Friday, December 7, 2018

Fw: the conservative view

    This one struck my 'funny bone' and seems to be calling them
what they really act like.  A really good description!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2018 7:37 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        Here on the farm there is always one of the farm animals getting into a place where they should not be. It can range from one of our bulls tearing down a fence to get to the neighbor's cows to a pig getting stuck under the corral fence. From personal experience I can tell you that a pig will squeal and throw the biggest fit when they get in trouble. You would think that someone was torturing the poor animal because of all of the commotion coming from the pig, but that commotion pales to actions of many so-called civilized humans.

        Today I watched the confirmation hearing of Judge Brett Kavanaugh's appointment to the Supreme Court. No sooner than it started we Americans got a firsthand look of the tolerance and lack of civility of the left leaning citizens of our nation. If any of us ever wanted to know what mob rule looks like, just watch the video of the hearing. I seriously doubt that we would hear any more blood curdling screams and yelling coming from a torture chamber. Over the past several years I have witnessed a trend where the group that throws the biggest fit expects to be heard and accepted. They seem to have little to no respect for the conservative values that has made our nation the greatest in the history of the world. Too many times people who believe in those values are shouted down, boycotted, and threatened with violence. Even speakers at American colleges have had to cancel because of threats of violence and intimidation by these enlightened and tolerant individuals. The left also condones destruction of public property. One example was the tearing down and destruction of statues of Confederate soldiers that had been up for over 100 years.  

        What we are witnessing is nothing new. Look at some of the old news reels from the days when the Nazi party was coming into play in Germany. The brown shirts also thought of themselves as being enlightened and tolerant. They, too, were very good at throwing a fit when someone did not agree with their point of view; they also had no problem intimidating others and threatening violence. I am sure that they also destroyed public property; I do know from old film footage that they burned countless books because they had the audacity to believe they knew what people should and should not read. The good people of Germany and the world suffered greatly because they couldn't see the threat before them. I hope there are enough good people in this nation who will reject this kind of barbaric behavior and embrace civilization.

        Civilized people have the ability to debate an issue without creating a mob; civilized people also know that there is a time and a place for everything. It is a sad fact too many people would rather create a mob and squeal like a pig caught in a fence.      

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