Friday, November 30, 2018

VIEW: 18-44: Mid-Term Election Prospects

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-44
This week becomes the final week leading up to the 2018 Mid-Term Election,
November 6, which many have stated is "the most important in my' lifetime". Well
maybe not in mine, as the last Presidential election was one of the most, if not the
most, critical elections in my nine-decade memory. That includes those in 1940 and
44 where PRESFDR-32 was candidate for third term. This was in repudiation of
the tradition started by PRESGW-01 as his second term was running down declined
strong efforts to be made 'President for Life'.
The 'national media' has continued building a crescendo of claims of "Blue
Wave" in hopes of swaying enough uninformed voters into making a major change in
Congress come to pass. If successful the result would be an undoing of all the
beneficial changes that have occurred in the time since PRESDT-45 took office. The
successes brought about by his dedication and determination are far too numerous to
enumerate in the space allowed here. One of the ones not mentioned in any media,
except one radio report, seen or heard by me is the passage of a budget for the first
time in years by Congress. Hopefully that will preclude any 'shutdown' or continuing
resolutions being needed.
The disgusting display of lying, nasty accusations, and other undignified words
and actions, principally on the part of 'paid disrupters' and Senate members with a
"D" on their voter registrations, that was clearly on video display during the Judiciary
Committee hearings and vote is not expected to decline in the future. It seems to now
be firmly established in their DNA, to the detriment of the dignity and civility of
Congress in both Houses. In my mind they seem to act more like C/F/S officials in
foreign nations under that type of government, or where a movement is under way to
bring such about.
And, of course, they are strongly supported by a, it appears, mistaken left
leaning media personnel and management. There is a continuous barrage of attack
opinion and 'news' presented with the appearance of opinion coming out of
speakers on the TV and some radios. (Not having cable in my house the FOX
channel is not seen by me, except occasionally when visiting in the homes of friends
and acquaintances.
Meanwhile in the traditional service of Kirk of the Hills (EPC) Presbyterian
Church on October 14 there was great rejoicing and praise for PRESDT-45 and
GOD for the, finally, release of Reverend Andrew Brunson, a member of the
Evangelical Presbyterian Church denomination, from prison where he had been
arbitrarily and falsely accused, and convicted, of actions against the government
of Turkey, now in control of the Muslim followers. At least there has been some
coverage of this story in the national media. His plight had been pretty much
ignored by PRESBO-44, but then he has often stated that he is really a Muslim
and so stated to the rulers in Saudi Arabia when on a visit there.
While those in the Democrat Party and media prognosticators loudly
proclaim they expect a "blue wave" next month, my opinion is that they may
have pressed their case too loud and long to the exhaustion of the voters, even
some long time supporters. It will just depend on how irritated we of the more
'common sense oriented' have become to the point of voting in major numbers.
My absentee ballot is already marked and will be in the mail mid-October, as
has been my practice for decades. This was originally because of the demands
of my professional activities in the oil exploration field.
As former Congressman Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, D, said while being
lead to prison: "Keep the Faith baby". All is not lost until the 'honest' votes
are counted.
Composed October 16, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2018 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Fw: the conservative view; 2018/10/12

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2018 7:52 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        The midterm election is just a little over 3 weeks from now. We humans often get into a sort of hero worship when it comes to politicians, it is easy to make the mistake in believing that one politician or the other has all of the answers to life's problems. It constantly amazes me to see the same problems resurface every 2 or 4 years. Today some of the main topics include Social Security, Medicare, education, etc. Recently I was watching some old VHS tapes that I had recorded several years ago and the political ads of that day could have been inserted into today's commercials.  

        Politicians from all parties have made promises to fix the problems, but for the most part the problems still remain. According to a recent study 8 out of 10 Americans are concerned about having the ability to have a comfortable retirement and nearly 2/3 are afraid of outliving their savings. At the same time they are losing confidence in Social Security and Medicare.

        I have found that many people only live for today and don't want to think about a time in the future when they will be unable to work and have a steady income. Whether that attitude stems from refusing to admit we are indeed mortal or simply not wanting to worry about the future I am not sure. There are some serious facts that we need to be made aware of. One in 5 Americans (21 percent) has no savings at all. One in three baby boomers (33 percent) only have less than $25,000 in retirement savings, and they are the generation closest to retirement. We Americans are fortunate to be living longer, but that also creates a situation where more money will be needed. More Americans are anticipating retiring at 70 years or older instead of 65-69.

        Too many of our people have got into the mentality of looking to the government to solve our problems. I have come to the conclusion the government cannot take better care of an individual than when that individual takes an active role in their own retirement planning. The problems I listed above are for the most part self inflicted; granted anyone can have a streak of bad luck or sickness, but that does not add up to the percentages in the article. The art of living within your means is a dying art in America; even people with big salaries are not immune. Fortunately it is never too late to learn to live within our means. With the election just around the corner we need to remind ourselves of who the most important person is. The most important person is not the current crop of politicians, it is you. In a free society self responsibility is the best defense of the problems we will face in life.     

Fw: the conservative view

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2018 7:52 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        The midterm election is just a little over 3 weeks from now. We humans often get into a sort of hero worship when it comes to politicians, it is easy to make the mistake in believing that one politician or the other has all of the answers to life's problems. It constantly amazes me to see the same problems resurface every 2 or 4 years. Today some of the main topics include Social Security, Medicare, education, etc. Recently I was watching some old VHS tapes that I had recorded several years ago and the political ads of that day could have been inserted into today's commercials.  

        Politicians from all parties have made promises to fix the problems, but for the most part the problems still remain. According to a recent study 8 out of 10 Americans are concerned about having the ability to have a comfortable retirement and nearly 2/3 are afraid of outliving their savings. At the same time they are losing confidence in Social Security and Medicare.

        I have found that many people only live for today and don't want to think about a time in the future when they will be unable to work and have a steady income. Whether that attitude stems from refusing to admit we are indeed mortal or simply not wanting to worry about the future I am not sure. There are some serious facts that we need to be made aware of. One in 5 Americans (21 percent) has no savings at all. One in three baby boomers (33 percent) only have less than $25,000 in retirement savings, and they are the generation closest to retirement. We Americans are fortunate to be living longer, but that also creates a situation where more money will be needed. More Americans are anticipating retiring at 70 years or older instead of 65-69.

