Saturday, December 29, 2018

Fw: the conservative view; 2018/12/28

    This is what I call a "wake up call" to get us going!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2018 1:23 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        My grandfather often used an old expression that illustrates the emotion of obsession; he would say that someone is cutting off their nose to spite their face. That mentality is so evident in the debate over the border wall funding going on in Washington DC. If there was ever a need to do something about securing our southern border, all you have to do is to watch the 6 o'clock news. We have thousands of people just inside Mexico who are willing to do anything to get into our country.  They will push women and children in front of them and then proceed to throw rocks at our border guards. They have destroyed United States property by tearing down sections of existing border fences. All we can hear is hard core liberals such as Chuck Schumer tell the president to forget the wall because he and his cohorts will not fund the 5 billion dollar request from President Trump. While 5 billion is a lot of money, it is such a small percentage of the 3 trillion dollar budget of the United States.

        We Americans need to remind ourselves that whenever any elected official takes the oath of office they are agreeing to obey the US Constitution and to protect the citizens of this country. They do not take an oath to be the advocate of Mexico, Guatemala, or Honduras. Schumer and his bunch of yahoos are just fine with sending billions of dollars as aid to these very countries in an attempt to bribe them into staying in their countries, and what thanks do we get? Their citizens are intent upon charging through the border violating our laws and entering our country. Years ago Senator Schumer voted to secure our border and build a wall or fence; now he is doing all in his power to oppose Trump any way possible. In my opinion the left is so obsessed with trying to make life a living hell for President Trump they couldn't care less if our economy and America goes down the tubes. For months I have heard Maxine Waters scream about her desire to impeach Trump, if there is anyone who needs to be impeached it is the liberals who care more about illegal invaders than the Americans who are paying their salaries.

        Over the past week I have been keeping up with the efforts of a true American. Brian Kolfage is a combat veteran who is a triple amputee who has started a Go Fund Me page to raise money for the border wall. This man paid a huge price to serve and protect this country; now his fellow Americans occupying the halls of Congress refuse to protect our country from an invasion on our southern border. While Brian Kolfage was making sacrifices that would scar him for life, Chuck Schumer was sleeping in a soft bed and eating the good food. Men such as Brian Kolfage prove their love for this country while Chuckie's actions prove his indifference to our country and its citizens.  At the last count he has commitments for over 17 million dollars from everyday Americans to build the wall. The left of this country, which includes the main stream media, keep screaming that Trump is going to destroy this country, but from where I sit their unbridled obsession is by far the bigger threat.



Fw: the conservative view; 2018/12/28

    This is what I call a "wake up call" to get us going!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2018 1:23 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        My grandfather often used an old expression that illustrates the emotion of obsession; he would say that someone is cutting off their nose to spite their face. That mentality is so evident in the debate over the border wall funding going on in Washington DC. If there was ever a need to do something about securing our southern border, all you have to do is to watch the 6 o'clock news. We have thousands of people just inside Mexico who are willing to do anything to get into our country.  They will push women and children in front of them and then proceed to throw rocks at our border guards. They have destroyed United States property by tearing down sections of existing border fences. All we can hear is hard core liberals such as Chuck Schumer tell the president to forget the wall because he and his cohorts will not fund the 5 billion dollar request from President Trump. While 5 billion is a lot of money, it is such a small percentage of the 3 trillion dollar budget of the United States.

        We Americans need to remind ourselves that whenever any elected official takes the oath of office they are agreeing to obey the US Constitution and to protect the citizens of this country. They do not take an oath to be the advocate of Mexico, Guatemala, or Honduras. Schumer and his bunch of yahoos are just fine with sending billions of dollars as aid to these very countries in an attempt to bribe them into staying in their countries, and what thanks do we get? Their citizens are intent upon charging through the border violating our laws and entering our country. Years ago Senator Schumer voted to secure our border and build a wall or fence; now he is doing all in his power to oppose Trump any way possible. In my opinion the left is so obsessed with trying to make life a living hell for President Trump they couldn't care less if our economy and America goes down the tubes. For months I have heard Maxine Waters scream about her desire to impeach Trump, if there is anyone who needs to be impeached it is the liberals who care more about illegal invaders than the Americans who are paying their salaries.

        Over the past week I have been keeping up with the efforts of a true American. Brian Kolfage is a combat veteran who is a triple amputee who has started a Go Fund Me page to raise money for the border wall. This man paid a huge price to serve and protect this country; now his fellow Americans occupying the halls of Congress refuse to protect our country from an invasion on our southern border. While Brian Kolfage was making sacrifices that would scar him for life, Chuck Schumer was sleeping in a soft bed and eating the good food. Men such as Brian Kolfage prove their love for this country while Chuckie's actions prove his indifference to our country and its citizens.  At the last count he has commitments for over 17 million dollars from everyday Americans to build the wall. The left of this country, which includes the main stream media, keep screaming that Trump is going to destroy this country, but from where I sit their unbridled obsession is by far the bigger threat.



Fw: Electric Cars. Understand ?

This is the first time I have seen an economic comparison
but tends to give verification to my own opinions. Same goes
true for the push to CNG (compressed natural gas). Bob
PS: Had to re-format to 'plain text' for space.

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Solomon
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2018 2:37 PM

Subject: Fwd: Electric Cars. Understand ?

