Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Fw: the conservative view; 18/10/06

         So true and well put Russell.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2018 7:40 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        Some of my best lessons in life came while doing some of the dirtiest and hardest work on the family farm. I can still remember my granddad making a comment while we were shoveling the manure out of the stalls in the barn. He said, "You know son, the more you stir manure the more it stinks". Being a kid I really couldn't comprehend the wisdom of what he said at the time, but as I watch the confirmation circus going on over the Kavanaugh hearing, I understand what he was talking about.

        I think it was Senator Jeff Flake who said that the hearings were tearing our country apart, I happen to agree with that statement; but I lay the blame for all of this mess on Senator Dianne Feinstein and her cohorts. It has been confirmed that she knew about the allegation by Christine Ford before the hearings even started. Instead of bringing it up early in the process where it could have been investigated behind closed doors without all of the grandstanding we have been witnessing, she sat on her hands and helped create the spectacle. For example, in the criminal justice system of our country if a potential case is brought before a District Attorney, the DA will do an investigation to see if there has been a crime committed and to make sure that the one making the allegation appears to be telling the truth. A good DA would never go to court and allow an accuser to make any claim without doing some background research, but that doesn't seem to be the rule of politicians with an agenda.

        The American people fail to see how they are being played by Feinstein and the other liberals. This practice of leaking undocumented allegations and allowing accusers to make any claim against anyone with no corroborating evidence is what is tearing this country apart. If Dianne Feinstein was so concerned with the moral character of Judge Kavanaugh she should have brought this allegation up at the beginning of the hearings, instead she helped cause a divide in our nation for political purposes. In my lifetime I have never seen our country so divided; in my opinion our nation is on the verge of another civil war.

        Our elected leaders are supposed to be looking out for the well being of our nation. If we were in a business deal to purchase some real estate, we would expect our broker to review all aspects of the transaction and not sit on one vital piece of evidence and throw it into the fray on the day of the closing. The actions of the left have done nothing but incite violence and hatred between our citizens. Like my grandfather often said about the more you stir manure the more it will stink, the stench coming from Washington DC is far worse than anything you would ever smell in a barnyard.    

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