 'new world'. The further misconduct
of his military presence toward the population and, when finally, they rose up and, peacefully,
issued a "Declaration of Independence" in writing from his control and how he then proceeded to
'put down the insurrection'. How with the help of GOD the outnumbered and ill equipped
volunteers managed by outstanding leadership to prove victorious and thus establish the way of
life and freedoms we now enjoy.
These facts are, in recent years, being left out of the curriculum of most public
schools. Multiple source information indicates that history being taught there begins with the
War Between The States, most commonly called the 'Civil War' of the mid-1800s. And in more
current events much is not taught, especially the wars of the last 100+ years. That might
explain why the students, even third graders, are so interested when our WW II Vets of Tulsa
visit, by invitation, and explain what went on in our own experience, even those of us who,
through fortune, were not directly involved in combat, but were none-the- less essential to the
Solid evidence of the above can be seen in the 'on the street interviews' some TV
shows have recently included. Many of those on camera indicate having no clue of the reason
for having Memorial Day but only see this weekend as a 'three day party weekend'. If other
subjects are the question, the answer seems to be the same total lack of knowledge. That is
even more prevalent when the location is 'on the beach' rather than on the street. Those
interviewees are most likely to be late teen, early 20 year old high school and college student
individuals, and of both sexes.
Now, as this is being written, it is the 'legal' and 'official' Memorial Day, changed
from the original May 30 some years ago to 'provide another 3-day weekend' by statute. While
the radio this morning has had substantial coverage of the reason for the observance and
calling for remembering the 'war dead' who gave everything they had to gain or further the
freedoms we enjoy by guarantee in the Constitution. Note, they are not 'granted' by the
Constitution, but are GOD given and guaranteed by the Constitution of the USA.
And yet we still have individuals, and groups of same, who ignore the purpose of the
observance and follow their hedonistic desire for wild parties and indulgences. I have even
been disappointed by the lack of reference to this particular Day in our calendar in some of
the churches. It seems to me that if the churches and clergy fail to give attention and
expression to this particular set aside day then their attendees will begin to feel that it is
really that much less important, to the detriment of our whole society.
In my own family for my lifetime there has, fortunately, been no incident of being
"Gold Star", that is having a member killed on duty. However, a number of dear friends have
had that experience. One lady had her Father killed in Pacific action at her tender age of
three days. Another had her husband killed in a plane crash after the surrender of Japan while
en-route to the pacific to provide search and rescue operations, possibly due to careless or
incompetent planned flight route across the southern Rocky Mountains where the required
altitude reportedly exceeded the loaded 'service ceiling' of the PBY he was flying. While
still in high school one of my classmates, and friend, was lost to pneumonia due to a careless
'medical technician'. That incident caused me to be much more attentive and dedicated when
placed in that position.
Composed May 16, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

VIEW: 17-23: Education Failure

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-23
EDUCATION FAILURE Week of 2017/06/05
It appears to be a sad, but true, fact that, overall, the education system in that
REPUBLIC called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is continually failing both its students and their
parents, the ones who are paying for this now broken system. And it has been becoming worse
for several decades!!
In my 'school days' of the 1930s and into the 1940's we were taught the history of how
our Nation came to be free from captivity to a kingdom the king of which considered the
colonies to be nothing more than a source of revenue and some 'impressed' members of his
military. In the 16th and 17th centuries that military was the most powerful in the world,
especially at sea.
We received full instruction on the privations and risks the first immigrants went
through, surviving only with the kind assistance of the friendly native 'Indian' tribes. How,
despite the mistreatment of the 'colonists' by the British king, they were able to establish
and expand the population, land area, and economy of this 'new world'. The further misconduct
of his military presence toward the population and, when finally, they rose up and, peacefully,
issued a "Declaration of Independence" in writing from his control and how he then proceeded to
'put down the insurrection'. How with the help of GOD the outnumbered and ill equipped
volunteers managed by outstanding leadership to prove victorious and thus establish the way of
life and freedoms we now enjoy.
These facts are, in recent years, being left out of the curriculum of most public
schools. Multiple source information indicates that history being taught there begins with the
War Between The States, most commonly called the 'Civil War' of the mid-1800s. And in more
current events much is not taught, especially the wars of the last 100+ years. That might
explain why the students, even third graders, are so interested when our WW II Vets of Tulsa
visit, by invitation, and explain what went on in our own experience, even those of us who,
through fortune, were not directly involved in combat, but were none-the- less essential to the
Solid evidence of the above can be seen in the 'on the street interviews' some TV
shows have recently included. Many of those on camera indicate having no clue of the reason
for having Memorial Day but only see this weekend as a 'three day party weekend'. If other
subjects are the question, the answer seems to be the same total lack of knowledge. That is
even more prevalent when the location is 'on the beach' rather than on the street. Those
interviewees are most likely to be late teen, early 20 year old high school and college student
individuals, and of both sexes.
Now, as this is being written, it is the 'legal' and 'official' Memorial Day, changed
from the original May 30 some years ago to 'provide another 3-day weekend' by statute. While
the radio this morning has had substantial coverage of the reason for the observance and
calling for remembering the 'war dead' who gave everything they had to gain or further the
freedoms we enjoy by guarantee in the Constitution. Note, they are not 'granted' by the
Constitution, but are GOD given and guaranteed by the Constitution of the USA.
And yet we still have individuals, and groups of same, who ignore the purpose of the
observance and follow their hedonistic desire for wild parties and indulgences. I have even
been disappointed by the lack of reference to this particular Day in our calendar in some of
the churches. It seems to me that if the churches and clergy fail to give attention and
expression to this particular set aside day then their attendees will begin to feel that it is
really that much less important, to the detriment of our whole society.
In my own family for my lifetime there has, fortunately, been no incident of being
"Gold Star", that is having a member killed on duty. However, a number of dear friends have
had that experience. One lady had her Father killed in Pacific action at her tender age of
three days. Another had her husband killed in a plane crash after the surrender of Japan while
en-route to the pacific to provide search and rescue operations, possibly due to careless or
incompetent planned flight route across the southern Rocky Mountains where the required
altitude reportedly exceeded the loaded 'service ceiling' of the PBY he was flying. While
still in high school one of my classmates, and friend, was lost to pneumonia due to a careless
'medical technician'. That incident caused me to be much more attentive and dedicated when
placed in that position.
Composed May 16, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Fw: the conservative view