As an engineer, I love the electric vehicle technology. However, I have been troubled
for a long time by the fact that the electrical energy to keep the batteries charged has to
come from the grid and that means more power generation and a huge increase in the distribution
infrastructure. Whether generated from coal, gas, oil, wind or sun, installed generation
capacity is limited. A friend sent me the following that says it very well. Perhaps this is
the data the President has that led him to say GM is making a mistake tooling for all electric
cars and that GM should perhaps give back the subsidies. Something very odd going on here.
Ever since the advent of electric cars, the REAL cost per mile of those things has
never been discussed. All you ever heard was the mpg in terms of gasoline, with nary a mention
of the cost of electricity to run it. This is the first article I've ever seen and tells the
story pretty much as I expected it to. Electricity has to be one of the least efficient ways
to power things yet they're being shoved down our throats. Glad somebody finally put
engineering and math to paper.
At a neighborhood BBQ, I was talking to a neighbor, a BC Hydro executive. I asked him
how that renewable thing was doing. He laughed, then got serious. If you really intend to
adopt electric vehicles, he pointed out, you had to face certain realities. For example, a
home charging system for a Tesla requires 75 amp services. The average house is equipped with
100 amp service. On our small street (approximately 25 homes), the electrical infrastructure
would be unable to carry more than three houses with a single Tesla, each. For even half the
homes to have electric vehicles, the system would be wildly over-loaded.
This is the elephant in the room with electric vehicles. Our residential
infrastructure cannot bear the load. So as our genius elected officials promote this nonsense,
not only are we being urged to buy these things and replace our reliable, cheap generating
systems with expensive, new windmills and solar cells, but we will also have to renovate our
entire delivery system! This latter "investment" will not be revealed until we're so far down
this dead-end road that it will be presented with an 'OOPS...!' and a shrug. If you want to
argue with a green person over cars that are eco-friendly, just read the following. Note: If
you ARE a green person, read it anyway. It's enlightening. Eric test drove the Chevy Volt at
the invitation of General Motors and he writes, "For four days in a row, the fully charged
battery lasted only 25 miles before the Volt switched to the reserve gasoline engine ." Eric
calculated the car got 30 mpg including the 25 miles it ran on the battery. So, the range
including the 9-gallon gas tank and the 16 kwh batteries is approximately 270 miles. It will
take you 4.5 hours to drive 270 miles at 60 mph. Then add 10 hours to charge the battery and
you have a total trip time of 14.5 hours. In a typical road trip, your average speed
(including charging time) would be 20 mph. According to General Motors, the Volt battery holds
16 kWh of electricity.
It takes a full 10 hours to charge a drained battery. The cost for the electricity to
charge the Volt is never mentioned, so I looked up what I pay for electricity. I pay
approximately (it varies with amount used and the seasons) $1.16 per kWh. 16 kWh x $1.16 per
kWh = $18.56 to charge the battery. $18.56 per charge divided by 25 miles =$0.74 per mile to
operate the Volt using the battery. Compare this to a similar size car with a gasoline engine
that gets only 32 mpg. $3.19 per gallon divided by 32 mpg = $0.10 per mile.The
gasoline-powered car costs about $20,000 while the Volt costs $46,000-plus. So the American
Government wants loyal Americans not to do the math, but simply pay three times as much for a
car, that costs more than seven times as much to run, and takes three times longer to drive
across the country.

Fw: Electric Cars. Understand ?

This is the first time I have seen an economic comparison
but tends to give verification to my own opinions. Same goes
true for the push to CNG (compressed natural gas). Bob
PS: Had to re-format to 'plain text' for space.

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Solomon
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2018 2:37 PM

Subject: Fwd: Electric Cars. Understand ?

As an engineer, I love the electric vehicle technology. However, I have been troubled
for a long time by the fact that the electrical energy to keep the batteries charged has to
come from the grid and that means more power generation and a huge increase in the distribution
infrastructure. Whether generated from coal, gas, oil, wind or sun, installed generation
capacity is limited. A friend sent me the following that says it very well. Perhaps this is
the data the President has that led him to say GM is making a mistake tooling for all electric
cars and that GM should perhaps give back the subsidies. Something very odd going on here.
Ever since the advent of electric cars, the REAL cost per mile of those things has
never been discussed. All you ever heard was the mpg in terms of gasoline, with nary a mention
of the cost of electricity to run it. This is the first article I've ever seen and tells the
story pretty much as I expected it to. Electricity has to be one of the least efficient ways
to power things yet they're being shoved down our throats. Glad somebody finally put
engineering and math to paper.
At a neighborhood BBQ, I was talking to a neighbor, a BC Hydro executive. I asked him
how that renewable thing was doing. He laughed, then got serious. If you really intend to
adopt electric vehicles, he pointed out, you had to face certain realities. For example, a
home charging system for a Tesla requires 75 amp services. The average house is equipped with
100 amp service. On our small street (approximately 25 homes), the electrical infrastructure
would be unable to carry more than three houses with a single Tesla, each. For even half the
homes to have electric vehicles, the system would be wildly over-loaded.
This is the elephant in the room with electric vehicles. Our residential
infrastructure cannot bear the load. So as our genius elected officials promote this nonsense,
not only are we being urged to buy these things and replace our reliable, cheap generating
systems with expensive, new windmills and solar cells, but we will also have to renovate our
entire delivery system! This latter "investment" will not be revealed until we're so far down
this dead-end road that it will be presented with an 'OOPS...!' and a shrug. If you want to
argue with a green person over cars that are eco-friendly, just read the following. Note: If
you ARE a green person, read it anyway. It's enlightening. Eric test drove the Chevy Volt at
the invitation of General Motors and he writes, "For four days in a row, the fully charged
battery lasted only 25 miles before the Volt switched to the reserve gasoline engine ." Eric
calculated the car got 30 mpg including the 25 miles it ran on the battery. So, the range
including the 9-gallon gas tank and the 16 kwh batteries is approximately 270 miles. It will
take you 4.5 hours to drive 270 miles at 60 mph. Then add 10 hours to charge the battery and
you have a total trip time of 14.5 hours. In a typical road trip, your average speed
(including charging time) would be 20 mph. According to General Motors, the Volt battery holds
16 kWh of electricity.
It takes a full 10 hours to charge a drained battery. The cost for the electricity to
charge the Volt is never mentioned, so I looked up what I pay for electricity. I pay
approximately (it varies with amount used and the seasons) $1.16 per kWh. 16 kWh x $1.16 per
kWh = $18.56 to charge the battery. $18.56 per charge divided by 25 miles =$0.74 per mile to
operate the Volt using the battery. Compare this to a similar size car with a gasoline engine
that gets only 32 mpg. $3.19 per gallon divided by 32 mpg = $0.10 per mile.The
gasoline-powered car costs about $20,000 while the Volt costs $46,000-plus. So the American
Government wants loyal Americans not to do the math, but simply pay three times as much for a
car, that costs more than seven times as much to run, and takes three times longer to drive
across the country.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Fw: the conservative view; 2018/12/22

        A great sumation of the world problems, way to go Russell
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2018 7:30 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        It seems like the years get shorter all of the time; here we are just a few days away from Christmas and a new year. This year has been an eventful year; one of the biggest things that we survived was the midterm election cycle. At the local coffee shops politics is always fair game when it comes to complaining about something. I have come to the conclusion here in America we have only ourselves to blame. Politics affects the quality of life we lead every day of our lives. To be a well informed citizen it requires staying informed every day, not just when the election cycle rolls around every other year. It is a sad fact that we human often allow ourselves to be manipulated into choosing elected officials who often have a pretty smile and little substance. In this country we create a ruling class that has little in common with the everyday people that work hard to keep this country running. Many years ago a man told me that when it comes to politics there are two kinds of people, the ones who want to do the right thing and the others who want to be somebody. When you look at history what we are seeing in our country today is nothing new. It was Mark Twain that once said that history may not repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme.