        Too many of our people have got into the mentality of looking to the government to solve our problems. I have come to the conclusion the government cannot take better care of an individual than when that individual takes an active role in their own retirement planning. The problems I listed above are for the most part self inflicted; granted anyone can have a streak of bad luck or sickness, but that does not add up to the percentages in the article. The art of living within your means is a dying art in America; even people with big salaries are not immune. Fortunately it is never too late to learn to live within our means. With the election just around the corner we need to remind ourselves of who the most important person is. The most important person is not the current crop of politicians, it is you. In a free society self responsibility is the best defense of the problems we will face in life.     

VIEW: 18-43: New Scotus Justice In Move On

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-43
NEW SCOTUS JUSTICE IN MOVE ON!! Week of 2018/10/22
Now that Judge Kavanaugh is officially 'Mr. Justice Kavanaugh' it is time to
move on with the matters important to the well being of our 241 year old
"REPUBLIC" given to us by the, in my opinion, divinely inspired members of
what turned out to be the original "Constitutional Convention".
Noticeably absent from the news during the uproar surrounding the Senate
confirmation battle put up by the 'C/F/S' leaning members of the 'minority party'
was a hidden news story carried by, as near as my information was, only one TV
network that the Senate had passed an actual BUDGET, for the first time in years,
if not decades. And like clockwork, those in the ranks of the big spending minority
are screaming about the 'insanely massive excess spending included, especially
defense and border security'.
Meanwhile back at the 'swamp' those insanely opposed to the Kavanaugh
appointment continue to assemble in mobs to vent their, paid for, mad obsession
against him. Unfortunately, the law enforcement units seem to be avoiding the
shutting down of those riots (the right term) as they had individually sworn to do.
Very likely because the individuals must obey orders received from the higher
officials, some of which are elected to the position held.
We of the more common sense majority have quietly accepted our faiths
when those on the other side have succeeded in the polls. Maybe it is becoming
time for us, for our own lives and safety, to abandon the pacifist position and move
to protect our persons, families, and friends. Certainly it would be much better if
those elected who are supposedly on our side would become more adamant in the
dedication to the Constitution and statutes and return the USA to a "Nation of Law
and Order". It is always true that when such violent actions succeed it merely
reinforces the efforts of the rioters to continue and in a more violent manner.
Hopefully those that rallied strongly to elect the current 'Commander In Chief'
will retain their activist interest and extend that over to the Congressional and local
elections this time and vote to continue the now started trend to a more peaceful and
prosperous land. It was most gratifying to see the enthusiasm exhibited at recent
rallies where PRESDT-45 has appeared. Maybe the right-thinking folks have
awakened and will turn out in full to vote and encourage friends to join.
Sadly, the sorry actions of the last few weeks may have undone much of the
progress PRESDT-45 has made in renewing respect for the USA in nations around
the World. It would seem that he can probably undo the damage soon.
Changing the subject only slightly, losing the fight against the SCOTUS
candidate, it seems that the 'Global Warming/Climate Change' mob is rising up
again in their attempts to weaken the USA and beating the drums for 'the end if
average temperature rises one degree Celsius'. It should be remembered that
with the melting of the ice cover on Greenland the emerging ground has shown
the presence of ancient farms with buildings and equipment. Answers why the
name Greenland for that large island and why evidence in the far Northeast US
and Canada has indicated that the Norsemen had been here as much as 500
years before the arrival of Columbus. A warmer climate was necessary to make
the North Atlantic calm enough for their open boats to make the trips. To
further falsify the claim of a 'mankind blame' for this climate change, the change
is quite normal as there was a great hue and cry in the 1970s that we were going
into a "mini Ice Age".
Composed October 08, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2018 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

VIEW; 18-42: Foreign Trade Improvement

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-42
Since PRESDT-45 has put in place tariffs on imports from nations
who have done the same to our exports to them there has been a
continuing outcry in media, at least in the local daily paper, that this will
result in much higher prices for purchases here. That seems to be obvious,
of course, but it will, and is, make an increase in national revenue. Even
possibly to the point of removing the deficit and beginning to reduce the
national debt, that is if Congress can come to its collective sense and
reduce the totally wasteful spending.
In the meantime the tariffs will serve to increase the cost of imported
items included to those wanting to purchase them. That might bring their
prices more in line with similar items manufactured domestically, more to
the benefit of our businesses. That would include some in danger of
closing, because of the unfair competition, being able to stay in business
and thus on line, in case of a national emergency, and able to quickly
increase production or even change products. The unfair label is used
because of the most often situation where the foreign government is
subsidizing the production and wages are substantially lower.
Frankly, it has been my experience, especially with smaller items,
that the imported quality is substantially lower, the instructions, if
necessary, are insufficiently clear, and the items usually do not last very
long. Because of the unfair tactics used by others, it has become my
policy to "buy American" whenever possible and realize the relatively
less expensive long term cost due to longer use of the item. This has
become particularly evident in the transition of light bulbs/tubes from
incandescent to fluorescent to LED. This year a LED blue bulb used
in my porch light, showing support for law enforcement, burned out
after less than two years and not used in the Christmas season. It was
made in China!!
Having made the case, it seems proper to offer an alternative
suggestion that has rattled around in my brain for some time, like
several years. This would require legislation to change some law
so that the rules could not be changed on whims, prejudices, or
improper leader conduct.
The suggestion is to have it in the law that our treatment in trade
with each and every nation would be exactly how their government is
treating our businesses and individuals!! Thus the actual treatment
could be adjusted automatically at any time to maintain trade equality.
There have been multiple reports of some nations, including in the
American continents, which assess as much as 100% tariff on imports
from the USA, and yet expect us to have none on their exports to us.
Any fairness in such cases is beyond my comprehension.
It remains my firm opinion that PRESDT-45 continues to be
on the right track in his decision making and we do not have access
to the overall picture and immediate details that is needed to arrive at
correct outcomes. So he still has my support even though his goal
methodology is not always clear in the beginning.
Admittedly he was not my first preference but it became clear
that he may have been the ONLY candidate able to achieve victory
and thus end the continuing and accelerating downward spiral of the
fortunes of the REPUBLIC that was delivered in 1787 by, in my
opinion, heavenly inspired and led attendees at the Constitutional
Convention in Philadelphia PA. With only occasional interruptions
since 1933 the increasingly C/F/S (Communist/Fascist/Socialist)
management and candidates of the Democrat Party have served to
turn the form of government further and further away from its founding.
Some of this can be attributed to the use of illegal aliens being
allowed to vote in violation of all natural and Constitutional law. If
we are to hope to continue to enjoy the Constitutionally 'guaranteed'
freedoms and rights given by GOD, we who have common sense
MUST be certain to screen candidates and only vote for those who
actually are 'rule of law' oriented and not just say so then do
otherwise. Even the Republican Party seems to be continually
infiltrated by those types we call RINOS!!
Composed October 02, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2018 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Fw: the conservative view; 18/10/06

         So true and well put Russell.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2018 7:40 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        Some of my best lessons in life came while doing some of the dirtiest and hardest work on the family farm. I can still remember my granddad making a comment while we were shoveling the manure out of the stalls in the barn. He said, "You know son, the more you stir manure the more it stinks". Being a kid I really couldn't comprehend the wisdom of what he said at the time, but as I watch the confirmation circus going on over the Kavanaugh hearing, I understand what he was talking about.

