Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Fw: the conservative view

        This one is so completely true.  Way to go Russell
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2018 8:15 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        Over the past week there has been a constant drumbeat from the liberals in this country to impeach President Donald Trump. When they get on one of their rants they sound a whole lot like an old LP record that gets stuck and keeps repeating. The Russia investigation has not given them anything to sink their teeth into; now they are focusing their selective outrage on an alleged affair between our president and a couple of ladies over 10 years ago. I am impressed with the liberal's conversion to the principles of fidelity and Christian values. It wasn't that long ago they had no problem with Bill Clinton having a sexual affair with a white house intern while being in the Oval Office. It wasn't that long ago that in the name of political correctness they would have sacrificed a virgin on the altar of political correctness if they could have found one in Washington DC.

        Those of us who voted for Donald Trump always knew that he, just like the rest of us, is far from perfect, but one thing I can say for President Trump is that he has kept more of his campaign promises than any president I have seen in my lifetime. I cannot say that I know what is in Donald Trump's heart that is between him and God. We Americans have accepted the half truths and outright lies for far too long. We have also tolerated leaders who did not have the backbone to tell it like it is. Donald Trump may be a little rough around the edges, but his actions have proven him to be a man of his word. Has Donald Trump broken the Ten Commandments? I can guarantee you that he has; I can also guarantee you that every one of us has also broken some of the commandments. One of the main tenets of the Christian religion is the ability for all of us to be forgiven of our sins if we will be willing to change our way of life and accept the teaching of Christ. Has Trump made that change? I have no way to know that for sure, only he and God know that answer.

        In the Bible there is a story where a woman accused of adultery was brought before Christ and the people demanded that he condone her punishment under the law of Moses, that being death by stoning. Their action was what I call a loaded question; Christ's answer was very simple, let you who is without sin cast the first stone. Maybe we should think of that passage when we hear all of the rhetoric about Donald Trump. 

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