        Christmas is the celebration of Jesus Christ; while we celebrate his birth we need to also remember the events of his death. Jesus Christ was the ultimate conservative; his teachings are the basis of our founding principles. He advocated taking care of the poor but he never suggested that the government should be given that exclusive task; he taught that we as individuals should take on that responsibility. He never tried to raise an army to correct the problems of his day, but the events that led to his death were political. 2,000 years ago the driving force of politics was the same as what we are witnessing in our time. Today we call it the deep state, but the symptoms were the same back then. You had a group of people that were self absorbed with themselves, they wanted to sleep in a soft bed and eat the best food, and they couldn't care less about what the average people had to do to survive. It is so ironic that people in power hate and despise the honest person trying to do the right thing. Christ was sent to the cross even though he had never done anything wrong, but there are always forces that defend the status quo just because it has always been done that way. I often wonder what kind of world we would have if the people of that day would have accepted Christ and not succumbed to a mob mentality and murdered him.

        We humans can do better. If we take the time to educate ourselves on the workings of government and refuse to be manipulated by the forces of the status quo we could have a better world. The people of the past put their faith in a corrupt political system and you can plainly see the results. We humans have paid a high price for politics with fallible humans in charge.    

Fw: the conservative view; 2018/12/22

        A great sumation of the world problems, way to go Russell
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2018 7:30 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        It seems like the years get shorter all of the time; here we are just a few days away from Christmas and a new year. This year has been an eventful year; one of the biggest things that we survived was the midterm election cycle. At the local coffee shops politics is always fair game when it comes to complaining about something. I have come to the conclusion here in America we have only ourselves to blame. Politics affects the quality of life we lead every day of our lives. To be a well informed citizen it requires staying informed every day, not just when the election cycle rolls around every other year. It is a sad fact that we human often allow ourselves to be manipulated into choosing elected officials who often have a pretty smile and little substance. In this country we create a ruling class that has little in common with the everyday people that work hard to keep this country running. Many years ago a man told me that when it comes to politics there are two kinds of people, the ones who want to do the right thing and the others who want to be somebody. When you look at history what we are seeing in our country today is nothing new. It was Mark Twain that once said that history may not repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme.

        Christmas is the celebration of Jesus Christ; while we celebrate his birth we need to also remember the events of his death. Jesus Christ was the ultimate conservative; his teachings are the basis of our founding principles. He advocated taking care of the poor but he never suggested that the government should be given that exclusive task; he taught that we as individuals should take on that responsibility. He never tried to raise an army to correct the problems of his day, but the events that led to his death were political. 2,000 years ago the driving force of politics was the same as what we are witnessing in our time. Today we call it the deep state, but the symptoms were the same back then. You had a group of people that were self absorbed with themselves, they wanted to sleep in a soft bed and eat the best food, and they couldn't care less about what the average people had to do to survive. It is so ironic that people in power hate and despise the honest person trying to do the right thing. Christ was sent to the cross even though he had never done anything wrong, but there are always forces that defend the status quo just because it has always been done that way. I often wonder what kind of world we would have if the people of that day would have accepted Christ and not succumbed to a mob mentality and murdered him.

        We humans can do better. If we take the time to educate ourselves on the workings of government and refuse to be manipulated by the forces of the status quo we could have a better world. The people of the past put their faith in a corrupt political system and you can plainly see the results. We humans have paid a high price for politics with fallible humans in charge.    

Friday, December 21, 2018

VIEW: 19-01: Alternative Wind Generation

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-01
The headline of a story in the December 9 issue of our daily news(?)
paper immediately caught my eye so it had to be read. The headline read:
"Sails make a comeback as shipping tries to go green" and carried the
byline of Kelvin Chan of Associated Press. As all too often happens the
headline was somewhat misleading in that the subject is anything but 'sails'
in the canvas sense.
After two paragraphs making issue about 'greenhouse gasses'
affecting 'climate change' the second includes the statement that EU
aircraft company Airbus is backing a tech company "pitching futuristic sails
to help cargo ships harness the free and endless supply of wind power".
The writer simply cannot resist the 'politically correct' idea of CO2
emissions from fuel burning of a "particularly dirty form of fossil fuels".
It turns out that Norsepower, a Finland based manufacturing
company has a true turban wind power source and is beginning tests
of the idea on the tanker Maersk Pelican for tests and that A. P.
Moller-Maersk, the "world's biggest container shipping company has
pledged to cut carbon emissions to zero by 2050". Actually, it would
appear that carbon emissions by oil powered steam ships are in the
form of carbon particle smoke rather than CO2, which is invisible,
odorless, and NOT a "greenhouse gas" as has been claimed by the
PC anti fuel crowd.
This has meant to me a confirmation of several past claims that
the massive 'windmill' power generators are NOT turbans as claimed
by those pushing them for massive government tax breaks and grants
to build more of these 'bird killers'. Multiple reports received be me
have stated that at any one time approximately half of those are
inoperatable due to mechanical break-downs, or wind speed
restrictions. Beginning several decades ago there have been reports
of 'true turbans' being used for power generation. The ones seen in
the reports were able to self regulate themselves so as to maintain a
constant rotation speed, mandated for AC (alternating current)
generation, the most used here.
The story does not go at all into the processes by which the
wind energy is transported to the ships propulsion propellers, so the
reader is left with suppositions about how this works. It would seem
to me that these shipboard turban-generators would feed to electric
motors driving the propellers, and supplying the electric power for
whole ship, with a large battery back-up source. Of course, the
turbans could still operate in port, if there was any wind, while at
sea under way the ship speed would be sufficient to keep them
operating in calm wind conditions.
In the accompanying the story, two turbans are shown which
appear to be three to five feet in diameter and 20 to 40 feet tall.
Compare that size to the 'windmill' generators in the fields taking up
large spaces of land. It would be very refreshing to read about or
see in video one or more stories about private industry going that
route for land use generation. The turbans are enlarged versions of
the ventilation turbans on roofs to use wind power to suck the air
out of attics or businesses. Those usually are fixed sizes and so the
rotation speed depends on the wind speed.
In any event this story came as a breath of fresh air that
someone in the World is beginning to try something else, without a
government funding and for their own financial benefit. As an aside,
electric power provides reversible motors rather than needing
transmissions, as with diesel or gas turban engines. It would seem
that reversible electric engines could be controlled instantly from
the bridge.
Composed December 21, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