        Russell must be using an ultra high power scope on his literary rifle,
I couldn't have said it better.  We all need to lean on our own Representative
and Senator, as well as those others we might know.  My practice is to
call to compliment those doing something good as much as criticize when
they don't.  The 800 number for the House is 1-800-522-8502 which will
be answered by the House operators and just say the name of the individual
member you are calling.  Their 'executive assistants' to a person have been
friendly and accomidating and remember the caller after a complimenting
call has come in.  They are the 'doers' if you need or want something.




        We Americans have become a people that like to look good on the outside even though the inside is rotten. I have seen individuals purchase an auto that on the outside looks pretty, but the engine, transmission and other vital points are in terrible shape. For some perverse reason many people will tolerate a junk heap that is totally unreliable as long as it looks good. Myself, I try to be a bit more realistic, I am willing to tolerate a few dings and scratches as long as the vehicle is trustworthy and sound mechanically. We conservatives look at life much differently than non-conservatives. Instead of trying to show off we tend to look at problems more in black and white and use logic to solve them. I have been keeping up with the Oklahoma State Legislature over the past few days; while there is an abundance of legislators with R's by their names, their actions prove them not to be conservatives.

        For months all we could hear on the news media was the budget hole our state is experiencing, and without all kinds of new taxes civilization would cease to exist. In my opinion too many of our legislators worship at the altar of big government. Their view seems to be that all of government must be funded regardless of the cost to the people actually paying the taxes. One bill that was voted down spoke volumes on the disrespect to the taxpayer. The bill to end the Political Swag was soundly defeated; this bill, according to its supporters, would have saved the Oklahoma taxpayers 28.5 million dollars per year. What is Political Swag? It is the practice of using taxpayer money for non-essential trinkets to promote agencies and departments; it is the same kind of junk that hucksters hand out to entice you to buy something you didn't need in the first place.

         Next was increasing the tax on cigarettes; while I have never smoked and don't intend to start, their logic for passing it is an insult to our intelligence. The supporters of the bill like to sit on their high horses and claim that their intent is to help people stop smoking. The whole idea to increase taxes on tobacco is just a way to get more money in the general fund. For untold years the taxes on tobacco have put millions of dollars in government; if tobacco is so dangerous just ban it and be done with it, but they know that there would be millions less to spend.

        Another grand idea was to increase the tax that we would have to pay when we buy a new car. Right now if you purchase a new car when you go to the local tag office it seems like you are buying it all over again  just to pay the excise tax and purchase a tag. One question I have, will any proposed excise tax increase apply to the Oklahoma Tribes, or will it only apply to non-tribal citizens?

        While there are some great legislators in the capitol there is an oversupply of those who are trying to put a slick paint job on a rotten system. There are too many legislators who are treating state government like an unreliable junk heap but it is we taxpayers who have to live with it.          

Friday, May 26, 2017

Fw: Seenager

This was forwarded to me by CHS '43 classmate & to her by another same.
    To those over 80, we understand it perfectly.  To those younger and yet to
get that far, remember it well, it can happen to you.                Bob

      I just discovered my age group!  I am a Seenager. (Senior teenager)

     I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 50-60 years later.

         I don't have to go to school or work.

         I get an allowance every month.

         I have my own pad.

         I don't have a curfew.

         I have a driver's license and my own car.

         I have ID that gets me into bars and the wine store. 

I like the wine store best.

      The people I hang around with are not afraid of

getting pregnant, they aren't afraid of anything, they

have been blessed to live this long, why be afraid?

            And I don't have acne.

            Life is Good!  Also, you will feel much more intelligent

after reading this, if you are a Seenager.

        Brains of older people are slow because they know so much.

        People do not decline mentally with age, it just takes them longer to recall facts because they have more information crammed into their brains.

        Scientists believe this also makes you hard of hearing as it puts pressure on your inner ear.

