Saturday, March 4, 2017

Letter it Bridenstine, Inhofe, & Lankford

Permission to publish as LTE or OpEd granted!

Robert W. McDowell, Jr.
Certified Aircraft Appraiser 841 Lynwood
Certified Golf Instructor Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
Professional Engineer 918+451-1051; FAX: 918-451-1052
Professional Geologist Email:

1 March 2017

Hon. James Bridenstine, House, OK-1
Hon. James Inhofe, Senate, OK
Hon. James Lankford, Senate, OK
By Email and/or FAX
Re: PRESDT "Border Tax"

Honored Gentlemen of Congress:

In the Presidential Address to Congress last night one of his proposals was for what
he termed a
'Border Tax' on, as I understand it, ALL incoming items for sale to citizens of the USA. It
was stated that one nation assesses a 100% tax on Harley-Davidson motorcycles imported into it.
Obviously, such a situation is grossly unfair, and the result of our decades long failure to
reciprocate when such things have been done to us.

It seems to me that to impose such a proposed tax would also be unfair, as it would
treat all other nations the same. Accordingly, I am asking you to consider an alternative,
which is one I have felt should have been done decades ago. That is, prepare and introduce
legislation that would REQUIRE all departments of Government involved in dealings with other
nations to "equally reciprocate". There should be severe punishment on any member of these
departments failing to so act, including, but not limited to, criminal dereliction of duty,
fines, and/or dismissal with no future Government involvement possible.

By "equally reciprocate" it is meant that we should impose the same 'penalties' on the
other nation's imports as they impose on us. Such could, and should, include the SAME
restrictions on ownership of property and investments by their citizens and corporations as are
imposed on our citizens and corporations.

In addition, we should have a policy of equal treatment for entrance of each nation's
citizens as each nation has in force for their visitors and immigrants.

These proposals seem eminently fair and might serve to temper the limits placed on our
citizens by other nations and result in a less confrontational attitude o their governments,
without our having to resort to a threat of military or economic retaliation.

Please advise me of your thoughts on this suggestion, and if you are willing to

Respectfully yours,

/s/ R. W. McDowell, Jr.
Robert W. McDowell, Jr.

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