        I think it was Senator Jeff Flake who said that the hearings were tearing our country apart, I happen to agree with that statement; but I lay the blame for all of this mess on Senator Dianne Feinstein and her cohorts. It has been confirmed that she knew about the allegation by Christine Ford before the hearings even started. Instead of bringing it up early in the process where it could have been investigated behind closed doors without all of the grandstanding we have been witnessing, she sat on her hands and helped create the spectacle. For example, in the criminal justice system of our country if a potential case is brought before a District Attorney, the DA will do an investigation to see if there has been a crime committed and to make sure that the one making the allegation appears to be telling the truth. A good DA would never go to court and allow an accuser to make any claim without doing some background research, but that doesn't seem to be the rule of politicians with an agenda.

        The American people fail to see how they are being played by Feinstein and the other liberals. This practice of leaking undocumented allegations and allowing accusers to make any claim against anyone with no corroborating evidence is what is tearing this country apart. If Dianne Feinstein was so concerned with the moral character of Judge Kavanaugh she should have brought this allegation up at the beginning of the hearings, instead she helped cause a divide in our nation for political purposes. In my lifetime I have never seen our country so divided; in my opinion our nation is on the verge of another civil war.

        Our elected leaders are supposed to be looking out for the well being of our nation. If we were in a business deal to purchase some real estate, we would expect our broker to review all aspects of the transaction and not sit on one vital piece of evidence and throw it into the fray on the day of the closing. The actions of the left have done nothing but incite violence and hatred between our citizens. Like my grandfather often said about the more you stir manure the more it will stink, the stench coming from Washington DC is far worse than anything you would ever smell in a barnyard.    

Monday, November 26, 2018

Fw: the conservative view; 18/09/28

        Undoubtedly one of his best, right to the point.
Way to go Russell, keep it up.        Bob 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 7:29 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        We humans are for the most part an intelligent species, but we have a bad tendency to also be a gullible species. Too many of our people are so obsessed with getting something for nothing they lose all perspective of what freedom really means. There is a story in the Bible where a young man sold his birthright for a pot of soup because he thought he was getting something for free; throughout the rest of his life that decision cost him dearly. It doesn't help the situation when we have a bunch of power hungry politicians who make it a habit of promising taxpayer monies to any group they think will cast their vote for them in the next election cycle.

        This scenario has happened countless times throughout history. The practice of raiding the public treasury has bankrupted empires; the Roman Empire is a classic example. Many politicians have the belief that the majority rules and our system of government is a democracy; they could not be more wrong. Our system of government is a Republic. Thomas Jefferson made the comment that a democracy is the vilest form of government. From history he could see that all democracies eventually destroy themselves from within, they all fail because of bad financial practices. They fail because the citizens learn it is easier to have worthless politicians siphon money from the public treasury instead of working for it.

        I am often astonished by how some individuals get elected into public office, I have come to the conclusion there are two main reasons why this is happening. Number 1, people don't want to be bothered with politics; every election cycle I have people calling me at the last moment asking who they should vote for. While some of them are people holding down a job, they fail to understand the importance of voting the right people into office. So many taxes and fees are hidden in the necessities we use every day, one example is your phone or electric bill. By their nature those expenses are rarely the same month to month; it is so easy for another fee or tax to be added because most people rarely take to time to analyze their bill. Number 2, when someone does not have any skin in the game they have a tendency to not care about how government is operated as long as they keep receiving their benefits. From my own personal experience there is nothing that will get my attention quicker than having more of my hard earned money taken from me for programs that only benefit a certain group and have no accountability. Our country would be in a whole lot better condition if more people had skin in the game and were able to see the consequences of ill-informed voting.

        Until we Americans get out of the addiction of wanting something for nothing we will never experience true freedom. We become enslaved to a group of politicians and a system that know how to manipulate the voters into voting for them. We Americans are supposed to be a united people; we are dividing our society when we fail to look at the whole picture. The attitude of supporting something or someone if it benefits me and not caring what it does to someone else will be our downfall. The general election is just around the corner, and as for me and my house we will take freedom any day over free stuff.  


Fw: the conservative view; 18/09/28

        Undoubtedly one of his best, right to the point.
Way to go Russell, keep it up.        Bob 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 7:29 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        We humans are for the most part an intelligent species, but we have a bad tendency to also be a gullible species. Too many of our people are so obsessed with getting something for nothing they lose all perspective of what freedom really means. There is a story in the Bible where a young man sold his birthright for a pot of soup because he thought he was getting something for free; throughout the rest of his life that decision cost him dearly. It doesn't help the situation when we have a bunch of power hungry politicians who make it a habit of promising taxpayer monies to any group they think will cast their vote for them in the next election cycle.

        This scenario has happened countless times throughout history. The practice of raiding the public treasury has bankrupted empires; the Roman Empire is a classic example. Many politicians have the belief that the majority rules and our system of government is a democracy; they could not be more wrong. Our system of government is a Republic. Thomas Jefferson made the comment that a democracy is the vilest form of government. From history he could see that all democracies eventually destroy themselves from within, they all fail because of bad financial practices. They fail because the citizens learn it is easier to have worthless politicians siphon money from the public treasury instead of working for it.

        I am often astonished by how some individuals get elected into public office, I have come to the conclusion there are two main reasons why this is happening. Number 1, people don't want to be bothered with politics; every election cycle I have people calling me at the last moment asking who they should vote for. While some of them are people holding down a job, they fail to understand the importance of voting the right people into office. So many taxes and fees are hidden in the necessities we use every day, one example is your phone or electric bill. By their nature those expenses are rarely the same month to month; it is so easy for another fee or tax to be added because most people rarely take to time to analyze their bill. Number 2, when someone does not have any skin in the game they have a tendency to not care about how government is operated as long as they keep receiving their benefits. From my own personal experience there is nothing that will get my attention quicker than having more of my hard earned money taken from me for programs that only benefit a certain group and have no accountability. Our country would be in a whole lot better condition if more people had skin in the game and were able to see the consequences of ill-informed voting.