        Also, older people often go to another room to get something and when they get there, they stand there wondering what they came for.

        It is NOT a memory problem, it is nature's way of making older people do more exercise.


                SO THERE!


        I have more friends I should send this to, but right now I can't remember their names.

        So, please forward this to your friends; they may be my friends, too.




Bill Klintworth


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Fw: Trump & Russia

        This was in my 'in-box' this morning from the head usher at Kirk.  Looks
like he has re-awakened his 'TeaPartier' mind and become activist again.
Let this be a lesson to all of us!                    Bob
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Solomon , HRH
Subject: Fwd: Trump & Russia

        Remember when Donald Trump was business partners with the Russian government and his company got 53 million from the Russian government investment fund called Rusnano that was started by Vladimir Putin and is referred to as "Putin's Child"?             Oh wait that wasn't Trump it was John Podesta
        Remember when Donald Trump received 500 thousand for a speech in Moscow and paid for by Renaissance Capital, a company tied to Russian Intelligence Agencies?             Oh wait that was Bill Clinton.
        Remember when Donald Trump approved the sale of 20% of US uranium to the Russians while he was Secretary of State which gave control of it to Rosatom the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation?            Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton.
        Remember when Donald Trump lied about that and said he wasn't a part of approving the deal that gave the Russians 1/5 of our uranium, but then his emails were leaked showing he did lie about it?         Oh wait the was Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.
        Remember when Donald Trump got 145 million dollars from shareholders of the uranium company sold to the Russians?         Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.
        Remember when Donald Trump accepted millions in donations from Russian Oligarchs like the chairman of a company that's part of the Russian Nuclear Research Cluster, the wife of the mayor of Moscow, and a close pal of Putins?
     Oh wait that was the Clinton Foundation.
        Remember when Donald Trump failed to disclose all those donations before becoming the Secretary of State, and it was only found out when a journalist went through Canadian tax records?             Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton.
        Remember when Donald Trump told Mitt Romney that the 80s called and it wanted its Russian policy back. The Cold War is over?
    Oh wait that was President Obama.
Man... Trump's ties to Russia are disgusting."

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

VIEW: 17-22: True Hope for USA

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-22
TRUE HOPE FOR USA Week of 2017/05/29
It seems that there are substantial numbers of acquaintances, friends, and unmet
readers who are truly concerned about the near future of our Nation, the USA. Contacts are
made with me numerous times by citizens really and deeply concerned about the future of our
beloved REPUBLIC given the continuing uproar and nasty worded citizens of PRESDT, his family
and staff. To be quite frank, I am most encouraged with the progress being made on most of the
campaign promises. Admittedly there are some that must be accomplished out of the public eye,
yet are progressing.
On Monday the 21st there was a 'news' report, from one of the more reliable sources,
that a shipyard that builds some of the largest naval ships, such as carriers, has advised the
Defense Department that it could save $1.5 BILLION if they would have an order to build three
at a time, rather than one at a time. Well, dah!! Of course there can be the savings of
quantity and that they said would be $500 Million per ship, and PRESDT had promised to rebuild
the Navy to past strength, something really needed if we are to have security for our military
as well as ourselves here.
He has stated a few weeks ago that there were over 200 bids from contractors for
proposals to build the 'wall'. I had earlier privately made a proposal to Cong. Bridenstine
about a method that would save substantial money and enhance military construction units with
the result of an expected higher quality and earlier completion result. No reply from the
Administration yet.
But now we have PRESDT with wife and daughter on a rapid formal visit to the Middle
East and Europe. TV news pictures of his reception in Saudi Arabia have indicated a reception
far more elaborate than any president in the past. Further, his ladies were not required to
have their beautiful heads covered with scarves, much, it appears, to the delight of the
officials from other Islamic nations. He negotiated a multi-billion dollar military equipment
deal, which will make them more able to confront the extremist nations, especially Iran whom
they most fear. That will bring more work to our defense industries.
His meeting with Israel President Netinyahoo seemed far more cordial than his
predecessor received, and with good reason. He even went to the 'Wailing Wall' which brought a
much more warm reception, and is the first US president to do so, it was reported. He has also
met with the President of the Palestinians to, hopefully, bring about much reduction in killing
We should remember that rulers, and citizens, of other nations do respect leaders that
exhibit resolution and intent to utilize the superior military available to maintain their own
safety, which it seems that PRESDT has made clear is his intent. Also, it is most refreshing
to me to have as our CIC (Commander In Chief) a person who does not pull punches in his
speaking but makes very clear his meaning. I am tired to exhaustion of those 'diplomats' and
their flowery and soft speaking ways that include a multitude of lies. They remind me of
British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in late August or early September of 1939 after a
meeting with Hitler proclaiming "Peace in our time".
Sure there was. Just two days later Hitler's Wermache invaded Poland with motarized
military and succeeded in winning in just a few days. As an aside, my memory is most accurate
since my parents had sailed from Europe on Labor Day to return home after being there on
business since May, and I was to have been with them until departure from here was moved to
earlier in May and Mother would not allow me out of school despite all teachers claiming I
would learn much more on the trip than in the last three weeks of school.
In short, things appear to be looking up, despite the loud and nasty proclamations of
those of the C/S mentality in both political parties. We could do well without them - Swamp
drainage. But we of a different, and patriotic, sensible thought process cannot simply sit
back and wring hands or weep over the way things look. GOD is still in charge, and if we will
turn to HIM and ask HIS intervention, we will see a major shift in direction just as we did in
the last year election. It is my opinion that we need to encourage our clergy to not be shy
about stating their feelings on these matters, and correct those who seem to be grossly
Composed May 23, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

