Monday, February 27, 2017

VIEW: 17-09: Dedicated To Agenda

Sorry, been going out, but not getting there for a few days. Bob

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-09
DEDICATED TO AGENDA Week of 2017/02/27
Thankfully it seems as though some of the Congressional leadership have found that
they really do have a backbone and can stand up against the minority leadership being
mean-mouthed. They have actually used the rule provisions to secure the seating of some of the
presidential appointments that require Senate confirmation. Particularly satisfying to me was
the confirmation of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to be head of the nefarious EPA as
he will probably take an active part in undoing many of the stupid and illogical 'rules with
the force of law' that have been issued during the course of perhaps 24 years. Rules that have
the effect of increasing the cost of many things we use daily for all of us, with no really
appreciable benefit.
Unfortunately, there are still a few miscreants left in the caucus, such as Graham,
R-AL? and McCain, R-AZ who cannot resist making irrelevant, and untrue, accusations against
PRESDT. Why their constituents continue returning them in elections is not clear to me. If
our Congressional delegates acted in such a petulant and irresponsible manner, there are plenty
of us in Oklahoma that would leave no stone unturned to give them the retirement they so richly
In the case of the EPA there was an AP story in the daily news(?)paper on Feb. 7 that
bore the headline "Scores of EPA workers object to Trump's pick (Pruitt) to lead agency.
Actually the headline was a little misleading since the story mostly was about "about 300
people, including scores of EPA employees who rallied across the street from the agency's
regional headquarters in downtown Chicago". In addition, it stated that "nearly 450 former EPA
officials signed a letter sent to the US Senate" that strongly opposed his nomination. Of
course, the gist of all this is that these people are career bureaucrats who were hired because
of their existing prejudices in favor of the 'environmental extremist' movement. Said movement
was infiltrated and finally taken over by the world Communist movement, which should explain
their militant and violent conduct.
Not to be outdone, it repeated that "Senate Democrats boycotted a committee vote on
Pruitt's nomination" using an excuse his "14 lawsuits" against EPA regulations in the US
Supreme Court". The story failed to mention that he prevailed and they we were, at least to
that extent, protected from even more expensive, unnecessary, and intrusive regulations. The
idea of 'taking a break' (boycott) seems to be a common occurrence in politics in recent
months. They, usually paid representatives of the people, simply walk out instead of showing
their unpopular positions on issues by playing hooky, like the spoiled brats they are acting.
It appears to me that they should be held accountable for not doing the jobs they so
eagerly sought with the rather cushy benefits they receive, along with a substantial retirement
as well as being exempted from most of the nefarious laws they have pushed through in previous
congresses. One way would be to enact a Constitutional Amendment to establish term limits,
such as four terms for House members and two for Senators. That would tend, in a few years to
weed out those who, although ten or more years younger than myself, look, act, and speak like
someone substantially older, and in some cases like they should have care in a mental facility.
The final approval of Scott Pruitt to head the EPA, in my opinion, bodes well for the
poor overloaded payers of the taxes to run the nation. It has been fairly well proven,
although not much reported, that this department is and has been responsible for rules that
substantially have reduced our quality of life, raised the cost of living, and actually were
detrimental to the 'environment' they claimed the rules were meant to benefit. Mr. Pruitt is
expected to bring some sense to this wayward and out of control dictatorial department.
Composed February 20, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

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