Saturday, December 29, 2018

Fw: the conservative view; 2018/12/28

    This is what I call a "wake up call" to get us going!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2018 1:23 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        My grandfather often used an old expression that illustrates the emotion of obsession; he would say that someone is cutting off their nose to spite their face. That mentality is so evident in the debate over the border wall funding going on in Washington DC. If there was ever a need to do something about securing our southern border, all you have to do is to watch the 6 o'clock news. We have thousands of people just inside Mexico who are willing to do anything to get into our country.  They will push women and children in front of them and then proceed to throw rocks at our border guards. They have destroyed United States property by tearing down sections of existing border fences. All we can hear is hard core liberals such as Chuck Schumer tell the president to forget the wall because he and his cohorts will not fund the 5 billion dollar request from President Trump. While 5 billion is a lot of money, it is such a small percentage of the 3 trillion dollar budget of the United States.

        We Americans need to remind ourselves that whenever any elected official takes the oath of office they are agreeing to obey the US Constitution and to protect the citizens of this country. They do not take an oath to be the advocate of Mexico, Guatemala, or Honduras. Schumer and his bunch of yahoos are just fine with sending billions of dollars as aid to these very countries in an attempt to bribe them into staying in their countries, and what thanks do we get? Their citizens are intent upon charging through the border violating our laws and entering our country. Years ago Senator Schumer voted to secure our border and build a wall or fence; now he is doing all in his power to oppose Trump any way possible. In my opinion the left is so obsessed with trying to make life a living hell for President Trump they couldn't care less if our economy and America goes down the tubes. For months I have heard Maxine Waters scream about her desire to impeach Trump, if there is anyone who needs to be impeached it is the liberals who care more about illegal invaders than the Americans who are paying their salaries.

        Over the past week I have been keeping up with the efforts of a true American. Brian Kolfage is a combat veteran who is a triple amputee who has started a Go Fund Me page to raise money for the border wall. This man paid a huge price to serve and protect this country; now his fellow Americans occupying the halls of Congress refuse to protect our country from an invasion on our southern border. While Brian Kolfage was making sacrifices that would scar him for life, Chuck Schumer was sleeping in a soft bed and eating the good food. Men such as Brian Kolfage prove their love for this country while Chuckie's actions prove his indifference to our country and its citizens.  At the last count he has commitments for over 17 million dollars from everyday Americans to build the wall. The left of this country, which includes the main stream media, keep screaming that Trump is going to destroy this country, but from where I sit their unbridled obsession is by far the bigger threat.



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