VIEW: 17-22: True Hope for USA

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-22
TRUE HOPE FOR USA Week of 2017/05/29
It seems that there are substantial numbers of acquaintances, friends, and unmet
readers who are truly concerned about the near future of our Nation, the USA. Contacts are
made with me numerous times by citizens really and deeply concerned about the future of our
beloved REPUBLIC given the continuing uproar and nasty worded citizens of PRESDT, his family
and staff. To be quite frank, I am most encouraged with the progress being made on most of the
campaign promises. Admittedly there are some that must be accomplished out of the public eye,
yet are progressing.
On Monday the 21st there was a 'news' report, from one of the more reliable sources,
that a shipyard that builds some of the largest naval ships, such as carriers, has advised the
Defense Department that it could save $1.5 BILLION if they would have an order to build three
at a time, rather than one at a time. Well, dah!! Of course there can be the savings of
quantity and that they said would be $500 Million per ship, and PRESDT had promised to rebuild
the Navy to past strength, something really needed if we are to have security for our military
as well as ourselves here.
He has stated a few weeks ago that there were over 200 bids from contractors for
proposals to build the 'wall'. I had earlier privately made a proposal to Cong. Bridenstine
about a method that would save substantial money and enhance military construction units with
the result of an expected higher quality and earlier completion result. No reply from the
Administration yet.
But now we have PRESDT with wife and daughter on a rapid formal visit to the Middle
East and Europe. TV news pictures of his reception in Saudi Arabia have indicated a reception
far more elaborate than any president in the past. Further, his ladies were not required to
have their beautiful heads covered with scarves, much, it appears, to the delight of the
officials from other Islamic nations. He negotiated a multi-billion dollar military equipment
deal, which will make them more able to confront the extremist nations, especially Iran whom
they most fear. That will bring more work to our defense industries.
His meeting with Israel President Netinyahoo seemed far more cordial than his
predecessor received, and with good reason. He even went to the 'Wailing Wall' which brought a
much more warm reception, and is the first US president to do so, it was reported. He has also
met with the President of the Palestinians to, hopefully, bring about much reduction in killing
We should remember that rulers, and citizens, of other nations do respect leaders that
exhibit resolution and intent to utilize the superior military available to maintain their own
safety, which it seems that PRESDT has made clear is his intent. Also, it is most refreshing
to me to have as our CIC (Commander In Chief) a person who does not pull punches in his
speaking but makes very clear his meaning. I am tired to exhaustion of those 'diplomats' and
their flowery and soft speaking ways that include a multitude of lies. They remind me of
British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in late August or early September of 1939 after a
meeting with Hitler proclaiming "Peace in our time".
Sure there was. Just two days later Hitler's Wermache invaded Poland with motarized
military and succeeded in winning in just a few days. As an aside, my memory is most accurate
since my parents had sailed from Europe on Labor Day to return home after being there on
business since May, and I was to have been with them until departure from here was moved to
earlier in May and Mother would not allow me out of school despite all teachers claiming I
would learn much more on the trip than in the last three weeks of school.
In short, things appear to be looking up, despite the loud and nasty proclamations of
those of the C/S mentality in both political parties. We could do well without them - Swamp
drainage. But we of a different, and patriotic, sensible thought process cannot simply sit
back and wring hands or weep over the way things look. GOD is still in charge, and if we will
turn to HIM and ask HIS intervention, we will see a major shift in direction just as we did in
the last year election. It is my opinion that we need to encourage our clergy to not be shy
about stating their feelings on these matters, and correct those who seem to be grossly
Composed May 23, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Monday, May 22, 2017

Fw: America's Newspapers

    This one from a WWII Vets member, retired grade school principal whose
school was most uplifting to visit, totally patriotic.  She may be the author.  
Seems totally accurate as depicted.                        Bob 
                                            American Newspapers

Experts have found the following analysis to be nearly 100% accurate:

 1. The Wall Street Journal is read by the people who run the country.

2. The Washington Post is read by people who think they run the country.

3. The New York Times is read by people who think they should run the country, and who are very good at crossword puzzles.

4. USA Today is read by people who think they ought to run the country but don't really understand The New York Times.

5. The Los Angeles Times is read by people who wouldn't mind running the country, if they could find the time and if they didn't have to leave Southern California to do it.

6. The Boston Globe is read by people whose parents used to run the country. 

7. The New York Daily News is read by people who aren't too sure who's running the country and don't really care as long as they can get a seat on the train.

8. The New York Post is read by people who don't care who is running the country as long as they do something really scandalous, preferably while intoxicated. 