VIEW: 19-01: Alternative Wind Generation

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-01
The headline of a story in the December 9 issue of our daily news(?)
paper immediately caught my eye so it had to be read. The headline read:
"Sails make a comeback as shipping tries to go green" and carried the
byline of Kelvin Chan of Associated Press. As all too often happens the
headline was somewhat misleading in that the subject is anything but 'sails'
in the canvas sense.
After two paragraphs making issue about 'greenhouse gasses'
affecting 'climate change' the second includes the statement that EU
aircraft company Airbus is backing a tech company "pitching futuristic sails
to help cargo ships harness the free and endless supply of wind power".
The writer simply cannot resist the 'politically correct' idea of CO2
emissions from fuel burning of a "particularly dirty form of fossil fuels".
It turns out that Norsepower, a Finland based manufacturing
company has a true turban wind power source and is beginning tests
of the idea on the tanker Maersk Pelican for tests and that A. P.
Moller-Maersk, the "world's biggest container shipping company has
pledged to cut carbon emissions to zero by 2050". Actually, it would
appear that carbon emissions by oil powered steam ships are in the
form of carbon particle smoke rather than CO2, which is invisible,
odorless, and NOT a "greenhouse gas" as has been claimed by the
PC anti fuel crowd.
This has meant to me a confirmation of several past claims that
the massive 'windmill' power generators are NOT turbans as claimed
by those pushing them for massive government tax breaks and grants
to build more of these 'bird killers'. Multiple reports received be me
have stated that at any one time approximately half of those are
inoperatable due to mechanical break-downs, or wind speed
restrictions. Beginning several decades ago there have been reports
of 'true turbans' being used for power generation. The ones seen in
the reports were able to self regulate themselves so as to maintain a
constant rotation speed, mandated for AC (alternating current)
generation, the most used here.
The story does not go at all into the processes by which the
wind energy is transported to the ships propulsion propellers, so the
reader is left with suppositions about how this works. It would seem
to me that these shipboard turban-generators would feed to electric
motors driving the propellers, and supplying the electric power for
whole ship, with a large battery back-up source. Of course, the
turbans could still operate in port, if there was any wind, while at
sea under way the ship speed would be sufficient to keep them
operating in calm wind conditions.
In the accompanying the story, two turbans are shown which
appear to be three to five feet in diameter and 20 to 40 feet tall.
Compare that size to the 'windmill' generators in the fields taking up
large spaces of land. It would be very refreshing to read about or
see in video one or more stories about private industry going that
route for land use generation. The turbans are enlarged versions of
the ventilation turbans on roofs to use wind power to suck the air
out of attics or businesses. Those usually are fixed sizes and so the
rotation speed depends on the wind speed.
In any event this story came as a breath of fresh air that
someone in the World is beginning to try something else, without a
government funding and for their own financial benefit. As an aside,
electric power provides reversible motors rather than needing
transmissions, as with diesel or gas turban engines. It would seem
that reversible electric engines could be controlled instantly from
the bridge.
Composed December 21, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2018 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

VIEW: 18-53: A Whole New Year Ahead

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-53
A WHOLE NEW YEAR AHEAD Week of 2018/12/31
Finally we can put to bed and in the files of history the year 2018.
It was a very wild and difficult year indeed. However it has been covered
extensively as developing and to many of us our dismay and disgust. So it
seems to me to be time to look ahead to the future and where we can go
in the brand new year facing our lives.
First, it seems propitious that we begin by placing our focus on the
problems facing, or might be facing later, us in the future. The past is done
and cannot be changed but the lessons taught, whether or not learned, must
be placed in memory or they will absolutely be repeated in the future. On
my part, my choice remains to be optimistic on the future. It seems to me
that PRESDT-45 knows exactly what he is doing and that he is planning to
allow the "swamp" participants as much rope as they will take before cutting
it off and allowing them to self destruct, as well should happen.
In my experience, and education of history before mine began, there
has not been a period in time in our National history where there has been
so much out and out corruption, misconduct, and law breaking. The culprits
MUST be brought to account, removed from their positions of power and
properly punished for the damage done, and where appropriate forced to
give compensation for the damage done to others by their misconduct in office.
Further, the vile language and false accusations that have emanated
from individuals in high government positions, as well as media, should be
cause for the most serious recrimination, including, if necessary, incarceration.
The trash that has been coming from the mouths of these people, and/or
appearing in print or on screens has gone a long way towards the reduction
in the quality of our society. It is unfortunate but all the above has brought
about generations of citizens who seem to have lost most, if not all,
appearances of civility.
It will take a strong and continuous effort on the part of those of us
who are pained by the current conditions of life to stand firm and rebut
them as well as make the effort to inform and educate those younger who
have not experienced decent activities and words in government to bring
them into a better ballot casting mentality. This probably will necessitate
some major changes in the education system staffing as there are,
unfortunately, too many actively teaching the wrong things, or nothing.
Another action that we of faith should take is to actively work to
bring GOD back into our daily lives. The USA was founded as a
Christian nation but PRESBO-44 publicly stated that it was not longer so
and proclaimed to Muslim rulers of such nations that he is one! If we stay,
as a nation, turned away from Him He will turn away from us and allow the
forces of Evil to gain complete control which would bring about the end of
our Republic, or the break-up of the union, as predicted by Richard Engle
in his book; 'The Last American President'. In it the result was several
nations of a few states each, with the states with overwhelming C/F/S
populations joining into three or four such 'nations'. It is all up to us, the
thinking and informed citizens of the USA who revere the Constitution!!
Composed December 18, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

