Wednesday, February 22, 2017

LTE: Consider The People

Robert W. McDowell, Jr.

Certified Aircraft Appraiser 841 Lynwood Lane

Certified Golf Instructor Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

Professional Engineer 918+451-1051; FAX: 918-451-1052

Professional Geologist Email:

February 17, 2017

Editor: "Consider the People!!"

It seems that those involved in 'services' to the population, not only in the City of Tulsa but throughout government at all levels, forget just who it is that provides the money, through taxes, to pay their salaries/wages. The original title for such individuals, whether elected, appointed, or employed was "Civil Servants". Now it seems to be the attitude that WE are the servants to attend to and pay for their expenditures, be they normal or extravagant.

A case in point in Tulsa is the construction for the "Gathering Place", as near as I can tell from the various media coverage plats, that will be on both sides of Riverside Drive. The plans shown are for that arterial street being place through twin tunnels so that the park users will not have to cross a street to get from one side to the other, a safety plan.

However, Riverside Drive has been closed for more than a year and photos of the work area indicate that the 'tunnels' structures are, and have been for some time, in place. It seems to me that for the safety and convenience of the population, the street should have been re-opened to traffic for some time now. Meanwhile TV news stories have shown childrens playground equipment being in place and, to my understanding of the 'reports', ready for use, or are already in use.

What appears to be a total lack of consideration for the driving population is not good conduct. The construction should have been top priority to reopen Riverside at the earliest possible time. The necessity of detours, mostly to already overcrowded Peoria, present a real safety issue there, and costly both in time and expenses, to the public. In my opinion, this is a gross failure of responsibility on the part of both planners and contractors and should be remedied as soon as street construction can be completed.

It has occurred to me that part of the thought process problem is the major objections raised, by wealthy nearby residents, when former Mayor Susan Savage proposed widening the street by two more lanes and making it a 'Parkway'. That plan was promptly scrubbed.

These 'unnamed bureaucrats' need to keep in mind that the first duties of government is the 'safety, protection, and convenience' of the population. They should be required to make those items the first priority of their conduct. This delay is not acceptable!!



Robert W. McDowell, Jr., P.E., P.G., C.G.I.


(Permission to publish as letter or editorial granted)

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