Thursday, February 16, 2017

VIEW: 17-07: Get Over It, We Did Before

Re-send, have been blocked again, just this one. Bob

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-07
GET OVER IT, WE DID BEFORE Week of 2017/02/13
It seems that those of the C/S (Communist/Socialist) mentality, including a majority
of the 'working press', not only will stoop to the lowest forms of campaign rhetoric but the
use of outright lies or made up stories, presented as "news" during election campaigns but on
losing refuse to accept the loss and continue their 'mean mouthed' and untrue or twisted
statements about the victors. 'And the beat goes on', and on, and on including those in the
'entertainment' business who spout their attacks and lies from their stage or stadium. Frankly
it has become rather sickening to my to the point where the turn-off button is frequently used.
All this nefarious activity is, in my mind, totally improper for a supposedly
civilized society, but then, maybe they really desire for the USA to descend into the morass of
anarchy and utter chaos so that evil and brute force will prevail. Such was the case, in my
memory, during the first part of the 1930s when Adolph Hitler and his Nazi 'brown shirt militia
' were in the process of coming to and securing their power in Germany.
Thus we have 'shining' examples of individuals and groups screaming loudly against the
duly elected president. Further, the claim is made that the Electoral College should be
abolished and said election determined by the 'popular vote' alone. In this the claim is made
that our "democracy" is being subverted. That is a bold faced lie, which a reading of the US
Constitution and 'Federalist Papers will disclose was the very last form of government intended
by the founders. They wanted neither a monarchy or dictatorship, from which they had just
obtained freedom, after much loss and bloodshed, or a democracy in which the majority rule is
absolute to the detriment, or even death, of those in the minority.
The Electoral College was established, at the demand of several of the new "states",
so that the more populous states could not capture elections, and thus work havoc on the well
being of the smaller states. It, in a way, mirrors the intent of having a "bi-chimeral"
Congress where the House is representing the population and members are elected from districts
of nearly equal population while the Senate is, or was until 1913 with Amendment XVII (17) that
changed the selection of members, still two to each state, by popular vote instead of the State
Legislatures, so as to represent the State Governments. It should be retained in all
But back to the current situation, where there is a cry to abolish EC because there
were more votes cast for the loser than for the EC winner. Media and others dispute the claim
by PRESDT that at least 3 million illegal aliens voted. Whether illegal or here legally, for
an alien to vote is illegal, nor do such have any of the Constitutionally guaranteed 'rights',
but are, if legally here, entitled to peaceful residence only so long as OUR Constitution and
Statute laws are obeyed.
From my own experience, particularly as a Party County Chairman, it is certain that
vote fraud exists, and in a rather large scale. Here we have names of dead people voted in
elections, due to the failure of election officials to properly purge the rolls, or Vital Stats
employees to notify the State election board, as is required by law. Another case occurred in
the 2000 election where three couples came to me, as County Chairman, afterward complaining
that they were not permitted to vote, even though filing registration applications six months
prior. Referring this to State Party, it was found that one desk in the Election Board office
had a stack of applications not acted upon, and ALL were for Republicans. No word was received
if action against the employee was taken.
There is much more, but space limitations force that to be later.
Composed February 07, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

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