Saturday, January 5, 2019

VIEW: 19-02: Hope From The South

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-02
HOPE FROM THE SOUTH Week of 201/01/14
While we who revere the 'Rule of Law' in the USA seem faced
with seemingly insurmountable obstacles facing PRESDT-45 in his
avowed crusade to 'drain the swamp' and return Government to
proper conduct and direction there seems to have been some hopeful
signs brewing South of the Panama Canal carefully kept behind the
scenes by a media determined to thwart his efforts.
In two well hidden stories in the local daily news?paper on
January 2 and 3 were that a new president had been inaugurated in
Brazil. The first story, on page A7, carried the headline: "Bolsonaro
inaugurated in Brazil" with a sub-head: "Far-right leader vows to
overhaul politics in Latin America's largest nation". Credits were to
three too long names for my allowed space, but with AP. The sub-
head of course caught my immediate attention and required a clip
and read in full of the story, and the one the next day on page A6.
The second one carried the headline: "Brazil's leader targets press,
The first paragraph, one sentence long, included this:
"promises to overhaul myriad aspects of daily life and put an end
to business-as-usual governing". Sound familiar to us in USA? In
the second paragraph was his record beginning with a 'former
army captain' to a 'marginalized and even ridiculed congressman'
"to a leader who many Brazilians hope can combat endemic
corruption as well as violence that routinely gives the nation....the
distinction of being world leader in total homicides". The third
paragraph, to me the best, begins: "A fan of U.S. President
Donald Trump he rose to power on an anti-corruption and pro-
gun agenda". Sound more familiar? After the swearing in he, it
says, spoke outside to supporters promising to "free Brazil from
socialism and political correctness". That was even more music
to my weary eyes, also sick of the same maladies here in USA.
If he sticks to those expressed attitudes, that might prove
to be the catalyst to major political changes in South America
which would result in much better cooperation with us in the
North. Also, the improved living and business conditions could
serve to stem the 'invasion' tide being paid to parade North and
cause us continual problems.
In addition, his professed admiration for PRESDT-45 would
bode well for future relations with Brazil, both inter-governmental
and in the corporate world as oil and gas has been found off-shore
in the Atlantic. Further, an improvement in living there could provide
a beacon to the populations in other South American nations,
resulting in the end of socialism and communism governments such as
Venezuela, a self proclaimed enemy of the USA. It should be
remembered that under the late dictator ALL US oil interest
properties were stolen without compensation.
While some, or much, of the above postulated fall-out from this
new 'right-wing' president may prove to be wishful thinking it seems
to be a good sign as well as the fact that he was sworn in on New
Years Day, which seems to be an auspicious beginning for the year
2019. Happy New Year!!
Perhaps GOD has decided the World has gone too far down
the return to tyranny and it is time to resurrect such attributes as
honesty, truthfulness, and Christianity on a total World basis. For
one, it is my hope and prayer that things are turning back to a better
way of doing things, including governing, so that all may have a better
way of life. Again, Happy New Year, may yours be healthy,
prosperous, and full of love.
Composed January 05, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2019 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

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