Saturday, January 12, 2019

Fw: the conservative view

    Right to the point  and blunt.  Too bad DC people won't
too likely see this, but then probably wouldn't understand it
is meant for and about them.            Bob
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2019 7:22 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        In my neck of the woods I have often heard the expression of someone being a drug store cowboy. Usually it refers to someone who parades around in a ten gallon hat with shiny cowboy boots who claims to be an expert on the operation of a farm or cattle ranch. Most of the time these individuals have never stepped in a pile of manure or done any of the real work that is necessary to the operation of a ranch. I have found that the person who drives an old beat up pickup truck who is wearing an old tattered baseball cap and wearing some old scuffed boots that are covered with mud and manure knows a whole lot more than his counterpart. Over the past several days I have witnessed people debating the issue of the border wall and I see a lot of similarities with a drug store cowboy.

        There are those who think they know all of the answers, usually they are wearing a three piece suite and flaunting a degree which is supposed to make them an expert. The news media is quick to report on their views, but the group that is obviously ignored is the border patrol agents that are living that life every day. One phrase I have heard several times is the idea of a virtual wall. The proponents of this idea believes that we can leave the border open and use drones and little cameras and all of this advanced technology to magically keep people from crossing our border. I am a person who likes to use modern technology; however I would like to share a little insight. No matter how much technology you have sooner or later you have to get down in the mud and get your hands dirty to get the job done. These individuals are stupid to think that drones and technology alone will make the border secure, and they are more stupid to think that we Americans will accept their feeble solution.

        Another thing that is beyond belief is the hypocrisy of the drug store politicians such as Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. On several occasions both of them supported securing our border with a physical barrier and voted to fund that endeavor. Now Nancy Pelosi has talked about the wall as being immoral. Her definition of something being immoral differs greatly from that of mine. She needs to go to the victims' families of those who were brutally killed by people who came into our country illegally; the police officer from California who was killed during the holidays in the line of duty is just one grim statistic. The officer left behind a wife and a five month baby, the baby will never have the chance to know his father. Somehow Speaker Pelosi doesn't seem alarmed that worthless scum are coming into our nation and preying upon American citizens. I wonder how many Americans will have to be murdered in the name of having an open border for them to get serious about the problem, will it be 100 or 1000 or when someone in their family is murdered? It is a sad state of affairs when the people we elect to take care of the needs of the American people ignore the very people who pay their salaries. I challenge all of these drug store politicians to first go to the families who have lost loved ones and try their lame arguments on them. These open border politicians need to get their priorities straight. The people we elect are not elected to be our leaders; they are elected to be our representatives, they are not elected to be the representatives of anyone from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, etc.

        Fortunately our president is getting input from the border agents and people who have to get their hands dirty on a daily basis. It is time we Americans stop listening to the drug store politicians and so-called experts who are more concerned with politically posturing than actually solving the problem of border security. It is time they get off of their lazy butts and get the wall built.



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