Thursday, March 16, 2017

VIEW: 17-12: Misguided Complaint

No. 3 in catch-up. One per day is plan. Bob

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-12
MISGUIDED COMPLAINT Week of 2017/03/20
In recent weeks Governor Mary Fallin made her selection for a replacement of a retired
judge on the Oklahoma Supreme Court. By law she is required to choose from a panel of three
nominees selected by a commission which seems to be under majority control of the Oklahoma Bar
Association members. The one she chose is a deputy on the Oklahoma Attorney General staff.
It seems that almost immediately officials of the State Democrat Party vehemently
objected, ostensibly on the basis that 'he is not a citizen of that judicial district'. This
despite the later published fact that he is native to that area and continues to own property
there. Media stories stated that he 'resides in Edmond'. Well, if a person works in Oklahoma
City, it would be logical that he or she would maintain a residence nearby, as do most members
of the Legislature, rather than having to resort to much greater hotel/motel expenses during
the work week. It seems to me that reporters could have very easily checked the voter
registration records for his reported address in Edmond to see if he is registered there, or in
his home town, but no such report was seen by me.
Actually the records of none of the three candidates nominated by the commission, the
other two being sitting district judges, is presently known to me. However, it is my opinion
that we citizens of Oklahoma have been for years suffering under the judicial bias of the make
up of the current justices. From what reports have come out on the logic(?) put forth in the
statements when they have voted to overrule seemingly logical and much desired legislation one
must come to the conclusion that the decisions are truly based on personal bias rather than
facts of the Constitution.
However, knowing the record of our recent AG, for whom the appointed man worked, it
seems to me that this should be a beginning step in the right direction to bring the Court back
to a more even balance. And that should be of great benefit to the rest of the population.
Personal bias is readily admitted as my 'mind is made up' that abortion is nothing
more than murder for convenience. I still remember the time in 1990 when as a candidate for
House 67 a woman confronted me with the statement 'Bob, if you are going anywhere in politics,
you had better get off your anti abortion position'. Nor have I forgotten my reply "try to put
yourself in my position, if the open abortion laws had been in effect in 1926, I probably would
not be here for you to say that to".
Within a day or two following the story on the Democrat office, was a story that the
ACLU had filed a legal action against the appointment. This seems very suspicious to me that
there is a close connection between the offices of these two entities. And, in my opinion, the
ACLU has anything but what its selected name implies. It seems that they only are supportive
of issues that fall into the agenda of the C/S world movement. Further, when they become
involved they seem to make every attempt to bring trial in the media rather than wait until
evidence is presented in court. No further reports on that subject has been forthcoming,
although a radio news report recently stated that the case was not accepted by the court, if my
ears did not deceive me.
It was of some comfort to me to be advised by the office of Congressman Bridenstine
that the ACLU receives no federal funding, like Planned Parenthood does. Along that line, a
report was heard on March 7 that PRESDT had told them that he would allow them to continue to
receive the federal funds IF THEY WOULD CEASE DOING ABORTIONS!!! For anyone who believes that
the offer will be accepted, I have heard of some swamp land in florida that can be had cheap!!
There have been reports of the ACLU being declaired to be very dangerous, or worse by the
Government, but have not been seen by me.
Composed March 8, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

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