9. The Chicago Tribune is read by people who are in prison, who used to run the state, & would like to do so again, as would their constituents who are currently free on bail. 

10. The Miami Herald is read by people who are running another country, but need the baseball scores.

11. The San Francisco Chronicle is read by people who aren't sure if there is a country or that anyone is running it; but if so, they oppose all that they stand for. There are occasional exceptions if the leaders are gay, handicapped, minority, feminist, atheists, and those who also happen to be illegal aliens from any other country or galaxy, provided of course, that they are not Republicans. 

12. The National Enquirer is read by people trapped in line at the grocery store. 

13. The Seattle Times is read by people who have recently caught a fish and need something to wrap it in.


Fw: the conservative view

        How about this one by RDT for hitting the proverbial nail on head.
Couldn't resist forwarding on to you.                        Bob
----- Original Message -----




        Last week I wrote a column that was very critical of our Governor Mary Fallin; while I do not want to be accused of beating a dead horse, the issue of the state budget needs to be of concern to every citizen of Oklahoma. In a recent article Governor Fallin threatened to veto any budget that that contains deep cuts to state agencies. At a Capitol news conference surrounded by state employees, heath care providers, agency heads and others, she made the comment that she has had to make some hard votes because the citizens of this state are demanding that no agencies or core services will have devastating cuts. I have noticed that politicians such as Fallin like to surround themselves with doomsday prophets that, for the most part, feed at the public trough. I have also found that making hard choices with someone else's money is a whole lot easier than making hard choices with one's own money. Making hard choices is definitely not limited to the government class; I would like to share the kind of hard choices we in the private sector have to make every day.

        We in the private sector experience budget shortfalls every day; things can be going on just fine then a piece of essential equipment in the operation can break down and we are forced to resolve the problem in short order. In my case I have a farm tractor that developed some serious problems, with the hay season coming up it was imperative that I ether purchase another one or repair the one I have. Like the state of Oklahoma I did not have the funds to purchase a new tractor, so that option was ruled out. Taking the tractor to a repair shop would have been another option, but because the labor cost was prohibitive, another option was gone. Finally I decided to roll up my sleeves and do the work myself. While other people are better tractor mechanics than I am, I was able to get the tractor back in operation with a lot of hard, greasy work and several scratched knuckles.

        I, like many other small business owners and farmers, have to make these kinds of hard decisions on a daily basis. It seems to me that many people in government cannot comprehend the hard choices we in the private sector have to make. We simply don't have the money to do all of the things and purchase the nice new equipment that we would like to. Mary Fallin has been throwing a fit for the legislature to impose massive taxes on the hard working people of this state, I am sure that if she graduated from Tractor University like I recently did, their ideas and policies would get more down to earth. I want to make the point very clear, the private sector farmers and small businessmen do not have the financial reserves to absorb additional taxes. I have some more equipment that needs to be worked on, if any of our elected officials have the belief that everything is just fine out here in the real world come to my shop and I will help you gain the perspective that so many in office are lacking.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Fw: Fwd: To an almost old person ......

        Forwarded to me by the co-founder of the WW II Vets of Tulsa.  Too
bad it is so accurate in depicting the situation we have.  But good for laughs
----- Original Message -----
Sent on by another   OLD GUY


To an almost old person ...... 
I never really liked the terminology "Old People" 
but this makes me feel better about it. 
And if you ain't one, I bet ya you know one! 
I got this from an "Old Personal friend of mine"! 
I'm passing this on as I did not want to be the only "old people" receiving it. Actually, it's not a bad thing to be called, as you will see. 
·      Old People are easy to spot at sporting events; during the playing of the National Anthem. Old People remove their caps, cover their hearts, stand at attention and sing without embarrassment.  They know the words and believe in them.
·      Old People remember World War II, Pearl Harbor,  Guadalcanal  , Normandy , and Hitler.. They remember the Atomic Age, the Korean War, The Cold War, the Jet Age and the Moon Landing. They remember the 50 plus Peacekeeping Missions from 1945 to 2005, not to mention  Vietnam .
·      If you bump into an Old People on the sidewalk he will apologize. If you pass an Old People on the street, he will nod or tip his cap to a lady. Old People trust strangers and are courtly to women and treat them with great respect.
·      Old People hold the door for the next person and always, when walking, make certain the lady is on the inside for protection.
·      Old People get embarrassed if someone curses in front of women and children and they don't like any filth or dirty language on TV or in movies.
·      Old People have moral courage and personal integrity. They seldom brag unless it's about their children, grandchildren or their animals.
·      It's the Old People who know our great country is protected, not by politicians, but by the young men and women in the military serving their country.
This country needs Old People with their work ethic, sense of responsibility, pride in their country, and decent values.
We need them now more than ever.
Thank God for Old People.... 
Pass this on to all of the "Old People" you know. 
I was taught to respect my elders. It's just getting harder to find them. 