        Until we Americans get out of the addiction of wanting something for nothing we will never experience true freedom. We become enslaved to a group of politicians and a system that know how to manipulate the voters into voting for them. We Americans are supposed to be a united people; we are dividing our society when we fail to look at the whole picture. The attitude of supporting something or someone if it benefits me and not caring what it does to someone else will be our downfall. The general election is just around the corner, and as for me and my house we will take freedom any day over free stuff.  


VIEW: 18-41: A Dark Period In USA History

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-41
As this effort is underway we are experiencing one of the most disgusting
displays of incivility in the "hallowed halls of Congress" in my lifetime.
Certainly there have been others, but for sheer volume and intensity of ill-will
and verbosity this one seems to take the cake. Of course, the subject of this
monstrosity of indignity and lawlessness is the tactics being used by the
Democrat minority in the Judiciary Committee of the US Senate during the
process of deciding whether to seat Judge Kavanaugh in the US Supreme Court.
After some time of the normal 'vetting' of him before being considered
by the Committee there has been nothing but false and vicious accusations
supposedly brought, 35 years after the supposed incident, by a woman known
to be a Democrat activist and substantially on the 'left side' of the political fence.
The fact that she is a professor in a California university immediately aroused
my suspicions of the whole scenario from the beginning when Senator Dianne
Feinstein, D-CA, the senior member on the Committee came forth with a
'letter', she had received months earlier, accusing Judge Kavanaugh of an
'attempted rape' of her when in high school.
The accuser seemingly could not even remember the date although she
could remember(?) her age at the supposed time. Can't she even subtract
since she seemed to know her age at the supposed time. The 'friends' named
by her as witnesses have stated that such an event did not happen in their
And yet the weak spined leaders of the Committee have literally leaned
over backwards to accommodate her, even offering to go to California to
hear her statement. Actually this mantra that "women do not lie" being put
forth as 'proof' the incident happened and that men cannot be believed but
women no matter what their background and reputation should be now
relegated to the ash heap of history. Individuals of both sexes are known to
lie easily, but not all do. Frankly the whole scenario played out in the
Committee hearing, as well as those of other Congressional hearings, seems
to me to be childish and disgusting.
It appears that the Democrat minority are playing a delaying game in
order to have an opportunity after the election in November to side-track
the nomination and instead have a candidate more in liking to their non-
Constitutional way of wanting the Court to be structured, and thus enhance
their aggressive seek of more and more power over all of us for their
benefit, and those businesses which support there programs.
In the meantime, up in Minnesota there is a Democrat candidate for
State Attorney General who has been accused, reportedly with evidence
to back up the claim, similarly and their supporters in national media seem
to completely overlook the situation. Somewhat of a double standard in
my opinion. It should be remembered that one of the main claims to fame
of those in the non-freedom side of politics is that of claiming their
opponents are doing exactly what they ARE doing!!
The Committee vote to send the nomination to the whole Senate
passed on a strictly party-line vote, so maybe the first week of October
will bring a satisfactory close to this mess. At least satisfactory to those of
us who believe and revere the Constitution. We have had, and still have,
too many in the Supreme Court, as well as the lesser Federal Courts and
need change, for our and the Nation's well being.
That situation developed during the administration of President
James Earl Carter, D-GA 1977-81, who was given the privilege of
doubling the number of district judges by a solid Democrat Congress on
the excuse of "overloaded dockets" and packed them with those types,
as well as replacing the seats open by attrition. That seemed to be the
time frame when decisions began to come down that, to common sense
thinking citizens, were to cause multiple problems in society that we now
see coming to fruition, to our detriment.
We would do well to replace those in Congress up for re-election
who support such ludicrous conduct in the November election. Some
have been there way too long!!
Composed September 28, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2018 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Fw: the conservative view; 18/11/24

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2018 8:11 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        We Americans are a very fortunate people; we live in a nation where we are guaranteed the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. While our nation is a superpower, we need to remember that the main purpose of our laws and Constitution is for the protection of those rights for the American people. We on the right understand that there is evil in the world and it has become a constant battle in our own nation to control it. We are supposed to be a nation of law, but in today's society those laws are being selectively enforced. All elected and appointed individuals are required to take an oath for whatever office they will occupy.  For example, our president took an oath to protect our nation from all threats whether it is domestic or foreign. I, like many other Americans, have come to the conclusion that many people in the world don't like us, but they do like our money. We now have a president that understands that simple fact and he is willing to obey the oath he took and protect the American people. Unfortunately liberal judges are trying to thwart all actions he has taken.

        Have we forgotten the liberal judge that ruled that the travel ban from various counties was unconstitutional? That dispute eventually reached the Supreme Court where they ruled with president Trump. The judge didn't seem to care that in those countries there were terrorist organizations that wanted to do harm to the United States; all his ruling did was to consume six months of time that could have been better spent to litigate his ruling. Earlier this week an Obama appointed judge from San Francisco, California ruled that Trump's executive order over illegal migrants illegally crossing our border being denied asylum was unconstitutional. I am sure that this issue will also end up in the Supreme Court and it also will consume time that could be used more effectively. I never claimed to be a constitutional scholar, but in my opinion this judge must have been smoking some of that California wacky weed. This liberal judge wants to reward people who are not citizens of the United States and who are violating our laws by crossing the border illegally. Our prisons are full of Americans citizens who have violated our laws because they wanted a better quality of life; would we be willing to just release them because they wanted more money to spend? All we can hear in the mainstream media is about people wanting asylum to have a better life. Asylum is reserved to people who legitimately fear persecution in their home countries. That is far different from people wanting asylum because of economic conditions. Immigrants are not allowed to come to this country just because they want a better life.

        We Americans are a generous people, but that generosity needs to start at home. We do not reward citizens of this nation for doing illegal action just because they want a better lifestyle; just look at our prisons and you will see a bunch of people who try to do that very thing. My advice for all of those liberal judges, get off of our president's back and let him do the job he was elected to do and honor the oath he took.

