By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-42
Since PRESDT-45 has put in place tariffs on imports from nations
who have done the same to our exports to them there has been a
continuing outcry in media, at least in the local daily paper, that this
result in much higher prices for purchases here. That seems to be obvious,
of course, but it will, and is, make an increase in national revenue. Even
possibly to the point of removing the deficit and beginning to reduce the
national debt, that is if Congress can come to its collective sense and
reduce the totally wasteful spending.
In the meantime the tariffs will serve to increase the cost of
items included to those wanting to purchase them. That might bring their
prices more in line with similar items manufactured domestically, more to
the benefit of our businesses. That would include some in danger of
closing, because of the unfair competition, being able to stay in business
and thus on line, in case of a national emergency, and able to quickly
increase production or even change products. The unfair label is used
because of the most often situation where the foreign government is
subsidizing the production and wages are substantially lower.
Frankly, it has been my experience, especially with smaller items,
that the imported quality is substantially lower, the instructions, if
necessary, are insufficiently clear, and the items usually do not last very
long. Because of the unfair tactics used by others, it has become my
policy to "buy American" whenever possible and realize the relatively
less expensive long term cost due to longer use of the item. This has
become particularly evident in the transition of light bulbs/tubes from
incandescent to fluorescent to LED. This year a LED blue bulb used in
my porch light, showing support for law enforcement, burned out after
less than two years and not used in the Christmas season. It was made
in China!!
Having made the case, it seems proper to offer an alternative
suggestion that has rattled around in my brain for some time, like several
years. This would require legislation to change some law so that the rules
could not be changed on whims, prejudices, or improper leader conduct.
The suggestion is to have it in the law that our treatment in trade with
and every nation would be exactly how their government is treating our
businesses and individuals!! Thus the actual treatment could be adjusted
automatically at any time to maintain trade equality. There have been
multiple reports of some nations, including in the American continents,
which assess as much as 100% tariff on imports from the USA, and yet
expect us to have none on their exports to us. Any fairness in such cases
is beyond my comprehension.
It remains my firm opinion that PRESDT-45 continues to be on the
right track in his decision making and we do not have access to the overall
picture and immediate details that is needed to arrive at correct outcomes.
So he still has my support even though his goal methodology is not always
clear in the beginning.
Admittedly he was not my first preference but it became clear that
he may have been the ONLY candidate able to achieve victory and thus
end the continuing and accelerating downward spiral of the fortunes of the
REPUBLIC that was delivered in 1787 by, in my opinion, heavenly
inspired and led attendees at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia
PA. With only occasional interruptions since 1933 the increasingly C/F/S
(Communist/Fascist/Socialist) management and candidates of the
Democrat Party have served to turn the form of government further and
further away from its founding.
Some of this can be attributed to the use of illegal aliens being
allowed to vote in violation of all natural and Constitutional law. It we
to hope to continue to enjoy the Constitutionally 'guaranteed' freedoms
and rights given by GOD, we who have common sense MUST be certain
to screen candidates and only vote for those who actually are 'rule of law'
oriented and not just say so then do otherwise. Even the Republican Party
seems to be continually infiltrated by those types we call RINOS!!
Composed October 02, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Email: abdmcfpi@localnet.com
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