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

VIEW: 17-21: A Broken Society

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-21
A BROKEN SOCIETY Week of 2017/05/22
The level of corruption and 'mean mouthed' accusations spewing from those of the C/S
persuasion has not in my lifetime reached such a low level in the USA. It seems that each day
those of that group in media and politics succeed in attaining a new cellar of outright lies
and name-calling. The 'journalists(?)' in the largest print media seem to have no concept of
the 'rule of law' that is supposed to be the governing of our civil conduct as they pursue
their apparent goal of the destruction of the Representative Republic delivered by our Nation's
Of course it is obvious to those of us who witnessed the rise of the 'Third Reich' or
'Socialist Republic of Germany' with the election of those in the Nazi Party in the early
1930s. It also was paralleled in Italy with the taking of power by Benito Mussolini "El Duchy"
with just another 'catch-name' to his dictatorial regime. It was said of it that "at least he
made the trains run on time". It appeared to me, from newsreels of the time that he felt he was
the reincarnation of the Caesar line of absolute "Dictator Gods".
They had been preceded by the Communist revolution in Russia to result in the "Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics" (USSR) under the dictatorial and murderous dynasty of Lenin and
Stalin. This brutal form of government resulted in tens of millions of Russians being murdered
plus another reported 20 million being killed in the part of World War II that they
participated in against Nazi Germany. In war where it is kill or be killed it is sometimes
necessary to ally with nefarious dynasties who are fighting the same enemies to achieve a
mutual goal, as we did by supplying them with munitions and vehicles, in including aircraft and
naval ships.
While PRESDT was not my first choice to be the 'leader of the free world', it seems
now that he may have been the one individual who could emerge victorious over the dirty and
lying tactics of the opposition. So far he has proceeded with due diligence to attempt to
bring to fruition the various promises made during the campaign. It appears that there is a
new attitude of respect on the part of the rulers of the rest of the nations towards us. Also,
the reported unemployment levels are being reduced, even if they are grossly under reported as
usual. At least the trend is downward.
Meanwhile back in the "Swamp", also referred to as 'Foggy Bottom' (which I recently
found out is an actual area place name in the District of Columbia) far too many individuals
with an 'R' behind their voter registration record just cannot wait to jump on the 'bash Trump'
bandwagon and outdo the 'enemy' with false accusations and name calling. Those should be
labeled with the acronym of 'RINO' and pressure brought to bear on them to straighten up and
fly right or change their banner.
It is not enough for us to gloat and bask in the glory of having our First District
House Representative be considered one of the best, if not the best, of the whole 135 for the
welfare of the Nation. Along with that and despite the harsh, unfair, and untrue criticism
thrown at our two Senators, each of them can be considered to be rated in the top five of the
100 members of "The Worlds Most Exclusive Club" the US Senate. That indicates that the
majority of voters in the First Congressional District of Oklahoma are better informed and more
patriotic than those in the rest of the Nation.
It must be remembered that under Socialism there is private property and business, but
owners are told by the bureaucrat rulers how to use them, while in Communism, the government is
the owner of ALL the property and business. Neither have been proven to be very good and in
the end are failures, with misery to the population. Leave me out of that!!
Composed May 16, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

VIEW: 17-21: A Broken Society

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-21
A BROKEN SOCIETY Week of 2017/05/22
The level of corruption and 'mean mouthed' accusations spewing from those of the C/S
persuasion has not in my lifetime reached such a low level in the USA. It seems that each day
those of that group in media and politics succeed in attaining a new cellar of outright lies
and name-calling. The 'journalists(?)' in the largest print media seem to have no concept of
the 'rule of law' that is supposed to be the governing of our civil conduct as they pursue
their apparent goal of the destruction of the Representative Republic delivered by our Nation's
Of course it is obvious to those of us who witnessed the rise of the 'Third Reich' or
'Socialist Republic of Germany' with the election of those in the Nazi Party in the early
1930s. It also was paralleled in Italy with the taking of power by Benito Mussolini "El Duchy"
with just another 'catch-name' to his dictatorial regime. It was said of it that "at least he
made the trains run on time". It appeared to me, from newsreels of the time that he felt he was
the reincarnation of the Caesar line of absolute "Dictator Gods".
They had been preceded by the Communist revolution in Russia to result in the "Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics" (USSR) under the dictatorial and murderous dynasty of Lenin and
Stalin. This brutal form of government resulted in tens of millions of Russians being murdered
plus another reported 20 million being killed in the part of World War II that they
participated in against Nazi Germany. In war where it is kill or be killed it is sometimes
necessary to ally with nefarious dynasties who are fighting the same enemies to achieve a
mutual goal, as we did by supplying them with munitions and vehicles, in including aircraft and
naval ships.
While PRESDT was not my first choice to be the 'leader of the free world', it seems
now that he may have been the one individual who could emerge victorious over the dirty and
lying tactics of the opposition. So far he has proceeded with due diligence to attempt to
bring to fruition the various promises made during the campaign. It appears that there is a
new attitude of respect on the part of the rulers of the rest of the nations towards us. Also,
the reported unemployment levels are being reduced, even if they are grossly under reported as
usual. At least the trend is downward.
Meanwhile back in the "Swamp", also referred to as 'Foggy Bottom' (which I recently
found out is an actual area place name in the District of Columbia) far too many individuals
with an 'R' behind their voter registration record just cannot wait to jump on the 'bash Trump'
bandwagon and outdo the 'enemy' with false accusations and name calling. Those should be
labeled with the acronym of 'RINO' and pressure brought to bear on them to straighten up and
fly right or change their banner.
It is not enough for us to gloat and bask in the glory of having our First District
House Representative be considered one of the best, if not the best, of the whole 135 for the
welfare of the Nation. Along with that and despite the harsh, unfair, and untrue criticism
thrown at our two Senators, each of them can be considered to be rated in the top five of the
100 members of "The Worlds Most Exclusive Club" the US Senate. That indicates that the
majority of voters in the First Congressional District of Oklahoma are better informed and more
patriotic than those in the rest of the Nation.
It must be remembered that under Socialism there is private property and business, but
owners are told by the bureaucrat rulers how to use them, while in Communism, the government is
the owner of ALL the property and business. Neither have been proven to be very good and in
the end are failures, with misery to the population. Leave me out of that!!
Composed May 16, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Fw: the conservative view