VIEW: 18-49: Dangeous 'Fake' Science

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-49
DANGEROUS 'FAKE' SCIENCE Week of 2018/12/03
Just two weeks before the 'mid-term' election day' on
October 23 there was a mid-sized story, page width by 4.75 inches,
which was buried within the obituary section of our daily news(?)
paper carrying the headline: "U.S. report: Efforts to suck carbon
from air must be ramped up". The headline makes one wonder if it
really isn't an opinion column!! It carried a by-line credit to 'Seth
Borenstein' of the Associated Press and datelined 'Washington'.
Included was a picture looking like the real thing but labeled an
illustration 'shows one of the designs to remove carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere'. From my scientific point of view, 'what a
stupid and expensive, wasteful, and possibly fatal program'.
In my memory from science class at Lee elementary school
in Tulsa, we were taught that there is a joint dependency for life
itself between the floral and animal species. The vegetation
plants NEED to have carbon dioxide to live by taking in the
CO2, using the carbon to make their bodies and 'breathing out'
oxygen, which animal life, including the human race MUST have
to live. So it appears to me that these 'scientists' who have
bought into the mantra that carbon dioxide must be removed
from the air were not taught the same as were we in the "Class of '43".
The headline of the story made me think they were
referring to elemental carbon partials, rather than the
composition of carbon dioxide. There is no problem in my
mind about removing carbon particles from the air, as they
are very detrimental to human life. Just remember the coal
miners deadly condition called 'black lung' caused by
breathing the coal dust in the mines before the development
of large ventilation systems, or the use of breathing through filter masks.
Another fallacy in the 'fake science' world is that
carbon dioxide is that the gas is one of the 'blanket gasses'
if not the most effective one. Not so, according to my
education. Further, the push to end gasoline or diesel
powered piston engines for transportation is another fallacy
given that the exhaust from, at least the former, consists
primarily of 'carbon monoxide' which is well known to be
a very poisonist gas, which in enough concentration can
kill a human in minutes.
On the other hand, there are annually massive forest
fires in the West, most recently California, which produce
so much more CO2 than do autos that a move to prevent
them would be much more helpful and less deadly to those
folks. Some forest 'experts', not of the 'tree-hugger'
movement, have blamed the size and ferocity of them on
the rules against clearing the 'trash' of dead vegetation
from the forest land, and even preventing residents from
clearing their own property. Being California, though, does
that surprise anyone. It occurred to me that if they would
build their houses and buildings out of concrete and steel
they might withstand a nearby fire and serve as firebreaks
to stop the spread!!
There is, however, a much more sinister possibility
that came to my attention, by accident, back in 1973.
My middle son was 11 and in the Cub Scouts Weebalos
den, in Colorado and our pack had a practice of taking the
boys on a camp out in the mountains. Each boy had to
have a dad responsible for him present. After we had the
boys in the tents we dads were sitting around the campfire
and getting acquainted, including our vocations. When,
during my turn, the subject was finding and producing oil
and gas, one of the other dads stated that we were going
to be 'put out of business'. After my question of "then
how will you feed, cloth, heat, cool, and transport the
people". His reply was the effect that "we will reduce the
population by starvation or eradication. My question then
was "what if the majority remaining took a dim view of that
operation and, being armed, would resist?" He retorted to
the effect that "we will disarm the population or use gas".
The shocker came with his turn to state a vocation of
"Junior High Science Teacher"!! Going on today?
Composed November 21, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2018 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Saturday, November 24, 2018

VIEW: 18-49: Dangerous 'Fake' Science

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-49
DANGEROUS 'FAKE' SCIENCE Week of 2018/12/03
Just two weeks before the 'mid-term' election day' on October 23 there
was a mid-sized story, page width by 4.75 inches, which was buried within the
obituary section of our daily news(?) paper carrying the headline: "U.S. report:
Efforts to suck carbon from air must be ramped up". The headline makes one
wonder if it really isn't an opinion column!! It carried a by-line credit to 'Seth
Borenstein' of the Associated Press and datelined 'Washington'. Included
was a picture looking like the real thing but labeled an illustration 'shows one
of the designs to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere'. From my
scientific point of view, 'what a stupid and expensive, wasteful, and possibly
fatal program'.
In my memory from science class at Lee elementary school in Tulsa,
we were taught that there is a joint dependency for life itself between the
floral and animal species. The vegetation plants NEED to have carbon
dioxide to live by taking in the CO2, using the carbon to make their bodies
and 'breathing out' oxygen, which animal life, including the human race
MUST have to live. So it appears to me that these 'scientists' who have
bought into the mantra that carbon dioxide must be removed from the air
were not taught the same as were we in the "Class of '43".
The headline of the story made me think they were referring to
elemental carbon particles, rather than the composition of carbon dioxide.
There is no problem in my mind about removing carbon particles from
the air, as they are very detrimental to human life. Just remember the coal
miners deadly condition called 'black lung' caused by breathing the coal
dust in the mines before the development of large ventilation systems, or
the use of breathing through filter masks.
Another fallacy in the 'fake science' world is that carbon dioxide is
that the gas is one of the 'blanket gasses' if not the most effective one.
Not so, according to my education. Further, the push to end gasoline or
diesel powered piston engines for transportation is another fallacy given
that the exhaust from, at least the former, consists primarily of 'carbon
monoxide' which is well known to be a very poisonist gas, which in
enough concentration can kill a human in minutes.
On the other hand, there are annually massive forest fires in the
West, most recently California, which produce so much more CO2 than
do autos that a move to prevent them would be much more helpful and
less deadly to those folks. Some forest 'experts', not of the 'tree-hugger'
movement, have blamed the size and ferocity of them on the rules against
clearing the 'trash' of dead vegetation from the forest land, and even
preventing residents from clearing their own property. Being California,
though, does that surprise anyone. It occurred to me that if they would
build their houses and buildings out of concrete and steel they might
withstand a nearby fire and serve as firebreaks to stop the spread!!
There is, however, a much more sinister possibility that came to my
attention, by accident, back in 1973. My youngest son was 11 and in the
Cub Scouts Weebalos den, in Colorado and our pack had a practice of
taking the boys on a camp out in the mountains. Each boy had to have a
dad responsible for him present. After we had the boys in the tents we
dads were sitting around the campfire and getting acquainted, including
our vocations. When, during my turn, the subject was finding and
producing oil and gas, one of the other dads stated that we were going to
be 'put out of business'. After my question of "then how will you feed,
cloth, heat, cool, and transport the people". His reply was the effect that
"we will reduce the population by starvation or eradication. My question
then was "what if the majority remaining took a dim view of that operation
and, being armed, would resist?" He retorted to the effect that "we will
disarm the population or use gas". The shocker came with his turn to state
a vocation of "Junior High Science Teacher"!! Going on today?
Composed November 21, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