VIEW: 18-53: A Whole New Year Ahead

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-53
A WHOLE NEW YEAR AHEAD Week of 2018/12/31
Finally we can put to bed and in the files of history the year 2018.
It was a very wild and difficult year indeed. However it has been covered
extensively as developing and to many of us our dismay and disgust. So it
seems to me to be time to look ahead to the future and where we can go
in the brand new year facing our lives.
First, it seems propitious that we begin by placing our focus on the
problems facing, or might be facing later, us in the future. The past is done
and cannot be changed but the lessons taught, whether or not learned, must
be placed in memory or they will absolutely be repeated in the future. On
my part, my choice remains to be optimistic on the future. It seems to me
that PRESDT-45 knows exactly what he is doing and that he is planning to
allow the "swamp" participants as much rope as they will take before cutting
it off and allowing them to self destruct, as well should happen.
In my experience, and education of history before mine began, there
has not been a period in time in our National history where there has been
so much out and out corruption, misconduct, and law breaking. The culprits
MUST be brought to account, removed from their positions of power and
properly punished for the damage done, and where appropriate forced to
give compensation for the damage done to others by their misconduct in office.
Further, the vile language and false accusations that have emanated
from individuals in high government positions, as well as media, should be
cause for the most serious recrimination, including, if necessary, incarceration.
The trash that has been coming from the mouths of these people, and/or
appearing in print or on screens has gone a long way towards the reduction
in the quality of our society. It is unfortunate but all the above has brought
about generations of citizens who seem to have lost most, if not all,
appearances of civility.
It will take a strong and continuous effort on the part of those of us
who are pained by the current conditions of life to stand firm and rebut
them as well as make the effort to inform and educate those younger who
have not experienced decent activities and words in government to bring
them into a better ballot casting mentality. This probably will necessitate
some major changes in the education system staffing as there are,
unfortunately, too many actively teaching the wrong things, or nothing.
Another action that we of faith should take is to actively work to
bring GOD back into our daily lives. The USA was founded as a
Christian nation but PRESBO-44 publicly stated that it was not longer so
and proclaimed to Muslim rulers of such nations that he is one! If we stay,
as a nation, turned away from Him He will turn away from us and allow the
forces of Evil to gain complete control which would bring about the end of
our Republic, or the break-up of the union, as predicted by Richard Engle
in his book; 'The Last American President'. In it the result was several
nations of a few states each, with the states with overwhelming C/F/S
populations joining into three or four such 'nations'. It is all up to us, the
thinking and informed citizens of the USA who revere the Constitution!!
Composed December 18, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2018 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Monday, December 17, 2018

VIEW: 18-52: A Most Important Observance

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-52
As we come to the final days of the year 2018 we find the major
observation of importance to those of us in the Christian family of believers,
the Monday marking Christmas Eve. The event that has become, in my
opinion, far too commercialized with emphasis on parties, gifts, and other
diversions from the true 'reason for the season': the birth of a baby known
as "GOD with us", "King of Kings", or "Mankind personal savior" among
others. This was foretold beginning hundreds of years earlier by the
prophets in the Jewish "TORA" we call "The Old Testament".
Scripture tells that HE was born of a virgin named Mary of the lineage
of Aaron, brother of Moses and first 'High Priest' of the Jewish faith, who
was betrothed to a man Joseph, lineal descendent of the great King David.
These circumstances led to HIM to be considered 'High Priest and King of
Kings'. Working in ways never considered by men, GOD caused this
event to occur in the town of Bethlehem, known as the 'City of David'. The
couple were betrothed, to us engaged, living in a village called Nazareth.
Caesar Augustus had ordered a census of all those residing in the Roman
controlled World, with each male required to return to the ancestral home,
with family, to be registered.
Mary, we read, had been visited nine months earlier by the angel
Gabriel and told she would have a baby boy and to name him JESUS and
that he would be the 'Son of God' and the 'savior of all mankind'. She was
also told that 'your kinswoman, Elisabeth was in the sixth month of a
pregnancy in her old age'. Elisabeth was married to a Priest who had earlier
served as High Priest in Jerusalem. No man could be a priest unless he was
a direct male descendent of Aaron, older brother of Moses of the tribe of
Levi. No such man could marry outside of the mother, sister, widow, or
daughter of a priest. Thus the condition that Mary was a descendent of
Aaron and Jesus would be born to be a priest.
We were taught as children that three 'wise men' from the East came
to offer gifts and to worship the Baby Jesus while in the stable, but my
reading of the scriptures indicates that to be in error. It is written that they
first went to King Herod to pay respects and he questioned them of the
timing of the birth sending them on their way and charging them to return to
him with the location. They, warned by an angel, returned home by a
different way. But, from the timing, Herod determined that Jesus would be
about two years old and fearing Jesus would be a threat to his throne
proceeded to order the execution of ALL male children two and under in
that district. That indicated that it took them months to travel to worship
Jesus and the family were by then back in Nazareth. Joseph had already
taken Mary and Jesus to Egypt, being warned of the event, to return after
being assured that Herod and his lackeys were already dead.
It is written that Jesus began his ministry when he was about thirty
years old and made a promise to those who believe in Him that they
would be forgiven all sins past and future and assured an eternal life with
Him in Heaven. All that is necessary to truly believe, ask His forgiveness
and, as He assured the criminal crucified on his right who had just
professed his belief, "this very day you will be with me in Paradise".
Unfortunately, for those who refuse this promise the eternal life
following this work on Earth, the outlook is not at all pleasant. We are
taught that Hell is a real place, governed by 'the evil one' Satan. To
me it is better to not take the chance. We are ALL terminal cases, but
don't know when that terminal is, so should make the best of each day
we are left here.
Composed December 17, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2018 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

VIEW: 18-52: A Most Important Observance

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-52
As we come to the final days of the year 2018 we find the major
observation of importance to those of us in the Christian family of believers,
the Monday marking Christmas Eve. The event that has become, in my
opinion, far too commercialized with emphasis on parties, gifts, and other
diversions from the true 'reason for the season': the birth of a baby known
as "GOD with us", "King of Kings", or "Mankind personal savior" among
others. This was foretold beginning hundreds of years earlier by the
prophets in the Jewish "TORA" we call "The Old Testament".
Scripture tells that HE was born of a virgin named Mary of the lineage
of Aaron, brother of Moses and first 'High Priest' of the Jewish faith, who
was betrothed to a man Joseph, lineal descendent of the great King David.
These circumstances led to HIM to be considered 'High Priest and King of
Kings'. Working in ways never considered by men, GOD caused this
event to occur in the town of Bethlehem, known as the 'City of David'. The
couple were betrothed, to us engaged, living in a village called Nazareth.
Caesar Augustus had ordered a census of all those residing in the Roman
controlled World, with each male required to return to the ancestral home,
with family, to be registered.
Mary, we read, had been visited nine months earlier by the angel
Gabriel and told she would have a baby boy and to name him JESUS and
that he would be the 'Son of God' and the 'savior of all mankind'. She was
also told that 'your kinswoman, Elisabeth was in the sixth month of a
pregnancy in her old age'. Elisabeth was married to a Priest who had earlier
served as High Priest in Jerusalem. No man could be a priest unless he was
a direct male descendent of Aaron, older brother of Moses of the tribe of
Levi. No such man could marry outside of the mother, sister, widow, or
daughter of a priest. Thus the condition that Mary was a descendent of
Aaron and Jesus would be born to be a priest.
We were taught as children that three 'wise men' from the East came
to offer gifts and to worship the Baby Jesus while in the stable, but my
reading of the scriptures indicates that to be in error. It is written that they
first went to King Herod to pay respects and he questioned them of the
timing of the birth sending them on their way and charging them to return to
him with the location. They, warned by an angel, returned home by a
different way. But, from the timing, Herod determined that Jesus would be
about two years old and fearing Jesus would be a threat to his throne
proceeded to order the execution of ALL male children two and under in
that district. That indicated that it took them months to travel to worship
Jesus and the family were by then back in Nazareth. Joseph had already
taken Mary and Jesus to Egypt, being warned of the event, to return after
being assured that Herod and his lackeys were already dead.
It is written that Jesus began his ministry when he was about thirty
years old and made a promise to those who believe in Him that they
would be forgiven all sins past and future and assured an eternal life with
Him in Heaven. All that is necessary to truly believe, ask His forgiveness
and, as He assured the criminal crucified on his right who had just
professed his belief, "this very day you will be with me in Paradise".
Unfortunately, for those who refuse this promise the eternal life
following this work on Earth, the outlook is not at all pleasant. We are
taught that Hell is a real place, governed by 'the evil one' Satan. To
me it is better to not take the chance. We are ALL terminal cases, but
don't know when that terminal is, so should make the best of each day
we are left here.
Composed December 17, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2018 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Fw: the conservative view; 18/112/04

