Saturday, January 5, 2019

Fw: the conservative view; 19/01/05

        Nothing more needs saying
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2019 7:13 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        One of the gifts that we humans have is the ability to adapt to circumstances beyond our control. If we did not have that ability, we as a species would have died out many millennia ago. Another gift that we have is the ability to use logic and analyze the facts before us. One of the big issues that the left uses in their arsenal to have more control over the people in this country and the world is the issue of Climate Change. Every Sunday morning I try to watch a couple of the mainstream media's feeble attempts to report on the issues facing our nation and the political positions to correct those problems. One show that recently caught my attention was Meet the Press which is hosted by Chuck Todd.

        The topic was Climate Change. In the opening remarks he stated that there would be no debate on Climate Change because it was a proven fact and his panelists would discuss the problem and the solutions. In the liberals' mind the cause of Climate Change is caused by humans and it is the government's duty to impose a multitude of regulations to solve the problem. These are the same people who in the 1970's were warning us about an impending ice age; then in the 1990's we were being warned of being burnt by global warming; since they cannot make up their minds, now we have climate change. In every scenario it is we humans who are the cause of the problem. Our ability to use logic requires taking a more in-depth look at their claims and not just taking their word. 

        Our planet's ecosystem is in a constant state of change. All across the globe there are examples of a changing environment. Sunken cities, deserts where there was once water and lush vegetation, and abandoned ancient cities where humans once lived then had to leave because of a changing climate. These things happened in ancient times and there was nothing the people of that day could do to stop it. Things like a rock falling from space or the eruption of a huge volcano can cause a huge shift in our weather patterns, and all of the new laws and regulations on human activity will do nothing to prevent it. We humans must be aware of the conditions surrounding us and have the common sense to use logic to survive. Other creatures have lived on this earth for a much longer time than we humans, but they lacked the ability to adapt; the dinosaurs and the wooly mammoth are a couple of examples. What my logic is telling me is that there are people who want more control over our lives and will use any excuse whether it is fact or contrived to gain it. If we allow ourselves to be manipulated by the liberals and the mainstream media we will be giving up many of the freedoms that we now enjoy.

        We need to remember that there is no such thing as a stable climate, but one thing that is stable is the ability of humans to adapt. Look at our American farmer, one farmer has the ability to feed thousands; it wasn't that long ago one man scratching the ground with a hoe would do good to feed himself and his immediate family. Before we take the word of liberals like Chuck Todd about his beliefs on climate change as being a done deal, we had better use our logic to look at the past and see how our ancestors survived.


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