VIEW: 18-40: A Historic Day For The USA

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-40
A HISTORIC DAY FOR THE USA Week of 2018/10/01
It suddenly dawned on me earlier in the day, this Monday, 17 September,
that this subject should have been addressed previously so as to appear in
publications during the previous week. In my opinion this date should be given
importance comparable to 4 July in observance in the calenders in the USA.
My apologies for my oversight, brought on by the current news thrown at us
constantly in the media campaign to discredit and, they hope, remove PRESDT-
45 and block his agenda of bringing back pride in our REPUBLIC. Having
marked the date in my daily book to be transferred to next years and so on in
the future.
Unfortunately the importance, or even the occurrence, was not taught in
public schools in the 1930s, at least here in Tulsa. Right here and now begins
an attempt to rectify that oversite for future years for so long as the USA
continues to exist, which many seem determined to make the time short. For
those still uninformed, the subject is CONSTITUTION DAY. Yes, on
September 17, 1787 the original draft of the Constitution of the United States
of America (COTOTUSA) was formally signed for submition to the thirteen
new STATES for ratification. The signature list was headed by Go.
Washington as "President and deputy from Virginia" and attested by William
Jackson, Secretary.
On referring back to my copies of two different publications of this
document: Heritage Foundation and Hillsdale College, it was surprising to
note that there were delegates from only 12 'States' listed as signers, with
Rhode Island being notably missing. Mr research turned up that the
Constitution was declared ratified by the required nine states and placed
in action as the "Law of the Land" on the 13 of September 1788 and
the remaining four, on promise of future '12 amendments' called "Bill
of Rights" on 29 May 1790.
The signing and ratification of the Constitution was, like the issuing
of the Declaration of Independence, a singular event in World history.
The peaceful separation of one area and its population from another had
never been known to occur before in history and the Constitution with its
guarantee of the "GOD given unalienable rights" was just as much a first in
history. My unshakable opinion is that these documents are so clear and
understandable that the authors must have been truly inspired by Him. It
should be kept as originally prepared and used as intended, rather than
changed on mere whims!
Because this is the follow on of the Independence and every bit as
importance to our citizens it is my firm opinion that this day should be
observed just as much and with the same solemnity as we do
Independence Day on July 4 and each year. Further, there should be no
'tinkering' to make another 'three day weekend' with this but keep it
always on September 17th.
Now that the suggestion has been issued, the carrying out of the
laws to firmly establish it will have to be done by the Legislative bodies.
Perhaps the Oklahoma Legislature could at the NEXT (2019) Session
pass the bills for the next Governor to execute for observation within the
borders of our State. At this time not knowing who will occupy the
Chambers and Office, my breath shall not be held while waiting. This
would be another great FIRST for the State of Oklahoma to 'show the
way' for the other 49.
While on the subject of Constitutions, a copy of the Oklahoma
Constitution seems to be unavailable to the Public. The question
becomes: How can we citizens be expected to obey all the laws thus
established if there are no published copies available? I have been
privileged to receive a published copy of the Constitutions of Missouri
and Pennsylvania complimentary each from a member of the
Legislature of that State. They are in "paperback" style and size and
include the US Declaration and Constitution.
Information given me is that the Oklahoma Constitution is the
LONGEST in the Nation, which indicates that it is far too detailed
with minor items and maybe why it has not been published. My
friends in the Legislature have told me that on each of their desks is
a 'three inch' thick stack purportedly to be ours. Maybe it should be
reconsidered for clarity and size. Also, there is NO mention in the
US Constitution of "Separation of church and state!! So 'lefties
get over it and wake up'.
Composed September 17, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Fw: the conservative view

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2018 8:11 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        We Americans are a very fortunate people; we live in a nation where we are guaranteed the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. While our nation is a superpower, we need to remember that the main purpose of our laws and Constitution is for the protection of those rights for the American people. We on the right understand that there is evil in the world and it has become a constant battle in our own nation to control it. We are supposed to be a nation of law, but in today's society those laws are being selectively enforced. All elected and appointed individuals are required to take an oath for whatever office they will occupy.  For example, our president took an oath to protect our nation from all threats whether it is domestic or foreign. I, like many other Americans, have come to the conclusion that many people in the world don't like us, but they do like our money. We now have a president that understands that simple fact and he is willing to obey the oath he took and protect the American people. Unfortunately liberal judges are trying to thwart all actions he has taken.

            Have we forgotten the liberal judge that ruled that the travel ban from various counties was unconstitutional? That dispute eventually reached the Supreme Court where they ruled with president Trump. The judge didn't seem to care that in those countries there were terrorist organizations that wanted to do harm to the United States; all his ruling did was to consume six months of time that could have been better spent to litigate his ruling. Earlier this week an Obama appointed judge from San Francisco, California ruled that Trump's executive order over illegal migrants illegally crossing our border being denied asylum was unconstitutional. I am sure that this issue will also end up in the Supreme Court and it also will consume time that could be used more effectively. I never claimed to be a constitutional scholar, but in my opinion this judge must have been smoking some of that California wacky weed. This liberal judge wants to reward people who are not citizens of the United States and who are violating our laws by crossing the border illegally. Our prisons are full of Americans citizens who have violated our laws because they wanted a better quality of life; would we be willing to just release them because they wanted more money to spend? All we can hear in the mainstream media is about people wanting asylum to have a better life. Asylum is reserved to people who legitimately fear persecution in their home countries. That is far different from people wanting asylum because of economic conditions. Immigrants are not allowed to come to this country just because they want a better life.

        We Americans are a generous people, but that generosity needs to start at home. We do not reward citizens of this nation for doing illegal action just because they want a better lifestyle; just look at our prisons and you will see a bunch of people who try to do that very thing. My advice for all of those liberal judges, get off of our president's back and let him do the job he was elected to do and honor the oath he took.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Fw: the conservative view, 18/09/14

    Again a new one to me.  We need to flood the Legislature
offices with objections.  This must be coming from those 'newbies'
who, with union support including teachers, were successful in
taking out incumbants!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:39 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        It seems just like yesterday when our current governor, Mary Fallin, laid out a tax and spend scheme to pump more money out of the pockets of all Oklahomans. Her scheme was to impose a sales tax upon almost every service that Oklahomans use on a daily basis; by some estimates that tax would have been around 10%. Those services would cover such things as doctor and dentist visits, barbers, auto mechanics, plumbers, etc. Fortunately there were enough outcries that her proposal was abandoned; sadly this flawed idea is again rearing its ugly head. I have heard reports that some Republican candidates have voiced support for such a proposal.