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 7:26 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        I have lived in the country all of my life; like my grandparents and parents before me I have been involved in farming and ranching my entire life. Anyone who has ever been around cattle knows they can be a problem at times. It seems like the pasture is always greener across the fence on the neighbor's property. From experience I know that maintaining a good fence is a constant job. Fence post and wire will rot and rust to the point where it becomes necessary to have a major job to repair the fence. I can still remember my grandfather telling me that the key to having good neighbors is having good fences. Rogue cattle have the capability to cause a lot of damage to a neighbor's property. One example would be cattle getting in your neighbor's vegetable garden; in just a short period of time a season's work could be ruined. Because of my past experiences here on the ranch I can appreciate the position President Trump is taking on the construction of a border wall along our southern border with Mexico'

        Last Tuesday President Trump met with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer; in the meeting they made the suggestion that Trump should be willing to take his demand for border wall funding off the table.  Our president is asking for 5 billion dollars to start construction of a border wall, and he has made the comment that he will shut down the government if he doesn't get the funding.  Many self-serving politicians can't seem to comprehend the problems that illegal immigration (invasion) are causing to our nation, but a large part of the American public does see it and it was the main reason Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States.  Our previous leaders have been lax on the subject of border security.  It wasn't that long ago even the Democrats voted to fund building a border fence between the US and Mexico, but now all they can do is to oppose Trump any way possible. Here on the farm if you take the time to build a good fence the cattle instinctively know that they cannot get through and they will be content to stay in their own pasture, the same can be said about a border fence. 

        One of the biggest problems getting in the way of a solution is the mainstream media. Instead of reporting the true cost to the American taxpayer they would rather manipulate the citizens of this country into feeling sorry for the people wanting to violate our laws and cross into our country illegally. In recent articles I have read the cost estimates for dealing with illegal immigration in the United States is between 115 and 250 billion dollars each year. While a border wall would not remove all of that expense we could make a dent in it, when you look at the numbers the border wall doesn't seem that expensive. Our neighbor to the south, Mexico, could have been a better neighbor if they had better fences on their southern border. It kind of serves them right when they have a bottleneck of illegals in their cities because they are stopped at the border, now the Mexicans are calling for them to go home. There is also a problem with activist judges who make flawed judicial rulings that usurp the will of the American people who have repeatedly demanded secure borders. A good border wall or fence will be an investment that will reap benefits for years to come, and it will create better neighbors.


Saturday, December 15, 2018

Fw: the conservative view; 18/112/04

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 7:26 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        I have lived in the country all of my life; like my grandparents and parents before me I have been involved in farming and ranching my entire life. Anyone who has ever been around cattle knows they can be a problem at times. It seems like the pasture is always greener across the fence on the neighbor's property. From experience I know that maintaining a good fence is a constant job. Fence post and wire will rot and rust to the point where it becomes necessary to have a major job to repair the fence. I can still remember my grandfather telling me that the key to having good neighbors is having good fences. Rogue cattle have the capability to cause a lot of damage to a neighbor's property. One example would be cattle getting in your neighbor's vegetable garden; in just a short period of time a season's work could be ruined. Because of my past experiences here on the ranch I can appreciate the position President Trump is taking on the construction of a border wall along our southern border with Mexico'

        Last Tuesday President Trump met with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer; in the meeting they made the suggestion that Trump should be willing to take his demand for border wall funding off the table.  Our president is asking for 5 billion dollars to start construction of a border wall, and he has made the comment that he will shut down the government if he doesn't get the funding.  Many self-serving politicians can't seem to comprehend the problems that illegal immigration (invasion) are causing to our nation, but a large part of the American public does see it and it was the main reason Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States.  Our previous leaders have been lax on the subject of border security.  It wasn't that long ago even the Democrats voted to fund building a border fence between the US and Mexico, but now all they can do is to oppose Trump any way possible. Here on the farm if you take the time to build a good fence the cattle instinctively know that they cannot get through and they will be content to stay in their own pasture, the same can be said about a border fence. 

        One of the biggest problems getting in the way of a solution is the mainstream media. Instead of reporting the true cost to the American taxpayer they would rather manipulate the citizens of this country into feeling sorry for the people wanting to violate our laws and cross into our country illegally. In recent articles I have read the cost estimates for dealing with illegal immigration in the United States is between 115 and 250 billion dollars each year. While a border wall would not remove all of that expense we could make a dent in it, when you look at the numbers the border wall doesn't seem that expensive. Our neighbor to the south, Mexico, could have been a better neighbor if they had better fences on their southern border. It kind of serves them right when they have a bottleneck of illegals in their cities because they are stopped at the border, now the Mexicans are calling for them to go home. There is also a problem with activist judges who make flawed judicial rulings that usurp the will of the American people who have repeatedly demanded secure borders. A good border wall or fence will be an investment that will reap benefits for years to come, and it will create better neighbors.


