Wednesday, October 10, 2018

VIEW: 18-43: New SCOTUS Justice In Move On

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number
NEW SCOTUS JUSTICE IN MOVE ON!! Week of 2018/10/22
Now that Judge Kavanaugh is officially 'Mr. Justice Kavanaugh' it is
time to move on with the matters important to the well being of our 241 year
old "REPUBLIC" given to us by the, in my opinion, divinely inspired members
of what turned out to be the original "Constitutional Convention".
Noticeably absent from the news during the uproar surrounding the
Senate confirmation battle put up by the 'C/F/S' leaning members of the
'minority party' was a hidden news story carried by, as near as my
was, only one TV network that the Senate had passed an actual BUDGET, for
the first time in years, if not decades. And like clockwork, those in the
ranks of
the big spending minority are screaming about the 'insanely massive excess
spending included, especially defense and border security'.
Meanwhile back at the 'swamp' those insanely opposed to the
appointment continue to assemble in mobs to vent their, paid for, mad
against him. Unfortunately, the law enforcement units seem to be avoiding
shutting down of those riots (the right term) as they had individually sworn
to do.
Very likely because the individuals must obey orders received from the
officials, some of which are elected to the position held.
We of the more common sense majority have quietly accepted our fates
when those on the other side have succeeded in the polls. Maybe it is
time for us, for our own lives and safety, to abandon the pacifist position
move to protect our persons, families, and friends. Certainly it would be
better if those elected who are supposedly on our side would become more
adamant in the dedication to the Constitution and statutes and return the
to a "Nation of Law and Order". It is always true that when such violent
succeed it merely reinforces the efforts of the rioters to continue and in a
violent manner.
Hopefully those that rallied strongly to elect the current
'Commander In
Chief' will retain their activist interest and extend that over to the
Congressional and local elections this time and vote to continue the now
started trend to a more peaceful and prosperous land. It was most
gratifying to see the enthusiasm exhibited at recent rallies where PRESDT-45
has appeared. Maybe the right-thinking folks have awakened and will turn
out in full to vote and encourage friends to join.
Sadly, the sorry actions of the last few weeks may have undone much
the progress PRESDT-45 has made in renewing respect for the USA in
nations around the World. It would seem that he can probably undo the
damage soon.
Changing the subject only slightly, losing the fight against the
candidate, it seems that the 'Global Warming/Climate Change' mob is rising
up again in their attempts to weaken the USA and beating the drums for 'the
end if average temperature rises one degree Celsius'. It should be
remembered that with the melting of the ice cover on Greenland the emerging
ground has shown the presence of ancient farms with buildings and equipment.
Answers why the name Greenland for that large island and why evidence in
the far Northeast US and Canada has indicated that the Norsemen had been
here as much as 500 years before the arrival of Columbus. A warmer climate
was necessary to make the North Atlantic calm enough for their open boats to
make the trips. To further falsify the claim of a 'mankind blame' for this
change, the change is quite normal as there was a great hue and cry in the
1970s that we were going into a "mini Ice Age".
Composed October 08, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841
Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK

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