        Earlier this year we Oklahomans had the biggest increase in taxes in state history, now we have a new tax hungry bunch wanting even more of our hard earned money. What these highly educated individuals with little to no practical working experience fail to understand is the simple fact that many workers providing these services are struggling to make a modest living every day. For example, I personally know many carpenters in my area that work out of their pickup for individuals who want small building and remodeling jobs done. These carpenters have no retirement, no group health care plans, and no secretary to do the paperwork that such a law would entail. All of us know someone in our communities that provide a much needed service, whether it is a carpenter or auto mechanic, at a reasonable price; a law like this would essentially put them out of business. The end result would be those reasonable prices for the services you need would no longer be there.

        Many Oklahomans think that any such bill would require a 75% majority, but they are wrong; this bill could be passed with a simple 50% plus one vote to pass. Fortunately in the previous session there were enough true conservatives who were able to thwart Fallin's plan, sadly many of them were voted out in the primaries. With that in mind it is imperative that we as voters screen out the supporters of the tax on services and prevent them from having an office in the state capital. To me it makes no difference what political party they belong to, I am a registered republican but I will not support any republican that supports a tax on services.

        The local people who work out of their pickup can only charge what the traffic will bear. If they could charge an extra 10% for their service they might have the ability to purchase some health insurance or lay back a little for retirement. For all of these potential legislators who support this resurrected money grab, I have a suggestion for them. When you look at it almost everyone who works is providing a service - that includes legislators. If they are intent upon supporting this idea it would be a good faith idea for them to fork over 10% of their salary to the state as a tax on their service to the people of the state of Oklahoma. It gets old when we have to say "HERE WE GO AGAIN" every time the legislature convenes. It is sad when the people who do the work to keep this country and state running are taken for granted and are looked at as a cash cow to fund the elite's grand ideas. 

Fw: the conservative view, 18/09/14

    Again a new one to me.  We need to flood the Legislature
offices with objections.  This must be coming from those 'newbies'
who, with union support including teachers, were successful in
taking out incumbants!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:39 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        It seems just like yesterday when our current governor, Mary Fallin, laid out a tax and spend scheme to pump more money out of the pockets of all Oklahomans. Her scheme was to impose a sales tax upon almost every service that Oklahomans use on a daily basis; by some estimates that tax would have been around 10%. Those services would cover such things as doctor and dentist visits, barbers, auto mechanics, plumbers, etc. Fortunately there were enough outcries that her proposal was abandoned; sadly this flawed idea is again rearing its ugly head. I have heard reports that some Republican candidates have voiced support for such a proposal.

        Earlier this year we Oklahomans had the biggest increase in taxes in state history, now we have a new tax hungry bunch wanting even more of our hard earned money. What these highly educated individuals with little to no practical working experience fail to understand is the simple fact that many workers providing these services are struggling to make a modest living every day. For example, I personally know many carpenters in my area that work out of their pickup for individuals who want small building and remodeling jobs done. These carpenters have no retirement, no group health care plans, and no secretary to do the paperwork that such a law would entail. All of us know someone in our communities that provide a much needed service, whether it is a carpenter or auto mechanic, at a reasonable price; a law like this would essentially put them out of business. The end result would be those reasonable prices for the services you need would no longer be there.

        Many Oklahomans think that any such bill would require a 75% majority, but they are wrong; this bill could be passed with a simple 50% plus one vote to pass. Fortunately in the previous session there were enough true conservatives who were able to thwart Fallin's plan, sadly many of them were voted out in the primaries. With that in mind it is imperative that we as voters screen out the supporters of the tax on services and prevent them from having an office in the state capital. To me it makes no difference what political party they belong to, I am a registered republican but I will not support any republican that supports a tax on services.

        The local people who work out of their pickup can only charge what the traffic will bear. If they could charge an extra 10% for their service they might have the ability to purchase some health insurance or lay back a little for retirement. For all of these potential legislators who support this resurrected money grab, I have a suggestion for them. When you look at it almost everyone who works is providing a service - that includes legislators. If they are intent upon supporting this idea it would be a good faith idea for them to fork over 10% of their salary to the state as a tax on their service to the people of the state of Oklahoma. It gets old when we have to say "HERE WE GO AGAIN" every time the legislature convenes. It is sad when the people who do the work to keep this country and state running are taken for granted and are looked at as a cash cow to fund the elite's grand ideas. 

VIEW: 18-39: Public Works Common Sense

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-39
Having taken to task possible construction deficiencies of the OTA
(Oklahoma Turnpike Authority) in the "Cimarron Turnpike" which
connects Tulsa with I-35 North of Stillwater, it seems only fair to give
credit for actions in a widening project on the "Turner Turnpike", the first
one built in the 1950s if memory serves correct. In a sizeable story in the
September 12 issue of the daily paper with numerous pictures it developed
that a long promised widening from Southwest of Tulsa westward was
well under way with one section to possibly open before year end. The
project is being done in three sections which indicates to me that some
consideration has been given to the convenience of the 'customers'.
In a project of that size construction would disrupt travel on the
whole length for several years. In doing it in smaller sections the work on
each section causes delays for a shorter period of time and more quickly
opens completed stretches to use. Shorter work sections also reduces
the delays due to slow speed limits on shorter sections. If my opinion of
the matter is correct then compliments should be due to the decision
makers in the OTA, and Thank You.
Unfortunately on the other side of the scale one only needs to turn
to the City of Tulsa and the more than three year construction of a large
park titled "Gathering Place" on both sides of a major North-South multi
lane thruway. Tulsa's Riverside Drive has been closed to traffic for that
length of time before being opened at last on September 10, three days
after the park itself was opened to the public with much fanfare. The
street now has at least two pair of 'tunnels' which allow ground surface
walking between the two sides of park.
During this closing the detour was down South Peoria Avenue
through the 'Brookside Area' which was already in a very crowded state.
The added traffic resulted in delays and safety situations and seemed to
me to be done in total disregard to the convenience and safety of the
citizens. Further aggravating many, including me, was the keeping
Riverside Drive at four lanes, while further South it becomes six.
Former Mayor Susan Savage had proposed widening it to six, plus a
parkway between with added turn lanes, during her terms but 'protests'
reported to be from residents in nearby neighborhoods served to sidetrack
that plan, to the detriment of the users.
Several past projects seem to have been carried out with total
disregard for the convenience and safety of the general population. Even
now with discussion being renewed toward a widening project on South
Yale Avenue over 'Signal Hill' from 81st Street to 91st Street a deaf ear
seems to prevail down town in City government and media. A proposal
to tunnel under the 'Hill' with twin 3-lane bores has received no known
consideration, and the daily paper has continued to decline to run 'Letters
to the Editor' about the subject, claiming 'excess words'. While it is
known that tunnels can be expensive, it might be less than the huge amount
of dirt and rock moving necessary to widen the current 2 lanes to even 4.
That seems to me to be a farce with both ends having six lanes plus left
and right turn lanes.
In addition the hilltop residents would probably welcome a reduction
in the traffic on the hill so they could more easily enter and exit their
developments. Also, with the large diameter boring machines now
available the tunnels would not require the large amounts of blasting as in
earlier years and tunnels would not have the risks of snow, ice, or rain
slickening that is a problem now. Thus the residents would not be
bothered by that activity and the completion of one tunnel would allow
two-way traffic through it while the second was being bored.
It seems that the planners, designers, and officials have no care
about the safety and convenience of those residents in the areas
surrounding such a project. This was painfully evident in the previous
decade when Yale was being widened from 71st to 81st and the
disruption was over two years because of mis-direction on the part of
the contractor that could have been avoided. Although there have
been, and are, a number of other such instances, these listed should
shed a little light on a seemingly prevalent problem.
Composed September 14, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2018 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Fw: the conservative view, 18/09/14

