Saturday, February 9, 2019

Fw: the conservative view

Wow, and WOW again.  This must be the best and most direct
discription of our system being attacked by the "forces of evil"
that I've seen.  Way to go Russell.    Bob
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2019 9:18 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        One of my favorite quotes is "Know your enemy and know yourself, and you will always be victorious." From what I have been witnessing we Americans are becoming a nation with two mindsets;, one being the capitalistic economic system that our founders created for us, and the other socialistic ideals that have destroyed economies everywhere it has been tried. I was encouraged by President Trump in his State of the Union address when he made the statement that America would never be a socialist country. There is a wave of radical socialist ideas headed for our country. Fortunately our president understands the danger of those ideas. Throughout history there have always been fringe elements that were written off as kooks until they had gained a foothold and it was too late to stop the damage. I am sure that the good people of Germany wrote off the ranting of a man named Adolph Hitler, and then history tells of the cost of lives and destruction he caused.

        Anyone who has assets of any kind (savings in the bank, a 401(k) or even a house), needs to understand what is at stake. Radical, socialist ideas are gripping the world today like the bubonic plague. And a rising crop of socialist politicians is angling for the US presidency in 2020 – people like Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders. These candidates are demonizing the rich. They're out for blood. And they're going to get it anyway possible. Some of the ideas floated by these politicians – 70% (or higher) progressive tax rates, annual penalties for having a certain amount of money, free healthcare, free education, etc… It is amazing that so many people are looking at socialism as the cure to all of their problems even though history tells us everywhere it has been tried it has failed. I feel that a couple of the reasons for this growing trend are due to a couple of factors; the main stream media is socialist in nature, and the socialist politicians are promoting an idea of entitlement and class envy.

        If we allow these jokers to gain power, if history is any indicator, you will see one of two things; either the people buying this garbage will come out with their pitchforks, or you will see a system where the government confiscates wealth via asset seizure and taxes and redistributes that cash. In 1917 the scenario I just outlined happened in Russia when the Bolsheviks overthrew their government. In creating their failed utopian nation all they had to do was to surrender any freedom they might have had to a government that controlled all aspects of their lives.

        The time is now for all freedom loving Americans to become involved in our political system; the socialists are gaining ground. We saw this change in the tides play out in the 2018 midterm elections, when the left took control of the House of Representatives – a record number of early voters turned out. We're also seeing incredibly socialist ideas from people like Bernie Sanders, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Kamala Harris gain major traction with the voting public. I love this country and the freedom that our system guarantees; I am not ready to set back and allow a bunch of con artists to destroy the greatest nation that the world has ever seen. It is time we recognize who our enemy is.

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