Tuesday, May 9, 2017

VIEW: 17-20: Pursuing Campaign Promises

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-20
The House of Representatives in the Congress of the USA has finally sent to the Senate
a bill to, we are told, change the ACA (Affordable Care Act) before it completely collapses,
financially, of it's own misplaced direction. Well, what can we expect from a 2,000+ page
monstrosity that was pushed through both Houses of Congress late at night with NO opposition
(Republican) votes. Also one that the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, gleefully
stated on TV that "we have to pass it so we can see what's in it".
As could be expected, those of the C/S persuasion, mostly Democrat but a few with an
'R' behind their name (referred to as RINOS) have hit the electronic, and some print, media
with loud and 'mean mouthed' language, and many outright lies, to denounce the new bill. Some
claims have actually gone so far as stating that many will 'die' because of it. Those reminded
me of the, totally false, claims made during an election this century about a Republican
candidate pushing an elderly woman over a cliff in a wheelchair. Unfortunately for our
REPUBLIC far too many individuals are either so mentally lazy or poorly educated that they
accept as fact such far fetched claims, and they probably vote!!
The expressed hysteria reminds me of the tactics used in the early 1930s by one Adolph
Hitler and his Nazi Party supporters to gain control of government in Germany to form the
"Socialist Republic of Germany" also referred to as the "Third Reich". History shows, where
not 'revised' by those with an agenda to further, the results of that big lie: six million Jews
murdered, after torture, as well as thousands of clergy and Freemason members in greater
percentage than the Jews.
The actions to 'r & r' ACA (Obama Care) are well intentioned and in keeping with a
major campaign promise of PRESDT and so should be carried forward promptly. However, in my
opinion, it is equally, or more, pressing to do something about the tax promises. PRESDT also
stressed a promise to reduce taxes, proposing a reduction in income tax RATES to a three level
set-up along with the removal of many of the other very intrusive and abusive taxes.
While this would be a substantial improvement over what we suffer through now, I am
convinced that there is a far better solution to the problem, particularly that of unequal
treatment at the hands of the IRS, usually for political purposes. It should be remembered
that the 'Income Tax' is in effect confiscation of the fruits of one's labor efforts and is
therefor immoral and unethical. It was also unconstitutional until the ratification of
Amendment XVI in 1913, which states: "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on
incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and
without regard to any census or enumeration".
The wording of the Amendment correct my misconception that it would be necessary to
repeal it to terminate the Income Tax and it's associated nefarious add-ons. As a result, it
is my opinion that the "FairTax" could be passed NOW and it could take effect on January 1,
2018 and the Amendment repealed to prevent future Congresses from reinstituting an income tax.
This would be most helpful to businesses and individuals in knowing how to plan for their own
taxes to be due at year end. In any event, the payroll deductions and estimated tax payments
should be terminated NOW as they were instituted during World War II to provide funds more
rapidly to pursue the costs of the War and were to terminate at its end. It has been over,
officially, since December 31, 1946 so why do we still have it, except to justify the
profligate spending of Congress and Bureaucracy since. The 'FairTax' would end ALL those
expenses and inconveniences and remove the headaches that are engendered by them. The bill, I
believe, is HR-36 and should be passed!!!
Composed May 9, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

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