        Again a 'to-the-point' comment by friend and former fellow County
Chairman Russell Turner.  Since the end of publication of the "Banner
Newspaper" in March I don't know if his appear in any other print unit.
Feel free to pass on widely.                                    Bob
----- Original Message -----





        In life we are given opportunities to use the skills and knowledge that we have gained over the years. I can remember growing up on the farm and helping my parents run the family farm. For many years I simply obeyed my parent's wishes, they had the life experiences to operate the operation and I respected it. As I grew older I began to notice that my parents started to give me more and more leeway in certain projects on our farm. I appreciated the faith my parents placed in me and I viewed that responsibility as an opportunity to show that I had the abilities necessary to make a success of the operation. Sadly I have seen individuals squander opportunities that are given to them; it has been my observation that once anyone does not make the best of an opportunity it can take a long time before someone is willing to entrust them in the future. The people in our state government need to take a long hard look at the opportunity they have been given.

        The Republican Party has held the State House, State Senate and the Governor's office for the better part of a decade. While some members have proved themselves to be true conservatives, too many have squandered their opportunity. The opportunity was there for the true concepts of conservatism to be applied; instead of striving to make our state government more efficient and cost effective, they chose to become one of the good ole boys whose only concern is to get re-elected at any cost. While many Republicans still like to complain of the Democrat rule prior to the Republican takeover, that argument is starting to get a little old. Our state budget is a mess and far too many of the Republicans are clamoring for more government intrusion and higher taxes. The fact is simple; we have been electing politicians who are not conservative. Many of the true conservatives across the entire state are being blown away by well funded candidates who have no problem taking donations from PACs and individuals who expect, and get, preferential treatment on legislation in the legislature.

        Another trend is for these liberal Republicans to get the endorsements of some former rock star politician. One of these former rock stars is making it his goal to influence the political scene of the state by endorsing a plethora of candidates across the state; he appears to be supporting any candidate that will pledge support for the COMVENTION OF THE STATES. In my opinion he is throwing caution to the wind; several knowledgeable people have serious concerns about the Convention of the States. If we are not careful we can do some serious damage to our Constitution; also I would guess that not one person in 200 even know what it is and what it entails.  I have noticed that these candidates receiving the endorsements fail to mention they support the Convention of the States, and most will not attend a political forum or debate their opponents. We Oklahoman's have been foolishly electing these jokers; we know little to nothing about their tax and spending policies. Is it any wonder our state budget is in a mess? Now the rock star politician is writing articles that are encouraging the people of this state to contact their legislators about some of the ill-conceived increases in taxes. I just wonder how many of his endorsees are applying conservative principles? I contend that he has his agenda and he is showing little respect to the people in the districts he has influenced.

        People don't blame the conservatives for the mess we are in because they are not there. The true grassroots conservatives are at home because they refused to sell their souls just to get elected.  



