Friday, May 5, 2017

VIEW: 17-19: Language Propaganda

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-19
LANGUAGE PROPAGANDA Week of 2017/05/08
It never ceases to anger me when politicians and media personalities so often, and
continually, refer to the USA as "our democracy" and the name of the political party now
captured by officials with a C/S (Communist/Socialist) persuasion as the 'Democratic Party'.
Before you come unglued by this statement, it should be reminded that the very last thing the
founders of the USA wanted was a 'democracy', and for very persuasive reasons.
No, the USA was founded as a "REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC". Evidence of this lies
originally in the Senate being made up of 'representatives' elected by each state government to
represent that state government. Thus the term 'states rights'. That part ended with the
ratification of Amendment XVII (17) on April 8, 1913, during the administration of Woodrow
Wilson, D, and changed the selection of senators to popular vote of the people. The House
member selection remains by a vote of the people in the respective House district.
Unfortunately, in some states, including Oklahoma and, it seems, Georgia there is no
requirement that the candidates actually reside within the boundaries of the district.
As a result, I consider it to be the equivalent of 'propaganda' for the word
'democracy' to be used as a description of the government of the USA. After all, it has long
been accepted that the definition of a 'true democracy' is a lynch mob, where the minority (of
one) has no right or say in the outcome. In a 'Republic' form of government the principle is
that the 'rights' of those in the minority are protected by law. Thus we have the first ten
amendments to the Constitution without which the Constitution itself would not have received
sufficient states' ratification to be accepted.
Along that same line of reasoning is the continual use of the word 'democratic' as the
name of the oldest political party active today in place of the actual, original and
Congressional recorded name "Democrat". This gross error is not limited to those with a 'D'
behind their name, but many in other groups, including those with an 'R'. To be fair, some, if
not most, of this can be attributed to simple ignorance because of the long deliberate use as
My first confront of this situation came during the '90s when my then Republican
County Chairman told me that so often when she was at a voter registration desk outside of a
Walmart store with a Democrat woman and a prospective registrant was asked 'whether Democratic
or Republican party' in their ignorance most often replied "oh yes I want to be democratic"!
Actually, neither party leadership now follows the original founding principles laid
There has been a long time aggressive move by those of the C/S world movement to infiltrate and
take over the operation of both parties. They seem to have gained major success in the
Democrat Party and continue to make inroads into the Republican Party. These people have a
great deal of patience and are willing to take whatever they can get in small increments then
press for more until reaching their goal of a Socialist or completely Communist dictatorship
with control over every small facet of the population's individual personal lives. Their
success would end up with miserable life-styles for the vast majority of us and royal
life-styles for the 'rulers', such as now in North Korea.
"Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom" is still true and it appears that the 'Tea
Party' movement people are, for the most part, taking the relaxation and basking in the glow of
having achieved an apparent reversal in the make-up of the orientation in Washington. All this
while, it appears, leaving relatively intact and healthy an alarming trend in reverse at the
local, that is County, City, and School Board, level. A few activists cannot turn the tide
without major cooperation in order to return the USA and states to freedom and thus prosperity
Composed May 5, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

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