Monday, June 17, 2019

VIEW: 19-25: 2020 Election Season Open & Nasty

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-25
2020 ELECTION SEASON OPEN & NASTY Week of 2019/06/24
With the 2020 election season well under way it seems that the situations of
candidates for the two major parties are quite reversed from 2018. At last report there
were 24 candidates for the Democrat Party nomination (the correct name) and no one
so far with an 'R' registration with the temerity to challenge our incumbent PRESDT-45.
The situation in the Republican (also correct name) Party is rather understandable given
the strength of 'The Donald' in combating the continual, vicious, and untrue accusations
thrown at him since even before his election. Frankly it would surprise me to see anyone
else who would be willing to put up with the barrage of lies and illegal actions taken
against him, even as President.
It is even more surprising to see and hear the total lying, and repeated made up
'news' throughout the national media, in voice tones that would do a shyster prosecutor
proud to use against an unwilling witness in court on cross examination being used by
supposedly honest and reliable "reporters and anchors" daily. There was a time in my
memory when the radio and, later, TV anchors would practice decency and restraint in
their stating of the 'news'. They were for the most part believed, trusted, and relied
upon by the receiving public. But no more. It seems that the media, for the majority
part, now are nothing more than 'news(?) generators of propaganda designed to
confuse and mislead the listeners.
And then there are the pontifications coming forth from the 'news maker'
politicians, many of whom seem to me to have learned nothing in the fancy colleges and
universities in which they brag of having finished courses of study. And the examples
would probably fill several books. Of course, space does not allow a full coverage for
me, and to do so would cause me to die laughing at the stupidity of some, or from being
totally nauseated with disgust.
Coming to mind first is a statement, furnished me from a reliable source, by
Congresswoman "AOC", Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, about Daylight Savings Time: "If
we change our times with the sole interest of increasing the amount of daylight we
receive, that's an extra hour of sunshine that will warm the planet. That's one extra
hour per day of extra heat warming our already unstable planet. We need to repeal
Daylight Savings Time as a primary measure to decrease the rate of climate change.
Less hours of sun shine equal less heat hitting the Earth's surface. We're running out of
time!" It would be well to remind this young woman (my observation is that she does
NOT conduct herself as a lady, particularly when in front of cameras) that DST does
nothing to increase the total hours of daylight, only to delay the clock time of sunrise
and sunset. At least she has it correct that most of the heat on Earth comes from the Sun!!
She needs instruction on the background of DST. In my youth, up until shortly
after December 7, 1941, Oklahoma, along with several other states, did NOT observe
DST each year. It seemed that only the northern states, Illinois, Michigan, etc. actually
implemented it each year. After that date the Administration of FDR, D-NY mandated
nation-wide year-round DST 'for the duration' on the excuse that "it will allow more
needed military materials to be manufactured". After the end of the war it was returned
to a partial year observance and several states, such as Arizona do not observe it. Ms.
Cortez, the amount of sunshine depends on the season of the year!! Thus at the Spring
and Fall Equinoxes the amount of light and dark are the same. A further explanation
would take too much space and maybe be over the head of her college degree
education. A recent talk show host reported her age to be less than 30, and my
understanding was that there had been a higher minimum age limit to be eligible for
Another woman member of Congress is vehemently and, in my opinion, viciously
demanding that PRESDT-45 be impeached immediately. This without ANY claim for
the required law violations, of which there are none in the 'investigation' report by Mr.
Mueller. His multi-year and multi-million dollar search has been nothing more than a
stage show meant to arouse suspicion in the public minds that there was a problem.
Just remember that whatever those of the C/F/S persuasion are accusing their opposition
of doing is probably the exact thing they are, and have been, doing. Hopefully cooler
minds will prevail next year.
Composed June 17, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

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