By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number
TWISTING THE LANGUAGE Week of 2018/11/05
There are numerous things that are irritating to me, and possibly
others of the pre-war education classes, so as space will permit it seems
appropriate to check into some of them. In my lifetime it has been observed
that those whose agenda involves changes for which there is no logic or
common sense are the most vociferous, and loud. They are the ones who
actively attempt to squelch whatever the opposition might attempt to present
as logical. We see that every time a network 'news' or 'comment' show is
on. The "left wing:" follower will simply keep shouting to drown out
the person with a differing view is saying.
Not only that, but the agenda includes using long accepted terms to
mean the exact opposite of the original meaning such as "progressive" as
title for those pushing for Socialism, or its cousin, Communism when the
original "progressives" were the founders of the USA who envisioned a
government where the people should have a voice in who would be those
governing (not ruling) them and laws protecting their GOD given rights.
Those claiming the term 'progressive' really should be labeled as
"regressive" since the only way that a government of Communism, Fascism,
or Socialism can exist except as a totalitarian dictatorship.
A real good example of such 'title switching' would be the use of
term "right wing" for the "Third Reich" under control of the Nazi Party in
Germany. The actual title of their government, made by them, was "The
Socialist Republic of Germany", thus considered to be "Left Wing".
Unfortunately those seeking to mislead or falsely inform the
are aided massively by those fed the socialist agenda in the Journalism
schools in our colleges and university during the last seven or eight
The result has turned out to be the same in studios of major and national
electronic media throughout most of the Nation, and certainly the major
print media, particularly those whose ownership rests with large
corporations the managers of which have been similarly misguided.
The situation now is so biased that children in grades a low as
first are
subjected to indoctrination in favor of those 'left wing' attitudes by
and some superintendents, who have likewise been totally immersed in such
misguided ideas while in school.
Another problem is that those of that mind set have no logical
for what they espouse and instead resort to loudness to shout down any
common sense opposition to their beliefs. We see that almost every day in
the riots upon campuses, often by brought in thugs paid for by certain
extremely wealthy self oppointed 'future rulers' working to become the
despotic dictators that have been the common forms of government since
civilization became established on Earth.
These nefarious activists would find it tough sledding if we the
would make it policy to think through everything, especially before casting
any vote, to make sure that the infiltration of both major political parties
candidates and party officialdom is brought to an end. It is questionable
whether that in the Democrat Party can be reversed, and it is progressing
in the Republican Party.
Incidentally another example of the capture of the language is the
officials, both Party and public office, who continually say 'Democratic'
for the party in control of C/F/S following leaders. The original name
chartered was "Democrat" not changed to my knowlege. As a member,
since first registering to vote, of the Republican Party it offends me when
our own use the word. I see nothing democratic in the Democrat Party!!
Composed October 29, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
VIEW: 18-44: Mid-Term Election Prospects
By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number
This week becomes the final week leading up to the 2018 Mid-Term
Election, November 6, which many have stated is "the most important in my
lifetime". Well maybe not in mine, as the last Presidential election was one
of the most, if not the most, critical elections in my nine-decade memory.
That includes those in 1940 and 44 where PRESFDR-32 was candidate
for third term. This was in repudiation of the tradition started by PRESGW
-01 as his second term was running down declined strong efforts to be
made 'President for Life'.
The 'national media' has continued building a crescendo of claims of
"Blue Wave" in hopes of swaying enough uninformed voters into making a
major change in Congress come to pass. If successful the result would be
an undoing of all the beneficial changes that have occurred in the time
PRESDT-45 took office. The successes brought about by his dedication
and determination are far too numerous to enumerate in the space allowed
here. One of the ones not mentioned in any media, except one radio report,
seen or heard by me is the passage of a budget for the first time in years
Congress. Hopefully that will preclude any 'shutdown' or continuing
resolutions being needed.
The disgusting display of lying, nasty accusations, and other
words and actions, principally on the part of 'paid disrupters' and Senate
members with a "D" on their voter registrations, that was clearly on video
display during the Judiciary Committee hearings and vote is not expected to
decline in the future. It seems to now be firmly established in their DNA,
the detriment of the dignity and civility of Congress in both Houses. In my
mind they seem to act more like C/F/S officials in foreign nations under
type of government, or where a movement is under way to bring such about.
And, of course, they are strongly supported by a, it appears,
left leaning media personnel and management. There is a continuous barrage
of attack opinion and 'news' presented with the appearance of opinion
coming out of speakers on the TV and some radios. (Not having cable in
my house the FOX channel is not seen by me, except occasionally when
visiting in the homes of friends and acquaintances.
