Wednesday, November 7, 2018

VIEW: 18-46: Maby We WorryToo Much

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number
MAYBE WE WORRY TOO MUCH Week of 2018/11/12
It seems to me that too many of us become overwhelmed come election time.
Some friends and less close acquaintances of mine seem to be on the verge of
nervous breakdowns, almost from the first campaign commercials to surface,
especially those blatantly lying or using derogatory language about an
It has for a number of years been my intent to only take effort on those
which are withing my ability or power to take action to guide to the desired
conclusion. Some circumstances may become a great concern, but unless there
is some guidance available to me why should I become rabid about the
The downright nasty words and actions of some of the 'activists', in
major parties but primarily from the so-called 'left' have become so
that the best thing to do, it seems, would be to simply laugh at them for
being so ignorant, stupid, and/or roguish. In fact, it often is the case
attempting to hold a 'civil discussion' with most of them the best thing to
do is laugh at them in their face while they continue to talk over you!!
will usually drive them so crazy that they completely lose their temper and
walk away.
A number of my friends have expressed dismay at the prospects of a
major shift in power, both national and in Oklahoma, with some of the 8
decade age group actually wishing to leave Earth for the next experience.
In my own case it is my wonder if I'm not "sticking around just to see what
in Hell is going to happen next". This reminded me of a saying read several
decades ago written by an MD. In speaking of the reasons why women
tended to live longer than men, he postulated that "women tend to WALK
rather than run to the nearest exit". In our society today we are inundated
with, to us, a doom and gloom barrage of one sided news(?) from radio
and TV stations tending to speed up the walk.
It seems to me that we should be taking heart from the results of
2016 election and the record improvements in the national situation since
the next morning. Those indicated to me that the 'silent majority' had been
awakened by a candidate they (we) could relate to and understand. Even
if his vernacular was somewhat on the New York style, where he grew up.
PRESDT-45 has, it appears, a very warm heart for those in need, and
contrary to campaign accusations, is quite comfortable in dealing with
military matters. It turned out that he was a top percentage graduate of the
New York Military Academy, where such thing are taught. In my own
case, the last three semesters of High School military training, ending in
June, 1943, were most beneficial when called to a vacation from the rigors
of Aeronautical Engineering courtesy of "Uncle Sam".
We need to all remember that GOD is still in control and if we rely
His superior wisdom, as did the founders of this Nation, things will come
out right for us. The USA was founded as a "Christian Nation", despite the
pontifications of PRESBO-44 that we were NOT. A number of reports,
not major media, have stated that he in bowing to the rulers of Muslim
nations assured them that "I am a Muslim". In my opinion we are well rid
of him and his conduct in the 2018 campaigns as well as during the first
two years since 'retiring' are, to me onerous as he has been widely
involved in the 'mid-term' elections with vehement and false criticisms of
his successor's actions.
Just remember, keep a sense of humor and concern more about the
things you can do something about rather than those completely out of
your control.
Composed November 06, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

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