Tuesday, May 9, 2017

VIEW: 17-20: Pursuing Campaign Promises

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-20
The House of Representatives in the Congress of the USA has finally sent to the Senate
a bill to, we are told, change the ACA (Affordable Care Act) before it completely collapses,
financially, of it's own misplaced direction. Well, what can we expect from a 2,000+ page
monstrosity that was pushed through both Houses of Congress late at night with NO opposition
(Republican) votes. Also one that the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, gleefully
stated on TV that "we have to pass it so we can see what's in it".
As could be expected, those of the C/S persuasion, mostly Democrat but a few with an
'R' behind their name (referred to as RINOS) have hit the electronic, and some print, media
with loud and 'mean mouthed' language, and many outright lies, to denounce the new bill. Some
claims have actually gone so far as stating that many will 'die' because of it. Those reminded
me of the, totally false, claims made during an election this century about a Republican
candidate pushing an elderly woman over a cliff in a wheelchair. Unfortunately for our
REPUBLIC far too many individuals are either so mentally lazy or poorly educated that they
accept as fact such far fetched claims, and they probably vote!!
The expressed hysteria reminds me of the tactics used in the early 1930s by one Adolph
Hitler and his Nazi Party supporters to gain control of government in Germany to form the
"Socialist Republic of Germany" also referred to as the "Third Reich". History shows, where
not 'revised' by those with an agenda to further, the results of that big lie: six million Jews
murdered, after torture, as well as thousands of clergy and Freemason members in greater
percentage than the Jews.
The actions to 'r & r' ACA (Obama Care) are well intentioned and in keeping with a
major campaign promise of PRESDT and so should be carried forward promptly. However, in my
opinion, it is equally, or more, pressing to do something about the tax promises. PRESDT also
stressed a promise to reduce taxes, proposing a reduction in income tax RATES to a three level
set-up along with the removal of many of the other very intrusive and abusive taxes.
While this would be a substantial improvement over what we suffer through now, I am
convinced that there is a far better solution to the problem, particularly that of unequal
treatment at the hands of the IRS, usually for political purposes. It should be remembered
that the 'Income Tax' is in effect confiscation of the fruits of one's labor efforts and is
therefor immoral and unethical. It was also unconstitutional until the ratification of
Amendment XVI in 1913, which states: "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on
incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and
without regard to any census or enumeration".
The wording of the Amendment correct my misconception that it would be necessary to
repeal it to terminate the Income Tax and it's associated nefarious add-ons. As a result, it
is my opinion that the "FairTax" could be passed NOW and it could take effect on January 1,
2018 and the Amendment repealed to prevent future Congresses from reinstituting an income tax.
This would be most helpful to businesses and individuals in knowing how to plan for their own
taxes to be due at year end. In any event, the payroll deductions and estimated tax payments
should be terminated NOW as they were instituted during World War II to provide funds more
rapidly to pursue the costs of the War and were to terminate at its end. It has been over,
officially, since December 31, 1946 so why do we still have it, except to justify the
profligate spending of Congress and Bureaucracy since. The 'FairTax' would end ALL those
expenses and inconveniences and remove the headaches that are engendered by them. The bill, I
believe, is HR-36 and should be passed!!!
Composed May 9, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

VIEW: 17-20: Pursuing Campaign Promises

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-20
The House of Representatives in the Congress of the USA has finally sent to the Senate
a bill to, we are told, change the ACA (Affordable Care Act) before it completely collapses,
financially, of it's own misplaced direction. Well, what can we expect from a 2,000+ page
monstrosity that was pushed through both Houses of Congress late at night with NO opposition
(Republican) votes. Also one that the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, gleefully
stated on TV that "we have to pass it so we can see what's in it".
As could be expected, those of the C/S persuasion, mostly Democrat but a few with an
'R' behind their name (referred to as RINOS) have hit the electronic, and some print, media
with loud and 'mean mouthed' language, and many outright lies, to denounce the new bill. Some
claims have actually gone so far as stating that many will 'die' because of it. Those reminded
me of the, totally false, claims made during an election this century about a Republican
candidate pushing an elderly woman over a cliff in a wheelchair. Unfortunately for our
REPUBLIC far too many individuals are either so mentally lazy or poorly educated that they
accept as fact such far fetched claims, and they probably vote!!
The expressed hysteria reminds me of the tactics used in the early 1930s by one Adolph
Hitler and his Nazi Party supporters to gain control of government in Germany to form the
"Socialist Republic of Germany" also referred to as the "Third Reich". History shows, where
not 'revised' by those with an agenda to further, the results of that big lie: six million Jews
murdered, after torture, as well as thousands of clergy and Freemason members in greater
percentage than the Jews.
The actions to 'r & r' ACA (Obama Care) are well intentioned and in keeping with a
major campaign promise of PRESDT and so should be carried forward promptly. However, in my
opinion, it is equally, or more, pressing to do something about the tax promises. PRESDT also
stressed a promise to reduce taxes, proposing a reduction in income tax RATES to a three level
set-up along with the removal of many of the other very intrusive and abusive taxes.
While this would be a substantial improvement over what we suffer through now, I am
convinced that there is a far better solution to the problem, particularly that of unequal
treatment at the hands of the IRS, usually for political purposes. It should be remembered
that the 'Income Tax' is in effect confiscation of the fruits of one's labor efforts and is
therefor immoral and unethical. It was also unconstitutional until the ratification of
Amendment XVI in 1913, which states: "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on
incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and
without regard to any census or enumeration".
The wording of the Amendment correct my misconception that it would be necessary to
repeal it to terminate the Income Tax and it's associated nefarious add-ons. As a result, it
is my opinion that the "FairTax" could be passed NOW and it could take effect on January 1,
2018 and the Amendment repealed to prevent future Congresses from reinstituting an income tax.
This would be most helpful to businesses and individuals in knowing how to plan for their own
taxes to be due at year end. In any event, the payroll deductions and estimated tax payments
should be terminated NOW as they were instituted during World War II to provide funds more
rapidly to pursue the costs of the War and were to terminate at its end. It has been over,
officially, since December 31, 1946 so why do we still have it, except to justify the
profligate spending of Congress and Bureaucracy since. The 'FairTax' would end ALL those
expenses and inconveniences and remove the headaches that are engendered by them. The bill, I
believe, is HR-36 and should be passed!!!
Composed May 9, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608