Friday, January 18, 2019

VIEW: 19/04: Misguided Sympathies

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-04
Late in the year 2018 it was announced here in Oklahoma that
one of the State departments had contracted with an out-of-state
company to install cameras in the highway and street system to
photograph license plates of all vehicles to compare with records if the
vehicle was actually insured. Any found to not be insured would
generate a letter to the registered owner the necessity to prove
insurance or there would be a substantial fine, reportedly $174.00.
Of course, as expected, those whose attitudes were misplaced
raised a hue and cry about how it would be so unfair to the 'poor
people' who might not be able to afford insurance. It either did not
matter to them that those 'people' might not choose to insure, might
have a record that made the premiums exorbitant, or might even be
illegal aliens afraid to let government even know they were in the
Nation and attempting to 'stay under the radar'. Others, under-
standable, began to fuss about the contract, which allowed a fee of
$80.00 from each $174.00 for developing, installing and operating
the cameras, all at no cost to the State. Hello, is anyone awake in
the head? If there is a cash flow into the State without requiring a
set-up cost, that is purely beneficial.
It would seem, and reports of records appear to confirm, that
a large percentage of the hit-and-run crashes are caused by illegal
invaders. In many cases the suspicion arises that where signals and
signs are ignored the illegal invader driver is just unable to read same,
and yet our 'swamp making' politicians and bureaucrats appear to
believe that they are more important than the citizens, who are
paying the excessive taxes to support these wasteful and dangerous
Frankly, there is no sympathy in my mind for anyone who
willingly chooses to violate our laws and societal moralities. It
particularly offends my sensibilities to see them coming to our
borders and participating in riots when inside them proudly
waving the flags of the nations they claim to be seeking shelter from.
Our law enforcement units should be aggressively rounding them up,
prosecuting them, and after their sentence is completed removing
them from our property.
The reports of these 'invasions', of groups being sponsored,
arranged, and financed by individuals and groups inside and outside
our borders appear to have validity. Such individuals, if citizens,
should be prosecuted and when found guilty, deprived of citizenship
on grounds of treason and sentenced to forever be denied access to
ANY of the benefits of citizenship!!!
The same goes for those in local, including State government
who are actively pushing and supporting the 'sanctuary' locations, in
violation of Federal law. For too long the C/F/S types holding sway
in Washington have accepted those actions and should be removed
from any position of authority they may have. There have been far
too many instances of murder and/or mayhem carried out by illegal
invaders who have returned, some many times, after being expelled.
We common sense citizens must become more vocal and
active in confronting those, particularly elected, officials who turn the
blind eye towards the violent group activities. And that includes those
in academia. There simply is no justification in allowing them to turn
the other way, or actively encourage such disruption of our peaceful
lives. Anyone having specific knowledge of voting irregularities has
a strong duty to contact elected representatives and law enforcement,
preferably with evidence, to put a stop of these goings on which serve
to elect undeserving and disloyal office holders!!
Composed January 17 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2019 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

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