Sunday, April 2, 2017

Fw: the conservative view

        Today's great one from my fellow County Chairman, '99 to '03, and good
friend Russell Turner.  Too good to let lie here.                Bob




        One of the oldest sayings that I can remember is the one about getting the cart before the horse. I have found that those old sayings have a lot of common sense ingrained in them. When my grandparents were young it was a far different time than we are experiencing today. They lived in the rural areas, and for a lot of their lives they didn't even have the luxury of electricity. At that time horses and wagons were the mainstay of transportation and a means to make a living. They learned logical ways to accomplish their needs. If you needed a cart or wagon to haul your items you needed to obtain a horse first, until you had a horse to pull the wagon it was foolish to buy a wagon. Our lawmakers in Washington DC could learn a lot from our grandparents when it comes to dealing with the healthcare issue.

        While the mainstream news media would like to lay all of the blame of the failure of the repeal and replacement of the Obamacare law on President Donald Trump, I do not agree with that assessment. The mainstream media and its liberal cohorts are doing all they can to discredit and demoralize our president. I have seen presidents come and go, and I can say without a doubt that President Trump is keeping his campaign promises better than any president in my lifetime. Immediately after the election in November of last year Trump did not take any time off, he went to work interviewing people for his various cabinet positions and getting ready to govern this nation. I just wish that our leaders in the Senate and House would have got into gear and worked out the differences that have divided the Republican Party.

        For over seven years our nation has been burdened with the failing Obamacare law. For years Congress has approved multiple repeal bills to Obamacare knowing full well that former President Obama would veto them. The leaders in the House of Representatives and the Senate knew, just like the rest of us, that Trump was going to be our next president and he stated that one of his main objectives was to get rid of Obamacare. My question is very simple; why didn't they get off of their backsides and go to work like Trump did, hammer out their differences and put forth a bill that would come closer to satisfying the different factions of the Republican Party?

        Our lawmakers need to stop listening to the constant drumbeat of the liberals and their minions in the mainstream media. The American people are the ones that will suffer because of their inaction on the healthcare issue. I can think of another good analogy to what happened. If you are going into battle when is the best time to sharpen your sword? The best time is before you go on the battlefield. Timing is everything whether you are going to war, passing new laws or making financial deals. Fortunately we humans do have the ability to learn from our mistakes and lousy timing; I just hope for the sake of the average hard-working American our lawmakers stop getting the cart before the horse.    

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