By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 19-29
A NATION IN DANGER Week of 2019/07/22
The way things are going continues to cause me greater and greater concern. Let's
face it, we are fully at war, a non-shooting war so far, but none the less one that could
spell the end of the USA as it was founded and all the rights and freedoms we were
born and educated to accept and revere. Of course the reason the term "at war" is
used is because of the continuing attacks by massive groups of non-citizens illegally
invading into our borders and relatively recent immigrants now elected to political office.
The latter group almost universally has moved into the Democrat Party, particularly
noticeable in the House of Congress where those of the younger group seem to be in an
open fight to take control from Speaker Pelosi "Queen Nancy".
At the forefront are three young women (certainly do not appear by words and
actions to deserve the title of "lady"), 'AOC' is the most vocal and visible, appears to
be of Hispanic origin, likes to operate on her very high opinion of her own appearance,
and reportedly an 'Ivy League' graduate with only work experience of being a bartender.
She is the sponsor of the "Green New Deal" which would reverse all the progress of the
last 250 years and do away with ALL internal combustion engines and thus autos,
airplanes, ships, furnaces, and even electricity except for 'renewable' such as wind, solar,
and hydroelectric. All trains would supposedly be electrified and she has not, to my
knowledge, explained how one would travel off their home continent. Also she has
proposed a 75% tax rate on all 'rich' people to pay for all that waste.
The other two are both Muslims who came here earlier with large groups of the
same faith supposedly escaping from persecution in their own country. They came with
sizeable groups admitted by the former administration and settled in their own
communities where they could be assured of election to House seats. All three seem to
have nothing at all good to say about the USA and continually are verbally criticizing any
and all of the police forces, beginning with ICE and Border Patrol. In other words they
want open borders, and thus the end of nationhood, free health care for illegals, and
supposedly a guaranteed income for all, whether working or not!!
In addition, on their and other Democrat office holders agenda is the demand for
all 'residents' to be able to vote just because they happen to live here, whether citizen
or not with the presumed goal of a permanent overwhelming Democrat majority
throughout the land (no longer a 'Nation'). If that situation were to become a fact, then
the outcome projected by Richard Engle in his book "The Last American President"
would come to pass with the Union broken up into five to seven small nations based
on citizen political philosophy make up. Unfortunately my copy is loaned out so the
best available is my memory of the 'central' nation being made up of Texas, Oklahoma,
New Mexico (surprise), Kansas, Nebraska (I think), and possibly Arkansas. However,
with the population movement and radicalization of the Democrat Party there have been
some changes in the make-up of some states, particularly Colorado and Missouri and
possibly Iowa.
Even now they and a number of others are attempting to thwart the purpose of
the 'Electoral College' designed in the Constitution to prevent the most populated states
from being able to dictate the course of the Nation and stomp over those less so.
Alternatively, the headlong plunge of those of the C/F/S mob into more and more radical
and non-freedom ideas could, if they are successful in gaining overwhelming power, end
up in a real 'civil war' and much bloodshed. That group and followers are already
involved in gross misconduct in the form of bullying those they don't like, attempted
murder, such as the shooting of Republican Congressmen while at practice for an 'intra-
House baseball game in 2016. One member from Louisiana was severely wounded. It
seems to me Congress should award him a 'special' Purple Heart for being wounded
'in line of duty'!!
Also, personal attacks have been made on various Trump staff members, even
being refused service in restaurants in most rude manners. As a result, it is easy for me
to deduce that we are truly "at war". There is even a 'war on police' and a 'war on
Christianity' under way in the USA. Some of the blame for all that can be placed on the
education establishment which also seems to have been infiltrated by the C/F/S movement.
Composed July 15, 2019
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
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