By Bob McDowell (Born Neil Carson) Number 17-29
In the last week of June there has been much discussion in "Foggy Bottom", now referred to by PRESDT as "the Swamp" about Congress not finishing their work before Independence Day recess. Some of the more dedicated members have, rightfully, called for continuing in session to complete vitally necessary business. It should be remembered that the 'fiscal year' ends on September 30 and this recess means that the session will not resume until after Labor Day or September 8.
Primarily, in my opinion, because of the refusal of the minority (Democrat) caucus to even approach being reasonable and giving any ground on their excessive demands there still has not been a budget come out of the House. Of course it has been at least five years since there has been a budget passed and the Government has continued to operate on 'continuing resolutions' which just extend the overspending that has put us in debt for now over 21 Trillion Dollars. If this ever increasing overspending does not reverse, the USA will indeed be in a position of insolvency, which would lead to bankruptcy or a repudiation of the debt to the severe detriment of our people and the respect of our Nation.
PRESDT has put forth a 'tax plan' which would change the, nefarious in my opinion, income tax from numerous levels to only three. While that would be in improvement, it would still leave in place the need for the IRS "infernal revenue service" to collect taxes and demand difficult and expensive to prepare annual tax returns plus continual collections. So far Congress has not taken the subject up, or so it is reported by lack of news attention. This despite his campaign promise to move such forward.
I HAVE A SUGGESTION!! Over 10 years ago a book by talk show host Neal Boortz and then Representative John Linder, R-GA, proposed what was called the "FairTax". This would completely repeal all the multitude of income tax laws and replace them with a single 23% tax embedded in the sale price of all new products, thus collection would be done by the vendors, as is local and state sales taxes now. The taxes thus collected would go to the State taxing authority to be forwarded to the Federal, retaining a small percentage for the service. It provided for a "prebate" where the estimated such tax on the necessities of life at the poverty level in each location would be paid to each household at the beginning of each month, based on the number living there at the beginning of each year as reported annually. Those who prepared the report estimated that the massive reduction in expenses incurred in meeting the demands of the present tax code would more than offset the proposed 23% embedded tax so prices would stay the same or decrease. Each Congress since its introduction has seen the bill introduced in the House. At one time there were, reported to me, 65 co-sponsors, but the Democrat majority leadership would not even give it a hearing. At last report, a couple of months ago, there were 36 co-sponsors in the House this Congress, with all but one of the Oklahoma Delegation signed on. Here and now I am asking the Oklahoma Delegation, all seven, to push this bill through as a law to take effect on January 1, 2018 with all income tax laws to be non-enforced at that time. After a 5 year trial of this law, all the income tax laws could be repealed. The sixteenth Amendment which AUTHORIZED, not demanded, the income taxes could be repealed if the new program was even half as successful as suggested.
There is so much graft and corruption in the present system, and its management, that it will take a massive outpouring of support and pressure from 'outside the beltway' to even have a hearing allowed so that those in Congress would have to make a recorded vote on the matter and let their constituents then decide whether to allow them to be re-elected next time. My own two Senators and my, finest in my opinion, Congressman, Jim Bridenstine, will receive this by FAX and Email when finished. Mr. Bridenstine has been a co-sponsor each time while in office and Senator Inhofe has been in the Senate. Our Junior Senator is in his first term and no report has been available to me on his position. His record so far would indicate to me that he would look favorably on this if he isn't already aboard.
The rest is up to those of us favorably inclined to let our own Congressional representatives know of our feelings on the matter and press them to change opinion if necessary. It is long past time where we just let them go to Washington and be swayed by lobbyists to do against our better well being. Go, Go, Go!!!
Composed July 01, 2017
Robert W. McDowell, Jr. © 2017 841 Lynwood Lane
918-451-1051 Broken Arrow OK 74011-8608
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