Tuesday, December 11, 2018

VIEW: 18-51: Treason and/or Disloyalty

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-51
It seems that even with a week where the attention of our Nation should
have been totally focused on the departure of PRESGB-41 to a better life and
reunion with his FLOTUS in Heaven, especially since PRESDT-45 had
declared December 6 as a national holiday with Banks, Government offices
and USPO closed, in observance of the funeral services, the media and some
political commentators simply could not give up the constant drumbeat against
the administration. All the while complaining that our society had become too
uncivil. To my mind, the words, and some actions, coming from those often
border on "politically incorrect" and which if used in the "Right wing extremist"
part would have resulted in a humongous outcry of objection, even incarceration.
Frankly, it is offensive to me the way so-called comedians trash, in the
name of humor, anything and everything that PRESDT-45 says or does, no
matter how accurate a description or how softly it is said. Further, it seems
that the whole of the Democrat officialdom, and their loud mouthed minions in
the, particularly electronic, media will go to any length of falsification about
anything or anyone perceived to be a Republican or thought to be of a
'conservative' philosophy.
So long as these practices are in place, it strikes me that there is massive
disloyalty in play, and in many cases it crosses the border into outright treason.
That is particularly evident in the continuing rant by some in the so far minority
about "impeachment". Either they don't know the Constitutional requirements
for impeaching ANY office holder, or are just seeking publicity for themselves
and possibly money from the Socialist oriented over-rich business owners.
On the opposite side of the fence, it was most refreshing to see the past
presidents and first ladies act in the proper manner during the state funeral for
PRESGB-41. TV screens showed them greeting and interacting in friendly
manners with each other and PRESDT-45. That is how politics should be
carried out. Even though there is now only ONE Republican living past
president they could all sit in one section and appear to be friendly and courteous.
Speaking, or rather writing, of the occasion it is my opinion that it is
well to have the TV coverage of the 'National Cathedral' service and
accompanying processions to show the younger folks the precision and
dedication of our service personnel involved in handling the casket and
crowds involved. In the armed services it is considered to be an ultimate
honor and privilidge to be able to participate, right next to that of being an
'Unknown Soldiers' guard in Arlington National. Only the very best and
most accomplished are selected for such service. Their displayed dedication
to duty and precision set a terrific example to all of us as to what our
patriotism should entail. In my interaction with active and reserve military
and fellow veterans it has been a heart warming experience to witness
just how dedicated we all are.
That is in such complete and diametric opposition to the day to day
outpouring of obscene and harsh criticism observed in electronic and print
media each and every day that continually nauseates those of us who
revere the Constitution and laws of our 'one of a kind' nation. Many of
my circle of friends are sickened by the demonstrated lack of respect or
even obedience of same by so many misguided individuals and groups and
the way the media rushes to cover the often illegal actions. It would
improve things if parents would teach decency and patriotism to their children.
Composed December 11, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2018 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

VIEW: 18-51: Treason and/or Disloyalty

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-51
It seems that even with a week where the attention of our Nation should
have been totally focused on the departure of PRESGB-41 to a better life and
reunion with his FLOTUS in Heaven, especially since PRESDT-45 had
declared December 6 as a national holiday with Banks, Government offices
and USPO closed, in observance of the funeral services, the media and some
political commentators simply could not give up the constant drumbeat against
the administration. All the while complaining that our society had become too
uncivil. To my mind, the words, and some actions, coming from those often
border on "politically incorrect" and which if used in the "Right wing extremist"
part would have resulted in a humongous outcry of objection, even incarceration.
Frankly, it is offensive to me the way so-called comedians trash, in the
name of humor, anything and everything that PRESDT-45 says or does, no
matter how accurate a description or how softly it is said. Further, it seems
that the whole of the Democrat officialdom, and their loud mouthed minions in
the, particularly electronic, media will go to any length of falsification about
anything or anyone perceived to be a Republican or thought to be of a
'conservative' philosophy.
So long as these practices are in place, it strikes me that there is massive
disloyalty in play, and in many cases it crosses the border into outright treason.
That is particularly evident in the continuing rant by some in the so far minority
about "impeachment". Either they don't know the Constitutional requirements
for impeaching ANY office holder, or are just seeking publicity for themselves
and possibly money from the Socialist oriented over-rich business owners.
On the opposite side of the fence, it was most refreshing to see the past
presidents and first ladies act in the proper manner during the state funeral for
PRESGB-41. TV screens showed them greeting and interacting in friendly
manners with each other and PRESDT-45. That is how politics should be
carried out. Even though there is now only ONE Republican living past
president they could all sit in one section and appear to be friendly and courteous.
Speaking, or rather writing, of the occasion it is my opinion that it is
well to have the TV coverage of the 'National Cathedral' service and
accompanying processions to show the younger folks the precision and
dedication of our service personnel involved in handling the casket and
crowds involved. In the armed services it is considered to be an ultimate
honor and privilidge to be able to participate, right next to that of being an
'Unknown Soldiers' guard in Arlington National. Only the very best and
most accomplished are selected for such service. Their displayed dedication
to duty and precision set a terrific example to all of us as to what our
patriotism should entail. In my interaction with active and reserve military
and fellow veterans it has been a heart warming experience to witness
just how dedicated we all are.
That is in such complete and diametric opposition to the day to day
outpouring of obscene and harsh criticism observed in electronic and print
media each and every day that continually nauseates those of us who
revere the Constitution and laws of our 'one of a kind' nation. Many of
my circle of friends are sickened by the demonstrated lack of respect or
even obedience of same by so many misguided individuals and groups and
the way the media rushes to cover the often illegal actions. It would
improve things if parents would teach decency and patriotism to their children.
Composed December 11, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Fw: the conservative view

        Russell ought to be a teacher,   except he couldn't afford the cut in pay.
Probably couldn't stand to put up with the rebelious students either!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2018 7:13 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        I have heard it said that we humans never learn from history, it seems we are always destined to keep making the same mistakes over and over again. I have always been a devotee of history; I have found that every new generation is arrogant enough to believe that mistakes of the past would have never happened if they had been in charge. I am sure that the ones who made the past mistakes also had a similar belief. Recently I read an article where the creator of the most famous consumer 'credit score' in the United States announced a major overhaul in how it rates borrowers. Most people live and die by this 'FICO score'. A high FICO score means that it's easy to obtain loans at lower interest rates, whereas a low FICO score means that you have a history of not paying your debts thus making it difficult to obtain loans.

        There are tens of millions of Americans who either have no FICO score or they have BAD credit. With the new overhaul of credit, many of these people will be classified as an acceptable credit risk. This company is deliberately lowering its standards and pretending that people with a terrible credit history are actually credit worthy. Have we forgotten that roughly 10 years ago the whole world's economy was nearly collapsed by this same kind of idiotic behavior?

