Thursday, May 21, 2020

Fw: By Lenoir Menzes

Well put and concise. Thank you Nancy!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nancy Turlington" <>
To: "Paul Andert" <>; "Robert W. McDowell" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 8:07 AM
Subject: By Lenoir Menzes

By Lenolr Menzes:

I'm so grateful my prayers were answered. I have despised this man for so long. 😢
Since this whole virus thing started I was so scared for my family and their future. I was
so confused about what was really going on. I was losing it locked up in a tiny house by
myself. I wanted to be with my family I wanted to go back to work I wanted things back
the way they were. So I prayed to know Gods will. I prayed for discernment. I know
God loves me. Because when I need Him the most He is there for me. He answers my
The next day my sister shared a video with me and it was at a certain point in that
video where it felt like a veil had been removed from in front of my eyes and I could see.
At first I was shocked because I felt it went against all I thought I had stood for my whole
life. And then the Holy Ghost in a split second testified to me that I had been deceived.
When I look at this picture I realize what a hard job our president has. I know he is far
from perfect just like ALL the rest of us. But I also realize that he was chosen to do this
job. It takes someone with his demeanor to stand up to the attacks that are coming from
all sides. Just not us as a country but himself personally. A weak minded individual could
not endure what is currently unfolding. I watch the briefings as much as possible. And that
has shown me even more so how biased our media is. And how they are dividing us. And
we are letting them. Sometimes I feel terrible that I have been so negative towards this man
until recently. But then I realize how blessed I am to have had the courage to change. And
I want to let others who might be experiencing this to know. That it's okay to change your
mind. It's okay to admit you are wrong. It will set you free. And I'm grateful to have a man
in the White House who is fighting for my freedom everyday. Because rest assured, there
are forces working very hard to strip us of them. I'm ashamed that I was bamboozled by
past administrations that I endorsed. But that does not supersede this personal revelation. ❤️
Thank you Heavenly Father!
And Thank you Mr President for excepting the call to serve us!
Sent from my iPad

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