Tuesday, August 20, 2019

VIEW: 19-34: A Most Critical Time

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-34
A MOST CRITICAL TIME Week of 2019/08/26
Actually it has long been accepted that ANY nation-state has the right to accept
or reject ANY person or persons for whatever reasons it might have. Would that the
USA would return to that principle for our own borders!!. Hopefully the current
administration will maintain the course and step up the effort to protect our own borders
and individual safety and security. It seems to me that the nation of Israel has that right
as well and should enforce it for it's own protection from those who vehemently hate it
and seek it's demise. The same could be said for us, since there are plenty already here
who are actively seeking to destroy, internally, the REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC
given us at great personal cost in the late 1700s by the GOD inspired founders.
Note the title "Representative Republic" rather than the term "Democracy" used
by most, if not all, of those seeking the changes named. A study of these documents
makes it clear that the USA was never intended to be a "democracy", and in fact such
was completely rejected. Unfortunately for us, there already have been too many
amendments to the Constitution that serve to dilute the "GOD given rights declared to
be protected here. The Declaration expressly states that rights are given by GOD and
are to be protected by the Government, not the other way around. In fact, the
Government of the USA is the FIRST and ONLY such government in the history of
the World.
It is now up to us to keep it that way by voting out of Congress next year, and in
the future, those misguided individuals acting as a 'fifth column' to bring an end to its
founding principles!!! First on the list would be that small 'gang of four' calling
themselves a 'Squad', and next Speaker 'Queen Nancy' and other liars in both houses
of Congress who several times a day spout off with complete lies and name calling of
their opponents all the while receiving coverage and support almost to the level of
worship from a totally C/F/S captured national media. To fail would mean the end of
the last bastion of freedom in the World and thus the entire population, left after the
exterminations of millions by the followers of those who dream of rising to the
positions of complete and total dictatorships, such as were put down at the cost of
many lives and much machinery ending in August 1945, commonly referred to as
"World War II".
Along that line, back in 1967 Tom, my Son No. 2, was in the final stage of Cub
Scouting at age 11 and it had been the practice of Pack 237, Lakewood CO to take
the Den on a one night camp trip in the Mountains. It was required, in accordance
with BSA rules, that every boy HAD to have a father responsible for him. Two of
Tom's neighborhood buddies' dads had to work and so they were my responsibility.
After the boys were down for the night, all the dads were sitting around a campfire
getting acquainted. Some we had never seen before. When my turn came and my
business of 'finding oil and gas' was announced, one of those new ones piped up with
the statement to the effect that 'they were going to put all of us out of business'. Sound
familiar, like the head of the last administration to the Coal industry, "You will be closed
down". He was asked; "then how will you feed, cloth, heat, cool, and transport the
population. He went on to the effect that he was a member of a World wide
organization determined to de-populate the World.
We were all somewhat stunned. My question was to the effect of 'well what if
the vast majority of the population did not agree and resisted'. His reply was; 'we will
disarm the population first, and kill them if necessary'. This reminded me of the
French Revolution and it's guillotine killing of all royal, wealthy, or educated citizens.
The most chilling then came out when it came his turn to disclose his vocation which
was "a Junior High School Science Teacher".
So it appears that the deterioration of the education system began much earlier
than originally thought. It also makes it much more necessary that a massive effort to
put sensible and activist individuals onto school boards who will exert efforts to reverse
the decline of our schools, or we will have lost all!! And the end of the World might
very well come this century!!
Composed August 15, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com

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