        During the housing boom in the early 2000s banks were doing EXACTLY the same thing-- deliberately lowering their lending standards and providing loans (WITH NO MONEY DOWN) to borrowers with bad credit. Even the federal government gave its seal of approval to this ridiculous policy. A housing bubble was created and, like all bubbles, it did pop. The result was housing prices tanked. Banks lost billions. The stock market plummeted. The economy went into a tailspin. It all started with a system that churned out far too much debt, far too easily, to borrowers who had no hope of paying it back.

        Spending money and incurring debt seems to be the norm in our culture, the US government is sitting on a record $21.7 trillion in debt. That's several trillion dollars more than the size of the entire US economy. Even state and local government are up to their eyeballs in debt and unfunded obligations. Each year it gets worse. The government's own projections show the debt only increasing-- they have no chance of paying it off. In America today the consumer is the major pillar of our economy, but there are some facts that we need to be aware of. Consumer debt is on pace to reach a record $4 trillion this year. Credit card debt is at an all-time high. Auto loans are at an all time high. Student debt is at an all time high. According to a recent study published by the Federal Reserve, 40% of adults don't have enough money to cover a $400 emergency expense. On top of that 21% of Americans have ZERO savings. Too much debt causes gigantic problems, but somehow people think that the solution is to incur more debt. Whether we want to admit it or not eventually the house of cards will collapse. Instead of trying to limit credit to people who have a poor history of paying their bills, we are encouraging poor financial practices. When crashes and bursting bubbles happen it affects all of us, even those of us who pay our bills. If we are to survive we need to change our attitudes on Money, Debt and Stupidity.







Fw: the conservative view

        Russell ought to be a teacher,   except he couldn't afford the cut in pay.
Probably couldn't stand to put up with the rebelious students either!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2018 7:13 PM
Subject: the conservative view




        I have heard it said that we humans never learn from history, it seems we are always destined to keep making the same mistakes over and over again. I have always been a devotee of history; I have found that every new generation is arrogant enough to believe that mistakes of the past would have never happened if they had been in charge. I am sure that the ones who made the past mistakes also had a similar belief. Recently I read an article where the creator of the most famous consumer 'credit score' in the United States announced a major overhaul in how it rates borrowers. Most people live and die by this 'FICO score'. A high FICO score means that it's easy to obtain loans at lower interest rates, whereas a low FICO score means that you have a history of not paying your debts thus making it difficult to obtain loans.

        There are tens of millions of Americans who either have no FICO score or they have BAD credit. With the new overhaul of credit, many of these people will be classified as an acceptable credit risk. This company is deliberately lowering its standards and pretending that people with a terrible credit history are actually credit worthy. Have we forgotten that roughly 10 years ago the whole world's economy was nearly collapsed by this same kind of idiotic behavior?

        During the housing boom in the early 2000s banks were doing EXACTLY the same thing-- deliberately lowering their lending standards and providing loans (WITH NO MONEY DOWN) to borrowers with bad credit. Even the federal government gave its seal of approval to this ridiculous policy. A housing bubble was created and, like all bubbles, it did pop. The result was housing prices tanked. Banks lost billions. The stock market plummeted. The economy went into a tailspin. It all started with a system that churned out far too much debt, far too easily, to borrowers who had no hope of paying it back.

        Spending money and incurring debt seems to be the norm in our culture, the US government is sitting on a record $21.7 trillion in debt. That's several trillion dollars more than the size of the entire US economy. Even state and local government are up to their eyeballs in debt and unfunded obligations. Each year it gets worse. The government's own projections show the debt only increasing-- they have no chance of paying it off. In America today the consumer is the major pillar of our economy, but there are some facts that we need to be aware of. Consumer debt is on pace to reach a record $4 trillion this year. Credit card debt is at an all-time high. Auto loans are at an all time high. Student debt is at an all time high. According to a recent study published by the Federal Reserve, 40% of adults don't have enough money to cover a $400 emergency expense. On top of that 21% of Americans have ZERO savings. Too much debt causes gigantic problems, but somehow people think that the solution is to incur more debt. Whether we want to admit it or not eventually the house of cards will collapse. Instead of trying to limit credit to people who have a poor history of paying their bills, we are encouraging poor financial practices. When crashes and bursting bubbles happen it affects all of us, even those of us who pay our bills. If we are to survive we need to change our attitudes on Money, Debt and Stupidity.







Fw: Politics

Good food for thought and sadly much is true

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Solomon
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2018 4:04 PM
Subject: Politics
Subject: Fwd: Lots of truth, and wisdom . . .


"If God wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates." ~Jay Leno~
"The problem with political jokes is they get elected." ~Henry Cate, VII~
"We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." ~Aesop~
"If we got one-tenth of what was promised to us in these State of the Union speeches,
there wouldn't be any inducement to go to heaven." ~Will Rogers~
"Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is
no river." ~Nikita Khrushchev~
"When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I'm beginning to
believe it." ~Clarence Darrow~
"Why pay money to have your family tree traced; go into politics and your opponents
will do it for you." ~Author unknown~
"Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel, go out and
buy some more tunnel." ~John Quinton~
"Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the
rich, by promising to protect each from the other." ~Oscar Ameringer~
"I offer my opponents a bargain: if they will stop telling lies about us, I will
telling the truth about them." ~Adlai Stevenson, campaign speech, 1952~
"A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country." ~ Tex Guinan~
"I have come to the conclusion that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the
politicians." ~Charles de Gaulle~
"Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city,it might be better to change the
locks." ~Doug Larson~
"There ought to be one day -- just one --when there is open season on Congressmen."
~Will Rogers~
"If you want a real friend that you can trust in Washington, get a dog." - Harry
Truman -

Friday, December 7, 2018

Fw: Drinking and Driving

        Broke me up, good for the laugh of the week!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2018 12:02 PM
Subject: Fwd: Drinking and Driving

Subject: FW: Drinking and Driving
A personal experience with my friends about drinking and driving. As you know, some of us have been known to have brushes with the authorities from time to time, often on the way home after a "social session" with family or friends Well, two days ago, this happened to me. I was out for an evening with friends and had more than several beers followed by a couple of bottles of rather nice red wine and vodka shots. Although relaxed, I still had the common sense to know I was slightly over the limit. 
That's when I did something I've never done before..... I took a taxi home. 
Sure enough on the way there was a police roadblock, but since it was a taxi they waved it past and I arrived home safely without incident. 
This was a real surprise to me, because I had never driven a taxi before. I don't know where I got it, and now that it's in my garage I don't know what to do with it.. 
So, anyway, if you want to borrow it give me a call.