Meanwhile in the traditional service of Kirk of the Hills (EPC)
Presbyterian Church on October 14 there was great rejoicing and praise
for PRESDT-45 and GOD for the, finally, release of Reverend
Andrew Brunson, a member of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church
denomination, from prison where he had been arbitrarily and falsely
accused, and convicted, of actions against the government of Turkey, now
in control of the Muslim followers. At least there has been some coverage
of this story in the national media. His plight had been pretty much ignored
by PRESBO-44, but then he has often stated that he is really a Muslim and
so stated to the rulers in Saudi Arabia when on a visit there.
While those in the Democrat Party and media prognosticators loudly
proclaim they expect a "blue wave" next month, my opinion is that they
may have pressed their case too loud and long to the exhaustion of the
voters, even some long time supporters. It will just depend on how irritated
we of the more 'common sense oriented' have become to the point of
voting in major numbers. My absentee ballot is already marked and will be
in the mail mid-October, as has been my practice for decades. This was
originally because of the demands of my professional activities in the oil
exploration field.
As former Congressman Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, D, said while
being lead to prison: "Keep the Faith baby". All is not lost until the
'honest' votes are counted.
Composed October 16, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number
This week becomes the final week leading up to the 2018 Mid-Term
Election, November 6, which many have stated is "the most important in my
lifetime". Well maybe not in mine, as the last Presidential election was one
of the most, if not the most, critical elections in my nine-decade memory.
That includes those in 1940 and 44 where PRESFDR-32 was candidate
for third term. This was in repudiation of the tradition started by PRESGW
-01 as his second term was running down declined strong efforts to be
made 'President for Life'.
The 'national media' has continued building a crescendo of claims of
"Blue Wave" in hopes of swaying enough uninformed voters into making a
major change in Congress come to pass. If successful the result would be
an undoing of all the beneficial changes that have occurred in the time
PRESDT-45 took office. The successes brought about by his dedication
and determination are far too numerous to enumerate in the space allowed
here. One of the ones not mentioned in any media, except one radio report,
seen or heard by me is the passage of a budget for the first time in years
Congress. Hopefully that will preclude any 'shutdown' or continuing
resolutions being needed.
The disgusting display of lying, nasty accusations, and other
words and actions, principally on the part of 'paid disrupters' and Senate
members with a "D" on their voter registrations, that was clearly on video
display during the Judiciary Committee hearings and vote is not expected to
decline in the future. It seems to now be firmly established in their DNA,
the detriment of the dignity and civility of Congress in both Houses. In my
mind they seem to act more like C/F/S officials in foreign nations under
type of government, or where a movement is under way to bring such about.
And, of course, they are strongly supported by a, it appears,
left leaning media personnel and management. There is a continuous barrage
of attack opinion and 'news' presented with the appearance of opinion
coming out of speakers on the TV and some radios. (Not having cable in
my house the FOX channel is not seen by me, except occasionally when
visiting in the homes of friends and acquaintances.
Meanwhile in the traditional service of Kirk of the Hills (EPC)
Presbyterian Church on October 14 there was great rejoicing and praise
for PRESDT-45 and GOD for the, finally, release of Reverend
Andrew Brunson, a member of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church
denomination, from prison where he had been arbitrarily and falsely
accused, and convicted, of actions against the government of Turkey, now
in control of the Muslim followers. At least there has been some coverage
of this story in the national media. His plight had been pretty much ignored
by PRESBO-44, but then he has often stated that he is really a Muslim and
so stated to the rulers in Saudi Arabia when on a visit there.
While those in the Democrat Party and media prognosticators loudly
proclaim they expect a "blue wave" next month, my opinion is that they
may have pressed their case too loud and long to the exhaustion of the
voters, even some long time supporters. It will just depend on how irritated
we of the more 'common sense oriented' have become to the point of
voting in major numbers. My absentee ballot is already marked and will be
in the mail mid-October, as has been my practice for decades. This was
originally because of the demands of my professional activities in the oil
exploration field.
As former Congressman Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, D, said while
being lead to prison: "Keep the Faith baby". All is not lost until the
'honest' votes are counted.
Composed October 16, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
VIEW: 18-43: New SCOTUS Justice In Move On
By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number
NEW SCOTUS JUSTICE IN MOVE ON!! Week of 2018/10/22
Now that Judge Kavanaugh is officially 'Mr. Justice Kavanaugh' it is
time to move on with the matters important to the well being of our 241 year
old "REPUBLIC" given to us by the, in my opinion, divinely inspired members
of what turned out to be the original "Constitutional Convention".
