Friday, November 16, 2018

VIEW: 18-48: Post Election Thoughts

The "Election theft of mail is off this morning. One per day until caught up
after this latest one. Thanks for your patience. Bob

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-48
As this is written, in normal times six days after a general election the
results are known and final, it seems as though in at least two states the final,
unchangeable results are still up in the air. These, as anyone interested in the
outcomes would know, are Arizona and Florida. And there may be a few other
places that are not so widely published and covered, sometimes untruthfully. It
seems that in two counties in Florida the same election officials are involved in
rather extensive, it is reported, violations of fixed Federal and State election laws,
and were also involved in the 2000 Presidential election. The question in my
mind is: why has nothing been done about the person or persons involved in such
criminal activities?
We must remember that any fraudulent vote reduces the effect and
importance of every legally and properly cast vote. Not that the two states
mentioned are not the ONLY places where there is, and has been, vote fraud.
In my own personal experience as a Republican County Chairman from 1999 to
2003 such carrying on came to my attention. In the 2000 election at least three
couples complained that they were not allowed to vote even though they had
moved into the area at least a year earlier and filed their registration applications.
My report to State Party headquarters received prompt action with the State
Election Board where it was reported back to me that on one of the desks there
was found a stack of registration applications several inches tall that had not been
processed. All were for Republican voters according to the report!! That was
while the State of Oklahoma was totally in control of the Democrat Party, since
statehood in 1907!!
It seems to me that these things are indicative of a failure on the part of law
enforcement, including the prosecutors, to carry out their sworn duties, and
probably some courts may be complaisant. In any event in elections where there
are federal offices involved the US Attorney is authorized and should take action,
but only when complaints are filed. Unfortunately, all involved are human and
subject to such frailities, which does not release them from a share of the blame!!
Hopefully, the problem races will be honestly resolved, but there is no assurance
in my mind.
Given that this is to appear the last week in November, a much more
important and solemn event will have just occurred, and that is the annual 'fourth
Thursday' when our Nation has it's pause to offer thanks to GOD for the
manifold blessings HE has showered on the United States of America. It should
be remembered that the USA was founded as a Christian based Nation, but one
where all faiths should be accepted and the practice of them protected
PROVIDED that they respect and allow free practice of the Christian Faith
in its multiple forms of practice. Unfortunately we have a few such, that in my
opinion are as much or more a political movement as a 'true' religious faith based
entity. It seems to me that when an organization mandates that those in
disagreement with them, or of different beliefs, must be 'converted, enslaved, or
killed they are in the wrong place in a "representative REPUBLIC" such as was
established in the USA in the 1790s.
The GOD of Jewry and Christianity is practiced here by the vast majority
of the LEGAL population and those practicing deceit or violence to attain their
goals need to return to those nations where their kind is in control, or be
peacefully returned by the authorities.
Composed November 12, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2018 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

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