Friday, January 18, 2019


        Another confirmation of what I have understood to be
the situation on the bordering ranches.  If you have access
to any in Congress, as well as the WH, pass it on.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 6:57 PM

From a Texan: THE REAL STORY!!

"I live 1/2 mile from the border in El Indio Texas.

        Last week, we had over 40 people pass through our ranch. One group of about 15 men pulled a gun on my husband and had a 13 yr old Mexican girl that they kidnapped from Guerrerro, MX. She had blood all over her and had urinated on herself.

        My husband was able to, with the help of Border Patrol agents in a helicopter who passed over, get the gun from the illegal man (he was Honduran) and they rushed the poor girl to the emergency room for help because she had in fact been kidnapped and gang raped by these men.

        This is just one of many stories we have.

        Two nights ago, 3 men came up to our house. One of them was an elderly man who was almost dead. We gave them water and protein bars, called BP and 911 for the man to go to the emergency room.

        We are kind people and believe in helping people in need BUT there have been 3 attacks on my husband on our ranch, 2 of which were directly at my home, in the last 3 months.

        And that really means something because we are considered an area that does not NEED a lot of help!!!

        I got so MAD when I watched and heard what Pelosi and Schumer said concerning Trump's "manufactured" drama with the border. That is such garbage!!!! They are ignorant liars!!! How many people have to be hurt or attacked?  There has to be someone in our government who stands up and helps our Border Patrol. From Eagle Pass to Laredo, there are only 3-5 guys on call, and it could be 2 guys against a group of 50+.

        Its horrible!! We need help!! The wall needs to be built, not at the port of entries but between them.

        Pelosi is a moron if she thinks that added more security at the borders will help because, Hello Nancy, they are NOT COMING THROUGH THE BORDERS. THEY ARE COMING THROUGH MESQUITE AND BRUSH.

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