I didn't know all this either, what a LADY what an entertainer,
and one missed since she went away, for good.
----- Original Message -----
From: imap
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2019 1:51 PM
Subject: Fwd: Martha Raye
FW: Martha Raye
It was well recognized that Martha Raye endured less comfort more than any other Vietnam entertainer.
I did not know this, I bet you didn't either. Don't let the sun go down without reading this about Martha Raye.
The most unforgivable oversight of TV is that her shows were not taped.
I was unaware of her credentials or where she is buried. Somehow I just can't see Brittany Spears, Paris
It was well recognized that Martha Raye endured less comfort more than any other Vietnam entertainer.
I did not know this, I bet you didn't either. Don't let the sun go down without reading this about Martha Raye.
The most unforgivable oversight of TV is that her shows were not taped.
I was unaware of her credentials or where she is buried. Somehow I just can't see Brittany Spears, Paris
Hilton, or Jessica Simpson doing what this woman and the other USO women did for our troops in past wars.
Most of the old time entertainers were made of a lot sterner stuff than today's crop of activist bland whiners.
The following is from an Army Aviator who takes a trip down memory lane: "It was just before Thanksgiving '67 and we were ferrying dead and wounded from a large GRF west of Pleiku. We had run out of body bags by noon, so the Hook (CH-47 CHINOOK) was pretty rough in the back.
All of a sudden, we heard a 'take-charge' woman's voice in the rear. There was the singer and actress, Martha Raye, with a Special Forces beret and jungle fatigues, with subdued markings, helping the wounded into the Chinook, and carrying the dead aboard. Maggie' had been visiting her Special Forces (SF) 'heroes' out 'west'.
We took off, short of fuel, and headed to the USAF hospital pad at Pleiku. As we all started unloading our sad pax's, a USAF Captain said to Martha.... "Ms Raye, with all these dead and wounded to process, there would not be time for your show!" To all of our surprise, she pulled on her right collar and said "Captain, see this eagle? I am a full 'Bird' in the US Army Reserve, and on this is a 'Caduceus' which means I am a Nurse, with a surgical specialty.... now, take me to your wounded!"
He said, "Yes ma'am.... follow me." Several times at the Army Field Hospital in Pleiku, she would 'cover' a surgical shift, giving a nurse a well-deserved break.
Most of the old time entertainers were made of a lot sterner stuff than today's crop of activist bland whiners.
The following is from an Army Aviator who takes a trip down memory lane: "It was just before Thanksgiving '67 and we were ferrying dead and wounded from a large GRF west of Pleiku. We had run out of body bags by noon, so the Hook (CH-47 CHINOOK) was pretty rough in the back.
All of a sudden, we heard a 'take-charge' woman's voice in the rear. There was the singer and actress, Martha Raye, with a Special Forces beret and jungle fatigues, with subdued markings, helping the wounded into the Chinook, and carrying the dead aboard. Maggie' had been visiting her Special Forces (SF) 'heroes' out 'west'.
We took off, short of fuel, and headed to the USAF hospital pad at Pleiku. As we all started unloading our sad pax's, a USAF Captain said to Martha.... "Ms Raye, with all these dead and wounded to process, there would not be time for your show!" To all of our surprise, she pulled on her right collar and said "Captain, see this eagle? I am a full 'Bird' in the US Army Reserve, and on this is a 'Caduceus' which means I am a Nurse, with a surgical specialty.... now, take me to your wounded!"
He said, "Yes ma'am.... follow me." Several times at the Army Field Hospital in Pleiku, she would 'cover' a surgical shift, giving a nurse a well-deserved break.
Martha is the only woman buried in the SF (Special Forces) cemetery at Ft Bragg.Hand Salute! A great lady.I did not know this about Martha Raye....thought you might like to read it_________________________________

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