        Happy Thanksgiving.  Still catching up
    Again a new one to me.  We need to flood the Legislature
offices with objections.  This must be coming from those 'newbies'
who, with union support including teachers, were successful in
taking out incumbants!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:39 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        It seems just like yesterday when our current governor, Mary Fallin, laid out a tax and spend scheme to pump more money out of the pockets of all Oklahomans. Her scheme was to impose a sales tax upon almost every service that Oklahomans use on a daily basis; by some estimates that tax would have been around 10%. Those services would cover such things as doctor and dentist visits, barbers, auto mechanics, plumbers, etc. Fortunately there were enough outcries that her proposal was abandoned; sadly this flawed idea is again rearing its ugly head. I have heard reports that some Republican candidates have voiced support for such a proposal.

        Earlier this year we Oklahomans had the biggest increase in taxes in state history, now we have a new tax hungry bunch wanting even more of our hard earned money. What these highly educated individuals with little to no practical working experience fail to understand is the simple fact that many workers providing these services are struggling to make a modest living every day. For example, I personally know many carpenters in my area that work out of their pickup for individuals who want small building and remodeling jobs done. These carpenters have no retirement, no group health care plans, and no secretary to do the paperwork that such a law would entail. All of us know someone in our communities that provide a much needed service, whether it is a carpenter or auto mechanic, at a reasonable price; a law like this would essentially put them out of business. The end result would be those reasonable prices for the services you need would no longer be there.

        Many Oklahomans think that any such bill would require a 75% majority, but they are wrong; this bill could be passed with a simple 50% plus one vote to pass. Fortunately in the previous session there were enough true conservatives who were able to thwart Fallin's plan, sadly many of them were voted out in the primaries. With that in mind it is imperative that we as voters screen out the supporters of the tax on services and prevent them from having an office in the state capital. To me it makes no difference what political party they belong to, I am a registered republican but I will not support any republican that supports a tax on services.

        The local people who work out of their pickup can only charge what the traffic will bear. If they could charge an extra 10% for their service they might have the ability to purchase some health insurance or lay back a little for retirement. For all of these potential legislators who support this resurrected money grab, I have a suggestion for them. When you look at it almost everyone who works is providing a service - that includes legislators. If they are intent upon supporting this idea it would be a good faith idea for them to fork over 10% of their salary to the state as a tax on their service to the people of the state of Oklahoma. It gets old when we have to say "HERE WE GO AGAIN" every time the legislature convenes. It is sad when the people who do the work to keep this country and state running are taken for granted and are looked at as a cash cow to fund the elite's grand ideas. 

Fw: the conservative view, 18/09/14

        Happy Thanksgiving.  Still catching up
    Again a new one to me.  We need to flood the Legislature
offices with objections.  This must be coming from those 'newbies'
who, with union support including teachers, were successful in
taking out incumbants!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:39 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        It seems just like yesterday when our current governor, Mary Fallin, laid out a tax and spend scheme to pump more money out of the pockets of all Oklahomans. Her scheme was to impose a sales tax upon almost every service that Oklahomans use on a daily basis; by some estimates that tax would have been around 10%. Those services would cover such things as doctor and dentist visits, barbers, auto mechanics, plumbers, etc. Fortunately there were enough outcries that her proposal was abandoned; sadly this flawed idea is again rearing its ugly head. I have heard reports that some Republican candidates have voiced support for such a proposal.

        Earlier this year we Oklahomans had the biggest increase in taxes in state history, now we have a new tax hungry bunch wanting even more of our hard earned money. What these highly educated individuals with little to no practical working experience fail to understand is the simple fact that many workers providing these services are struggling to make a modest living every day. For example, I personally know many carpenters in my area that work out of their pickup for individuals who want small building and remodeling jobs done. These carpenters have no retirement, no group health care plans, and no secretary to do the paperwork that such a law would entail. All of us know someone in our communities that provide a much needed service, whether it is a carpenter or auto mechanic, at a reasonable price; a law like this would essentially put them out of business. The end result would be those reasonable prices for the services you need would no longer be there.

        Many Oklahomans think that any such bill would require a 75% majority, but they are wrong; this bill could be passed with a simple 50% plus one vote to pass. Fortunately in the previous session there were enough true conservatives who were able to thwart Fallin's plan, sadly many of them were voted out in the primaries. With that in mind it is imperative that we as voters screen out the supporters of the tax on services and prevent them from having an office in the state capital. To me it makes no difference what political party they belong to, I am a registered republican but I will not support any republican that supports a tax on services.

        The local people who work out of their pickup can only charge what the traffic will bear. If they could charge an extra 10% for their service they might have the ability to purchase some health insurance or lay back a little for retirement. For all of these potential legislators who support this resurrected money grab, I have a suggestion for them. When you look at it almost everyone who works is providing a service - that includes legislators. If they are intent upon supporting this idea it would be a good faith idea for them to fork over 10% of their salary to the state as a tax on their service to the people of the state of Oklahoma. It gets old when we have to say "HERE WE GO AGAIN" every time the legislature convenes. It is sad when the people who do the work to keep this country and state running are taken for granted and are looked at as a cash cow to fund the elite's grand ideas.