Wednesday, October 17, 2018

VIEW: 18-44: Mid-Term Election Prospects

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number
This week becomes the final week leading up to the 2018 Mid-Term
Election, November 6, which many have stated is "the most important in my
lifetime". Well maybe not in mine, as the last Presidential election was one
of the most, if not the most, critical elections in my nine-decade memory.
That includes those in 1940 and 44 where PRESFDR-32 was candidate
for third term. This was in repudiation of the tradition started by PRESGW
-01 as his second term was running down declined strong efforts to be
made 'President for Life'.
The 'national media' has continued building a crescendo of claims of
"Blue Wave" in hopes of swaying enough uninformed voters into making a
major change in Congress come to pass. If successful the result would be
an undoing of all the beneficial changes that have occurred in the time
PRESDT-45 took office. The successes brought about by his dedication
and determination are far too numerous to enumerate in the space allowed
here. One of the ones not mentioned in any media, except one radio report,
seen or heard by me is the passage of a budget for the first time in years
Congress. Hopefully that will preclude any 'shutdown' or continuing
resolutions being needed.
The disgusting display of lying, nasty accusations, and other
words and actions, principally on the part of 'paid disrupters' and Senate
members with a "D" on their voter registrations, that was clearly on video
display during the Judiciary Committee hearings and vote is not expected to
decline in the future. It seems to now be firmly established in their DNA,
the detriment of the dignity and civility of Congress in both Houses. In my
mind they seem to act more like C/F/S officials in foreign nations under
type of government, or where a movement is under way to bring such about.
And, of course, they are strongly supported by a, it appears,
left leaning media personnel and management. There is a continuous barrage
of attack opinion and 'news' presented with the appearance of opinion
coming out of speakers on the TV and some radios. (Not having cable in
my house the FOX channel is not seen by me, except occasionally when
visiting in the homes of friends and acquaintances.
Meanwhile in the traditional service of Kirk of the Hills (EPC)
Presbyterian Church on October 14 there was great rejoicing and praise
for PRESDT-45 and GOD for the, finally, release of Reverend
Andrew Brunson, a member of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church
denomination, from prison where he had been arbitrarily and falsely
accused, and convicted, of actions against the government of Turkey, now
in control of the Muslim followers. At least there has been some coverage
of this story in the national media. His plight had been pretty much ignored
by PRESBO-44, but then he has often stated that he is really a Muslim and
so stated to the rulers in Saudi Arabia when on a visit there.
While those in the Democrat Party and media prognosticators loudly
proclaim they expect a "blue wave" next month, my opinion is that they
may have pressed their case too loud and long to the exhaustion of the
voters, even some long time supporters. It will just depend on how irritated
we of the more 'common sense oriented' have become to the point of
voting in major numbers. My absentee ballot is already marked and will be
in the mail mid-October, as has been my practice for decades. This was
originally because of the demands of my professional activities in the oil
exploration field.
As former Congressman Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, D, said while
being lead to prison: "Keep the Faith baby". All is not lost until the
'honest' votes are counted.
Composed October 16, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

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