Friday, September 6, 2019

VIEW: 19-37: Lies & Political Correctness

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-37
It seems to me there is nothing more offensive than the continuous barrage of
outright lies coming from those one the left side of the political fence and the blatant
twisting of factual stories found in the, mostly national but too often local, "news"
sources. Evidences of that is mind boggling but everywhere to be found. But the far
worst part is the massive spread of total acceptance of this drivel by uneducated, ill-
informed, or just too lazy to care large numbers of the population. If they don't wake
up and try to learn the true facts, I fear that the USA as originally established will be
relegated to only exist in history, if even history can somehow be kept truthful. As one
of those who trust and revere the Constitution and Declaration of Independence it truly
pains me to see how those who openly hate our form of government have managed to
become active in its operation.
Another story appeared in the daily news(?) paper on July 24 headlined: "Service
academy nominations lopsided". It carried a sub-headline reading: "Men are nominated
nearly three times as often as women, an analysis shows". Credit was given to Michael
Melia of the Associated Press. The 'analysis' may very well be reasonably accurate,
but the tone of the headline is most "Politically Correct" to the point of misleading, if not
outright false since the Academies do not normally 'recruit' students. From first hand
knowledge I can state that there are exceptions, particularly in the competitive sports
department. Coaches have been given a certain number of nomination slots for their
sport, but those nominated are required to meet academic and physical standards for the
particular academy.
The actual, but unstated, truth appears to be that there are probably fewer than
that number nominated by members of Congress, since there have not been that
percentages of applications made to them. In my own experience in very recent years
there have been at least two young ladies, still in high school, who have stated a desire
to attend the Air Force Academy. From my observation of their abilities, one in Junior
Reserve Officers Training and the other in Civil Air Patrol, it seems each will have a very
high likelihood of admission.
In reality, the service academies should, and do, have rather strict requirements in
academic records, physical condition, and personality traits for admission. Also the
cadets accepted are in for four years of undergraduate college, in some cases graduate
studies, and if memory serves correct at least four years of active duty in the field, or at
sea in the Navy. Cadets do receive pay, lowest, room, board, and clothing while in
school but only pay, and sometimes allowances, after graduation with an officer
On the other hand, recently published and radio or TV reports indicated that
there are more women in 'civilian' universities than there are men, like about 55%
women. They have stated the supposition that men are deciding to go to trade schools
and more quickly come out with a well paying job rather than spend four or more years
in an academic environment and come out deeply in debt with, in some course of studies,
a much less lucrative pay likelihood. That situation could, when news is more widely
distributed, serve as an attraction for men to go to those colleges. It reminds me of my
own situation in 1943 when at age 16 going into Aeronautical Engineering at University
of Tulsa there were 900 students, with only 200 being men, World War II having taken
numerous out of college, for a small "vacation" from studies. There were also about
100 or 150 Army trainees there. It was certainly a joy for those of us who could, as a
result, pretty well pick and choose.
In regard to the vile, and all too often vulgar, verbiage emanating from those of the
C/F/S persuasion it will take a dedicated effort on the part of those of us so offended to
remove from office by voting out those next year, at least those who will be up for
retention or retirement. Sadly it has become so bad in Congress that at least 15 sitting
Republican House members have already announced their retirement. That follows an
even larger number in the 2018 election. Unfortunately the thus open seats often go to
someone much less desirable to totally unqualified being elected by those uninformed or,
too often by vote fraud, too many ballots showing up.
We must keep our eyes and ears open for any such evidence and report it next
year or lose it all!!
Composed September 6 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

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