Saturday, November 17, 2018

Fw: the conservative view; 2018/08/03

        Well put, Russell, way to go!!    Bob
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2018 11:05 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        Over the past several years our country has gotten into a system of selective enforcement of our laws. If a person has the right political contacts it seems like they can get away with anything, while at the same time someone without out those contacts will be fed to the wolves. The case of Paul Manafort is one of the most recent examples. While Mr. Manafort may be guilty of some crimes, we need to remember that he has not been convicted of anything yet; but he has been held in solitary confinement and denied bail for a crime that most people would have been allowed to make bail and not been in solitary confinement. On the other hand, a former presidential candidate and former Secretary of State destroyed subpoenaed records and violated security protocols that could put our nation at risk; those actions are not reported by the main stream news and no one seems to be interested in addressing those crimes. Too many people will say, "Yeah, but she didn't mean it."

        Over the weekend the media was ablaze about a tweet that President Trump sent out alluding to the possibility of shutting down the government if Congress failed to pass funding for the border wall. When people cross into our country without our permission it is against the law, that is why it is called illegal immigration. We have laws passed by Congress over several years that are intended to provide a lawful way to enter our country, but we have too many people who are ignoring the current laws we have on the books. It is evident that for those of us who don't have any political favors to be redeemed, the government will throw the book at us. When our system is not doing what it is mandated to do, it is time to shut it down. The average people in this nation elected Donald Trump to solve the illegal invasion that we are experiencing. The people who want to keep the status quo will agree that there are laws against illegal immigration, then they will say, "Yeah, but we feel sorry for them." One group that they do not feel sorry for is the hardworking people of this nation that is paying the bills to fund all of this nonsense and pay their salaries and benefits.

        I have seen government shutdowns in the past, while the mainstream media screams that the end of the world is coming I have found that they have little lasting impact. While some condemn Trump's threats about shutting down the government, I say, "Yeah, but it is about time we have some action to solve the problem and stop all of the rhetoric that we have heard over the years that has solved nothing."  

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