Sunday, December 16, 2018

Fw: the conservative view; 18/112/04

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 7:26 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        I have lived in the country all of my life; like my grandparents and parents before me I have been involved in farming and ranching my entire life. Anyone who has ever been around cattle knows they can be a problem at times. It seems like the pasture is always greener across the fence on the neighbor's property. From experience I know that maintaining a good fence is a constant job. Fence post and wire will rot and rust to the point where it becomes necessary to have a major job to repair the fence. I can still remember my grandfather telling me that the key to having good neighbors is having good fences. Rogue cattle have the capability to cause a lot of damage to a neighbor's property. One example would be cattle getting in your neighbor's vegetable garden; in just a short period of time a season's work could be ruined. Because of my past experiences here on the ranch I can appreciate the position President Trump is taking on the construction of a border wall along our southern border with Mexico'

        Last Tuesday President Trump met with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer; in the meeting they made the suggestion that Trump should be willing to take his demand for border wall funding off the table.  Our president is asking for 5 billion dollars to start construction of a border wall, and he has made the comment that he will shut down the government if he doesn't get the funding.  Many self-serving politicians can't seem to comprehend the problems that illegal immigration (invasion) are causing to our nation, but a large part of the American public does see it and it was the main reason Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States.  Our previous leaders have been lax on the subject of border security.  It wasn't that long ago even the Democrats voted to fund building a border fence between the US and Mexico, but now all they can do is to oppose Trump any way possible. Here on the farm if you take the time to build a good fence the cattle instinctively know that they cannot get through and they will be content to stay in their own pasture, the same can be said about a border fence. 

        One of the biggest problems getting in the way of a solution is the mainstream media. Instead of reporting the true cost to the American taxpayer they would rather manipulate the citizens of this country into feeling sorry for the people wanting to violate our laws and cross into our country illegally. In recent articles I have read the cost estimates for dealing with illegal immigration in the United States is between 115 and 250 billion dollars each year. While a border wall would not remove all of that expense we could make a dent in it, when you look at the numbers the border wall doesn't seem that expensive. Our neighbor to the south, Mexico, could have been a better neighbor if they had better fences on their southern border. It kind of serves them right when they have a bottleneck of illegals in their cities because they are stopped at the border, now the Mexicans are calling for them to go home. There is also a problem with activist judges who make flawed judicial rulings that usurp the will of the American people who have repeatedly demanded secure borders. A good border wall or fence will be an investment that will reap benefits for years to come, and it will create better neighbors.


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