Tuesday, May 23, 2017

VIEW: 17-22: True Hope for USA

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-22
TRUE HOPE FOR USA Week of 2017/05/29
It seems that there are substantial numbers of acquaintances, friends, and unmet
readers who are truly concerned about the near future of our Nation, the USA. Contacts are
made with me numerous times by citizens really and deeply concerned about the future of our
beloved REPUBLIC given the continuing uproar and nasty worded citizens of PRESDT, his family
and staff. To be quite frank, I am most encouraged with the progress being made on most of the
campaign promises. Admittedly there are some that must be accomplished out of the public eye,
yet are progressing.
On Monday the 21st there was a 'news' report, from one of the more reliable sources,
that a shipyard that builds some of the largest naval ships, such as carriers, has advised the
Defense Department that it could save $1.5 BILLION if they would have an order to build three
at a time, rather than one at a time. Well, dah!! Of course there can be the savings of
quantity and that they said would be $500 Million per ship, and PRESDT had promised to rebuild
the Navy to past strength, something really needed if we are to have security for our military
as well as ourselves here.
He has stated a few weeks ago that there were over 200 bids from contractors for
proposals to build the 'wall'. I had earlier privately made a proposal to Cong. Bridenstine
about a method that would save substantial money and enhance military construction units with
the result of an expected higher quality and earlier completion result. No reply from the
Administration yet.
But now we have PRESDT with wife and daughter on a rapid formal visit to the Middle
East and Europe. TV news pictures of his reception in Saudi Arabia have indicated a reception
far more elaborate than any president in the past. Further, his ladies were not required to
have their beautiful heads covered with scarves, much, it appears, to the delight of the
officials from other Islamic nations. He negotiated a multi-billion dollar military equipment
deal, which will make them more able to confront the extremist nations, especially Iran whom
they most fear. That will bring more work to our defense industries.
His meeting with Israel President Netinyahoo seemed far more cordial than his
predecessor received, and with good reason. He even went to the 'Wailing Wall' which brought a
much more warm reception, and is the first US president to do so, it was reported. He has also
met with the President of the Palestinians to, hopefully, bring about much reduction in killing
We should remember that rulers, and citizens, of other nations do respect leaders that
exhibit resolution and intent to utilize the superior military available to maintain their own
safety, which it seems that PRESDT has made clear is his intent. Also, it is most refreshing
to me to have as our CIC (Commander In Chief) a person who does not pull punches in his
speaking but makes very clear his meaning. I am tired to exhaustion of those 'diplomats' and
their flowery and soft speaking ways that include a multitude of lies. They remind me of
British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in late August or early September of 1939 after a
meeting with Hitler proclaiming "Peace in our time".
Sure there was. Just two days later Hitler's Wermache invaded Poland with motarized
military and succeeded in winning in just a few days. As an aside, my memory is most accurate
since my parents had sailed from Europe on Labor Day to return home after being there on
business since May, and I was to have been with them until departure from here was moved to
earlier in May and Mother would not allow me out of school despite all teachers claiming I
would learn much more on the trip than in the last three weeks of school.
In short, things appear to be looking up, despite the loud and nasty proclamations of
those of the C/S mentality in both political parties. We could do well without them - Swamp
drainage. But we of a different, and patriotic, sensible thought process cannot simply sit
back and wring hands or weep over the way things look. GOD is still in charge, and if we will
turn to HIM and ask HIS intervention, we will see a major shift in direction just as we did in
the last year election. It is my opinion that we need to encourage our clergy to not be shy
about stating their feelings on these matters, and correct those who seem to be grossly
Composed May 23, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

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