Noticeably absent from the news during the uproar surrounding the
Senate confirmation battle put up by the 'C/F/S' leaning members of the
'minority party' was a hidden news story carried by, as near as my
was, only one TV network that the Senate had passed an actual BUDGET, for
the first time in years, if not decades. And like clockwork, those in the
ranks of
the big spending minority are screaming about the 'insanely massive excess
spending included, especially defense and border security'.
Meanwhile back at the 'swamp' those insanely opposed to the
appointment continue to assemble in mobs to vent their, paid for, mad
against him. Unfortunately, the law enforcement units seem to be avoiding
shutting down of those riots (the right term) as they had individually sworn
to do.
Very likely because the individuals must obey orders received from the
officials, some of which are elected to the position held.
We of the more common sense majority have quietly accepted our fates
when those on the other side have succeeded in the polls. Maybe it is
time for us, for our own lives and safety, to abandon the pacifist position
move to protect our persons, families, and friends. Certainly it would be
better if those elected who are supposedly on our side would become more
adamant in the dedication to the Constitution and statutes and return the
to a "Nation of Law and Order". It is always true that when such violent
succeed it merely reinforces the efforts of the rioters to continue and in a
violent manner.
Hopefully those that rallied strongly to elect the current
'Commander In
Chief' will retain their activist interest and extend that over to the
Congressional and local elections this time and vote to continue the now
started trend to a more peaceful and prosperous land. It was most
gratifying to see the enthusiasm exhibited at recent rallies where PRESDT-45
has appeared. Maybe the right-thinking folks have awakened and will turn
out in full to vote and encourage friends to join.
Sadly, the sorry actions of the last few weeks may have undone much
the progress PRESDT-45 has made in renewing respect for the USA in
nations around the World. It would seem that he can probably undo the
damage soon.
Changing the subject only slightly, losing the fight against the
candidate, it seems that the 'Global Warming/Climate Change' mob is rising
up again in their attempts to weaken the USA and beating the drums for 'the
end if average temperature rises one degree Celsius'. It should be
remembered that with the melting of the ice cover on Greenland the emerging
ground has shown the presence of ancient farms with buildings and equipment.
Answers why the name Greenland for that large island and why evidence in
the far Northeast US and Canada has indicated that the Norsemen had been
here as much as 500 years before the arrival of Columbus. A warmer climate
was necessary to make the North Atlantic calm enough for their open boats to
make the trips. To further falsify the claim of a 'mankind blame' for this
change, the change is quite normal as there was a great hue and cry in the
1970s that we were going into a "mini Ice Age".
Composed October 08, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841
Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK
By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number
NEW SCOTUS JUSTICE IN MOVE ON!! Week of 2018/10/22
Now that Judge Kavanaugh is officially 'Mr. Justice Kavanaugh' it is
time to move on with the matters important to the well being of our 241 year
old "REPUBLIC" given to us by the, in my opinion, divinely inspired members
of what turned out to be the original "Constitutional Convention".
Noticeably absent from the news during the uproar surrounding the
Senate confirmation battle put up by the 'C/F/S' leaning members of the
'minority party' was a hidden news story carried by, as near as my
was, only one TV network that the Senate had passed an actual BUDGET, for
the first time in years, if not decades. And like clockwork, those in the
ranks of
the big spending minority are screaming about the 'insanely massive excess
spending included, especially defense and border security'.
Meanwhile back at the 'swamp' those insanely opposed to the
appointment continue to assemble in mobs to vent their, paid for, mad
against him. Unfortunately, the law enforcement units seem to be avoiding
shutting down of those riots (the right term) as they had individually sworn
to do.
Very likely because the individuals must obey orders received from the
officials, some of which are elected to the position held.
We of the more common sense majority have quietly accepted our fates
when those on the other side have succeeded in the polls. Maybe it is
time for us, for our own lives and safety, to abandon the pacifist position
move to protect our persons, families, and friends. Certainly it would be
better if those elected who are supposedly on our side would become more
adamant in the dedication to the Constitution and statutes and return the
to a "Nation of Law and Order". It is always true that when such violent
succeed it merely reinforces the efforts of the rioters to continue and in a
violent manner.
