Saturday, January 19, 2019

Fw: the conservative view;2019/01/19

        Way to go Russell.  This is one of the most clear and
concise statements of our political problems I've seen
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019 7:31 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        Anyone who has half a brain should be able to see the sad way our country is headed. It is a fact that we are no longer a nation of shared values. There are those of us who believe in and cherish the founding principles that this nation was founded upon, and then there are the others who have been indoctrinated by our liberal education system. Too many of our people have bought into the idea that the government is the answer to all of our problems and the belief that the majority should rule. Our founders warned us about this kind of mentality; that is why our founders created a Democratic Republic. A democracy always degrades into a rule by the mob; some have even called it mobocracy. Throughout history democracies always burn themselves out; humans have an inherent tendency to vote for what is good for them and couldn't care less what their actions do to someone else.

        The way we elect our president is with the Electoral College; it was a brilliant design that prevents the more populous states from enslaving the less populated states. In the last presidential election the vast majority of the land mass of our nation voted for Donald Trump, the areas that voted for Hillary Clinton were very small and mostly centered on the left coast of California and the left coast of New York. If we had a system where the popular vote determined our president those very small areas would be selecting our chief executive. The Electoral College system worked exactly how it was supposed to, the alternative would be small geographic areas on our two left coasts imposing their values on the people occupying the vast majority of the land mass of this country.

        On the first day that the democrats took control of the US House of Representatives, Democrat member Steven Cohen introduced a bill that would abolish the Electoral College. Fortunately the bill has little chance of passing, but those of us who understand the wisdom of the Electoral College need to be ever vigilant of the misguided attempts to abolish it. It has been my observation that some of the most hair brain socialist ideas seems to start in California. They have passed so many liberal laws that they are causing an exodus of their most productive people. We have been fortunate that many of their failed ideas have stayed in their state, but if we are foolish enough to abolish the Electoral College those ideas will spread across our country like wildfire. Our country has already endured a civil war, and doing away with the Electoral College could be the spark that would start another one. When you look at history the civil war was not just to free the slaves, economics and government policies were a major factor. Throughout history anytime a small geographic area can dictate what the rest has to live by there is always friction. Usually that friction evolves into war. What might work in California probably won't work in Oklahoma, Kansas or Arkansas. The Electoral College has been a great safeguard against small, densely populated areas controlling the rest of the nation. It has kept the peace in our nation for over 200 years and it would be foolish to abolish that protection to preserve the peace.     

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