Tuesday, November 20, 2018

VIEW: 18-36: Behind The Shouts

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-36
BEHIND THE SHOUTS Week of 2018/09/06
It seems like there has been an almost constant barrage of loudly
proclaimed protests from those in the 'left wing' C/S persuasion population to,
among other things, abolish the Electoral College and go to the claimed "more
democratic" popular vote for electing the President. The Electoral College
form of determining the outcome of Presidential elections was put into the
Constitution of the USA by the, in my opinion, GOD inspired wisdom given to
those delegates attending the Constitutional Convention in 1787-88. It assures
that no single or few States can use their population numbers to run roughshod
over the less occupied states. Thus it is known as the REPUBLICAN form of
government. I have been told by supposedly knowledgeable clergy that it
closely mirrors the 'Presbyterian' form of government.
All those of us living in the smaller populated states should be un-
equivocally opposed to any change from our present system of election, other
than seek a more reliable and honest vote casting and counting in the election
boards and precinct judges than seems to be the norm now!! In my own
experience there has been far too much and easy "ballot box stuffing" and it
seems to be increasingly evident. In the 2016 election there were reports of
'more people registered in a precinct than eligible living there' and 'numerous
names on tombstones voting by absentee ballots. This has occurred because,
in my opinion, of the very lax requirements to register and a move to not require
proof of person to cast a ballot.
A recently received Email contained a break-down of the statical reason
for the Electoral College, summarized as best as possible to remain within the
allotted space.
"There are 3,141 counties in the USA. Trump: 3,084; Clinton: 57.
"There are 62 counties in New York State. Trump: 46; Clinton 16.
"Clinton won the USA popular vote by approximately 1.5 million votes.
"In the 5 counties within the City of New York, called 'Burroughs'
Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton won
only 4: Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens). Thus these five counties
alone more than provided the popular vote difference for the entire Nation!!
"These 5 counties contain 239 square miles. The entire USA contains
3,797,000 square miles!! When you have a country that encompasses almost
4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that
the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the
outcome of a national election. Large, densely populated Democrat
(controlled) cities (NYC, Chicago, L.A., etc) DO NOT and SHOULD NOT
speak for the rest of our country! And, it's been verified and documented
that those aforementioned 319 square miles are where the majority of our
nation's problems foment." Thus it seems to me to be quite obvious that we
in "fly over country" MUST be eternally alert, willing and able to rise up and
use our number of states to prevent this proposed theft of our rights and freedoms!!
As written before, my concern is that the postulated break up of the
USA into several nations made up of a few of states could occur in this
Presidential term in order to have any of our 'GOD GIVEN' rights
preserved as the wayward states populations would certainly lose theirs.
Otherwise we could end up in a communist dictatorship on starvation
diets and death at will of the dictators as is occurring in Venezuela, and
did in Cuba!!
The recent primary and run-off elections have indicated to me a
disturbing increase in the downright nastiness that some candidates are
willing to utilize, including totally false statements and doctored
photographs as well as outright lies against opponent candidates,
especially incumbents. It will be necessary for party officials to step in
and publicly remonstrate offending candidates, including party affiliation removal!
How can we be able to trust such candidates to act in an honorable
manner if they campaign thus. It is my unshakable policy to refuse to vote
for ANY candidate resorting to such and if majorities of voters would do
the same it would not take long to get their attention, or remove their
party affiliation.
Composed August 30, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2018 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

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