Hopefully those that rallied strongly to elect the current
'Commander In
Chief' will retain their activist interest and extend that over to the
Congressional and local elections this time and vote to continue the now
started trend to a more peaceful and prosperous land. It was most
gratifying to see the enthusiasm exhibited at recent rallies where PRESDT-45
has appeared. Maybe the right-thinking folks have awakened and will turn
out in full to vote and encourage friends to join.
Sadly, the sorry actions of the last few weeks may have undone much
the progress PRESDT-45 has made in renewing respect for the USA in
nations around the World. It would seem that he can probably undo the
damage soon.
Changing the subject only slightly, losing the fight against the
candidate, it seems that the 'Global Warming/Climate Change' mob is rising
up again in their attempts to weaken the USA and beating the drums for 'the
end if average temperature rises one degree Celsius'. It should be
remembered that with the melting of the ice cover on Greenland the emerging
ground has shown the presence of ancient farms with buildings and equipment.
Answers why the name Greenland for that large island and why evidence in
the far Northeast US and Canada has indicated that the Norsemen had been
here as much as 500 years before the arrival of Columbus. A warmer climate
was necessary to make the North Atlantic calm enough for their open boats to
make the trips. To further falsify the claim of a 'mankind blame' for this
change, the change is quite normal as there was a great hue and cry in the
1970s that we were going into a "mini Ice Age".
Composed October 08, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841
Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
VIEW: 18-42: Foreign Trade Improvement

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 18-42
Since PRESDT-45 has put in place tariffs on imports from nations
who have done the same to our exports to them there has been a
continuing outcry in media, at least in the local daily paper, that this
result in much higher prices for purchases here. That seems to be obvious,
of course, but it will, and is, make an increase in national revenue. Even
possibly to the point of removing the deficit and beginning to reduce the
national debt, that is if Congress can come to its collective sense and
reduce the totally wasteful spending.
In the meantime the tariffs will serve to increase the cost of
items included to those wanting to purchase them. That might bring their
prices more in line with similar items manufactured domestically, more to
the benefit of our businesses. That would include some in danger of
closing, because of the unfair competition, being able to stay in business
and thus on line, in case of a national emergency, and able to quickly
increase production or even change products. The unfair label is used
because of the most often situation where the foreign government is
subsidizing the production and wages are substantially lower.
Frankly, it has been my experience, especially with smaller items,
that the imported quality is substantially lower, the instructions, if
necessary, are insufficiently clear, and the items usually do not last very
long. Because of the unfair tactics used by others, it has become my
policy to "buy American" whenever possible and realize the relatively
less expensive long term cost due to longer use of the item. This has
become particularly evident in the transition of light bulbs/tubes from
incandescent to fluorescent to LED. This year a LED blue bulb used in
my porch light, showing support for law enforcement, burned out after
less than two years and not used in the Christmas season. It was made
in China!!
Having made the case, it seems proper to offer an alternative
suggestion that has rattled around in my brain for some time, like several
years. This would require legislation to change some law so that the rules
could not be changed on whims, prejudices, or improper leader conduct.
The suggestion is to have it in the law that our treatment in trade with
and every nation would be exactly how their government is treating our
businesses and individuals!! Thus the actual treatment could be adjusted
automatically at any time to maintain trade equality. There have been
multiple reports of some nations, including in the American continents,
which assess as much as 100% tariff on imports from the USA, and yet
expect us to have none on their exports to us. Any fairness in such cases
is beyond my comprehension.
It remains my firm opinion that PRESDT-45 continues to be on the
right track in his decision making and we do not have access to the overall
picture and immediate details that is needed to arrive at correct outcomes.
So he still has my support even though his goal methodology is not always
clear in the beginning.
Admittedly he was not my first preference but it became clear that
he may have been the ONLY candidate able to achieve victory and thus
end the continuing and accelerating downward spiral of the fortunes of the
REPUBLIC that was delivered in 1787 by, in my opinion, heavenly
inspired and led attendees at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia
PA. With only occasional interruptions since 1933 the increasingly C/F/S
(Communist/Fascist/Socialist) management and candidates of the
Democrat Party have served to turn the form of government further and
further away from its founding.
Some of this can be attributed to the use of illegal aliens being
allowed to vote in violation of all natural and Constitutional law. It we
to hope to continue to enjoy the Constitutionally 'guaranteed' freedoms
and rights given by GOD, we who have common sense MUST be certain
to screen candidates and only vote for those who actually are 'rule of law'
oriented and not just say so then do otherwise. Even the Republican Party
seems to be continually infiltrated by those types we call RINOS!!
Composed October 02, 2018
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. 841 Lynwood
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
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