Tuesday, February 26, 2019

VIEW: 19-09: Language Controlling

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-09
It has been a long and irritating experience for me the way media
personnel appear to knowingly twist and abuse our language (USA
English). And these abuses are not limited only to media individuals,
but include elected officials, government employees, and others who
should know better but in my opinion deliberately misuse words to
further whatever agenda the person is after.
One of the most notorious, in my opinion, misuses of a word is
"Democracy". It continues to amaze and offend me how many of
even supposedly intelligent and well educated politicians with an 'R' in
their voter registration continue to refer to the USA form of
government as 'Democracy' or democratic. A study of the
Constitution which established the USA and of the contemporary
written "Federalist Papers" will quickly establish that a 'Democracy'
was the very last form of government desired. In fact, in my
schooling, back in the 1930s and 1940s we were taught that as
Benjamin Franklin came out of the meeting hall where the Constitution
was being debated and written a woman asked him, "What have we"
and he replied "A Republic, if you can keep it".
Of course we are now immersed in an all-out effort on the part
of most of the Democrat officials, both party and elected office
holders, to destroy that REPUBLIC and turn the USA into a socialist
or even communist dictatorship, with them being the dictators. My
thought is that perhaps if they could be required to go and live in such
a nation for a few years, perhaps their minds would become
permanently changed. They don't understand why for more than 240
years hundreds of thousands of freedom seeking people have come
here LEGALLY seeking the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution
and given by GOD. And the USA has been a shining beacon to the
World as the absolute greatest form of government. It seems to me
that this misuse is not accidental, but a contrived part of the movement
to bring about the changes desired. Also, much of the problem stems
from the capture of the school systems by the "education
establishment" which has been captured by the forces of, in my
opinion, evil.
As an aside to that, a number of decades ago a very well
thought of radio and newspaper commentator stated that the name of
the party the officials of which are now pushing most for these
changes was officially established as "DEMOCRAT" and NOT
"Democratic", which is not a noun but an adjective as in "democratic
On the other side, an almost universal misuse of a word is
Republic. Many dictatorship nations for decades have made the
name something with Republic. Such was pre-WWII Germany
ruled by the Nazi Party calling it the "Socialist Republic of Germany".
Those two words are diametric opposites and should never be
used together as a name. This is done to confuse uninformed
citizens and the rest of the World population and give the nation
a semblance of legitimacy. The same criticism applies to those
who use the term 'republic' with democratic in the name.
Another twist of grammar is the use of 'Liberal' in
describing those of a C/F/S persuasion. The true definition of
liberal would have it apply to those now called 'conservative'
since it is those of us in the latter group whose goal is a more
liberal set of laws allowing the most freedom of choice possible,
the leaving as much of the rewards of labor in the workers
pockets, or bank accounts, and other befits existing in a truly
free nation.
On that issue, and at the risk of being accused of excessive
repetition, it seems appropriate to bring up, again, the subject of
the proposed "FairTax", a House Bill that has been introduced
at the beginning of the last several Congresses with as many as
68 co-sponsors and hopefully also this Congress. Biblically it is
warned 'do not muzzle the ox treading out the grain', today's
meaning 'it is immoral to take in the form of taxes the fruits of a
person's labor (income tax permitted by Amendment XVI). I
have encouraged OK District one Congressman Kevin Hern to
sign up this year and suggest that each of us do so to both
Senators and Congressman, and any others in the personal circle
of acquaintances. With this House make up passage will truly
be a miracle.
Composed February 23, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2019 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

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