Wednesday, April 5, 2017

VIEW: 17-16: Mediterranean Pirates Return

By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-16
Most of us, at least those over 50, were taught in school about the 'Barbary Pirates'
that operated out of Tripoli (Lybia) in the 18th - 20th centuries. Yes, they preyed on
merchant ships, capturing them and demanding ransom money for their release. They were not
reported in history to have been the murderous butchers now evidenced by the ISIS thugs. They
were put to a stop by a US president who dispatched the Marines to shut them down, hence the
words in the Marine Hymn: "From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli".
Well, some things we were not taught included that they were followers of Islam and
were using piracy to make a living, after the slave trade was shut down.. It was disclosed to
me some years ago that those operating the slave trades, including the ships to bring the
slaves to England and the USA, were all Muslims from North Africa who later became the Barbary
Pirates. Sounds logical from information we have received about the dictates of the Quoran in
dealing with 'Infidels' to recruit, enslave, tax heavily, or kill all such people.
Now, in 2017, it seems that they have 'risen again' as the headline in the daily paper
of March 15, on page A-4 read: "Somali pirates hold oil tanker, crew" with a sub-head reading:
"A ransom demand is expected in first such seizure since 2012". The only by-line is Associated
The story stated that a statement from the EU Naval Force had finally made contract
with the ship's master (captain) aboard the "Aris 13", flagged in Comoros. These pirates had
been kept out of operation by 'navies of NATO countries, as well as China, India, and Iran'.
Also NATO had ended its anti-piracy mission off Somalia in December. So much for "keeping the
guard up".
It is fairly easy to understand the motives behind these pirates. Somali is, like
many nations in that part of the World, a very poverty ridden nation and this is a way to
generate income, despite it being risky and uncivil. In my memory the only incident of
deliberate murder during pirate action was some decades ago when pirates captured a cruise ship
and promptly rolled overboard a US citizen who was in a wheel chair. This ship was reported to
have a crew of only eight, all from Sri Lanka, thus being an easy prey for the reported 'over
two dozen' raiders. The story indicated that the ship was being operated under contract by a
company officed in the United Arab Emirates. Thus we have a situation of Muslims taking on
All this should further point out that no matter where we are, we all live in a very
dangerous World, with it being necessary to each be aware of what is going on around us, and be
prepared to take evasive or defensive action at any time. But then we should by now be aware
of the situation even here in the USA where violence can raise its ugly head at any time and in
any location, even our own homes.
It seems, if continuing reports from sporting goods merchants are accurate, that an
increasing number of our citizens have gotten the word and sales of guns and self defense
courses are enjoying a booming economy. All this despite the continuing loud attacks in
legislatures and courts against the rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment for us to "keep
and bear (carry) arms". Almost every state has statutes limiting that right by the requirement
of having a 'permit' to be so protected. My concern of those is that a wayward government
would go first to the lists of these permit holders in their quest to confiscate said
protective arms. In Oklahoma it is, if my understanding of the laws is correct,
required to have any firearm in a vehicle unloaded, with the ammunition in a separate place
from the weapon. An unloaded weapon, of any sort, is no defense at all. It is my opinion that
those laws are unconstitutional and those enacting them should be so prosecuted.
Composed April 1, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608

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