Saturday, February 9, 2019

VIEW: 19-07: Is There Any Hope?

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-07
IS THERE ANY HOPE? Week of 201/02/18
As each day in the 'swamp' District of Columbia goes by it seem
seems that the rude, crude, untruthful, and just nasty carrying on in actions
and words of those of the C/F/S revolutionary groups get worse than before
and we think they can get. Some in my circle of associates, particularly in
the ladies, are becoming more and more apprehensive for the future, and
well they should. If these radicals should prevail it would bring an end to
life as we know it and the freedoms and comforts we have enjoyed thanks
to the wonderful Constitutional protections prepared by those GOD
inspired men in Philadelphia in the 1780s.
Their choice of words and conduct reminds me of the actions and
words (translated) of the Nazi followers of one Adolph Hitler
(Schickelgruber) while grabbing power in the early 1930s. Practice
violence in the streets, accuse the opposition of doing the dirty an
murderous things they were doing, and disrupt the then normal business
of the government.
The actions of the Democrat members of Congress during the
recent "State of the Union" address by PRESDT-45 exemplifies
such conduct. The only time he received a 'standing O' from them
was when he proclaimed that "there are more women in Congress than
ever before" and those women members stood to cheer, not him, but
themselves. Note, all the Democrats were dressed in white jackets,
which reminded me of the early years of my life when there were
newsreel pictures of Ku Klux Klansmen in white robes burning crosses
to terrorize those, mostly white, who favored equality for the previous
century emancipated and naturalized citizen folks of the black
communities. Since the KKK was primarily Democrat and southern in
nature, perhaps they should have also been wearing the hoods, such as
were worn by the KKK members and followers.
There seems to be a failure on the part of the Department of Justice,
at all levels there. If statements such as "I want to blow up the White
House, Impeach Him", or other such intended to incite rioting had been
done against the PRESBC-42 or PRESBO-44 administrations we can be
sure that the law enforcing bodies would have swung into action and put a
stop to such. Instead, the rioters, paid by billionaire socialists, operate
now with a clearance to proceed. The rude and abusive attacks against
staff members of the current administration if done during the others
would have resulted in mass arrests and prosecutions.
Thanks be to GOD, we now have a President who has publicly
proclaimed the good things that have occurred since his election, even
before his inauguration. It is our DUTY to rally to support his and his
staff in their efforts. This includes spreading the word of just how off
base the opposition, including those RINOS calling themselves
Republicans, have become. It has long since become time to, as
the saying goes 'take the gloves off', and take our REPUBLIC back.
If the C/F/S followers should succeed we will all suffer in a major way,
probably more so than we can imagine.
Actually, there is a World wide movement to drastically lower
the population, by slaughter if needed including starvation or even the
Nazi ovens of the 1930s. This has been mentioned before as it was
brought to my attention like a slap in the face in, as recalled, 1968 by
a follower of this plan proudly proclaiming it. The scary part was that
his vocation, he said, was a Jr. High School science teacher. The
recently proclaimed plan of the new Congresswoman from New York
of 'greening everything' and banning all flight and automobiles fits
right in to that program!!!
Composed February 09, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2019 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

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