Tuesday, December 11, 2018

VIEW: 18-51: Treason and/or Disloyalty

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-51
It seems that even with a week where the attention of our Nation should
have been totally focused on the departure of PRESGB-41 to a better life and
reunion with his FLOTUS in Heaven, especially since PRESDT-45 had
declared December 6 as a national holiday with Banks, Government offices
and USPO closed, in observance of the funeral services, the media and some
political commentators simply could not give up the constant drumbeat against
the administration. All the while complaining that our society had become too
uncivil. To my mind, the words, and some actions, coming from those often
border on "politically incorrect" and which if used in the "Right wing extremist"
part would have resulted in a humongous outcry of objection, even incarceration.
Frankly, it is offensive to me the way so-called comedians trash, in the
name of humor, anything and everything that PRESDT-45 says or does, no
matter how accurate a description or how softly it is said. Further, it seems
that the whole of the Democrat officialdom, and their loud mouthed minions in
the, particularly electronic, media will go to any length of falsification about
anything or anyone perceived to be a Republican or thought to be of a
'conservative' philosophy.
So long as these practices are in place, it strikes me that there is massive
disloyalty in play, and in many cases it crosses the border into outright treason.
That is particularly evident in the continuing rant by some in the so far minority
about "impeachment". Either they don't know the Constitutional requirements
for impeaching ANY office holder, or are just seeking publicity for themselves
and possibly money from the Socialist oriented over-rich business owners.
On the opposite side of the fence, it was most refreshing to see the past
presidents and first ladies act in the proper manner during the state funeral for
PRESGB-41. TV screens showed them greeting and interacting in friendly
manners with each other and PRESDT-45. That is how politics should be
carried out. Even though there is now only ONE Republican living past
president they could all sit in one section and appear to be friendly and courteous.
Speaking, or rather writing, of the occasion it is my opinion that it is
well to have the TV coverage of the 'National Cathedral' service and
accompanying processions to show the younger folks the precision and
dedication of our service personnel involved in handling the casket and
crowds involved. In the armed services it is considered to be an ultimate
honor and privilidge to be able to participate, right next to that of being an
'Unknown Soldiers' guard in Arlington National. Only the very best and
most accomplished are selected for such service. Their displayed dedication
to duty and precision set a terrific example to all of us as to what our
patriotism should entail. In my interaction with active and reserve military
and fellow veterans it has been a heart warming experience to witness
just how dedicated we all are.
That is in such complete and diametric opposition to the day to day
outpouring of obscene and harsh criticism observed in electronic and print
media each and every day that continually nauseates those of us who
revere the Constitution and laws of our 'one of a kind' nation. Many of
my circle of friends are sickened by the demonstrated lack of respect or
even obedience of same by so many misguided individuals and groups and
the way the media rushes to cover the often illegal actions. It would
improve things if parents would teach decency and patriotism to their children.
Composed December 11, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

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